
ENGEL Thomas

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) > Department of Computer Science (DCS)

Main Referenced Co-authors
FRANK, Raphaël  (46)
SOUA, Ridha  (26)
STATE, Radu  (23)
PALATTELLA, Maria Rita  (22)
CASTIGNANI, German  (21)
Main Referenced Keywords
Security (14); SDN (9); Vehicular Networks (8); Machine Learning (7); Sensing Systems (6);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
SnT (10)
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (8)
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) > Networking Research Group (NetLab) (7)
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) (4)
Interdisciplinary Centre of Security, Reliability and Trust (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Computer science (200)
Electrical & electronics engineering (6)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (4)
Neurosciences & behavior (2)
Mechanical engineering (1)

Publications (total 214)

The most downloaded
PALATTELLA, M. R., Dohler, M., Grieco, L. A., Rizzo, G., Torsen, J., ENGEL, T., & LADID, L. (2016). Internet of Things in the 5G Era: Enablers, Architecture and Business Models. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas In Communications. doi:10.1109/JSAC.2016.2525418

The most cited

1386 citations (OpenAlex)

PALATTELLA, M. R., Dohler, M., Grieco, L. A., Rizzo, G., Torsen, J., ENGEL, T., & LADID, L. (2016). Internet of Things in the 5G Era: Enablers, Architecture and Business Models. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas In Communications. doi:10.1109/JSAC.2016.2525418

Loureiro, J. F., ENGEL, T., & SARETZKY, F. (2024). Technical Report - Pick & Place Assembly Simulation.

ADAVOUDI JOLFAEI, A., RUPP, A., SCHIFFNER, S., & ENGEL, T. (2024). Why Privacy-Preserving Protocols Are Sometimes Not Enough: A Case Study of the Brisbane Toll Collection Infrastructure. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2024 (1), 232-257. doi:10.56553/popets-2024-0014
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BOUALOUACHE, A., ADAVOUDI JOLFAEI, A., & ENGEL, T. (2024). Multi-process Federated Learning with Stacking for Securing 6G-V2X Network Slicing at Cross-Borders. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. doi:10.1109/TITS.2024.3367388
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NIKOOROO, M., Estrada-Jimenez, J., MACHALEK, A., Härri, J., ENGEL, T., & Turcanu, I. (2024). Mitigating Collisions in Sidelink NR V2X: A Study on Cooperative Resource Allocation. In 22nd Mediterranean Communication and Computer Networking Conference, 11-13 June 2024, Nice, France. New York, United States: IEEE Communications Society. doi:10.1109/MedComNet62012.2024.10578242
Peer reviewed

NIKOOROO, M., Estrada-Jimenez, J., MACHALEK, A., Härri, J., ENGEL, T., & Turcanu, I. (2024). Poster: Evaluating the Potential of Mode 2(b) Resource Allocation in NR V2X Sidelink [Poster presentation]. IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), New York, United States.
Peer reviewed

BOUALOUACHE, A., Amara Korba, A., Senouci, S.-M., Ghamri-Doudane, Y., & ENGEL, T. (2023). Reinforcement Learning-based Security Orchestration for 5G-V2X Network Slicing at Cross-borders. In Reinforcement Learning-based Security Orchestration for 5G-V2X Network Slicing at Cross-borders. IEEE. doi:10.1109/GLOBECOM54140.2023.10437953
Peer reviewed

FOTOUHI, M., Buscemi, A., Jomrich, F., Koebel, C., & ENGEL, T. (2023). Evaluation of PTP Security Controls on gPTP. In 28th IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2023), Tunis, July 2023.
Peer reviewed

BUSCEMI, A., PONAKA, M., FOTOUHI, M., Koebel, C., Jomrich, F., & ENGEL, T. (2023). An Intrusion Detection System Against Rogue Master Attacks on gPTP. In A. BUSCEMI, M. Ponaka, M. FOTOUHI, C. Koebel, F. Jomrich, ... T. ENGEL, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023-Spring), Florence 20-23 June 2023.
Peer reviewed

FOTOUHI, M., BUSCEMI, A., BOUALOUACHE, A., Jomrich, F., Koebel, C., & ENGEL, T. (2023). Assessing the Impact of Attacks on an Automotive Ethernet Time Synchronization Testbed. In M. FOTOUHI, A. BUSCEMI, A. BOUALOUACHE, F. Jomrich, C. Koebel, ... T. ENGEL, 2023 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), Istanbul 26-28 April 2023. doi:10.1109/VNC57357.2023.10136275
Peer reviewed

BOUALOUACHE, A., Brik, B., Senouci, S.-M., & ENGEL, T. (2023). On-Demand Security Framework for 5GB Vehicular Networks. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine. doi:10.1109/IOTM.001.2200233
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ADAVOUDI JOLFAEI, A., BOUALOUACHE, A., RUPP, A., Schiffner, S., & ENGEL, T. (2023). A Survey on Privacy-preserving Electronic Toll Collection Schemes for Intelligent Transportation Systems. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
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BOUALOUACHE, A., & ENGEL, T. (2022). A Survey on Machine Learning-based Misbehavior Detection Systems for 5G and Beyond Vehicular Networks. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. doi:10.1109/COMST.2023.3236448
Peer reviewed

BOUALOUACHE, A., Brik, B., Tang, Q., Abdelaziz, Cherrier, S., Senouci, S.-M., Pardo, E., Ghamri-Doudane, Langar, R., & ENGEL, T. (2022). 5G Vehicle-to-Everything at the Cross-Borders: Security Challenges and Opportunities. IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
Peer reviewed

TAWAKULI, A., & ENGEL, T. (2022). The Impact Of Distributed Data Preprocessing On Automotive Data Streams. 2022 IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference: (VTC2022-Fall). doi:10.1109/VTC2022-Fall57202.2022.10012853
Peer reviewed

BOUALOUACHE, A., & ENGEL, T. (2022). Federated Learning-based Inter-slice Attack Detection for 5G-V2X Sliced Networks. In A. BOUALOUACHE & T. ENGEL, 2022 IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference: (VTC2022-Fall). IEEE.
Peer reviewed

BOUALOUACHE, A., Djaidja, T. E. T., Senouci, S.-M., Ghamri-Doudane, Y., & ENGEL, T. (2022). Deep Learning-based Intra-slice Attack Detection for 5G-V2X Sliced Networks. In 2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference: (VTC2022-Spring). doi:10.1109/VTC2022-Spring54318.2022.9860373
Peer reviewed

BUSCEMI, A., Turcanu, I., CASTIGNANI, G., & ENGEL, T. (2022). Preventing Frame Fingerprinting in Controller Area Network Through Traffic Mutation. In IEEE ICC 2022 Workshop - DDINS, Seoul 16-20 May 2022.
Peer reviewed

KAP, B., ALEKSANDROVA, M., & ENGEL, T. (2022). The Effect of Noise Level on the Accuracy of Causal Discovery Methods with Additive Noise Models. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1530. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-93842-0_7
Peer reviewed

BUSCEMI, A., Turcanu, I., Castignani, G., & ENGEL, T. (2022). On Frame Fingerprinting and Controller Area Networks Security in Connected Vehicles. In IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference, Virtual Conference 8-11 January 2022.
Peer reviewed

TAWAKULI, A., KAISER, D., & ENGEL, T. (2022). Transforming IoT Data Preprocessing: A Holistic, Normalized and Distributed Approach. The Fifth International Workshop on Data: Acquisition To Analysis. doi:10.1145/3560905.3567762
Peer reviewed

BUSCEMI, A., Turcanu, I., Castignani, G., Crunelle, R., & ENGEL, T. (2021). CANMatch: A Fully Automated Tool for CAN Bus Reverse Engineering based on Frame Matching. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. doi:10.1109/TVT.2021.3124550
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BUSCEMI, A., Turcanu, I., German, C., Crunelle, R., & ENGEL, T. (November 2021). Poster: A Methodology for Semi-Automated CAN Bus Reverse Engineering [Poster presentation]. 13th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference.

RIDA, A., SOUA, R., & ENGEL, T. (2021). Evaluation of TPMS Signal Propagation in a Heavy Commercial Vehicle Environement. 2021 IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Fall) proceedings.
Peer reviewed

RIDA, A., SOUA, R., & ENGEL, T. (2021). A Near-Field-based TPMS Solution for Heavy Commercial Vehicle Environement. 2021 IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Fall) proceedings.
Peer reviewed

RIDA, A., Ridha, S., & ENGEL, T. (2021). Evaluation of TPMS Signal Propagation in a Heavy Commercial Vehicle Environement. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

RIDA, A., SOUA, R., & ENGEL, T. (2021). A Near-Field-based TPMS Solution for Heavy Commercial Vehicle Environement. In 2021 IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference - Final Program.
Peer reviewed

BOUALOUACHE, A., & ENGEL, T. (2021). Federated Learning-based Scheme for Detecting Passive Mobile Attackers in 5G Vehicular Edge Computing. Annals of Telecommunications. doi:10.1007/s12243-021-00871-x
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Ruppert, J., ALEKSANDROVA, M., & ENGEL, T. (July 2021). 𝑘-Pareto Optimality for Many-Objective Genetic Optimization [Poster presentation]. GECCO '21: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. doi:10.1145/3449726.3462732

HAWLADER, F., BOUALOUACHE, A., FAYE, S., & ENGEL, T. (2021). Intelligent Misbehavior Detection System for Detecting False Position Attacks in Vehicular Networks. In F. HAWLADER, A. BOUALOUACHE, S. Faye, ... T. ENGEL, The 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications (the 4th Workshop on 5G and Beyond Wireless Security).
Peer reviewed

TAWAKULI, A., KAISER, D., & ENGEL, T. (2021). Synchronized Preprocessing of Sensor Data. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 3522-3531. doi:10.1109/BigData50022.2020.9377900
Peer reviewed

TURCANU, I., ENGEL, T., & Sommer, C. (February 2021). Adaptive Content Seeding for Information-Centric Networking under High Topology Dynamics: Where You Seed Matters. IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 16 (2). doi:10.1109/MVT.2021.3050728
Peer reviewed

BOUALOUACHE, A., SOUA, R., Qiang, T., & ENGEL, T. (2021). Software-Defined Location Privacy Protection for Vehicular Networks. In A. BOUALOUACHE, R. Soua, T. Qiang, ... T. ENGEL, Machine Intelligence and Data Analytics for Sustainable Future Smart Cities. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-72065-0_21
Peer reviewed

KAP, B., ALEKSANDROVA, M., & ENGEL, T. (2021). Causal Identification with Additive Noise Models: Quantifying the Effect of Noise [Paper presentation]. 10èmes Journées Francophones sur les Réseaux Bayésiens et les Modèles Graphiques Probabilistes (JFRB-2021).

BOUALOUACHE, A., Sedjelmaci, H., & ENGEL, T. (2021). Consortium Blockchain for Cooperative Location Privacy Preservation in 5G-enabled Vehicular Fog Computing. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. doi:10.1109/TVT.2021.3083477
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DE LA CADENA RAMOS, A. W., KAISER, D., PANCHENKO, A., & ENGEL, T. (2020). Out-of-the-box Multipath TCP as a Tor Transport Protocol: Performance and Privacy Implications. In 19th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA 2020). doi:10.1109/NCA51143.2020.9306702
Peer reviewed

DE LA CADENA RAMOS, A. W., Mitseva, A., Hiller, J., Pennekamp, J., Reuter, S., Filter, J., ENGEL, T., Wehrle, K., & Panchenko, A. (2020). TrafficSliver: Fighting Website Fingerprinting Attacks with Traffic Splitting. In 27th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '20).
Peer reviewed

Adamsky, F., KAISER, D., Steglich, M., & ENGEL, T. (2020). Locust: Highly Concurrent DHT Experimentation Framework for Security Evaluations. Proceedings of ICPS ICCNS 2020. doi:10.1145/3442520.3442531
Peer reviewed

BOUALOUACHE, A., SOUA, R., & ENGEL, T. (2020). Toward an SDN-based Data Collection Scheme for Vehicular Fog Computing. In IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC'2020.
Peer reviewed

SOUA, R., PALATTELLA, M. R., STEMPER, A., & ENGEL, T. (2020). Enhancing CoAP Group Communication to Support mMTC Over Satellite Networks. In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).
Peer reviewed

BOUALOUACHE, A., SOUA, R., & ENGEL, T. (2020). SDN-based Misbehavior Detection System for Vehicular Networks. In 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring).
Peer reviewed

MITSEVA, A., ALEKSANDROVA, M., ENGEL, T., & Panchenko, A. (2020). Security and Performance Implications of BGP Rerouting-resistant Guard Selection Algorithms for Tor. In Security and Performance Implications of BGP Rerouting-resistant Guard Selection Algorithms for Tor. doi:10.1016/j.cose.2023.103374
Peer reviewed

MITSEVA, A., ENGEL, T., & Panchenko, A. (2020). Analyzing PeerFlow -- A Bandwidth Estimation System for Untrustworthy Environments. In Analyzing PeerFlow -- A Bandwidth Estimation System for Untrustworthy Environments.
Peer reviewed

TURCANU, I., Salvo, P., Baiocchi, A., Cuomo, F., & ENGEL, T. (2020). A Multi-Hop Broadcast Wave Approach for Floating Car Data Collection in Vehicular Networks. Vehicular Communications. doi:10.1016/j.vehcom.2020.100232
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BUSCEMI, A., Castignani, G., ENGEL, T., & TURCANU, I. (2020). A Data-Driven Minimal Approach for CAN Bus Reverse Engineering. In 3rd IEEE Connected and Automated Vehicles Symposium, Victoria, Canada, 4-5 October 2020. doi:10.1109/CAVS51000.2020.9334650
Peer reviewed

DE LA CADENA RAMOS, A. W., MITSEVA, A., Pennekamp, J., Hiller, J., Lanze, F., ENGEL, T., Wehrle, K., & Panchenko, A. (11 November 2019). POSTER: Traffic Splitting to Counter Website Fingerprinting [Poster presentation]. 26th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS '19), London, United Kingdom.

BOUALOUACHE, A., SOUA, R., & ENGEL, T. (2019). VPGA: an SDN-based Location Privacy Zones Placement Scheme for Vehicular Networks. In 38th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC). doi:10.1109/IPCCC47392.2019.8958746
Peer reviewed

TAWAKULI, A., KAISER, D., & ENGEL, T. (08 October 2019). Big Automotive Data Preprocessing: A Three Stages Approach [Poster presentation]. ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium.

RINALDI, G., ADAMSKY, F., SOUA, R., Baiocchi, A., & ENGEL, T. (2019). Softwarization of SCADA: Lightweight Statistical SDN-Agents for Anomaly Detection. In 10th International Conference on Networks of the Future (NoF). doi:10.1109/NoF47743.2019.9014929
Peer reviewed

BOUALOUACHE, A., SOUA, R., & ENGEL, T. (2019). SDN-based Pseudonym-Changing Strategy for Privacy Preservation in Vehicular Networks. In 15th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob'19). doi:10.1109/WiMOB.2019.8923265
Peer reviewed

DI MAIO, A., PALATTELLA, M. R., & ENGEL, T. (2019). Performance Analysis of MANET Routing Protocols in Urban VANETs. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (volume 11803). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-31831-4_30
Peer reviewed

DI MAIO, A., PALATTELLA, M. R., & ENGEL, T. (2019). Multi-flow congestion-aware routing in software-defined vehicular networks. In 2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall) Proceedings. doi:10.1109/VTCFall.2019.8891465
Peer reviewed

DE LA CADENA RAMOS, A. W., KAISER, D., MITSEVA, A., PANCHENKO, A., & ENGEL, T. (2019). Analysis of Multi-path Onion Routing-based Anonymization Networks. In Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXXIII, 2019.
Peer reviewed

MSADEK, M. N., SOUA, R., & ENGEL, T. (2019). IoT Device Fingerprinting: Machine Learning based Encrypted Traffic Analysis. In The IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). doi:10.1109/WCNC.2019.8885429
Peer reviewed

PALATTELLA, M. R., SOUA, R., Abdelmajid, K., & ENGEL, T. (2019). Fog Computing as the Key for Seamless Connectivity Handover in Future Vehicular Networks. In The 34th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC.
Peer reviewed

Derrmann, T., FRANK, R., VITI, F., & ENGEL, T. (2019). How Road and Mobile Networks Correlate: Estimating Urban Traffic Using Handovers. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. doi:10.1109/TITS.2019.2901373
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Lopez Perez, R., ADAMSKY, F., SOUA, R., & ENGEL, T. (2019). Forget the Myth of the Air Gap: Machine Learningfor Reliable Intrusion Detection in SCADA Systems. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Security and Safety.
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TURCANU, I., ENGEL, T., & Sommer, C. (2019). Fog Seeding Strategies for Information-Centric Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks. In 11th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2019). Los Angeles, CA, United States: IEEE. doi:10.1109/VNC48660.2019.9062816
Peer reviewed

Pennekamp, J., Hiller, J., Reuter, S., DE LA CADENA RAMOS, A. W., MITSEVA, A., Henze, M., ENGEL, T., Wehrle, K., & Panchenko, A. (2019). Multipathing Traffic to Reduce Entry Node Exposure in Onion Routing [Poster presentation]. 27th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP '19), Chicago, United States.

TURCANU, I., Adamsky, F., & ENGEL, T. (2019). Experimental Evaluation of Floating Car Data Collection Protocols in Vehicular Networks. In IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall). doi:10.1109/VTCFall.2019.8891115
Peer reviewed

PALATTELLA, M. R., SOUA, R., STEMPER, A., & ENGEL, T. (2019). Aggregation of MQTT Topics over Integrated Satellite Terrestrial Networks. ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review. doi:10.1145/3308897.3308942
Peer reviewed

MSADEK, M. N., SOUA, R., LADID, L., & ENGEL, T. (2018). Advancing the Security of Trustworthy Self-IoT (Position Paper). In International Conference on Smart Applications, Communications and Networking (SmartNets).
Peer reviewed

SOUA, R., PALATTELLA, M. R., & ENGEL, T. (2018). IoT Application Protocols Optimisation for Future Integrated M2M-Satellite Networks. In IoT Application Protocols Optimisation for Future Integrated M2M-Satellite Networks.
Peer reviewed

JAFARNEJAD, S., CASTIGNANI, G., & ENGEL, T. (2018). Revisiting Gaussian Mixture Models for Driver Identification. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES) (ICVES 2018).
Peer reviewed

GIOTTI, D., LAMORTE, L., SOUA, R., PALATTELLA, M. R., & ENGEL, T. (2018). Performance Analysis of CoAP under Satellite Link Disruption. In Performance Analysis of CoAP under Satellite Link Disruption.
Peer reviewed

ADAMSKY, F., RETUNSKAIA, T., SCHIFFNER, S., & ENGEL, T. (2018). POSTER: WLAN Device Fingerprinting using Channel State Information (CSI). In 11th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM WiSec). doi:10.1145/3212480.3226099
Peer reviewed

Derrmann, T., FRANK, R., ENGEL, T., & VITI, F. (June 2018). Using mobile phone data for urban network state estimation [Paper presentation]. 2nd Symposium on Management of Future motorway and urban Traffic Systems, Ispra, Italy.

DI MAIO, A., SOUA, R., PALATTELLA, M. R., & ENGEL, T. (2018). ROADNET: Fairness- and Throughput-Enhanced Scheduling for Content Dissemination in VANETs. In ROADNET: Fairness- and Throughput-Enhanced Scheduling for Content Dissemination in VANETs. doi:10.1109/ICCW.2018.8403777
Peer reviewed

JAFARNEJAD, S., CASTIGNANI, G., & ENGEL, T. (2018). Non-intrusive Distracted Driving Detection Based on Driving Sensing Data. In 4th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS 2018). doi:10.5220/0006708401780186
Peer reviewed

MITSEVA, A., PANCHENKO, A., & ENGEL, T. (2018). The State of Affairs in BGP Security: A Survey of Attacks and Defenses. Computer Communications. doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2018.04.013
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Xu, T. A., ADAMSKY, F., TURCANU, I., Soua, R., Köbel, C., ENGEL, T., & Baiocchi, A. (2018). Poster: Performance Evaluation of an Open-Source Audio-Video Bridging/Time-Sensitive Networking Testbed for Automotive Ethernet [Poster presentation]. IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC) 2018. doi:10.1109/VNC.2018.8628414

SOUA, R., TURCANU, I., ADAMSKY, F., Führer, D., & ENGEL, T. (2018). Multi-Access Edge Computing for Vehicular Networks: a Position Paper. In 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Workshops: Vehicular Networking and Intelligent Transportation Systems. doi:10.1109/GLOCOMW.2018.8644392
Peer reviewed

Lopez Perez, R., ADAMSKY, F., SOUA, R., & ENGEL, T. (2018). Machine Learning for Reliable Network Attack Detection in SCADA Systems. In 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications (IEEE TrustCom-18).
Peer reviewed

FAYE, S., JAFARNEJAD, S., COSTAMAGNA, J., CASTIGNANI, G., & ENGEL, T. (27 November 2017). Poster: Characterizing Driving Behaviors Through a Car Simulation Platform [Poster presentation]. 2017 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), Turin, Italy.

FAYE, S., CANTELMO, G., TAHIROU, I., DERRMANN, T., VITI, F., & ENGEL, T. (2017). Demo: MAMBA: A Platform for Personalised Multimodal Trip Planning.

PANCHENKO, A., MITSEVA, A., Henze, M., LANZE, F., Wehrle, K., & ENGEL, T. (2017). Analysis of Fingerprinting Techniques for Tor Hidden Services. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS) 16th Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (ACM WPES 2017).
Peer reviewed

BRONZI, W., FAYE, S., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (October 2017). Characterizing Driving Environments Through Bluetooth Discovery [Paper presentation]. The 8th International Conference on ICT Convergence - ICTC 2017.

DERRMANN, T., FRANK, R., VITI, F., & ENGEL, T. (2017). Estimating Urban Road Traffic States Using Mobile Network Signaling Data. Abstract book of the 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Peer reviewed

DI MAIO, A., SOUA, R., Palattella, M. R., ENGEL, T., & Rizzo, G. (2017). A centralized approach for setting floating content parameters in VANETs. In A centralized approach for setting floating content parameters in VANETs. doi:10.1109/CCNC.2017.7983220
Peer reviewed

DERRMANN, T., FRANK, R., ENGEL, T., & VITI, F. (2017). How Mobile Phone Handovers reflect Urban Mobility: A Simulation Study. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems. doi:10.1109/MTITS.2017.8005721
Peer reviewed

Radhakrishnan, I., SOUA, R., PALATTELLA, M. R., & ENGEL, T. (2017). An Efficient Service Channel Allocation Scheme in SDN-enabled VANETs. In An Efficient Service Channel Allocation Scheme in SDN-enabled VANETs. doi:10.1109/MedHocNet.2017.8001644
Peer reviewed

Duarte, J., Kalogeiton, E., SOUA, R., Manzo, G., Palattella, M. R., DI MAIO, A., Braun, T., ENGEL, T., Villas, L., & Rizzo, G. (2017). A Multi-Pronged Approach to Adaptive and Context Aware Content Dissemination in VANETs. Mobile Networks and Applications, 1-13. doi:10.1007/s11036-017-0816-y
Peer reviewed

JAFARNEJAD, S., CASTIGNANI, G., & ENGEL, T. (2017). Towards a Real-Time Driver Identification Mechanism Based on Driving Sensing Data. In 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) (pp. 7).
Peer reviewed

Manzo, G., SOUA, R., DI MAIO, A., ENGEL, T., Palattella, M. R., & Rizzo, G. (2017). Coordination Mechanisms for Floating Content in Realistic Vehicular Scenario. In Coordination Mechanisms for Floating Content in Realistic Vehicular Scenario.
Peer reviewed

FAYE, S., LOUVETON, N., JAFARNEJAD, S., Kryvchenko, R., & ENGEL, T. (2017). An Open Dataset for Human Activity Analysis using Smart Devices.

FAYE, S., BRONZI, W., TAHIROU, I., & ENGEL, T. (2017). Characterizing User Mobility Using Mobile Sensing Systems. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 13 (8). doi:10.1177/1550147717726310
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CASTIGNANI, G., DERRMANN, T., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2017). Smartphone-based Adaptive Driving Maneuver Detection: A large-scale Evaluation Study. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. doi:10.1109/TITS.2016.2646760
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DERRMANN, T., FAYE, S., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (08 December 2016). Poster: LuST-LTE: A Simulation Package for Pervasive Vehicular Connectivity [Poster presentation]. IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC) 2016, Columbus, Ohio, United States.

DI MAIO, A., PALATTELLA, M. R., SOUA, R., LAMORTE, L., Vilajosana, X., Alonso-Zarate, J., & ENGEL, T. (06 December 2016). Enabling SDN in VANETs: What is the Impact on Security? Sensors, 16 (12), 2077. doi:10.3390/s16122077
Peer reviewed

BRONZI, W., DERRMANN, T., CASTIGNANI, G., & ENGEL, T. (2016). Towards Characterizing Bluetooth Discovery in a Vehicular Context. In Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 2016 IEEE.
Peer reviewed

FAYE, S., TAHIROU, I., & ENGEL, T. (2016). Demo Abstract: Human Mobility Profiling Using Privacy-Friendly Wi-Fi and Activity Traces. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2016). doi:10.1145/2994551.2996530
Peer reviewed

FAYE, S., & ENGEL, T. (2016). Understanding User Daily Mobility Using Mobile and Wearable Sensing Systems. In Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Information and Communications Technology Convergence - ICTC 2016. doi:10.1109/ICTC.2016.7763503
Peer reviewed

MITSEVA, A., PANCHENKO, A., Lanze, F., Henze, M., Wehrle, K., & ENGEL, T. (October 2016). POSTER: Fingerprinting Tor Hidden Services [Poster presentation]. 23rd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Vienna, Austria.

SOUA, R., Kalogeiton, E., Manzo, G., Duarte, J. M., PALATTELLA, M. R., DI MAIO, A., Braun, T., ENGEL, T., Villas, L. A., & Rizzo, G. A. (2016). SDN coordination for CCN and FC content dissemination in VANETs. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks (ADHOCNETS), Ottawa, ON, Canada (pp. 26-27). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-51204-4_18
Peer reviewed

FAYE, S., LOUVETON, N., GHEORGHE, G., & ENGEL, T. (September 2016). A Two-Level Approach to Characterizing Human Activities from Wearable Sensor Data. Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, Ubiquitous Computing, and Dependable Applications, 7 (3).
Peer reviewed

DERRMANN, T., FRANK, R., FAYE, S., CASTIGNANI, G., & ENGEL, T. (2016). Towards Privacy-Neutral Travel Time Estimation from Mobile Phone Signalling Data. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2). doi:10.1109/ISC2.2016.07580735
Peer reviewed

GHEORGHE, G., LOUVETON, N., Martin, B., Viraize, B., Mougin, L., FAYE, S., & ENGEL, T. (2016). Heat is in the Eye of the Beholder: Towards Better Authenticating on Smartglasses. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI'16). doi:10.1109/HSI.2016.7529679
Peer reviewed

Pecci, I., Martin, B., Kacem, I., Maamria, I., FAYE, S., LOUVETON, N., GHEORGHE, G., & ENGEL, T. (2016). Not a Tile Out of Place: Toward Creating Context-Dependent User Interfaces on Smartglasses. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI'16). doi:10.1109/HSI.2016.7529680
Peer reviewed

DERRMANN, T., FAYE, S., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (30 June 2016). LuST-LTE: A Simulation Package for Pervasive Vehicular Connectivity [Paper presentation]. Mobile Tartu 2016, Tartu, Estonia.

FAYE, S., LOUVETON, N., GHEORGHE, G., & ENGEL, T. (2016). Toward a Characterization of Human Activities using Smart Devices: A Micro/Macro Approach. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE INFOCOM International Workshop on Mobility Management in the Networks of the Future World. doi:10.1109/INFCOMW.2016.7562162
Peer reviewed

Rizzo, G., PALATTELLA, M. R., Braun, T., & ENGEL, T. (2016). Content and Context Aware Strategies for QoS Support in VANETs. In Proc. of Int. Conf. on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2016).
Peer reviewed

PANCHENKO, A., LANZE, F., Zinnen, A., Henze, M., Pennekamp, J., Wehrle, K., & ENGEL, T. (2016). Website Fingerprinting at Internet Scale. In Proceedings of the 23rd Internet Society (ISOC) Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS 2016).
Peer reviewed

PALATTELLA, M. R., Dohler, M., Grieco, L. A., Rizzo, G., Torsen, J., ENGEL, T., & LADID, L. (2016). Internet of Things in the 5G Era: Enablers, Architecture and Business Models. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas In Communications. doi:10.1109/JSAC.2016.2525418
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

DOLBERG, L., François, J., Chowdhury, S. R., Ahmed, R., Boutaba, R., & ENGEL, T. (2016). A Generic Framework to Support Application-Level Flow Management in Software-Defined Networks. In Conference on Network Softwarization (Netsoft).
Peer reviewed

GOTTMANN, S., NACHTIGALL, N., Ermel, C., Hermann, F., & ENGEL, T. (2016). Towards the Propagation of Model Updates along different Views in Multi-View Models. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations, 1571, 45-60.
Peer reviewed

CODECA, L., FRANK, R., FAYE, S., & ENGEL, T. (2016). Luxembourg SUMO Traffic (LuST) Scenario: Traffic Demand Evaluation. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. doi:10.1109/MITS.2017.2666585
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LOUVETON, N., MCCALL, R., KOENIG, V., AVANESOV, T., & ENGEL, T. (2016). Driving while using a smartphone-based mobility application: Evaluating the impact of three multi-choice user interfaces on visual-manual distraction. Applied Ergonomics, 54, 196-204. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2015.11.012
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Berendt, B., ENGEL, T., Ikonomou, D., Le Métayer, D., & SCHIFFNER, S. (Eds.). (2016). Privacy Technologies and Policy: Third Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2015, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, October 7-8, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-31456-3

Piro, G., SIGNORELLO, S., PALATTELLA, M. R., Grieco, L. A., Boggia, G., & ENGEL, T. (2016). Understanding the Social impact of ICN: between myth and reality. AI & Society: Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication. doi:10.1007/s00146-016-0649-4
Peer reviewed

CODECA, L., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2015). Luxembourg SUMO Traffic (LuST) Scenario: 24 Hours of Mobility for Vehicular Networking Research. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (pp. 1-8).
Peer reviewed

JAFARNEJAD, S., CODECA, L., BRONZI, W., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2015). A Car Hacking Experiment: When Connectivity meets Vulnerability. In Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 2015 IEEE. IEEE. doi:10.1109/GLOCOMW.2015.7413993
Peer reviewed

CASTIGNANI, G., DERRMANN, T., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (24 November 2015). Validation study of risky event classification using driving pattern factors [Paper presentation]. Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux (SCVT), 2015 IEEE Symposium on, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. doi:10.1109/SCVT.2015.7374228

FAYE, S., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2015). Adaptive Activity and Context Recognition using Multimodal Sensors in Smart Devices. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering - Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-29003-4_3
Peer reviewed

FAYE, S., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2015). SWIPE: Monitoring Human Dynamics using Smart Devices. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services (MobiCASE '15).
Peer reviewed

McCall, R., KOENIG, V., MARTIN, R., & ENGEL, T. (2015). Changing Mobility Behaviour through Recommendations. In Proceedings of the ACM Recsys CrowdRec Workshop 2015.
Peer reviewed

ÖSTLUND, S., PANCHENKO, A., & ENGEL, T. (2015). A study on ethical aspects and legal issues in e-learning. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on E-Learning (e-Learning'15) (pp. 286-292).
Peer reviewed

BRONZI, W., FRANK, R., CASTIGNANI, G., & ENGEL, T. (2015). Bluetooth Low Energy performance and robustness analysis for Inter-Vehicular Communications. Ad Hoc Networks. doi:10.1016/j.adhoc.2015.08.007
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LANZE, F., PANCHENKO, A., & ENGEL, T. (2015). A Formalization of Fingerprinting Techniques. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Recent Advances of Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE RATSP 2015), held in conjunction with IEEE TrustCom 2015 (pp. 818-825).
Peer reviewed

MCCALL, R., POPLETEEV, A., Martin, B., LOUVETON, N., & ENGEL, T. (2015). Text entry on smart glasses A comparison of two input techniques. In 8th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI'2015).
Peer reviewed

CODECA, L., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (07 May 2015). LuST: a 24-hour Scenario of Luxembourg City for SUMO Traffic simulations [Paper presentation]. SUMO User Conference 2015 - Intermodal Simulation for Intermodal Transport, Berlin, Germany.

Avanesov, T., GHEORGHE, G., PALATTELLA, M. R., KANTOR, M., Popoviciu, C., & ENGEL, T. (2015). Network troubleshooting with SDN-RADAR (demo paper). In Proc. of IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM).
Peer reviewed

DERRMANN, T., FRANK, R., MELAKESSOU, F., CASTIGNANI, G., & ENGEL, T. (08 April 2015). A Cell Dwell Time Model for Synthetic Population Generation from Call Detail Records [Paper presentation]. Netmob'15, the main conference on the scientific analysis of mobile phone datasets, Boston, United States.

MELAKESSOU, F., DERRMANN, T., FRANK, R., CASTIGNANI, G., & ENGEL, T. (08 April 2015). Detection of Population Mobility Anomalies in Senegal from Base Station Profiles [Paper presentation]. Netmob'15, the main conference on the scientific analysis of mobile phone datasets, Boston, United States.

GHEORGHE, G., Avanesov, T., PALATTELLA, M. R., ENGEL, T., & Popoviciu, C. (2015). SDN-RADAR: Network troubleshooting combining user experience and SDN capabilities. In Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Network Softwarization (NetSoft).
Peer reviewed

Mouton, M., Castignani, G., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (April 2015). Enabling vehicular mobility in city-wide IEEE 802.11 networks through predictive handovers. Vehicular Communications, 2 (2), 59-69. doi:10.1016/j.vehcom.2015.02.001
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CASTIGNANI, G., DERRMANN, T., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (19 January 2015). Driver Behavior Profiling Using Smartphones: A Low-Cost Platform for Driver Monitoring. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 7 (1), 91-102. doi:10.1109/MITS.2014.2328673
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

PALATTELLA, M. R., Watteyne, T., Wang, Q., Muraoka, K., Accettura, N., Dujovne, D., Grieco, L. A., & ENGEL, T. (2015). On-the-Fly Bandwidth Reservation for 6TiSCH Wireless Industrial Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal. doi:10.1109/JSEN.2015.2480886
Peer reviewed

Thubert, P., PALATTELLA, M. R., & ENGEL, T. (2015). 6TiSCH Centralized Scheduling: when SDN Meet IoT. In Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Standards for Communications & Networking (CSCN’15).
Peer reviewed

GHEORGHE, G., & ENGEL, T. (2015). Towards Reinventing Online Privacy. In B. Berendt, T. ENGEL, D. Ikonomou, D. Le Métayer, ... S. Schiffner (Eds.), LNCS - Annual Privacy Forum 2015 - Bridging the gap between research and policy. Springer.
Peer reviewed

LANZE, F., PANCHENKO, A., Ponce-Alcaide, I., & ENGEL, T. (2015). Hacker’s Toolbox: Detecting Software-Based 802.11 Evil Twin Access Points. In Proceedings of the 12th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2015).
Peer reviewed

BRONZI, W., FRANK, R., CASTIGNANI, G., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Bluetooth Low Energy for Inter-Vehicular Communications. In 2014 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC).
Peer reviewed

MARCHAL, S., FRANÇOIS, J., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (December 2014). PhishStorm: Detecting Phishing With Streaming Analytics. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 11 (December), 458-471. doi:10.1109/TNSM.2014.2377295
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MARCHAL, S., FRANÇOIS, J., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2014). PhishScore: Hacking Phishers' Minds. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Network and Service Management, 46-54. doi:10.1109/CNSM.2014.7014140
Peer reviewed

FORSTER, M., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2014). An Event-Driven Inter-Vehicle Communication Protocol to Attenuate Vehicular Shock Waves. In International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Expo (pp. 6). doi:10.1109/ICCVE.2014.7297607
Peer reviewed

MELAKESSOU, F., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Scilab Modelling and Simulation of Communication Networks: Car Traffic Analysis in Luxembourg. Abstract book of 30th International CAE Conference, CAE'14.

AFSHARI, S., POPLETEEV, A., MCCALL, R., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Magnetic Interaction with Devices: A Pilot Study on Mobile Gaming. In Proceedings of NordiCHI '14, October 26 - 30 2014, Helsinki, Finland (pp. 891-894). doi:10.1145/2639189.2670186
Peer reviewed

CODECA, L., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Traffic Routing in Urban Environments: the Impact of Partial Information. In Proceedings of 17th Internatonal IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. doi:10.1109/ITSC.2014.6958092
Peer reviewed

KRACHEEL, M., MCCALL, R., KOENIG, V., ENGEL, T., & MARTIN, R. (30 September 2014). Incentives and gaming environments for changing commuter behaviour [Paper presentation]. European Transport Conference, Frankfurt, Germany.

MELAKESSOU, F., PALATTELLA, M. R., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Towards a New Way of Reliable Routing: Multiple Paths over ARCs. In Towards a New Way of Reliable Routing: Multiple Paths over ARCs. doi:10.1109/ICACCI.2014.6968237
Peer reviewed

LANZE, F., PANCHENKO, A., Ponce-Alcaide, I., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Undesired Relatives: Protection Mechanisms Against The Evil Twin Attack in IEEE 802.11. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks.
Peer reviewed

MARCHAL, S., Jiang, X., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2014). A Big Data Architecture for Large Scale Security Monitoring. In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Congress on Big Data (pp. 56-63). IEEE. doi:10.1109/BigData.Congress.2014.18
Peer reviewed

HERMANN, F., GOTTMANN, S., NACHTIGALL, N., Ehrig, H., BRAATZ, B., Morelli, G., Pierre, A., ENGEL, T., & Ermel, C. (2014). Triple Graph Grammars in the Large for Translating Satellite Procedures - Extended Version. (TR-SnT-2014-7). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: SnT.

HERMANN, F., GOTTMANN, S., NACHTIGALL, N., Ehrig, H., BRAATZ, B., Morelli, G., Pierre, A., ENGEL, T., & Ermel, C. (2014). Triple Graph Grammars in the Large for Translating Satellite Procedures. In Theory and Practice of Model Transformations (pp. 122-137). Springer.
Peer reviewed

JEROME, Q., ALLIX, K., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Using opcode-sequences to detect malicious Android applications. In IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2014, Sydney Australia, June 10-14, 2014. Sydney, Australia: IEEE. doi:10.1109/ICC.2014.6883436
Peer reviewed

MELAKESSOU, F., & ENGEL, T. (15 May 2014). Network Analysis and Routing eVALuation V3.0 [Paper presentation]. Scilabtec 2014, Paris, France.

FRANK, R., BRONZI, W., CASTIGNANI, G., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Bluetooth Low Energy: An Alternative Technology for VANET Applications. In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE/IFIP Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services. doi:10.1109/WONS.2014.6814729
Peer reviewed

HERMANN, F., HOMMES, S., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Correctness of source code extension for fault detection in openflow based networks. (TR-SnT-2014-2). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: SnT.

CODECA, L., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Improving Traffic in Urban Environments. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

FRANK, R., FORSTER, M., Sommer, C., Kargl, F., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Proceedings of the 2nd GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Inter-Vehicle Communication (FG-IVC 2014). (R-SnT-2014-4). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg.

FRANK, R., WEITZ, H., CASTIGNANI, G., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Collaborative Traffic Sensing: A Case Study of a Mobile Phone Based Traffic Management System. In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC'14).
Peer reviewed

FORSTER, M., FRANK, R., Gerla, M., & ENGEL, T. (2014). A Cooperative Advanced Driver Assistance System to Mitigate Vehicular Traffic Shock Waves. In IEEE INFOCOM 2014 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (pp. 1968-1976).
Peer reviewed

POPLETEEV, A., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Device-Free Indoor Localization Based on Ambient FM Radio Signals. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, 6 (January-March), 35-44. doi:10.4018/ijaci.2014010103
Peer reviewed

TANTAR, E., PALATTELLA, M. R., AVANESOV, T., KANTOR, M., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Cognition: a tool for reinforcing security in Software Defined Netwks. In A.-A. TANTAR, E. TANTAR, S. Jian-Qiao, W. Zhang, Q. Ding, O. Schütze, M. Emmerich, P. Legrand, P. Del Moral, ... C. Coello Coello (Eds.), EVOLVE - A Bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics, and Evolutionary Computation V (pp. 61-78). Springer.
Peer reviewed

PALATTELLA, M. R., Thubert, P., Vilajosana, X., Watteybe, T., Wang, Q., & ENGEL, T. (2014). 6TiSCH Wireless Industrial Networks: Determinism meet IPv6. In Internet of Things: Challenges and Opportunities. Lecture series of Smart Sensors, Measurements, and Instrumentation. vol 9. Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay (Ed.) Springer-Verlag.
Peer reviewed

HERMANN, F., NACHTIGALL, N., BRAATZ, B., ENGEL, T., & GOTTMANN, S. (2014). Solving the FIXML2Code-case Study with HenshinTGG. In L. M. Rose, C. Krause, ... T. Horn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Transformation Tool Contest - part of the Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2014) federation of conferences (pp. 32-46).
Peer reviewed

HOMMES, S., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Implications and Detection of DoS Attacks in OpenFlow-based Networks. In 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference (pp. 537-543). doi:10.1109/GLOCOM.2014.7036863
Peer reviewed

NACHTIGALL, N., HERMANN, F., BRAATZ, B., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Towards Domain Completeness for Model Transformations Based on Triple Graph Grammars. In M. Amrani, E. Syriani, ... M. Wimmer (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Verification of Model Transformations - co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2014) (pp. 46-55).
Peer reviewed

LANZE, F., PANCHENKO, A., BRAATZ, B., & ENGEL, T. (2014). Letting the Puss in Boots Sweat: Detecting Fake Access Points using Dependency of Clock Skews on Temperature. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2014).
Peer reviewed

CASTIGNANI, G., Monetti, J., Montavont, N., Arcia-Moret, A., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2013). A Study of Urban IEEE 802.11 Hotspot Networks: Towards a Community Access Network. In A Study of Urban IEEE 802.11 Hotspot Networks: Towards a Community Access Network (pp. 8).
Peer reviewed

MOUTON, M., CASTIGNANI, G., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (November 2013). MROAD: Scanning-free Model-Based Roaming for 802.11 Networks Under Vehicular Mobility [Paper presentation]. IFIP Wireless Days conference.

DOLBERG, L., FRANÇOIS, J., & ENGEL, T. (2013). Multi-dimensional Aggregation for DNS Monitoring'. Proceedings of the 26th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA 12). doi:10.1109/LCN.2013.6761271
Peer reviewed

CODECA, L., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2013). Improving Traffic in Urban Environments applying the Wardrop Equilibrium. In Improving Traffic in Urban Environments applying the Wardrop Equilibrium.
Peer reviewed

KRACHEEL, M., MCCALL, R., KOENIG, V., & ENGEL, T. (2013). Driver diaries: a multimodal mobility behaviour logging methodology. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications. doi:10.1145/2516540.2516573
Peer reviewed

CASTIGNANI, G., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2013). Driver Behavior Profiling using Smartphones. In Driver Behavior Profiling using Smartphones. doi:10.1109/ITSC.2013.6728289
Peer reviewed

CASTIGNANI, G., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2013). An Evaluation Study of Driver Profiling Fuzzy Algorithms using Smartphones. In An Evaluation Study of Driver Profiling Fuzzy Algorithms using Smartphones (pp. 6).
Peer reviewed

GOERGEN, D., Mendiratta, V., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2013). Identifying abnormal pattern in cellular communication flows. In Proceedings of IPTComm 2013. ACM. doi:10.1145/2554666.2554671
Peer reviewed

HOMMES, S., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2013). Classification of Log Files with Limited Labeled Data. In Proceedings of IPTComm 2013. doi:10.1145/2554666.2554668
Peer reviewed

HOMMES, S., HERMANN, F., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2013). Automated Source Code Extension for Debugging of OpenFlow based Networks. In Proc. 9th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) (pp. 105-108). doi:10.1109/CNSM.2013.6727816
Peer reviewed

JEROME, Q., MARCHAL, S., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2013). Advanced Detection Tool for PDF Threats. In Proceedings of the sixth International Workshop on Autonomous and Spontaneous Security, RHUL, Egham, U.K., 12th-13th September 2013. Springer.
Peer reviewed

MELAKESSOU, F., & ENGEL, T. (2013). Path Extension Analysis of Peer-to-Peer Communications in 6LoWPAN/RPL Sensor Networks. Abstract book of 21st International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, MASCOTS’13. doi:10.1109/MASCOTS.2013.40

GOERGEN, D., CHOLEZ, T., FRANÇOIS, J., & ENGEL, T. (2013). A semantic firewall for Content Centric Networking. In IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (pp. 478 - 484).
Peer reviewed

MOUTON, M., CASTIGNANI, G., FRANK, R., CODECA, L., & ENGEL, T. (February 2013). On the Evaluation of Make-Before-Break Handovers in Urban WiFi Networks for Moving Vehicles [Paper presentation]. Proceedings of IEEE WONS 2013 10th International Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services.

GOTTMANN, S., HERMANN, F., NACHTIGALL, N., Benjamin, B., Ermel, C., Ehrig, H., & ENGEL, T. (2013). Correctness and Completeness of Generalised Concurrent Model Synchronisation Based on Triple Graph Grammars. In B. Baudry, J. Dingel, L. Lucio, ... H. Vangheluwe (Eds.), Proc. Int. Workshop on Analysis of Model Transformations 2013 (AMT'13).
Peer reviewed

FORSTER, M., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2013). A Study on Highway Traffic Flow Optimization using Partial Velocity Synchronization. Proceedings of the 1st GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Inter-Vehicle Communication (FG-IVC 2013) Technical Report CCS-2013-01, 19-22.

HERMANN, F., GOTTMANN, S., NACHTIGALL, N., BRAATZ, B., Morelli, G., Pierre, A., & ENGEL, T. (2013). On an Automated Translation of Satellite Procedures Using Triple Graph Grammars. In K. Duddy & G. Kappel (Eds.), Theory and Practice of Model Transformations (pp. 50-51). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-38883-5_4
Peer reviewed

NACHTIGALL, N., BRAATZ, B., & ENGEL, T. (2013). Symbolic Execution of Satellite Control Procedures in Graph-Transformation-Based EMF Ecosystems. In F. Boulanger, M. Famelis, ... D. Ratiu (Eds.), MoDeVVa@MoDELS (pp. 61-66).
Peer reviewed

PALATTELLA, M. R., Accettura, N., Grieco, L. A., Boggia, G., Dohler, M., & ENGEL, T. (2013). On Optimal Scheduling in Duty-Cycled IoT Industrial Applications using IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH. IEEE Sensors Journal, 13 (10), 3655 - 3666. doi:10.1109/JSEN.2013.2266417
Peer reviewed

GOERGEN, D., CHOLEZ, T., FRANÇOIS, J., & ENGEL, T. (2013). Security monitoring for Content Centric Networking. In Data Privacy Management and Autonomous Spontaneous Security (pp. 274-286). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35890-6_20
Peer reviewed

Kovacheva, A., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2013). LuxTraffic: A Collaborative Traffic Sensing System. In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Workshop on Local & Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN'13).
Peer reviewed

WAGNER, C., FRANÇOIS, J., STATE, R., DULAUNOY, A., ENGEL, T., & Massen, G. (2013). ASMATRA: Ranking ASs Providing Transit Service to Malware Hosters. IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management IM2013, 1-9.
Peer reviewed

GOTTMANN, S., HERMANN, F., Ermel, C., ENGEL, T., & Morelli, G. (2013). Towards Bidirectional Engineering of Satellite Control Procedures Using Triple Graph Grammars. In C. Jacquet, D. Balasubramanian, E. Jones, ... Mészáros (Eds.), Proc. Int. Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling 2013 (MPM'13).
Peer reviewed

LOUVETON, N., MCCALL, R., AVANESOV, T., KOENIG, V., & ENGEL, T. (2013). Assessing In-Vehicle Information Systems application in the car: a versatile tool and unified testing platform. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications. New York, United States: ACM. doi:10.1145/2516540.2516576
Peer reviewed

HERMANN, F., Ehrig, H., Orejas, F., Czarnecki, K., Diskin, Z., Xiong, Y., GOTTMANN, S., & ENGEL, T. (2013). Model synchronization based on triple graph grammars: correctness, completeness and invertibility. Software and Systems Modeling. doi:10.1007/s10270-012-0309-1
Peer reviewed

MARCHAL, S., FRANÇOIS, J., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2012). Semantic based DNS Forensics. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (pp. 91 - 96). IEEE. doi:10.1109/WIFS.2012.6412631
Peer reviewed

MARCHAL, S., FRANÇOIS, J., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2012). Proactive Discovery of Phishing Related Domain Names. In Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses, Amsterdam 12-14 September 2012 (pp. 190-209). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33338-5_10
Peer reviewed

MARCHAL, S., & ENGEL, T. (2012). Large Scale DNS Analysis. In 6th IFIP WG 6.6 International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management, and Security, Luxembourg, June 4-8 2012 (pp. 151-154). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-30633-4_20
Peer reviewed

MARCHAL, S., FRANÇOIS, J., WAGNER, C., & ENGEL, T. (2012). Semantic Exploration of DNS. In Proceedings of the 11th International IFIP TC 6 Networking Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, May 21-25 2012 (pp. 370-384). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Peer reviewed

MARCHAL, S., FRANÇOIS, J., WAGNER, C., STATE, R., DULAUNOY, A., ENGEL, T., & Festor, O. (2012). DNSSM: A large-scale Passive DNS Security Monitoring Framework. IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 988 - 993. doi:10.1109/NOMS.2012.6212019
Peer reviewed

HOMMES, S., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2012). A Distance-Based Method to Detect Anomalous Attributes in Log Files. In Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP NOMS 2012 (pp. 498-501). doi:10.1109/NOMS.2012.6211940
Peer reviewed

RIES, T., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2012). Instant Degradation of Anonymity in Low-Latency Anonymisation Systems. In R. Sadre, J. Novotny, P. Celeda, M. Waldburger, ... B. Stiller (Eds.), Dependable Networks and Services, LNCS 7279 (pp. 98-108). Heidelberg.
Peer reviewed

FRANK, R., FORSTER, M., Mario, G., & ENGEL, T. (2012). A Survey on the Performance of Commercial Mobile Access Networks. University of Luxembourg.

FORSTER, M., FRANK, R., & ENGEL, T. (2012). Evaluation of Sensors in Modern Smartphones for Vehicular Traffic Monitoring. University of Luxembourg.

FRANK, R., MOUTON, M., & ENGEL, T. (2012). Towards Collaborative Traffic Sensing using Mobile Phones. In Proceedings of the IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference 2012 (pp. 15-20). IEEE.
Peer reviewed

FORSTER, M., FRANK, R., Gerla, M., & ENGEL, T. (2012). Improving Highway Traffic through Partial Velocity Synchronization. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference 2012 (pp. 5795-5800). doi:10.1109/GLOCOM.2012.6504008
Peer reviewed

PANCHENKO, A., LANZE, F., & ENGEL, T. (2012). Improving Performance and Anonymity in the Tor Network. Abstract book of 31st IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IEEE IPCCC 2012). doi:10.1109/PCCC.2012.6407715
Peer reviewed

MELAKESSOU, F., & ENGEL, T. (2012). NARVAL SCILAB TOOLBOX: Network Analysis and Routing eVALuation. Abstract book of 2012 International Workshop on Scilab & OW2 (IWSO), 1-18.

HOMMES, S., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2012). Detecting Stealthy Backdoors with Association Rule Mining. In IFIP Networking 2012 (pp. 161-171). Springer.
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RIES, T., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2011). Measuring anonymity using network coordinate systems. In International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT), 2011 (pp. 366-371). doi:10.1109/ISCIT.2011.6089954
Peer reviewed

RIES, T., FUSENIG, V., VILBOIS, C., & ENGEL, T. (2011). Verification of Data Location in Cloud Networking. In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (pp. 439-444). doi:10.1109/UCC.2011.72
Peer reviewed

PANCHENKO, A., Niessen, L., ZINNEN, A., & ENGEL, T. (2011). Website Fingerprinting in Onion Routing Based Anonymization Networks. In 18th ACM Computer and Communications Security (ACM CCS) Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES). ACM Press.
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PANCHENKO, A., Spaniol, O., Egners, A., & ENGEL, T. (2011). Lightweight Hidden Services. In 10th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom 2011). IEEE Computer Society. doi:10.1109/TrustCom.2011.69
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FRANK, R., Giordano, E., Gerla, M., & ENGEL, T. (2011). Performance Bound for Routing in Urban Scenarios. In Proceedings of the 7th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC 2011) (pp. 38-45). doi:10.1145/2089016.2089023
Peer reviewed

RIES, T., PANCHENKO, A., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2011). Comparison of Low-Latency Anonymous Communication Systems - Practical Usage and Performance. In Ninth Australasian Information Security Conference (pp. 77-86). ACS.
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HOMMES, S., STATE, R., ZINNEN, A., & ENGEL, T. (2011). Detection of Abnormal Behaviour in a Surveillance Environment Using Control Charts. In 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, 2011 (pp. 113-118). doi:10.1109/AVSS.2011.6027304
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BECKER, S., Abdelnur, H. J., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2010). An Autonomic Testing Framework for IPv6 Configuration Protocols. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6155 (pp. 65 - 76). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-13986-4_7
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Brandt, C., HERMANN, F., & ENGEL, T. (2009). Security and Consistency of IT and Business Models at Credit Suisse realized by Graph Constraints, Transformation and Integration using Algebraic Graph Theory. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Exploring Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design 2009 (EMMSAD'09) (pp. 339-352). Heidelberg, Unknown/unspecified: Springer Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-01862-6_28
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Brandt, C., HERMANN, F., & ENGEL, T. (2009). Modeling and Reconfiguration of critical Business Processes for the purpose of a Business Continuity Management respecting Security Risk and Compliance requirements at Credit Suisse using Algebraic Graph Transformation. In Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops, 2009. EDOCW 2009. 13th, Proc. International Workshop on Dynamic and Declarative Business Processes (DDBP 2009) (pp. 64-71). United States: IEEE. doi:10.1109/EDOCW.2009.5332015
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FRANK, R., Hourte, B., Jungels, D., & ENGEL, T. (2009). Interoperable Networking Applications for Emergency Services. International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 4 (1), 11–22.
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FUSENIG, V., STAAB, E., SORGER, U., & ENGEL, T. (2009). Slotted Packet Counting Attacks on Anonymity Protocols. In The proceedings of the Australasian Information Security Conference (pp. 53-59). Australian Computer Society.
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BECKER, S., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2009). Defensive configuration with game theory. The 11th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management. doi:10.1109/INM.2009.5188848
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BECKER, S., STATE, R., & ENGEL, T. (2009). Using Game Theory to configure P2P SIP. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. doi:10.1145/1595637.1595645
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FRANK, R., SCHERER, T., & ENGEL, T. (2008). Tree Based Flooding Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Broadband Communications, Information Technology & Biomedical Applications (pp. 318–323). IEEE. doi:10.1109/BROADCOM.2008.8
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FRANK, R., SCHERER, T., & ENGEL, T. (2008). Emergency Group Calls over Interoperable Networks. In Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (pp. 349–354). IEEE. doi:10.1109/CSEW.2008.45
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FUSENIG, V., STAAB, E., SORGER, U., & ENGEL, T. (2008). Unlinkable Communication. In Privacy, Security and Trust, 2008. PST '08. Sixth Annual Conference on (pp. 51-55). IEEE Society. doi:10.1109/PST.2008.8
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FRANK, R., SCHERER, T., Simon, C., & ENGEL, T. (2007). A Governmental Vision on Public Safety Group Calls and Object Tracing. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Disaster Recovery And Relief, Current & Future Approaches. Hydrographic Institute of the Republic of Croatia.
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