

Main Referenced Co-authors
FERRING, Dieter  (19)
Feltz, Fernand (4)
LEIST, Anja  (3)
MICHAUX, Gilles  (3)
RECCHIA, Sophie  (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
old age (2); tactile terminal (2); cancer (1); coping (1); psycho-oncology (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (21)
Sociology & social sciences (3)
Social, industrial & organizational psychology (3)
Treatment & clinical psychology (2)
Computer science (1)

Publications (total 28)

The most downloaded
LEIST, A., & HOFFMANN, M. (2011). Attitudes toward death and dying in old age: High perceived control, low metaphysical beliefs. Gerontologist, 51 (S2), 356-357.

The most cited

1 citations (Scopus®)

Otjacques, B., Krier, M., Feltz, F., FERRING, D., & HOFFMANN, M. (2009). Early lessons from the design of tectile terminals for elderly people. In PervasiveHealth 2009. 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. doi:10.4108/ICST.PERVASIVEHEALTH2009.6052

LAMOTTE, M., HOFFMANN, M., Nazarikhorram, A., & TOURNIER, I. (2018). Assistive Social Robot: older people's perception and acceptance?

LESSING, J., HOFFMANN, M., FERRING, D., & MICHAUX, G. (November 2013). Coping Profiles of Cancer Patients With Different Functional and Psychosocial Status: A Person-Oriented Approach [Poster presentation]. 15. World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

LESSING, J., HOFFMANN, M., FERRING, D., & MICHAUX, G. (2013). Coping Profiles of Cancer Patients With Different Functional and Psychosocial Status: A Person-Oriented Approach. Psycho-Oncology, 22 (Suppl. 3), 211-212.

FERRING, D., HOFFMANN, M., LEIST, A., Otjacques, B., & Feltz, F. (August 2011). „I don’t want to break anything!“ – On the introduction of an ICT system in a resident home [Paper presentation]. 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Bergen, Norway.

LEIST, A., & HOFFMANN, M. (2011). Attitudes toward death and dying in old age: High perceived control, low metaphysical beliefs. Gerontologist, 51 (S2), 356-357.
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HOFFMANN, M., FERRING, D., LEIST, A., Otjacques, B., & Feltz, F. (2011). Alter schützt vor Technik (nicht)!? Kann man die Tech-„No“-Generation für High-Tech Lösungen begeistern? [Paper presentation]. Annual meeting of ‘Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gerontologie und Geriatrie’, Frankfurt, Germany, Germany.

Otjacques, B., Krier, M., Feltz, F., FERRING, D., & HOFFMANN, M. (2009). Early lessons from the design of tectile terminals for elderly people. In PervasiveHealth 2009. 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. doi:10.4108/ICST.PERVASIVEHEALTH2009.6052
Peer reviewed

HOFFMANN, M., RECCHIA, S., & FERRING, D. (2009). Psychologische Ansätze zur Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung im Kontext chronischer Erkrankungen. In Handbuch der sozialen und erzieherischen Arbeit in Luxemburg / Manuel de l'intervention sociale et éducative au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (pp. 1185-1194). éditions Saint Paul.

HOFFMANN, M., & FERRING, D. (2009). Caring for dependent people. Carers Evaluation scales. Final Conference of the CARERS Project, Liaison Office Brussels. Brussels ,Belgium.

Otjacques, B., Krier, M., Feltz, F., FERRING, D., & HOFFMANN, M. (2009). User-Centered Activity Management System for Elderly People. International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare.
Peer reviewed

HOFFMANN, M., & FERRING, D. (2009). When the reality of death strikes: Ways of dealing with existential fears in cancer patients. Psychology and Health, 24(1), 207 - 207.

HOFFMANN, M., Lessing, J., & FERRING, D. (2009). „Why“ is the answer not the question: The role of perceived responsibility and control for emotional adaptation in cancer patient. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology. Vancouver, Canada.

HANSEN, R., FERRING, D., & HOFFMANN, M. (2009). Etude de satisfaction. EHL published research report.

HOFFMANN, M., & MICHAUX, G. (2009). Exploring personal stress and work strain encountered in the daily oncological practice in Omsk - Results of a pilot study. In A. I. Novikov (Ed.), Results and prospects for adaptation of the higher medical education in Russia to international standards (pp. 189 - 205). Omsk, Unknown/unspecified: Omsk State Medical Academy.

RECCHIA, S., HOFFMANN, M., STEFFGEN, G., & Spitz, E. (2009). Do overweight students experience more physical aggression? Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 24, 333 - 333.
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HOFFMANN, M. (2008). Mortalitätssalienz und Angstbewältingung im Kontext einer Krebserkrankung [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

RECCHIA, S., HOFFMANN, M., STEFFGEN, G., & Spitz, E. (2008). Health risk behaviours and life satisfaction among victims of physical aggression. Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, 221 - 221.
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HOFFMANN, M., & FERRING, D. (2008). Pulling the strings: The role of illness-related control perceptions in emotional adjustment to cancer. International Journal of Psychology, 43, 676 - 676.
Peer reviewed

HOFFMANN, M., & FERRING, D. (2008). While there is hope – Existentianl fears, hopelessness and quality of life in cancer patients. Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology. Halifax, Canada.

HOFFMANN, M., & FERRING, D. (2008). Psychoonkologie in Luxemburg - Forschungsstand und Forschungsperspektiven Beiträge der 1. Interdisziplinären Fachtagung "Psychoonkologie" in Luxembourg. Luxembourg, Unknown/unspecified: University of Luxembourg.

HOFFMANN, M. (2008). Facing the unfathomable: Bewältigung existentieller Angst im Kontext einer Krebserkrankung. In D. FERRING & M. HOFFMANN (Eds.), Psychoonkologie in Luxemburg - Forschungsstand und Forschungsperspektiven Beiträge der 1. Interdisziplinären Fachtagung "Psychoonkologie" in Luxemburg (pp. 49 - 60). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

HOFFMANN, M. (2008). Mortalitätssalienz und Angstbewältigung im Kontext einer Krebserkrankung. Lengerich, Unknown/unspecified: Pabst.

HOFFMANN, M., & FERRING, D. (2008). Luxembourg – a multilingual and multicultural population. Abstract paper of the ESAW-ADAGE project meeting. Cardiff, Wales.

PFETSCH, J., HOFFMANN, M., & STEFFGEN, G. (September 2007). Persönlichkeitsdeterminanten der Zivilcourage [Paper presentation]. 11. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie, Freiburg, Germany.

HOFFMANN, M., & FERRING, D. (2007). The role of existential fears in the context of cancer [Paper presentation]. 10th European Congress of Psychology, Prague, Czechia.

HOFFMANN, M., & FERRING, D. (2007). Breaking the silence – Mortality salience, state anxiety and coping strategies in the context of cancer. Abstract paper of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology. Winnipeg, Canada.
Peer reviewed

FERRING, D., Wenger, C., HOFFMANN, M., Petit, C., Weber, G., Glueck, J., BURHOLT, V., Woods, B., Balducci, C., Spazzafuma, L., & Thissen, F. (2004). The European Model of Ageing Well. European Study of Adult Well-being (ESAW): Comparative Report.

FERRING, D., & HOFFMANN, M. (2004). Evaluation der "Weiterbildung in Palliativer Betreuung und Begleitung von Personen am Lebensende". Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science.

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