Article (Scientific journals)
Ensuring reference independence and cautious monotony in abstract argumentation
Kampik, Timotheus; Nieves, Juan Carlos; GABBAY, Dov M.
2022In International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 140, p. 173-210
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
Abstract argumentation; Economic rationality; Non-monotonic reasoning; Behavioral research; Decision making; Decision theory; Argumentation frameworks; Argumentation semantics; Argumentation-based decision making; Decision-making process; Defining sets; Intelligence communities; Micro-economic theory; Semantics
Abstract :
[en] In the symbolic artificial intelligence community, abstract argumentation with its semantics, i.e. approaches for defining sets of valid conclusions (extensions) that can be derived from argumentation graphs, is considered a promising method for non-monotonic reasoning. However, from a sequential perspective, abstract argumentation-based decision-making processes typically do not guarantee an alignment with common formal notions to assess consistency; in particular, abstract argumentation can, in itself, not enforce the satisfaction of relational principles such as reference independence (based on a key principle of microeconomic theory) and cautious monotony. In this paper, we address this issue by introducing different approaches to ensuring reference independence and cautious monotony in sequential argumentation: a reductionist, an expansionist, and an extension-selecting approach. The first two approaches are generically applicable, but may require comprehensive changes to the corresponding argumentation framework. In contrast, the latter approach guarantees that an extension of the corresponding argumentation framework can be selected to satisfy the relational principle by requiring that the used argumentation semantics is weakly reference independent or weakly cautiously monotonous, respectively, and also satisfies some additional straightforward principles. To highlight the relevance of the approach, we illustrate how the extension-selecting approach to reference independent argumentation can be applied to model (boundedly) rational economic decision-making.
Disciplines :
Computer science
Identifiers :
Author, co-author :
Kampik, Timotheus;  Umeå University, Sweden
Nieves, Juan Carlos;  Umeå University, Sweden
GABBAY, Dov M. ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication (FSTC) > Computer Science and Communications Research Unit (CSC) ; King’s College London, United Kingdom ; Bar Ilan University, Israel
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
Ensuring reference independence and cautious monotony in abstract argumentation
Publication date :
Journal title :
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Publisher :
Elsevier Inc.
Volume :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Funders :
KAW - Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse
Available on ORBilu :
since 30 January 2023


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