Article (Scientific journals)
Mindfulness in everyday life: Between- and within-person relationships to motivational conflicts
Senker, Kerstin; Fries, Stefan; GRUND, Axel
2020In Current Psychology
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
state mindfulness; motivatoinal conflict; affective well-being; self-regulation; experience-sampling
Abstract :
[en] Mindfulness has shown beneficial relationships with well-being and self-regulation. We aim to improve the understanding of the effects of between- and within-person differences in mindfulness when dealing with situations of motivational conflict. For this purpose, we conducted an experience sampling study with 56 university students who replied to a total of N = 1889 short questionnaires, which they received via their smartphones over a period of eight consecutive days. In addition to a state mindfulness questionnaire with the facets presence and non-judgment (focusing attention on the experience of the current action and a momentary non-judgmental stance towards these, respectively), the participants received questions about their current affective well-being and perceived intensity of want or should conflict experiences. Multi-level analyses revealed that want conflicts were predicted by both state mindfulness facets, even after momentary affect was controlled. In addition, to be non-judgmental (as a trait), and having momentary presence (as a state), related to lower intensity of should conflicts. The results suggest that being mindful might be a particularly beneficial way of dealing with daily motivational conflicts, which is an essential and frequent task of self-regulation.
Disciplines :
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Senker, Kerstin;  Bielefeld University
Fries, Stefan;  Bielefeld University
GRUND, Axel  ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Luxembourg Centre for Educational Testing (LUCET)
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
Mindfulness in everyday life: Between- and within-person relationships to motivational conflicts
Publication date :
22 May 2020
Journal title :
Current Psychology
Publisher :
Springer, New-York, United States - New York
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Focus Area :
Educational Sciences
Funders :
This research was funded by the research grant GR 4572/2–1 of the German Research Foundation, to Axel Grund.
Available on ORBilu :
since 26 May 2020


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