[en] This paper presents the results from reliability analyses of the current Eurocode 4 (EN 1994-1-1) and AISC 360-16 design models for predicting the resistance of headed stud shear connectors within profiled steel sheeting, when the ribs are oriented transverse to the supporting beam. For comparison purposes, the performance of the alternative “Luxembourg” and “Stuttgart” model were also considered. From an initial database of 611 push-out tests, 269 cases were included in the study, which ensured that the results were valid over a wide range of geometrical and material properties. It was found that the current EN 1994-1-1 design rules deliver a corrected partial safety factor γM* of around 2.0, which is significantly higher than the target value 1.25. Moreover, 179 tests fell within the domain of the concrete-related failure design equation. Notwithstanding this, the EN 1994-1-1 equations provide satisfactory results for re-entrant profiled sheeting. The AISC 360-16 design equation for steel failure covers 263 of the tests in the database and delivers γM*≈2.0. Conversely, whilst the alternative “Stuttgart” model provides an improvement over the current codes, only a corrected partial safety factor of γM*=1.47 is achieved. Finally, the alternative “Luxembourg” design model was found to deliver the required target value, with a corrected partial safety factor γM* between 1.21 and 1.28. Given the fact that the Luxembourg design model is the only model that achieved the target values required by EN 1990, it is recommended as a potential candidate for inclusion within the second generation of Eurocodes.
Disciplines :
Civil engineering
Author, co-author :
Vigneri, Valentino; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) > Department of Engineering
Hicks, Stephen J.; University of Warwick > School of Engineering
Taras, Andreas; ETH Zurich > Institute of Structural Engineering
ODENBREIT, Christoph ; University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) > Department of Engineering (DoE)
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
Design models for predicting the resistance of headed studs in profiled sheeting. (LAJ22.E)
Publication date :
Journal title :
Steel and Composite Structures
Publisher :
Techno-Press, Taejon, South Korea
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Funders :
ArcelorMittal Global R&D Long Products Luxembourg; EU under Grant Agreement SA/CEN/GROW/EFTA/515/2014-02
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