Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Integrated analysis of the impacts of organic farming at farm and food system level in Luxembourg
Stoll, Evelyne; Schader, Christian; Bohn, Torsten et al.
2020Organic World Congress 2020 (postponed to 2021)
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
Food system; Luxembourg; Organis farming; SMART-Farm Tool; Sustainability assessment
Abstract :
[en] The Luxembourg government aims to achieve 20% organic agriculture until 2025 and 100% organic agriculture until 2050. The aim of the project is to analyse the impact such a change will have at the farm, as well as on the food system level in Luxembourg. This will be done by conducting a sustainability assessment at the farm-level and the food system-level. For the farm-level sustainability assessment, farm management systems and their respective sustainability implications according to the FAO SAFA Guidelines (Guidelines for the Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agriculture Systems) will be assessed using the SMART-Farm Tool. At the food system-level, the mass-flow model of the agriculture and food sector Soil and Organic Livestock (SOL)-Model will be employed to analyse the environmental implications of dietary patterns and agriculture production systems, where the data from the farm-level assessment will be used to increase specificity of the scenarios.
Disciplines :
Sociology & social sciences
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Stoll, Evelyne;  Institute for Organic Agriculture Luxembourg (IBLA)
Schader, Christian;  Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland
Bohn, Torsten;  Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), Strassen
RECKINGER, Rachel  ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Humanities (DHUM) > History
Leimbrock, Laura;  Institute for Organic Agriculture Luxembourg (IBLA)
Altmann, Gilles;  Institute for Organic Agriculture Luxembourg (IBLA)
Zimmer, Stéphanie;  Institute for Organic Agriculture Luxembourg (IBLA)
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
Integrated analysis of the impacts of organic farming at farm and food system level in Luxembourg
Publication date :
Event name :
Organic World Congress 2020 (postponed to 2021)
Event organizer :
IFOAM Organics International
Event place :
Rennes, France
Event date :
Audience :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Focus Area :
Sustainable Development
Name of the research project :
Available on ORBilu :
since 11 January 2024


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