

Main Referenced Co-authors
GLOCK, Sabine  (7)
Unz, Dagmar (3)
Karbach, Julia (1)
Kneer, Julia (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
implicit attitudes (2); associative-propositional evaluation model (1); attentional bias (1); cigarette smell (1); cultural diversity (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (6)
Social, industrial & organizational psychology (2)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 10)

The most downloaded
GLOCK, S., KOVACS, C., & PIT-TEN CATE, I. (26 November 2019). Teacher Attitudes towards Ethnic Minority Students: Effects of Schools´ Cultural Diversity. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 89, 616–634. doi:10.1111/bjep.12248

The most cited

72 citations (OpenAlex)

GLOCK, S., KOVACS, C., & PIT-TEN CATE, I. (26 November 2019). Teacher Attitudes towards Ethnic Minority Students: Effects of Schools´ Cultural Diversity. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 89, 616–634. doi:10.1111/bjep.12248

GLOCK, S., KOVACS, C., & PIT-TEN CATE, I. (26 November 2019). Teacher Attitudes towards Ethnic Minority Students: Effects of Schools´ Cultural Diversity. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 89, 616–634. doi:10.1111/bjep.12248
Peer reviewed

KOVACS, C. (2013). (How) can formal modelling improve educational achievement judgments? [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

KOVACS, C., GLOCK, S., KROLAK-SCHWERDT, S., & Karbach, J. (August 2013). The role of explicit and implicit attitudes toward minorities in judgment and behavior [Paper presentation]. 15th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction.

KOVACS, C. (2013). Effects of student nationality on teachers' judgments of writing performance. In U. Ansorge, E. Kirchler, C. Lamm, ... H. Leder (Eds.), Abstracts of the 55th Conference of Experimental Psychologists. Lengerich, Unknown/unspecified: Pabst.

GLOCK, S., KOVACS, C., & Unz, D. (2013). Implicit attitudes toward smoking: How the smell of cigarettes influences college-age smokers and non-smokers. Journal of Health Psychology, 1-13. doi:10.1177/1359105313476974
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GLOCK, S., & KOVACS, C. (2013). Educational psychology: Using insights from implicit attitudes measures. Educational Psychology Review, 25, 503-522. doi:10.1007/s10648-013-9241-3
Peer reviewed

GLOCK, S., Kneer, J., & KOVACS, C. (2013). Student teachers’ implicit attitudes toward students with and without immigration background: A pilot study. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 39, 204-210. doi:10.1016/j.stueduc.2013.09.003
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Unz, D., GLOCK, S., & KOVACS, C. (2013). „Bitte ein….“: Der Einfluss von Alkoholwerbung auf Einstellungen und Verhalten. In C. Rossmann & M. R. Hastall (Eds.), Medien und Gesundheitskommunikation: Befunde, Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen (pp. 81-96). Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos.
Peer reviewed

GLOCK, S., Unz, D., & KOVACS, C. (2012). Beyond fear appeals: Contradicting positive smoking outcome expectancies to influence smokers' implicit attitudes, perception, and behavior. Addictive Behaviors, 37, 548-551. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2011.11.032
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Weber, M., Yanagida, T., & KOVACS, C. (2010). Common practice in analyzing paired rating scale data: A simulation study exploring the appropriateness of the Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Test. Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics, 1, 101-114.
Peer reviewed

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