Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
Visualisation Techniques for Consent: Finding Common Ground in Comic Art with Indigenous Populations
BOTES, Wilhelmina Maria; ROSSI, Arianna
2021In 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW)
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
informed consent; transparency; icons; comics; genomic research; standardisation; eConsent; indigenous population
Abstract :
[en] With emerging technologies such as genome research and the digitization of health records comes the need for new models of informed consent. In this climate of innovation people are often prone to explore the latest technological advancement as possible solutions, including for informed consent. In this paper, we present the design and evaluation of a so-called low-tech informed consent solution that was designed specifically for the informational and cultural needs of a vulnerable indigenous population, i.e., the San of South Africa. This low-tech solution took the form of a comic and, although it could enhance understanding and identification, the costs and labour intensity of comic design and the deriving limitations on its scalability should be critically considered in the light of a digitised and more standardized solution.
Disciplines :
Computer science
Philosophy & ethics
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
BOTES, Wilhelmina Maria ;  University of Luxembourg > Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SNT) > IRiSC
ROSSI, Arianna ;  University of Luxembourg > Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SNT) > IRiSC
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
Visualisation Techniques for Consent: Finding Common Ground in Comic Art with Indigenous Populations
Publication date :
Event name :
2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy
Event date :
6-10 September 2021
Audience :
Main work title :
2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW)
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
FnR Project :
FNR14638785 - Consent To Turn Genome Into Individual's Asset For A Lifetime, 2020 (01/02/2021-30/09/2021) - Gabriele Lenzini
Funders :
FNR - Fonds National de la Recherche [LU]
Available on ORBilu :
since 07 October 2021


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