

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) > Department of Economics and Management (DEM)

Main Referenced Co-authors
Gundolf, Katherine (23)
Salvetat, David (17)
Granata, Julien (13)
Cesinger, Beate (12)
D'Armagnac, Sophie (12)
Main Referenced Keywords
Coopetition (10); SME (8); Innovation (6); social capital (5); Entrepreneurship (4);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Strategy & innovation (84)
Human resources management (13)
General management, entrepreneurship & organizational theory (12)
Economic systems & public economics (1)

Publications (total 110)

The most downloaded
GERAUDEL, M., Cesinger, B., & Gundolf, K. (August 2016). Innovations and sales growth in new ventures: The mediating effect of growth intention [Paper presentation]. Academy of Management Conference.

The most cited

47 citations (OpenAlex)

Chollet, B., GERAUDEL, M., & Mothe, C. (2014). Generating business referrals for SMEs: The contingent value of CEOs’ social capital. Journal of Small Business Management, 52 (1), 79-101. doi:10.1111/jsbm.12034

KORBI, F., GERAUDEL, M., & NAKARA, W. (In press). Toward an understanding of the implementation of management innovation in international joint ventures: A multilevel perspective. European Management Review. doi:10.1111/emre.12544
Peer reviewed

USANOVA, K., & GERAUDEL, M. (2023). Talent turnover and the contagion effect: the case of the aerospace industry. Human Resource Development International.
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USANOVA, K., & GERAUDEL, M. (2022). Giving talents a voice: Talent management n the aerospace industry [Paper presentation]. Academy of Management Conference.

Chehimi, M., & GERAUDEL, M. (2022). Barriers to the implementation of corporate social responsibility in a network of French retirement homes. Journal of the international council for small business. doi:10.1080/26437015.2022.2108738
Peer reviewed

USANOVA, K., & GERAUDEL, M. (2022). Talent turnover in High-Tech industry: Is there a contagion effect? [Paper presentation]. Conference on Commitment.

Gurau, C., GERAUDEL, M., & Gundolf, K. (2022). E-commerce adoption in startups: Applying a strategic perspective [Paper presentation]. International council for small business conference.

USANOVA, K., GERAUDEL, M., D'Armagnac, S., & Telitsyna, A. (2022). Managing talent in mission-driven organizations: A qualitative exploration. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33, 3879-3912. doi:10.1080/09585192.2021.1937276
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EVANS, T., & GERAUDEL, M. (2022). La Transformation Digitale des PME au Luxembourg. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: L'observatoire de l'entrepreneuriat.

EVANS, T., & GERAUDEL, M. (2022). Dossier recherche : l’écosystème d’entrepreneuriat et l’écosystème digital. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: L'observatoire de l'entrepreneuriat.

USANOVA, K., & GERAUDEL, M. (16 July 2021). Talent Management in SMEs in aerospace industry: what HR-manager do and what talents expect [Paper presentation]. The 65th ICSB World Congress, Paris, France.

EVANS, T., & GERAUDEL, M. (2021). Diagnostic des forces et faiblesses du Luxembourg. Étude des classements internationaux liés à l’entrepreneuriat, l’innovation et la digitalisation. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: L'observatoire de l'entrepreneuriat.

Boughattas, Y., GERAUDEL, M., & Claeye, F. (04 February 2020). Opening the black box of the social learning process: The case of community of practices [Paper presentation]. 2020 ACERE conference.

OBRINGER, L. D., GERAUDEL, M., & Benedic, M. (2020). Du mode bureaucratique vers l’agilité organisationnelle : le rôle de la communauté de pratique pilotée dans un établissement public. Projectique, 2 (26), 11-36.
Peer reviewed

USANOVA, K., GERAUDEL, M., D'Armagnac, S., & Al Ariss, A. (30 September 2019). Three models of flexible talent management [Paper presentation]. EIASM 8th workshop on Talent Management, Toulouse, France.

USANOVA, K., Telitsina, A., & GERAUDEL, M. (30 September 2019). How To Attract And Retain Talents In Not-For-Profit Organizations? [Paper presentation]. EIASM 8th workshop on Talent Management, Toulouse, France.

USANOVA, K., GERAUDEL, M., D'Armagnac, S., & Al Ariss, A. (02 July 2019). Talent mangement flexibility in a cyclical industry [Paper presentation]. Sirius Chair Workshop.

GERAUDEL, M., Cesinger, B., Gundolf, K., Jaouen, A., & Palmer, C. (June 2019). Resilience and innovative work behaviours of entrepreneurs: The moderating role of gender [Paper presentation]. International Council for Small Business Conference, Cairo, Egypt.

USANOVA, K., & GERAUDEL, M. (June 2019). Toward a contingent model of talent management: The case of Aerospace SMEs in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. International Council for Small Business Conference, Cairo, Egypt.

Palmer, C., Jaouen, A., Gundolf, K., Cesinger, B., & GERAUDEL, M. (May 2019). Innovative work behaviors of entrepreneurs: The role of resilience and satisfaction with life [Paper presentation]. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Conference.

D'Armagnac, S., GERAUDEL, M., & Salvetat, D. (2019). Knowledge Sharing in a Coopetition Project Team: An Institutional Logics Perspective. Strategic Change, 28 (3), 217-227. doi:10.1002/jsc.2263
Peer reviewed

GERAUDEL, M., Gundolf, K., Cesinger, B., & Constantinidis, C. (2019). Access to Medical Technologies: Do Gender and Social Capital Matter? Management International, 23 (2), 23-31.
Peer reviewed

GUNDOLF, K., GERAUDEL, M., & CESINGER, B. (2019). Innovationen, Wachstumsabsicht und Umsatzwachstum neuer Unternehmen. ZfKE: Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 67 (4), 235-256.
Peer reviewed

GERAUDEL, M., Gundolf, K., Cesinger, B., & Granata, J. (2019). Der niedergelassene Arzt als Unternehmer: Die Rolle von Persönlichkeitsfaktoren im Zugang zu medizinischer Technologie. ZfKE: Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 67 (3), 153-169.
Peer reviewed

Granata, J., GERAUDEL, M., & D'Armagnac, S. (2019). When entrepreneurs instigate institutional change through coopetition: The case of winemakers in south of France. Strategic Change, 28 (6), 409-422. doi:10.1002/jsc.2304
Peer reviewed

Bourdil, M., & GERAUDEL, M. (November 2018). A la rechercher de soutien émotionnel : Femmes entrepreneurs et réseaux féminins. Grandes écoles et universités magazine, 82.

IANNONE, R. L., & GERAUDEL, M. (June 2018). In refugees we trust: Exploring social capital formation from scratch [Paper presentation]. International Council for Small Business.

Obringer, L., Benedic, M., & GERAUDEL, M. (21 March 2018). La communauté de pratique pilotée comme vecteur d’innovation organisationnelle en contexte d’établissement public [Paper presentation]. Entreprendre dans l’espace public - Projectics 2018.

Granata, J., & GERAUDEL, M. (2018). Eloge du manager amical. D'Lëtzebuerger Land, (2).

Cesinger, B., Gundolf, K., & GERAUDEL, M. (2018). Growth intention and sales revenues growth in small business: The mediating effect of firm size growth. International Journal of Technology Management, 78 (3), 163-181. doi:10.1504/IJTM.2018.095628
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Thelisson, A.-S., GERAUDEL, M., & Missonier, A. (January 2018). How Do Institutional Logics Evolve Over the Merger Process? A Case in the Public-Private Urban Planning Sector. Strategic Change, 27 (1), 53-67. doi:10.1002/jsc.2180
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GERAUDEL, M., & Gundolf, K. (2017). Manager les paradoxes dans l’entreprise. D'Lëtzebuerger Land, (34).

Boughattas, Y., & GERAUDEL, M. (28 June 2017). Entrepreneurial learning process: The case of community of practices [Paper presentation]. International Council for Small Business Conference.

Gundolf, K., GERAUDEL, M., & Cesinger, B. (11 May 2017). Innovations and sales growth in new ventures: The mediating effect of growth intention [Paper presentation]. Entrepreneurship-Future 2017.

GERAUDEL, M., & Granata, J. (2017). Libérez… simplifiez ! La simplification des process pour innover. D'Lëtzebuerger Land.

Gundolf, K., Cesinger, B., GERAUDEL, M., & Filser, M. (2017). Strong ties, personality, and legitimacy of entrepreneurs: the case of private physicians. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 9 (4), 346-372. doi:10.1504/IJEV.2017.088638
Peer reviewed

Gundolf, K., Gast, J., & GERAUDEL, M. (2017). Startups' innovation behavior: An investigation into the role of entrepreneurial motivations. International Journal of Innovation Management, 21. doi:10.1142/S1363919617500542
Peer reviewed

GERAUDEL, M., Gast, J., & Gundolf, K. (2017). New product and service launching in new ventures: A multilevel approach to innovation antecedents. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 26 (4), 353-367. doi:10.1080/10438599.2016.1202623
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Granata, J., GERAUDEL, M., Nicolosi, A., & Garcia, K. (2017). Understanding the evolution of coopetition among SMEs in a wine cluster: A social capital approach. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 31 (1), 67-84. doi:10.1504/IJESB.2017.083846
Peer reviewed

Gast, J., Gundolf, K., & GERAUDEL, M. (2017). Produktinnovation in Start-ups: Die Rolle der Gründungsmotivationen von Unternehmern. ZfKE: Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 65 (3), 123-149.
Peer reviewed

Gundolf, K., & GERAUDEL, M. (2016). Quand petites start-ups et grands groupes coopèrent: David et Goliath revisités. D'Lëtzebuerger Land.

GERAUDEL, M., Cesinger, B., & Gundolf, K. (August 2016). Innovations and sales growth in new ventures: The mediating effect of growth intention [Paper presentation]. Academy of Management Conference.

Missonier, A., GERAUDEL, M., Missonier, S., & Thelisson, A.-S. (July 2016). Management process of paradoxes of innovation in the context of a merger [Paper presentation]. EGOS Conference - European Group for Organizational Studies.

Granata, J., & GERAUDEL, M. (2016). Co-création: collaborer avec ses clients pour innover sur les marchés du futur. D'Lëtzebuerger Land.

Granata, J., GERAUDEL, M., & D'Armagnac, S. (June 2016). When entrepreneurs instigate institutional change through coopetition: the case of winemakers in South of France [Paper presentation]. International Coucil for Small Business (ICSB).

FLETCHER, D. E., & GERAUDEL, M. (2016). Devenir entrepreneur en partant de ses passions [Paper presentation]. Enseignement de l'Entrepreneuriat: Etats des lieux et témoignage, Arras, France.

GERAUDEL, M. (2016). Coopétition : une piste de réflexion pour les entreprises luxembourgeoises. D'Lëtzebuerger Land.

GERAUDEL, M., & Gundolf, K. (2016). Le rôle de la centralité des acteurs dans le changement organisationnel : le cas d’une TPE de médecins en croissance. Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, 15 (1), 15-34.
Peer reviewed

Granata, J., Da Fonseca, M.-C., Marquès, P., & GERAUDEL, M. (2016). Dynamique d'évolution d'une stratégie collective entre PME : le cas des vignerons du Pic Saint-Loup. Management International, 20 (2), 163-177.
Peer reviewed

Bourdil, M., & GERAUDEL, M. (2016). What are the interpersonal antecedents of women’s network satisfaction? A study conducted with French women entrepreneurs. Gender in Management, 31 (4). doi:10.1108/GM-04-2015-0038
Peer reviewed

Chollet, B., GERAUDEL, M., Khedaouria, A., & Mothe, C. (2016). Market knowledge as a function of CEOs’ personality: a fuzzy set approach. Journal of Business Research, 69, 2567-2573. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.10.137
Peer reviewed

Granata, J., GERAUDEL, M., Gundolf, K., Gast, J., & Marquès, P. (January 2016). Organisational Innovation and Coopetition between SMEs: A Tertius Strategies Approach. International Journal of Technology Management, 71 (1-2), 81-89. doi:10.1504/IJTM.2016.077975
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Segers, M., & GERAUDEL, M. (2015). Intrapreneurship and Innovative Work Behavior [Paper presentation]. EAPRIL Conference, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

GERAUDEL, M. (2015). Etre fondatrice ou co-fondatrice : quelles opportunités et contraintes ? [Paper presentation]. Quand les femmes bousculent l’univers codé de la haute technologie : le cas des start-ups, Montpellier, France.

FLETCHER, D. E., & GERAUDEL, M. (2015). Find your passion: Developing Entrepreneurial Behaviours [Paper presentation]. Asia-Europe Foundation Conference, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

GERAUDEL, M. (2015). Round Table: Le système éducatif et la formation professionnelle au cœur de la stratégie européenne pour l’emploi : comment développer et faire émerger compétences et talents pour des PME plus performantes ? [Paper presentation]. Greater Region Business Days, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Thelisson, A.-S., GERAUDEL, M., & Missonier, A. (2015). How institutional logics evolve over merger process? The case of a merger in the French urban planning sector [Paper presentation]. EURAM Conference, Warsaw, Poland.

Granata, J., GERAUDEL, M., & Nicolosi, A. (2015). Drivers of SMEs coopetition and their evolution [Paper presentation]. IECER Conference, Montpellier, France.

Granata, J., GERAUDEL, M., Gundolf, K., Gast, J., & Marquès, P. (2015). Organisational Innovation and Coopetition between SMEs: A Tertius Strategies Approach [Paper presentation]. EURAM Conference, Warsaw, Poland.

Cesinger, B., Gundolf, K., & GERAUDEL, M. (2015). Start-ups’ key to sales growth: the strength of growth intention and innovation [Paper presentation]. G-Forum, Kassel, Germany.

GERAUDEL, M., Gundolf, K., & Cesinger, B. (2015). Private practitioners’ access to technological resources: The role of social capital and conscientiousness [Paper presentation]. IECER Conference, Montpellier, France.

Gundolf, K., Gast, J., & GERAUDEL, M. (2015). Product innovation in start-ups and the role of founders’ entrepreneurial motivations [Paper presentation]. RENT Conference, Zagreb, Croatia.

D'Armagnac, S., GERAUDEL, M., & Salvetat, D. (2015). A co-development program as an organization of organizations: the role of dominant institutional logics [Paper presentation]. EGOS Conference, Athens, Greece.

Amar, A., GERAUDEL, M., & Marais, M. (2015). Projet personnel et professionnel – Decouvrir l’environnement professionel. In P. Marquès & J. Granata (Eds.), DUT TC 1ère année. Paris, France: Dunod.
Peer reviewed

Amar, A., GERAUDEL, M., & Marais, M. (2015). Projet personnel et professionnel – Se professionnaliser. In P. Marquès & J. Granata (Eds.), DUT TC 1ère année. Paris, France: Dunod.
Peer reviewed

GERAUDEL, M., & Marais, M. (2015). Projet personnel et professionnel. In P. Marquès & J. Granata (Eds.), DUT TC 2ème année. Paris, France: Dunod.
Peer reviewed

GERAUDEL, M., & Salvetat, D. (2014). What are the antecedents of coopetition?: An explanation in terms of centrality and personality traits. European Business Review, 26 (1), 23-42. doi:10.1108/EBR-09-2012-0051
Peer reviewed

Chollet, B., GERAUDEL, M., & Mothe, C. (2014). Generating business referrals for SMEs: The contingent value of CEOs’ social capital. Journal of Small Business Management, 52 (1), 79-101. doi:10.1111/jsbm.12034
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GERAUDEL, M., & Marais, M. (2014). Projet personnel personnalisé. In P. Marquès & J. Granata (Eds.), DUT GEA 2ème année. Paris, France: Dunod.
Peer reviewed

GERAUDEL, M., & Marais, M. (2014). Projet personnel et professionnel (Identification des compétences métiers). In P. Marquès & J. Granata (Eds.), DUT GEA 1ère année. Paris, France: Dunod.
Peer reviewed

GERAUDEL, M., & Marais, M. (2014). Projet personnel et professionnel (Approche des métiers). In P. Marquès & J. Granata (Eds.), DUT GEA 1ère année. Paris, France: Dunod.
Peer reviewed

GERAUDEL, M., & Gundolf, K. (2014). Le choix d’un dirigeant au sein d'une petite entreprise: le recentrage expliqué par la centralité [Paper presentation]. Congrès International Francophone sur l’Entrepreneuriat et la PME (CIFEPME), Agadir, Morocco.

GERAUDEL, M., Gundolf, K., & Cesinger, B. (2014). Private practitioners’ access to technological resources: The role of social capital and conscientiousness [Paper presentation]. European Council for Small Business (ECSB), Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Bourdil, M., & GERAUDEL, M. (2014). What are the antecedents of network belonging satisfaction? The case of women entrepreneurs [Paper presentation]. International Council for Small Business Conference, Dublin, Ireland.

Bourdil, M., & GERAUDEL, M. (2014). What are the antecedents of network belonging satisfaction? The case of women entrepreneurs [Paper presentation]. IIIème Conférence Internationale sur la RSE, Schoelcher (Martinique), France.

GERAUDEL, M., Gundolf, K., & Cesinger, B. (2014). Private practitioners’ access to technological resources: The role of social capital and conscientiousness [Paper presentation]. INBAM, Barcelona, Spain.

Salvetat, D., GERAUDEL, M., & D'Armagnac, S. (2013). Inter-organizational knowledge management in a coopetitive context in the aeronautic and space industry. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 11, 265-277. doi:10.1057/kmrp.2012.6
Peer reviewed

Salvetat, D., & GERAUDEL, M. (2013). Knowledge management and SMEs: The case of Astrium’s business ecosystem. In S. Ben Letaifa, A. Gratacap, ... T. Isckia (Eds.), Understanding business ecosystems: How firms succeed in the new world of convergence?De Boeck.
Peer reviewed

Granata, J., & GERAUDEL, M. (2013). How to structure the coopetitive process over time? The case of wine industry entrepreneurs in South of France [Paper presentation]. International Council for Small Business Conference.

Bourdil, M., & GERAUDEL, M. (2013). Make your network’ members satisfied: the case of female entrepreneurs [Paper presentation]. International Council for Small Business Conference.

GERAUDEL, M., Granata, J., & Missonier, A. (2013). Les innovations en management stratégique. In A. Jaouen & F. Le Roy (Eds.), L’innovation managériale. Paris, France: Dunod.
Peer reviewed

Bourdil, M., & GERAUDEL, M. (2012). Comment utiliser la force des liens de votre réseau pour recruter ? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Chollet, B., Brion, S., Chauvet, V., Mothe, C., & GERAUDEL, M. (2012). NPD Projects in Search of Top Management Support: The Role of Team Leaders' Social Capital. M@n@gement, 15 (1), 43-75.
Peer reviewed

Salvetat, D., & GERAUDEL, M. (2012). The tertius roles in a coopetitive context: The case of the European aeronautical and aerospace engineering sector. European Management Journal, 30 (6), 603-614. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2012.04.004
Peer reviewed

GERAUDEL, M., & Jaouen, A. (Eds.). (2012). Ecosystèmes d'Affaires et PME. Hermès Lavoisier.

Mordret, A., & GERAUDEL, M. (2012). Comment bien accompagner l'entrepreneur ? Proposition d'une grille de lecture d'accompagnement en fonction de la stratégie suivie et du profil entrepreneurial [Paper presentation]. 2ème rencontre entre acteurs des réseaux d'accompagnement et chercheurs : Regards croisés sur les pratiques d'accompagnement entrepreneurial, Montpellier, France.

Salvetat, D., GERAUDEL, M., & D'Armagnac, S. (2012). Knowledge sharing in a coopetitive context: The case of a joint project team [Paper presentation]. Organization Studies Workshop : Organizations as spaces of work, Rhôdes, Greece.

Bourdil, M., & GERAUDEL, M. (2012). Are all women networks a good support for female entrepreneurs? [Paper presentation]. International Council for Small Business Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.

GERAUDEL, M. (2012). How can entrepreneurs choose their cooptative networks? [Paper presentation]. International Council for Small Business Conference, Wellington, New Zealand.

Salvetat, D., & GERAUDEL, M. (2011). Comprendre le rôle de l’intermédiation dans la coopétition : le cas des industries aéronautiques et spatiales. Management International, 15 (2), 67-79.
Peer reviewed

GERAUDEL, M. (2011). Comprendre et développer son réseau relationnel : le cas des dirigeants de PME. doi:10.3917/vse.188.0010
Peer reviewed

Gachon, T., & GERAUDEL, M. (2011). Elaborer une stratégie marketing avec des ressources limitées. In K. Gundolf & A. Jaouen (Eds.), Diriger sa petite entreprise : Gérer, Communiquer, Se Développer. Paris, France: Dunod.
Peer reviewed

Chollet, B., GERAUDEL, M., & Mothe, C. (2011). SMEs’ access to information: The combined effect of CEOs’ social capital and personality traits [Paper presentation]. Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio, United States.

GERAUDEL, M. (2011). SME CEOs: Do you need to access knowledge? Be an extrovert! [Paper presentation]. International Council for Small Business Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.

Chollet, B., GERAUDEL, M., & Mothe, C. (2011). SMEs’ access to information: The combined effect of CEOs’ social capital and personality traits [Paper presentation]. Strategic Management Society Conference, Miami, United States.

Salvetat, D., GERAUDEL, M., & D'Armagnac, S. (2011). « La gestion inter-organisationnelle des connaissances dans un contexte coopétitif : le cas des industries aéronautiques et spatiales. Revue Management et Avenir, 47.
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GERAUDEL, M., & Salvetat, D. (June 2010). The role of personality in situations of coopetition: The case of future managers [Paper presentation]. AIMS Conference, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Salvetat, D., & GERAUDEL, M. (June 2010). Understanding coopetitive relationships between subcontracting SMEs: the case of aerospace valley [Paper presentation]. International Council for Small Business Conference, Cincinnatti, United States.

D'Armagnac, S., GERAUDEL, M., & Salvetat, D. (June 2010). Coopetitive processes of knowledge development within spatial industry [Paper presentation]. Toulouse Space Show: Semaine internationale des applications spatiales, Toulouse, France.

Chollet, B., & GERAUDEL, M. (2010). Réseau personnel, personnalité du dirigeant de PME et accès aux informations sur les marchés. Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 13 (2).
Peer reviewed

GERAUDEL, M. (2010). Accès aux connaissances pour une PME dans un pôle de compétitivité : un dirigeant extraverti en vaut deux. Gestion 2000, 5, 121-129.
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Salvetat, D., GERAUDEL, M., & D'Armagnac, S. (2010). La gestion inter-organisationnelle des connaissances dans un contexte coopétitif : le cas des industries aéronautiques et spatiales [Paper presentation]. Conférence de l’Association Information et Management.

GERAUDEL, M., & Chollet, B. (2009). Quand la PME bénéficie du bouche-à-oreille : l’effet combiné de la personnalité du dirigeant et de son réseau personnel. Management International, 13 (4), 47-64. doi:10.7202/038584ar
Peer reviewed

GERAUDEL, M., & Salvetat, D. (2009). Le rôle de la personnalité dans les situations de coopétition : le cas des futurs managers. Revue Sciences de Gestion, 71.
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GERAUDEL, M., Jaouen, A., Missonier, A., & Salvetat, D. (2009). Management buy-in of small businesses: a comparative study of intentions to buyout viable vs distressed firms in France [Paper presentation]. International Council for Small Business Conference, Seoul, South Korea.

Brion, S., Chauvet, V., Chollet, B., GERAUDEL, M., & Mothe, C. (2009). Team members’ network and the performance of new product development: the strength of strong ties [Paper presentation]. Conférence de l’Association Internationale de Management Stratégique, Grenoble, France.

Brion, S., Chauvet, V., Chollet, B., GERAUDEL, M., & Mothe, C. (2009). Team members’ network and the performance of new product development: the strength of strong ties [Paper presentation]. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Chicago, United States.

GERAUDEL, M., & Salvetat, D. (2009). What is a good coopetitor ? An explanation in terms of centrality and personality traits [Paper presentation]. 3ème journée AIMS-AGRH Management et Réseaux sociaux, Annecy, France.

Brion, S., Chauvet, V., Chollet, B., GERAUDEL, M., & Mothe, C. (2009). Network and performance of new product development : the strength of strong ties [Paper presentation]. EGOS colloquium, Barcelona, Spain.

GERAUDEL, M., Chauvet, V., & Chollet, B. (2009). Information returns and personal networks: does gender matter? [Paper presentation]. European Academy of Management Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

GERAUDEL, M., Jaouen, A., Missonier, A., & Salvetat, D. (2009). Qui sont les repreneurs d’entreprises ? Proposition de typologie en fonction de l’état de santé de la firme. Revue Internationale PME, 22 (3). doi:10.7202/044126ar
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