
FLETCHER Denise Elaine

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) > Department of Economics and Management (DEM)

Main Referenced Co-authors
Selden, Paul (6)
ADIGUNA, Rocky  (2)
GERAUDEL, Mickaël  (2)
Melin, Leif (2)
Adiguna, Rocky (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
entrepreneurship (11); family business (7); Family business (4); context (3); culture (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Centre for Research Economic and Management Analysis (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
General management, entrepreneurship & organizational theory (44)
Strategy & innovation (4)
Social economics (1)

Publications (total 48)

The most downloaded
FLETCHER, D. E., de Massis, A., & Nordqvist, M. (2016). Qualitative research practices and family business scholarship: a review and future research agenda. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 7 (1), 8-25. doi:10.1016/j.jfbs.2015.08.001

The most cited

333 citations (OpenAlex)

FLETCHER, D. E. (2006). Entrepreneurial processes and the social construction of opportunity. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 18 (5), 421-440. doi:10.1080/08985620600861105

FLETCHER, D. E., & Trautrims. (2023). Recruitment Deception and the Organisation of Labor for exploitation: a policy-theory synthesis. Academy of Management Perspectives. doi:10.5465/amp.2022.0043
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Dey, P., FLETCHER, D. E., & Verduijn, K. (2022). Critical research and entrepreneurship: A cross‐disciplinary conceptual typology. International Journal of Management Reviews, 1-22. doi:10.1111/IJMR.12298
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FLETCHER, D. E. (26 March 2021). Modern Slavery and Organizational Research: Digital Technologies as Field Configuring Events [Paper presentation]. Management Forum, Indonesia.

FLETCHER, D. E. (Other coll.). (2021). I Want to Start My Own Business. Can I Ask Our Firm or Family for Help? In P. Jaskiewicz & S. Rau, Enabling Next Generation Legacies”: 35 Questions that Next Generation Members in Enterprising Families Ask. Family Business Network.
Peer reviewed

FLETCHER, D. E. (2021). OECD Report : The Missing Entrepreneurs 2021: Policies for Inclusive Entrepreneurship and Self Employment. (2021, 6th Edition). OECD and European Commission. doi:10.1787/71b7a9bb-en

FLETCHER, D. E. (2020). 'Responsible innovators or ideation brokers': an analysis of the political and moral work of technology-based anti-slavery organizations [Paper presentation]. European Group of Organization Studies, Virtual conference, Hamburg, Germany.

FLETCHER, D. E., & ADIGUNA, R. (2020). Ethnography: A Much-Advocated but Under-Used Qualitative Methodology in Published Accounts of Family Business Research. In A. de Massis & N. kammerlander (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Family Business (1st, pp. 456). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar.
Peer reviewed

Tryba, A., & FLETCHER, D. E. (February 2019). How shared pre-start-up moments of transition and cognitions contextualize effectual and causal decisions in entrepreneurial teams. Small Business Economics, 52 (3), 1-24. doi:10.1007/s11187-019-00148-7
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Selden, P., & FLETCHER, D. E. (2019). The tacit knowledge of entrepreneurial design: interrelating theory, practice and prescription in entrepreneurship research’. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 11. doi:10.1016/j.jbvi.2019.e00122
Peer reviewed

FLETCHER, D. E., & Adiguna, R. (2019). Tradition, Family Business and Beyond [Poster presentation]. Family Enterprise Research Conference, Vermont, United States.

FLETCHER, D. E. (2018). 'This business is not for sale': insights into the transfer intentions of family firms in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. European SME Transfer Sumit, Luxembourg.

FLETCHER, D. E. (2018). Mapping the Landscape of Family Business in Luxembourg.

CONSTANTINIDIS, C., FLETCHER, D. E., & JOXHE, M. (2017). Testing the discrimination hypothesis for female self employment migrants in the UK. In IAFFE, Books of Abstracts.
Peer reviewed

FLETCHER, D. E., & Seldes, P. (February 2017). Creating the future in the present: the embodied practice of artifactual design [Paper presentation]. Entrepreneurship as practice, Dublin, Ireland.

FLETCHER, D. E. (2017). The practice of artifactual design in entrepreneuring [Paper presentation]. Entrepreneurship as Practice, Dublin, Ireland.

FLETCHER, D. E., & selden, P. (2016). A relational conceptualisation of context and the real time emergence of entrepreneurship processes. In F. Welter & W. Gartner (Eds.), A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and Context (pp. 79-92). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781784716844
Peer reviewed

ADIGUNA, R., FLETCHER, D. E., & Melin, L. (29 June 2016). Re-thinking culture in family business: A twelve-year review [Paper presentation]. The International Family Enterprise Research Academy 2016 Annual Conference, Bogotá, Colombia.

FLETCHER, D. E., & GERAUDEL, M. (2016). Devenir entrepreneur en partant de ses passions [Paper presentation]. Enseignement de l'Entrepreneuriat: Etats des lieux et témoignage, Arras, France.

FLETCHER, D. E. (2016). A critical review of critical perspectives in entrepreneurship research. In H. Landstrom, A. Parhankangas, A. Fayolle, ... P. Riot (Eds.), Challenging entrepreneurship research (1st, pp. 131-154). Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Peer reviewed

FLETCHER, D. E., & Selden, P. (2016). A relational conceptualisation of context and the real time emergence of entrepreneurship processes. In F. Welter & W. B. Gartner (Eds.), Entrepreneurship and Context: a research agenda (pp. 79-92). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. doi:10.4337/9781784716844
Peer reviewed

Hytti, U., Blackburn, R., FLETCHER, D. E., & Welter, F. (Eds.). (2016). Entrepreneurship, universities & resources. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar.

FLETCHER, D. E., de Massis, A., & Nordqvist, M. (2016). Qualitative research practices and family business scholarship: a review and future research agenda. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 7 (1), 8-25. doi:10.1016/j.jfbs.2015.08.001
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FLETCHER, D. E., & Selden, P. (2016). Navigating the growing field of entrepreneurship inquiry: successionist and relational modes of theory development. In A. Fayolle & P. Riot (Eds.), Rethinking Entrepreneurship: debating research orientations (1st, pp. 100-122). Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315754154
Peer reviewed

FLETCHER, D. E., & GERAUDEL, M. (2015). Find your passion: Developing Entrepreneurial Behaviours [Paper presentation]. Asia-Europe Foundation Conference, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

FLETCHER, D. E., & Selden, P. (August 2015). How does context become context: relating multiple contexts in entrepreneurial explanation [Paper presentation]. Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.

FLETCHER, D. E., Verduijn, K., & Gartner, W. (August 2015). Professional Development Workshop: Reflexive Entrepreneurship Studies [Paper presentation]. Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.

FLETCHER, D. E. (August 2015). A reflexive note on reflexivity: issues to think about for entrepreneurship research [Paper presentation]. Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada.

FLETCHER, D. E. (26 May 2015). What can critical entrepreneurship teaching offer to students when all they want is effectuation [Paper presentation]. Symposium on Critical Entrepreneurship Education, Sigtuna, Stockholm, Sweden.

FLETCHER, D. E., & Selden, P. (2015). The entrepreneurial journey as an emergent hierarchical system of artifact-creating processes. Journal of Business Venturing, 30 (4), 603-615. doi:10.1016/j.jbusvent.2014.09.002
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FLETCHER, D. E., deMassis, A., & Nordqvist, M. (July 2014). In What Ways is Qualitative Research Vital to Family Business Scholarship? A Review of Past Trends and Planning for New Futures [Paper presentation]. International Family Enterprise Research Academy.

FLETCHER, D. E. (2014). Family business inquiry as a critical social science. In L. Melin, M. Nordqvist, ... P. Sharma (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Family Business (pp. 137-154). California, United States: Sage. doi:10.4135/9781446247556.n8
Peer reviewed

FLETCHER, D. E. (July 2013). ‘I’ll show them who’s boss’: A critical analysis of a television consultancy [Paper presentation]. International Family Enterprise Research Academy, St Gallen, Switzerland.

FLETCHER, D. E., & Selden, P. (March 2013). The promise of relational modes of inquiry for entrepreneurship research [Paper presentation]. Advancing European Traditions in Entrepreneurship Studies, Leeds, United Kingdom.

Kalantaridis, C., & FLETCHER, D. E. (2012). Entrepreneurship and Institutional change. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 24 (3-4), 199-216. doi:10.1080/08985626.2012.670913
Peer reviewed

FLETCHER, D. E. (2012). A curiosity for contexts: entrepreneurship, enactive research and auto ethnography’: an essay for Bengt Johannisson. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 1/2, 65-76.
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FLETCHER, D. E., Melin, L., & Gimeno, A. (2012). Culture and values in Family Business – A review and suggestions for further research. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 3/4, 127-131. doi:10.1016/j.jfbs.2012.06.001
Peer reviewed

FLETCHER, D. E. (2010). A review of the educational and support infrastructure for family business in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 30 (7/8), 440-456.
Peer reviewed

FLETCHER, D. E. (2010). ‘Life-making or risk taking’? International Small Business Journal, 28 (5), 1-17. doi:10.1177/0266242610370391
Peer reviewed

FLETCHER, D. E., & Watson, T. (2007). Voice, silence and the business of construction. Organization, 14 (2), 155-174. doi:10.1177/1350508407074221
Peer reviewed

FLETCHER, D. E. (2007). ‘Toy Story’: the narrative world of entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing, 22 (5), 649-672. doi:10.1016/j.jbusvent.2006.10.001
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FLETCHER, D. E., & watson, T. (2007). Entrepreneurship, Management Learning and Negotiated Narratives: 'Making it otherwise for us-otherwise for them''. Management Learning, 38 (1), 9-26. doi:10.1177/1350507607073020
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FLETCHER, D. E. (2006). Family and Enterprise. In S. Carter & D. Jones-Evans (Eds.), Enterprise and Small Business: principles, practice and policy (second). Harlow, United Kingdom: Pearson.

FLETCHER, D. E. (2006). Entrepreneurial processes and the social construction of opportunity. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 18 (5), 421-440. doi:10.1080/08985620600861105
Peer reviewed

FLETCHER, D. E. (July 2004). International entrepreneurship and the small business. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 16, 289-305. doi:10.1080/0898562042000263267
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FLETCHER, D. E. (2004). Interpreneurship’: Organisational (re)emergence and entrepreneurial development in a second-generation family firm. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 10 (1/2), 34-48. doi:10.1108/13552550410521362
Peer reviewed

FLETCHER, D. E. (Ed.). (2002). Understanding the Small Family Business. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.

FLETCHER, D. E. (2002). 'Family' as a discursive resource for understanding the small family business. In D. Fletcher (Ed.), Understanding the small family business (pp. 1-16). London, United Kingdom: Routledge.

FLETCHER, D. E. (2002). In the Company of Men’: a reflexive tale of cultural organising in a small organisation. Gender, Work and Organization, 9 (4), 65-76. doi:10.1111/1468-0432.00166
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