Article (Scientific journals)
Torn between Two Lovers: German Policy on Economic and Monetary Union, the New Hanseatic League and Franco-German Bilateralism
HOWARTH, David; Schild, Joachim
2021In German Politics
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi


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Keywords :
Germany; France; Hanseatic League; bilateralism; multilateralism; Ordoliberalism; Economic and Monetary Union; Eurozone; Euro area; Covid-19; Recovery and Resilience Facility; Next Generation European Union
Abstract :
[en] German governments and European Union (EU) member states forming the New Hanseatic League (HL) have had very similar preferences on EU / Eurozone financial support mechanisms. We would expect German and HL governments to be close allies on these matters. However, empirically, we detect differences. German governments have repeatedly resisted participating in HL joint positions on EU financial support mechanisms and accepted compromises with France. In order to explain this divergence we consider the relative explanatory merit of economic preferences, based on both material interests and economic ideas—here ordoliberalism—on the one hand, and norms of cooperation—here Franco-German ‘embedded bilateralism’—and geo-strategic interests on the other hand. We disentangle economic preference formation and the choice in favour of a political strategy to pursue these preferences. Economic preferences are one factor explaining the extent of concessions made by Germany to the HL countries and France. However, norms of cooperation and geostrategic interests explain the choice of German governments on how and with whom best to pursue their preferences. German governments have performed a balancing act between the HL and France, skewed towards the latter. The presence of economic crises increases the degree to which this balancing act is skewed towards France.
Disciplines :
Political science, public administration & international relations
Author, co-author :
HOWARTH, David  ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Social Sciences (DSOC)
Schild, Joachim;  University of Trier > Political Science > Professor
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
Torn between Two Lovers: German Policy on Economic and Monetary Union, the New Hanseatic League and Franco-German Bilateralism
Publication date :
Journal title :
German Politics
Publisher :
Frank Cass Publishers, United Kingdom
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Available on ORBilu :
since 14 December 2021


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