Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses, symposiums and conference proceedings)
IoT Application Protocols Optimisation for Future Integrated M2M-Satellite Networks
SOUA, Ridha; PALATTELLA, Maria Rita; ENGEL, Thomas
2018In IoT Application Protocols Optimisation for Future Integrated M2M-Satellite Networks
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
IoT;M2M;Satellites, CoAP, MQTT;protocol optimization
Abstract :
[en] Satellites are playing a key role in driving the vision for a truly connected world, providing ubiquitous coverage and reliability in places where no other terrestrial technology could. While the potentials of satellites for IoT are well recognised, to allow a smooth integration of M2M and satellite networks, a lot of tweaking and optimising is still required. The M2MSAT project, funded by the European space Agency (ESA) is contributing to fill this gap, investigating optimisations for MQTT and CoAP, identified as IoT Application Protocols suitable for IoT data collection over satellite. This work outlines the efficient configuration of MQTT and CoAP in an integrated M2M-Satellite network, and presents some optimisations, designed taking into account the peculiarities of satellite links.
Research center :
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) > Networking Research Group (NetLab)
Disciplines :
Computer science
Author, co-author :
SOUA, Ridha ;  University of Luxembourg > Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SNT)
PALATTELLA, Maria Rita ;  University of Luxembourg > Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SNT)
ENGEL, Thomas ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication (FSTC) > Computer Science and Communications Research Unit (CSC)
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
IoT Application Protocols Optimisation for Future Integrated M2M-Satellite Networks
Publication date :
October 2018
Event name :
Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS)
Event place :
Thessaloniki, Greece
Event date :
from 23-10-2018 to 25-10-2018
Audience :
Main work title :
IoT Application Protocols Optimisation for Future Integrated M2M-Satellite Networks
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Focus Area :
Security, Reliability and Trust
Name of the research project :
Funders :
ASE - Agence Spatiale Européenne
Available on ORBilu :
since 27 October 2018


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