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Article (Scientific journals)
Patent and Publication Activities of German Professors: An Empirical Assessment of Their Co-Activity
HUSSINGER, Katrin; Czarnitzki, Dirk; Glanzel, Wolfgang
2007In Research Evaluation
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
Academic inventors; patents; publications
Abstract :
[en] The growing importance of technology relevant non-publication output of university research has come into the focus of policy-makers’ interest. A fierce debate arose on possible negative consequences of the increasing commercialization of science, as it may come along with a reduction in research performance. This paper investigates the relationship between publishing as a measure of scientific output and patenting for German professors active in a range of science fields. We combine bibliometric/technometric indicators and econometric techniques to show that patenting positively correlates with the publication output and with publication quality of patenting researchers.
Disciplines :
Strategy & innovation
Author, co-author :
HUSSINGER, Katrin ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) > Center for Research in Economic Analysis (CREA)
Czarnitzki, Dirk
Glanzel, Wolfgang
Language :
Title :
Patent and Publication Activities of German Professors: An Empirical Assessment of Their Co-Activity
Publication date :
Journal title :
Research Evaluation
Publisher :
Beech Tree Publishing
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Available on ORBilu :
since 30 September 2013


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