Scientific presentation in universities or research centers (Scientific presentations in universities or research centers)
Building a Smart Nation: Luxembourg Tackling the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Danescu, Elena


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2022.05.17_Economic Research Seminars_ Luxembourg Smart Nation.pdf
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22.05.17.Economic Research Seminars_Luxembourg Smart Nation_ElenaDanescu

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Keywords :
Luxembourg; Competitivness; Smart nation; Steel industry; International financial centre; Digitalisation; e-Governance; e-Diplomacy; Circular economy; Jeremy Rifkin; Third industrial revolution; ARBED; Luxembourg Stock Exchange; Banque Internationale à Luxembourg; Spuerkess; Banque centrale du Luxembourg; Euro; European Governance; Luxembourg Economoc Stabilisation Programme; Labour Market; Health care reform; Social cohesion; FinTech industry
Abstract :
[en] Beginning in the 20th century, Luxembourg experienced several periods of transition. The largely agriculture-based economy became industrialized, driven by a powerful steel industry which remained the dominant sector from the immediate post-Second World War years to the mid-1970s. In 1974 the steel industry began to decline, marking the end of the ‘Trente Glorieuses’. Luxembourg was forced to implement considerable structural changes and embarked on its second major transition, from an industrial economy to a service economy based on the financial sector. To guarantee its future position in a competitive globalized environment, the country needed to diversify its economy by focusing on state-of-the-art fields with high added value, while preserving the competitiveness of the financial sector. Luxembourg continued to prioritize innovation as the main driver of sustainable and inclusive growth, embarking on its digital transition in order to build a "smart nation".
Research center :
Università Europea di Roma
- Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Contemporary European History (EHI)
Disciplines :
Strategy & innovation
Political science, public administration & international relations
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others
General economics & history of economic thought
Author, co-author :
Danescu, Elena  ;  University of Luxembourg > Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Contemporary European History
Language :
Title :
Building a Smart Nation: Luxembourg Tackling the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Publication date :
17 May 2022
Number of pages :
Event name :
Economic Research Seminars
Event organizer :
Università Europea di Roma
Event place :
Rome, Italy
Event date :
Audience :
Focus Area :
Sustainable Development
Name of the research project :
Economic Research Seminars
Available on ORBilu :
since 01 June 2022


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