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Poster (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
The Eletrophysiology of Prepulse Inhibition
DIEROLF, Angelika; Blumenthal, Terry; Schächinger, Hartmut et al.
201541. Jahrestagung Psychologie und Gehirn


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Abstract :
[en] The acoustic startle response is decreased by a prepulse occurring 30-500 ms earlier. This prepulse inhibition (PPI) is interpreted in terms of the Interruption and Protection hypotheses, in which startle responding interrupts prepulse processing, and PPI indicates the degree to which prepulse processing is protected from that interruption. We evaluated this hypotheses by measuring startle responding and evoked potentials (N1, P2) to both prepulse and startle stimuli under different attentional conditions (Attend Startle, Attend Prepulse, Ignore Both). 192 trials were presented in randomized order: Startle Alone (105dB noise), Prepulse Alone (70dB noise), and prepulse+startle stimuli with a stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of 120 (PPI120) or 500 ms (PPI500). 36 participants, randomly assigned to the three attention conditions, pressed a key to the startle or to the pre-pulse or did not respond. A 32-channel EEG and eyeblink EMG were measured. Independent of the attentional conditions, the EMG startle response was decreased by a pre-pulse at both SOAs, illustrating PPI. Prepulse N1/P2 amplitude was identical for the Prepulse Alone, PPI120, and PPI500 stimuli independent of the attentional conditions, demonstrating protection of primary sensory prepulse processing. N1/P2 potentials to the startle stimulus were affected by the SOAs and the attentional conditions, suggesting a change in startle processing by both variables. The results suggest a complete protection of prepulse processing. The reduced N1/P2 amplitudes to the startle stimulus at both SOAs suggest that the eliciting properties of the startle stimulus are decreased by the prepulse.
Disciplines :
Neurosciences & behavior
Author, co-author :
DIEROLF, Angelika ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences (DBCS)
Blumenthal, Terry;  Wake Forest University > Psychology
Schächinger, Hartmut;  Universität KlTrier > Klinische Psychopyhsiologie
Naumann, Ewald;  Universität Trier > EEG Labor
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
The Eletrophysiology of Prepulse Inhibition
Publication date :
June 2015
Event name :
41. Jahrestagung Psychologie und Gehirn
Event organizer :
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychophysiologie und deren Anwendung (DGPA) und Fachgruppe Biologische Psychologie und Neuropsychologie der DGPs
Event place :
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Event date :
04.06. -06.06.2015
Audience :
Available on ORBilu :
since 23 January 2022


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