Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
La promesse de Dupong...
SCUTO, Denis


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Keywords :
Holocaust studies; Return of Jews to Luxembourg after the war; Luxembourg State Policy Towards Jews
Abstract :
[en] Despite the promise that foreign Jews who had resided in Luxembourg before the war and had to flee nazi persecution, could come back after the war, Luxembourg authorities restricted the return of the foreign Jews who had survived and made an application to return and settle in the Grand-Duchy. The article is based on the analysis of a database of more than 3.000 foreign Jews who had resided in Luxembourg in the 1930s. More than 400 foreign Jews tried to return after the war.
Research center :
- Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Contemporary History of Luxembourg (LHI)
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
SCUTO, Denis ;  University of Luxembourg > Luxembourg Center for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH)
Language :
Title :
La promesse de Dupong...
Publication date :
08 February 2020
Journal title :
Publisher :
Editpress Luxembourg S.A., Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Available on ORBilu :
since 08 February 2020


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