GONCALVES, J., Yuan, Y., Rai, A., Yeung, E., Stan, G.-B., & Warnick, S. (In press). A minimal realization technique for the dynamical structure function of a class of LTI systems. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. doi:10.1109/TCNS.2015.2498468 Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J., Hayden, D., & Yuan, Y. (In press). Network Identifiability from Intrinsic Noise. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. doi:10.1109/TAC.2016.2640219 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BONHENRY, D., Charnley, M., GONCALVES, J., Hammarström, P., HENEKA, M., Itzhaki, R., Lambert, J.-C., Mannan, M., Baig, A. M., Middeldorp, J., Nyström, S., Reynolds, N. P., Stefanatou, M., & BERRYMAN, J. (June 2024). SARS-CoV-2 infection as a cause of neurodegeneration. The Lancet Neurology, 23 (6), 562 - 563. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(24)00178-9 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
PROVERBIO, D., SKUPIN, A., & GONCALVES, J. (21 July 2023). Systematic analysis and optimization of early warning signals for critical transitions using distribution data. iScience, 26 (7), 107156. doi:10.1016/j.isci.2023.107156 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MI, L., GONCALVES, J., & MARKDAHL, J. (2023). Polarization of Multi-Agent Gradient Flows Over Manifolds With Application to Opinion Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 1-8. doi:10.1109/TAC.2023.3281980 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Montanari, A., Freitas, L., PROVERBIO, D., & GONCALVES, J. (December 2022). Functional observability and subspace reconstruction in nonlinear systems. Physical Review Research, 4, 043195. doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.043195 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BANIASADI, M., Petersen, M. V., GONCALVES, J., Horn, A., Vlasov, V., HERTEL, F., & HUSCH, A. (2022). DBSegment: Fast and robust segmentation of deep brain structures considering domain generalisation. Human Brain Mapping. doi:10.1002/hbm.26097 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MAGNI, S., BREMM, R. P., Lecossois, S., He, X., Garía Santa Cruz, B., Mombaerts, L., HUSCH, A., GONCALVES, J., & HERTEL, F. (05 September 2022). Analysis and comparison of gait impairments in patients with Parkinson’s disease and normal pressure hydrocephalus using wearable sensors and machine learning algorithms [Paper presentation]. 19th Biennial Meeting of the World Society for Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery (WSSFN 2022), Incheon, South Korea. |
FUENTES, J., & GONCALVES, J. (05 August 2022). Rényi Entropy in Statistical Mechanics. Entropy, 24 (8), 1080. doi:10.3390/e24081080 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
AALTO, A., LAMOLINE, F., & GONCALVES, J. (01 July 2022). Linear system identifiability from single-cell data. Systems and Control Letters, 165, 105287. doi:10.1016/j.sysconle.2022.105287 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BANIASADI, M., HUSCH, A., PROVERBIO, D., fernandes arroteia, I., HERTEL, F., & GONCALVES, J. (2022). Initialisation of Deep Brain Stimulation Parameters with Multi-objective Optimisation Using Imaging Data. In Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2022. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-36932-3_62 Peer reviewed |
PROVERBIO, D., KEMP, F., MAGNI, S., & GONCALVES, J. (2022). Performance of early warning signals for disease re-emergence: A case study on COVID-19 data. PLoS Computational Biology, 18 (3), 1009958. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009958 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
PROVERBIO, D., KEMP, F., MAGNI, S., OGORZALY, L., CAUCHIE, H.-M., GONCALVES, J., SKUPIN, A., & AALTO, A. (2022). Model-based assessment of COVID-19 epidemic dynamics by wastewater analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 827, 154235. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154235 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
PROVERBIO, D., NORONHA MONTANARI, A., SKUPIN, A., & GONCALVES, J. (2022). Buffering variability in cell regulation motifs close to criticality. Physical Review. E. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.106.L032402 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
GAVIDIA, M., Montanari, A., FUENTES, J., & GONCALVES, J. (2022). Real-time Monitoring and Early Warning Of Atrial Fibrillation. Preprint. |
BREMM, R. P., Berthold, C., KRÜGER, R., Koch, K. P., GONCALVES, J., & HERTEL, F. (2021). Therapeutic maps for a sensor-based evaluation of deep brain stimulation programming. Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical Engineering. doi:10.1515/bmt-2020-0210 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MARKDAHL, J., PROVERBIO, D., Mi, L., & GONCALVES, J. (20 August 2021). Almost global convergence to practical synchronization in the generalized Kuramoto model on networks over the n-sphere. Communications Physics, 4. doi:10.1038/s42005-021-00689-y Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
KEMP, F., PROVERBIO, D., AALTO, A., MOMBAERTS, L., FOUQUIER D'HEROUËL, A., HUSCH, A., Ley, C., GONCALVES, J., SKUPIN, A., & MAGNI, S. (2021). Modelling COVID-19 dynamics and potential for herd immunity by vaccination in Austria, Luxembourg and Sweden. Journal of Theoretical Biology. doi:10.1016/J.JTBI.2021.110874 Peer reviewed |
PROVERBIO, D., KEMP, F., MAGNI, S., HUSCH, A., AALTO, A., MOMBAERTS, L., SKUPIN, A., GONCALVES, J., Ameijeiras-Alonso, J., & Ley, C. (2021). Dynamical SPQEIR model assesses the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions against COVID-19 epidemic outbreaks. PLoS ONE, 16 (5), 0252019. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0252019 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
VLASOV, V., BOFFERDING, M., MARX, L. M., Zhang, C., GONCALVES, J., HUSCH, A., & HERTEL, F. (2021). Automated Deep Learning-based Segmentation of Brain, SEEG and DBS Electrodes on CT Images. In Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2021 (pp. 92-97). doi:10.1007/978-3-658-33198-6_22 Peer reviewed |
WILMES, P., ZIMMER, J., Schulz, J., Glod, F., Veiber, L., MOMBAERTS, L., Rodrigues, B., AALTO, A., Pastore, J., Snoeck, C. J., OLLERT, M., FAGHERAZZI, G., MOSSONG, J., GONCALVES, J., SKUPIN, A., & NEHRBASS, U. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk from asymptomatic carriers: Results from a mass screening programme in Luxembourg. The Lancet Regional Health. Europe, 4, 100056. doi:10.1016/j.lanepe.2021.100056 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SCHOMMER, C., SAUTER, T., PANG, J., SATAGOPAM, V., DESPOTOVIC, V., & GONCALVES, J. (2021). Proceedings of the AI4Health Lecture Series (2021) [Paper presentation]. AI4Health Lectures Series (2021), Campus Belval, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
BREMM, R. P., Koch, K. P., KRÜGER, R., GONCALVES, J., & HERTEL, F. (26 November 2020). Analysis and visualisation of tremor dynamics in deep brain stimulation patients. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 6 (3), 4. doi:10.1515/cdbme-2020-3030 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BREMM, R. P., Koch, K. P., KRÜGER, R., HERTEL, F., & GONCALVES, J. (26 November 2020). A rule-based expert system for real-time feedback-control in deep brain stimulation. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 6 (3), 4. doi:10.1515/cdbme-2020-3027 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BANIASADI, M., PROVERBIO, D., GONCALVES, J., HERTEL, F., & HUSCH, A. (2020). FastField: An Open-Source Toolbox for Efficient Approximation of Deep Brain Stimulation Electric Fields. NeuroImage. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117330 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
AALTO, A., Viitasaari, L., Ilmonen, P., MOMBAERTS, L., & GONCALVES, J. (13 July 2020). Gene regulatory network inference from sparsely sampled noisy data. Nature Communications, 11, 3493. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-17217-1 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MARKDAHL, J., Thunberg, J., & GONCALVES, J. (2020). High-Dimensional Kuramoto Models on Stiefel Manifolds Synchronize Complex Networks Almost Globally. Automatica. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2019.108736 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SAWLEKAR, R., MAGNI, S., Chapelle, C., Baron, A., Ni, Z., MOMBAERTS, L., YUE, Z., Ye, Y., He, F., & GONCALVES, J. (2020). Causal dynamical modelling predicts novel regulatory genes of FOXP3 in human regulatory T cells. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/42502. doi:10.1101/2020.02.13.943688 |
MARKDAHL, J., PROVERBIO, D., & GONCALVES, J. (2020). Robust synchronization of heterogeneous robot swarms on the sphere. In 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC42340.2020.9304268 Peer reviewed |
PROVERBIO, D., KEMP, F., MAGNI, S., HUSCH, A., AALTO, A., MOMBAERTS, L., GONCALVES, J., SKUPIN, A., Ameijeiras-Alonso, J., & Ley, C. (2020). Assessing suppression strategies against epidemicoutbreaks like COVID-19: the SPQEIR model. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/44206. doi:10.1101/2020.04.22.20075804 |
AALTO, A., & GONCALVES, J. (2019). Linear system identification from ensemble snapshot observations. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 7554-7559. doi:10.1109/CDC40024.2019.9029334 Peer reviewed |
Yuan, Y., Tang, X., Zhou, W., Pan, W., Li, X., Zhang, H.-T., Ding, H., & GONCALVES, J. (2019). Data driven discovery of cyber physical systems. Nature Communications. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-12490-1 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BALLING, R., GONCALVES, J., MAGNI, S., MOMBAERTS, L., OLDANO, A., & SKUPIN, A. (2019). From Diagnosing Diseases to Predicting Diseases. In U. A. K. Betz (Ed.), Curious2018 (pp. 95-103). Springer, Cham. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-16061-6_11 |
MOMBAERTS, L., Carignano, A., Robertson, F., Hearn, T., Junyang, J., Hayden, D., Rutterford, Z., Hotta, C., Hubbard, K., Marti Ruiz, M., Yuan, Y., Hannah, M., GONCALVES, J., & Webb, A. (2019). Dynamical differential expression (DyDE) reveals the period control mechanisms of the Arabidopsis circadian oscillator. PLoS Computational Biology. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006674 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MOMBAERTS, L., AALTO, A., MARKDAHL, J., & GONCALVES, J. (2019). A multifactorial evaluation framework for gene regulatory network reconstruction. Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.12.268 Peer reviewed |
THUNBERG, J., MARKDAHL, J., & GONCALVES, J. (July 2018). Dynamic controllers for column synchronization of rotation matrices: a QR-factorization approach. Automatica, 93, 20-25. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2018.03.023 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MARKDAHL, J., THUNBERG, J., & GONCALVES, J. (June 2018). Almost Global Consensus on the n-Sphere. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63 (6), 1664-1675. doi:10.1109/TAC.2017.2752799 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
AALTO, A., & GONCALVES, J. (2018). Bayesian variable selection in linear dynamical systems. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/34996. |
HUSCH, A., Petersen, M. V., Gemmar, P., GONCALVES, J., & HERTEL, F. (2018). PaCER - A fully automated method for electrode trajectory and contact reconstruction in deep brain stimulation. NeuroImage: Clinical, 17, 80 - 89. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2017.10.004 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
THUNBERG, J., MARKDAHL, J., Bernard, F., & GONCALVES, J. (2018). A lifting method for analyzing distributed synchronization on the unit sphere. Automatica. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2018.07.007 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
HUSCH, A., Petersen, M. V., Gemmar, P., GONCALVES, J., Sunde, N., & HERTEL, F. (2018). Post-operative deep brain stimulation assessment: Automatic data integration and report generation. Brain Stimulation. doi:10.1016/j.brs.2018.01.031 Peer reviewed |
MARKDAHL, J., Thunberg, J., & GONCALVES, J. (2018). Towards almost global synchronization on the Stiefel manifold. In Proceedings of the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 496-501). Peer reviewed |
THUNBERG, J., GONCALVES, J., & Bernard, F. (2017). Distributed synchronization of euclidean transformations with guaranteed convergence. In 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. doi:10.1109/CDC.2017.8264211 Peer reviewed |
MARKDAHL, J., COLOMBO, N., THUNBERG, J., & GONCALVES, J. (2017). Experimental design trade-offs for gene regulatory network inference: an in silico study of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell cycle. In Proceedings of the 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Peer reviewed |
YUE, Z., THUNBERG, J., Ljung, L., & GONCALVES, J. (2017). On definition and inference of nonlinear Boolean dynamic networks. In On definition and inference of nonlinear Boolean dynamic networks. IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2017.8263702 Peer reviewed |
THUNBERG, J., BERNARD, F., & GONCALVES, J. (June 2017). Distributed methods for synchronization of orthogonal matrices over graphs. Automatica, 80, 243–252. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2017.02.025 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BERNARD, F., SALAMANCA MINO, L., THUNBERG, J., Tack, A., Jentsch, D., Lamecker, H., Zachow, S., HERTEL, F., GONCALVES, J., & Gemmar, P. (May 2017). Shape-aware surface reconstruction from sparse 3D point-clouds. Medical Image Analysis, 38, 77-89. doi:10.1016/j.media.2017.02.005 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
THUNBERG, J., GONCALVES, J., & Xiaoming, H. (2017). Local Lyapunov Functions for Consensus in Switching Nonlinear Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. doi:10.1109/TAC.2017.2652302 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MAUROY, A., & GONCALVES, J. (2016). Linear identification of nonlinear systems: A lifting technique based on the Koopman operator. In Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Peer reviewed |
MARKDAHL, J., & GONCALVES, J. (2016). Global converegence properties of a consensus protocol on the n-sphere. In Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Peer reviewed |
MOMBAERTS, L., MAUROY, A., & GONCALVES, J. (2016). Optimising time-series experimental design for modelling of circadian rhythms: the value of transient data. IFAC-PapersOnLine. doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.12.111 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sootla, A., MAUROY, A., & GONCALVES, J. (2016). Shaping Pulses to Control Bistable Monotone Systems Using Koopman Operator. In 10th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (pp. 710-715). Peer reviewed |
MARKDAHL, J., Song, W., Hu, X., & GONCALVES, J. (2016). Global and invariant aspects of consensus on the n-sphere. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (pp. 440-447). Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J., Hayden, D., Chang, Y., & Tomlin, C. (June 2016). Sparse Network Identifiability via Compressed Sensing. Automatica, 68, 9-17. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2016.01.008 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
GONCALVES, J., Yuan, Y., Yang, X., Long, Z., & Palmer, P. (March 2016). Robust stability analysis of active voltage control for high-power IGBT switching by Kharitonov's theorem. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 31 (3), 2584-2595. doi:10.1109/TPEL.2015.2439712 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BERNARD, F., VLASSIS, N., Gemmar, P., HUSCH, A., THUNBERG, J., GONCALVES, J., & HERTEL, F. (2016). Fast Correspondences for Statistical Shape Models of Brain Structures. In SPIE Medical Imaging. doi:10.1117/12.2206024 Peer reviewed |
THUNBERG, J., GONCALVES, J., & Hu, X. (2016). Consensus and Formation Control on SE(3) for Switching Topologies. Automatica, 66, 14. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2015.12.035 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
PAN, W., Yuan, Y., GONCALVES, J., & Stan, G.-B. (January 2016). A Sparse Bayesian Approach to the Identification of Nonlinear State-Space Systems. IEEE Transaction on Automatic Control, 61 (1), 182-187. doi:10.1109/TAC.2015.2426291 Peer reviewed |
COLOMBO, N., THUNBERG, J., & GONCALVES, J. (2016). Global Optimality Bounds for ICA Algorithms. In 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. Peer reviewed |
THUNBERG, J., COLOMBO, N., YUE, Z., & GONCALVES, J. (2016). An Iterative Projection method for Synchronization of Invertible Matrices Over Graphs. In 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. Peer reviewed |
YUE, Z., THUNBERG, J., & GONCALVES, J. (2016). Inverse Problems for Matrix Exponential in System Identification: System Aliasing. In 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. Peer reviewed |
BERNARD, F., Gemmar, P., HERTEL, F., GONCALVES, J., & THUNBERG, J. (2016). Linear Shape Deformation Models with Local Support using Graph-based Structured Matrix Factorisation. In Linear Shape Deformation Models with Local Support using Graph-based Structured Matrix Factorisation. doi:10.1109/CVPR.2016.607 Peer reviewed |
PAVLOU, M. A., COLOMBO, N., Fuertes-Alvarez, S., NICKLAS, S., GONZALEZ CANO, L., Marin, M., GONCALVES, J., & SCHWAMBORN, J. C. (2016). Expression of the Parkinson’s Disease-Associated Gene Alpha-Synuclein is Regulated by the Neuronal Cell Fate Determinant TRIM32. Molecular Neurobiology. doi:10.1007/s12035-016-9989-9 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
GONCALVES, J., Pan, W., Yuan, Y., Lennart, L., & Stan, G.-B. (2015). Identifying Biochemical Reaction Networks From Heterogeneous Datasets. In IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, December 2015. Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J., Carignano, A., & Webb, A. (2015). Assessing the effect of unknown widespread perturbations in complex systems using the mu-gap. In EEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, December 2015. Peer reviewed |
BERNARD, F., SALAMANCA MINO, L., THUNBERG, J., HERTEL, F., GONCALVES, J., & Gemmar, P. (2015). Shape-aware 3D Interpolation using Statistical Shape Models. In Shape Symposium (pp. 11). Peer reviewed |
TREFOIS, C., ANTONY, P., GONCALVES, J., SKUPIN, A., & BALLING, R. (August 2015). Critical transitions in chronic disease: transferring concepts from ecology to systems medicine. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 34, 48-55. doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2014.11.020 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Yuan, Y., Glover, K., & GONCALVES, J. (May 2015). On minimal realisations of dynamical structure functions. Automatica, 55, 159-164. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2015.03.005 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
PAN, W., Yuan, Y., Sandberg, H., GONCALVES, J., & Stan, G.-B. (May 2015). Online Fault Diagnosis for Nonlinear Power Systems. Automatica, 55, 27-36. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2015.02.032 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BERNARD, F., THUNBERG, J., SALAMANCA MINO, L., Gemmar, P., HERTEL, F., GONCALVES, J., & HUSCH, A. (2015). Transitively Consistent and Unbiased Multi-Image Registration Using Numerically Stable Transformation Synchronisation. MIDAS Journal. Peer reviewed |
BERNARD, F., THUNBERG, J., Gemmar, P., HERTEL, F., HUSCH, A., & GONCALVES, J. (2015). A solution for Multi-Alignment by Transformation Synchronisation. In The proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). IEEE. Peer reviewed |
YUE, Z., THUNBERG, J., Yuan, Y., & GONCALVES, J. (2015). Dynamical Structure Function and Granger Causality: Similarities and Differences. In 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Osaka, Japan, December 15-18, 2015. Peer reviewed |
Kuan, W., Kasis, A., Yuan, Y., Mason, S., Lazar, A., Barker, R., & GONCALVES, J. (2014). Modelling the natural history of Huntingtons disease progression. BMJ Open. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
GONCALVES, J., Huang, Q., Yuan, Y., & Dahleh, M. (2014). H2-Based Network Volatility Measures. American Control Conference. Peer reviewed |
Hamadeh, A., GONCALVES, J., & Stan, G. B. (2014). Analysis of synchronizing biochemical networks via incremental dissipativity. In V. Kulkarni, G. Stan, ... K. Raman (Eds.), A Systems Theoretic Approach to Systems and Synthetic Biology II: Analysis and Design of Cellular Systems. Springer Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-9047-5_5 Peer reviewed |
Hayden, D., Yuan, Y., & GONCALVES, J. (2014). Network Reconstruction from Intrinsic Noise: Non-Minimum-Phase Systems. In The proceedings of the The 19th World Congress of The International Federation of Automatic Control. Peer reviewed |
Yang, T., Yuan, Y., Li, K., GONCALVES, J., & Johansson, K. (2014). Finite-time road grade computation for a vehicle platoon. IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2014.7040345 Peer reviewed |
Hayden, D., Yuan, Y., & GONCALVES, J. (2014). Network Reconstruction from Intrinsic Noise. In The proceedings of the American Control Conference. Peer reviewed |
Carignano, A., Yuan, Y., Dalchau, N., Webb, A., & GONCALVES, J. (2014). Understanding and Predicting Biological Networks Using Linear System Identi cation. In V. Kulkarni, G. Stan, ... K. Raman (Eds.), A Systems Theoretic Approach to Systems and Synthetic Biology I: Models and System Characterizations. Springer Verlag. Peer reviewed |
Huang, Q., Yuan, Y., GONCALVES, J., & Dahleh, M. (2014). H2 Norm Based Network Volatility Measures. In The proceedings of the American Control Conference. Peer reviewed |
Gifany, P., & GONCALVES, J. (2014). Biexcitability and Bursting Mechanisms in Neural and Genetic Circuits. In The proceedings of the 19th World Congress The International Federation of Automatic Control. Peer reviewed |
Yuan, Y., Stan, G.-B., Shi, L., Barahona, M., & GONCALVES, J. (May 2013). Decentralised minimum-time consensus. Automatica, 49 (5), 1227-1235. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2013.02.015 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Hayden, D., Yuan, Y., & GONCALVES, J. (2013). Network reconstruction using knock-out and over-expression data. In The proceedings of the 2013 European Control Conference (ECC) (pp. 3627 - 3632). IEEE. Peer reviewed |
PAN, W., Yuan, Y., Sandberg, H., GONCALVES, J., & Stan, G.-B. (2013). Real-time Fault Diagnosis for Large-Scale Nonlinear Power Networks. In The proceedings of the IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 2340 - 2345). IEEE. Peer reviewed |
Thia, J., Yuan, Y., Shi, L., & GONCALVES, J. (2013). Distributed Kalman Filter with minimum-time covariance computation. In The proceedings of the IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 1995 - 2000). IEEE. Peer reviewed |
Chetty, V., Hayden, D., GONCALVES, J., & Warnick, S. (2013). Robust Signal-Structure Reconstruction. In The proceedings of the IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 3184 - 3189). IEEE. Peer reviewed |
Adebayo, J., Southwick, T., Chetty, V., Yeung, E., Yuan, Y., GONCALVES, J., Grose, J., Prince, J., Stan, G. B., & Warnick, S. (2012). Dynamical structure function identifiability conditions enabling signal structure reconstruction. In The proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 4635-4641). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2012.6426183 Peer reviewed |
Chetty, V., Adebayo, J., Mathis, A., Demille, D., Morley, S., Anthony-Muthu, T., Yuan, Y., GONCALVES, J., Grose, J., Prince, J., Stan, G. B., & Warnick, S. (October 2012). In-silico Robust Reconstruction of the Per-Arnt-Sim Kinase Pathway using Dynamical Structure Functions [Paper presentation]. Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering, Tsuruoka, Japan. |
Herrero, E., Kolmos, E., Bujdoso, N., Yuan, Y., Wang, M., Berns, M., Uhlworm, H., Coupland, G., Saini, R., Jaskolski, M., Webb, A., GONCALVES, J., & Davis, S. (February 2012). EARLY FLOWERING4 Recruitment of EARLY FLOWERING3 in the Nucleus Sustains the Arabidopsis Circadian Clock. Plant Cell, 24 (2), 428-443. doi:10.1105/tpc.111.093807 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Hamadeh, A., Stan, G.-B., Sepulchre, R., & GONCALVES, J. (February 2012). Global State Synchronization in Networks of Cyclic Feedback Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 57 (2), 478 - 483. doi:10.1109/TAC.2011.2164015 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
PAN, W., Yuan, Y., GONCALVES, J., & Stan, G.-B. (2012). Reconstruction of arbitrary biochemical reaction networks: A compressive sensing approach. In The proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 2334-2339). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2012.6426216 Peer reviewed |
Hayden, D., Yuan, Y., & GONCALVES, J. (2012). Robust network reconstruction in polynomial time. In The proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 4616-4621). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2012.6426135 Peer reviewed |
Yeung, E., Kim, J., Yuan, Y., GONCALVES, J., & Murray, R. M. (2012). Quantifying crosstalk in biochemical systems. In The proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 5528 - 5535). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2012.6425854 Peer reviewed |
Yuan, Y., Liu, J., Murray, R. M., & GONCALVES, J. (2012). Decentralised minimal-time dynamic consensus. In The proceedings of the 2012 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 800-805). Peer reviewed |
Yuan, Y., Stan, G.-B., Warnick, S., & GONCALVES, J. (June 2011). Robust dynamical network structure reconstruction. Automatica, 47 (6). doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2011.03.008 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Dalchau, N., Baek, S., Briggs, H., Robertson, F., Dodd, A., Gardner, M., Stancombe, M., Haydon, M., Stan, G.-B., GONCALVES, J., & Webb, A. (March 2011). The circadian oscillator gene GIGANTEA mediates a long-term response of the Arabidopsis thaliana circadian clock to sucrose. PNAS, 108 (12), 5104–5109. doi:10.1073/pnas.1015452108 Peer reviewed |
Yuan, Y., Stan, G.-B., Barahona, M., Shi, L., & GONCALVES, J. (2011). Decentralised minimal-time consensus. In The proceedings of the 2011 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC) (pp. 4282-4289). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2011.6161213 Peer reviewed |
Yeung, E., GONCALVES, J., Sandberg, H., & Warnick, S. (2011). Mathematical relationships between representations of structure in linear interconnected dynamical systems. In The proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 4348-4353). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ACC.2011.5991314 Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J., Tonita, R., Lestas, I., & Vinnicombe, G. (2010). Understanding uctuations and limitations in a multi-sector model of the economy with delays and intrinsic noise. American Control Conference. Peer reviewed |
Jones, C. N., & GONCALVES, J. (May 2010). A cost-effective atomic force microscope for undergraduate control laboratories. IEEE Transactions on Education, 53 (2), 328-334. doi:10.1109/TE.2009.2021390 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Dalchau, N., Hubbard, K. E., Robertson, F. C., Hotta, C. T., Briggs, H. M., Stan, G. B., GONCALVES, J., & Webb, A. A. (2010). Correct biological timing in Arabidopsis requires multiple light-signaling pathways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 107 (29), 13171-13176. doi:10.1073/pnas.1001429107 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Yuan, Y., Stan, G. B., Warnick, S., & GONCALVES, J. (2010). Robust dynamical network reconstruction. In The proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 810 - 815). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2010.5717657 Peer reviewed |
Hamadeh, A., Stan, G. B., & GONCALVES, J. (2010). Constructive Synchronization of Networked Feedback Systems. In The proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 6710 - 6715). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2010.5717337 Peer reviewed |
Yuan, Y., & GONCALVES, J. (2010). Minimal-time network reconstruction for DTLTI systems. In The proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 2676 - 2681). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2010.5718100 Peer reviewed |
Yuan, Y., Stan, G. B., Warnick, S., & GONCALVES, J. (2010). Robust dynamical network structure reconstruction [Paper presentation]. 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2010), Budapest, Hungary. |
Yuan, Y., Stan, G. B. V., Shi, L., Barahona, M., & GONCALVES, J. (2010). Minimal-time uncertain output final value of unknown DT-LTI systems with application to the decentralised network consensus problem [Paper presentation]. 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2010), Budapest, Hungary. |
Tonita, R., Lestas, I., GONCALVES, J., & Vinnicombe, G. (2010). Fluctuations and Limitations of a Multi-Sector Economic Model with Delays. In The proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference (ACC) (pp. 6904 - 6909). IEEE. doi:10.1109/ACC.2010.5531307 Peer reviewed |
Yeung, Y., GONCALVES, J., Sandberg, H., & Warnick, S. (2010). Representing Structure in Linear Interconnected Dynamical Systems. In The proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 6010 - 6015). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2010.5718109 Peer reviewed |
Martins, N. C., & GONCALVES, J. (October 2009). A Linear Programming Approach to Parameter Fitting for the Master Equation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 54 (10), 2451-2455. doi:10.1109/TAC.2009.2029307 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
GONCALVES, J., & Warnick, S. (2009). Control Theory and Systems Biology. In P. A. Iglesias & B. P. Ingalls (Eds.), Dynamical structure Functions in Network Reconstruction (pp. 265-296). The MIT Press. Peer reviewed |
Yeung, E., GONCALVES, J., Sandberg, H., & Warnick, S. (2009). Network Structure Preserving Model Reduction: Results of a Simulation Study. In The proceedings of the Third International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2009) (pp. 193-196). Peer reviewed |
Ward, C., Yeung, E., Brown, T., Durtschi, B., Weyerman, S., Howes, R., GONCALVES, J., & Warnick, S. (2009). A Comparison of Network Reconstruction Methods for Chemical Reaction Networks. In The proceedings of the Third International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2009) (pp. 197-200). Peer reviewed |
Yeung, E., GONCALVES, J., Sandberg, H., & Warnick, S. (2009). Network structure preserving model reduction with weak a priori structural information. In The proceedings of the Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference (pp. 3256-3263). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2009.5400375 Peer reviewed |
Yuan, Y., Stan, G. B. V., Warnick, S., & GONCALVES, J. (2009). Minimal dynamical structure realisations with application to network reconstruction from data. In The proceedings of the Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference (pp. 4808 - 4813). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2009.5400432 Peer reviewed |
Yuan, Y., Stan, G. B. V., Shi, L., & GONCALVES, J. (2009). Decentralized final value theorem for discrete-time LTI systems with application to minimal time distributed consensus. In The proceedings of the Joint 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and 28th Chinese Control Conference (pp. 2664 - 2669). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2009.5400819 Peer reviewed |
Hamadeh, A. O., & GONCALVES, J. (December 2008). Reachability analysis of continuous-time piecewise affine systems. Automatica, 44 (12), 3189-3194. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2008.05.023 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
GONCALVES, J., & Warnick, S. (August 2008). Necessary and sufficient conditions for dynamical structure reconstruction of LTI networks. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 53 (7), 1670-1674. doi:10.1109/TAC.2008.928114 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
May, T., Eccleston, L. J., Markusic, D., Seppen, J., Herrmann, S., Hauser, H., GONCALVES, J., & Wirth, D. (June 2008). Bimodal and hysteretic expression in mammalian cells from a synthetic gene circuit. Public Library of Science ONE, 3 (6). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002372 Peer reviewed |
Hamadeh, A. O., GONCALVES, J., & Stan, G. B. V. (2008). Robust synchronization in networks of cyclic feedback systems. In The proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 5268 - 5273). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2008.4739052 Peer reviewed |
Tonita, R. J., GONCALVES, J., & Vinnicombe, G. (2008). Heterogeneous agent models in economics: a study of heterogeneous productivity of sectors. In Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference. IEEE. doi:10.1109/ACC.2008.4586513 Peer reviewed |
Salinas Varela, A. A., Stan, G. B. V., & GONCALVES, J. (2008). Global asymptotic stability of the limit cycle in piecewise linear versions of the Goodwin oscillator. In Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress (1, pp. 3659-3664). IFAC. doi:10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.00618 Peer reviewed |
HAN, Y., Hengrung, N., Liew, Y., May, S., Miao, Y., Milde, S., Soh, X., Soirez, L., Wyatt, D., Zhao, Z., Ajioka, J., Brown, J., GONCALVES, J., Haseloff, J., Micklem, G., Southall, T., Malyshev, D., Crowe, L., & Wernisch, L. (2008). Bacteria online - University of Cambridge iGEM 2007 project [Paper presentation]. The IET Conference on Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology and Bioinformatics 2008, London, United Kingdom. |
Tonita, R. J., GONCALVES, J., Lestas, I. C., & Vinnicombe, G. (2008). Control theory methods for macro models with stochastic micro foundations [Paper presentation]. fifteenth World Congress of the International Economic Association, Istanbul, Turkey. |
Howes, R., Eccleston, L. J., GONCALVES, J., Stan, G. B. V., & Warnick, S. (2008). Dynamical structure analysis of sparsity and minimality heuristics for reconstruction of biochemical networks. In The proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 173 - 178). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2008.4739364 Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J., & Martins, N. (2008). Batch control of the master equation: a linear programming approach [Paper presentation]. 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks Systems, Blacksburg, VA, United States. |
Dodd, A. N., Gardner, M. J., Hotta, C. T., Hubbard, K. E., Dalchau, N., Love, J., Assie, J. M., Robertson, F. C., Jakobsen, M. K., GONCALVES, J., Sanders, D., & Webb, A. A. R. (December 2007). The Arabidopsis circadian clock incorporates a cADPR-based feedback loop. SCIENCE, 318 (5857), 1789-1792. doi:10.1126/science.1146757 Peer reviewed |
RODRIGUES, S., GONCALVES, J., & Terry, J. (September 2007). Existence and stability of limit cycles in a macroscopic neuronal population model. Physica D. Nonlinear Phenomena, 233 (1), 39-65. doi:10.1016/j.physd.2007.06.010 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Neil, D., GONCALVES, J., & Webb, A. R. (2007). Mathematical models of circadian Ca2+ oscillations. In Proceedings of the eighth International Conference on Systems Biology. Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J., Howes, R., & Warnick, S. (2007). Dynamical structure functions for the reverse engineering of LTI networks. In Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 1516 - 1522). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2007.4434406 Peer reviewed |
Bernhardt, K., Carter, E. J., Chand, N. S., Lee, J., Xu, Y., Zhu, X., Ajioka, J. W., GONCALVES, J., Haseloff, J., Micklem, G., & Rowe, D. (2007). New tools for self-organised pattern formation. IET Synthetic Biology, 1 (1.2), 29-31. doi:10.1049/iet-stb:20070020 Peer reviewed |
Guy-Bart, S., Abdullah, H., Rodolphe, S., & GONCALVES, J. (2007). Output synchronisation in networks of cyclic biochemical oscillators. In Proceedings of the 2007 American Control Conference (ACC 2007) (pp. 3973 - 3978). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi:10.1109/ACC.2007.4282673 Peer reviewed |
Russell, H., GONCALVES, J., Neil, D., & Sean, W. (2007). Reconstruction of biological networks through gene silencing and overexpression. In Proceedings of the eighth International Conference on Systems Biology. Peer reviewed |
Salinas, A., Papachristodoulou, A., & GONCALVES, J. (2006). On L2 error bounds between systems [Paper presentation]. 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, Kyoto, Japan. |
Ernst, D., Stan, G. B., GONCALVES, J., & Wehenkel, L. (2006). Clinical data based optimal STI strategies for HIV: a reinforcement learning approach. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 667 - 672). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CDC.2006.377527 Peer reviewed |
Gardner, M., Hotta, C., Hubbard, K., Dalchau, N., GONCALVES, J., Dodd, A., & Webb, A. A. R. (2006). Rhythmic regulation of Ca2+ signalling networks [Paper presentation]. The 2006 joint annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists, Boston, United States. |
GONCALVES, J. (November 2005). Regions of stability for limit cycle oscillations in piecewise linear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 50 (11), 1877-1882. doi:10.1109/TAC.2005.858674 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Hamadeh, A. O., & GONCALVES, J. (2005). Reachability analysis of continuous time piecewise linear systems. In Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (pp. 4169-4174). IEEE Control Systems Society. doi:10.1109/CDC.2005.1582816 Peer reviewed |
Yi, T., Fazel, M., Liu, X., Otitoju, T., GONCALVES, J., Papchristodoulou, A., Prajna, S., & Doyle, J. (2005). Application of robust model validation using SOSTOOLS to the study of G-Protein signalling in yeast [Paper presentation]. First International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2005), Santa Barbara, United States. |
GONCALVES, J., Yi, T., & Doyle, J. (2005). Tradeoffs in networks with positive and negative feedback [Paper presentation]. First International Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2005), Santa Barbara, United States. |
GONCALVES, J., & Yi, T.-M. (2004). Drosophila circadian rhythms: stability robustness analysis and model reduction. In Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (pp. 256). Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Peer reviewed |
Spanos, D., & GONCALVES, J. (2004). Finding surface Lyapunov functions through sum-of-squares Programming. In Proceedings of the American Control Conference 2004 (pp. 1891 - 1898). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J., Megretski, A., & Dahleh, M. (December 2003). Global analysis of piecewise linear systems using impact maps and quadratic surface Lyapunov functions. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48 (12), 2089-2106. doi:10.1109/TAC.2003.820061 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
GONCALVES, J. (2003). Global Asymptotic Stability of Oscillations with Sliding Modes. In Proceedings of the 15th IFAC World Congress (pp. 173-178). IFAC. Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J. (2003). Regions of Stability for Limit Cycles of Piecewise Linear Systems. In Proceedings of the 42th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 651 - 656). IEEE Systems Control Society. doi:10.1109/CDC.2003.1272638 Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J. (December 2002). L2-gain of double integrators with saturation nonlinearity. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47 (12), 2063-2068. doi:10.1109/TAC.2002.805674 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
GONCALVES, J. (2002). Quadratic Surface Lyapunov Functions in the Analysis of Feedback Systems with Double Integrators and Saturations. In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (pp. 206). Institute for Systems and Robotics. Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J. (2002). L2-gain of double integrators with saturation nonlinearity. In Proceedings of the 15th IFAC World Congress (15, pp. 121-126). IFAC. Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J., Megretski, A., & Dahleh, M. A. (April 2001). Global stability of relay feedback systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 46 (4), 550--562. doi:10.1109/9.917657 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
GONCALVES, J., Megretski, A., & Dahleh, M. A. (2001). Global analysis of piecewise linear systems using impact maps and quadratic surface Lyapunov functions. In Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC) 2001. European Union Control Association. Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J. (2001). Quadratic Surface Lyapunov Functions in Global Stability Analysis of Saturation Systems. In Proceedings of the American Control Conference (pp. 4183-4188). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi:10.1109/acc.2001.945632 Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J., Megretski, A., & Dahleh, M. A. (2000). Global stability of relay feedback systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE American Control Conference (2000 ACC) (pp. 220 - 224). IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi:10.1109/ACC.2000.878837 Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J. (2000). Global stability analysis of on/off systems. In Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 1382 - 1387). IEEE Control Systems Society. doi:10.1109/CDC.2000.912050 Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J., Megretski, A., & Dahleh, M. A. (1998). Semi-global analysis of relay feedback systems. In Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CONF 37, pp. 1967-1972). IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi:10.1109/CDC.1998.758610 Peer reviewed |
GONCALVES, J., & Dahleh, M. A. (1998). Necessary conditions for robust stability of a class of nonlinear systems. Automatica, 34 (6), 705-714. doi:10.1016/S0005-1098(97)00231-8 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
GONCALVES, J., & Dahleh, M. A. (1995). Necessary and sufficient conditions for robust stability of a class of nonlinear systems. In Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (pp. 401-406). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi:10.1109/CDC.1995.478823 Peer reviewed |