Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Potential der Biolandwirtschaft zur Steigerung der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit des Agrarsektors in Luxemburg
Stoll, Evelyne; Keßler, Sabine; Leimbrock-Rosch, Laura et al.
202316. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau,
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
SMART; Nachhaltigkeitsanalyse; Landwirtschaft; Luxemburg
Abstract :
[en] Organic agriculture is often hailed as an environmentally friendly food production system. The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of the management system (organic (org.)/conventional (conv.)) on the sustainability performance of farms and derive the possible environmental impact of a 100% conversion to organic agriculture in Luxembourg. During a sustainability assessment at farm level using the SMART-Farm Tool, org. farms achieved significantly higher goal achievements in 13 of the 14 sub-themes of the sustainability dimension “Environmental Integrity”. Thus, org. agriculture shows promise for improvement of the Luxembourgish agricultural sector. However, some differences in goal achievement between the org. and conv. farms, especially in the sub-theme Greenhouse Gases, are relatively small and show that org. agriculture also still has a large potential for improvement when we want to tackle environmental challenges such as climate change.
Disciplines :
Sociology & social sciences
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Stoll, Evelyne;  Institut fir biologësch Landwirtschaft an Agrarkultur Luxemburg (IBLA)
Keßler, Sabine;  Institut fir biologësch Landwirtschaft an Agrarkultur Luxemburg
Leimbrock-Rosch, Laura;  Institut fir biologësch Landwirtschaft an Agrarkultur Luxemburg (IBLA)
Schader, Christian;  Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FIBL)
Bohn, Torsten;  Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)
RECKINGER, Rachel  ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Humanities (DHUM) > History
Herzig, Christian;  Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
Zimmer, Stefanie;  Institut fir biologësch Landwirtschaft an Agrarkultur Luxemburg (IBLA)
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
Potential der Biolandwirtschaft zur Steigerung der ökologischen Nachhaltigkeit des Agrarsektors in Luxemburg
Publication date :
08 March 2023
Event name :
16. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau,
Event date :
Audience :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Focus Area :
Sustainable Development
Name of the research project :
Available on ORBilu :
since 24 November 2023


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