Article (Scientific journals)
Physical activity and dietary intake of children aged 9-11 years and the influence of peers on these behaviours: a one-year follow-up.
Coppinger, Tara; Jeanes, Yvonne; Dabinett, Jacqueline et al.
2010In European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 64 (8), p. 776-781
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
activity; diet; peers; youth; longitudinal
Abstract :
[en] Background: This study investigated physical activity and dietary intake of children aged 9–11 years, and the influence of peers on these behaviours over a 2-year period. Methods: A total of 106 (64 girls; 42 boys) children were investigated annually, over 2 years. Measures included physical activity (sealed pedometer), self-report measures of dietary intake and physical activity, and a peer influence questionnaire. Anthropometric measures of height and weight were also obtained. Results: The findings reveal insufficient energy intakes, physical activity levels and fruit and vegetable consumption but high intakes of saturated fat and sodium, over time, in both boys and girls. Both male calcium and female iron intakes were also of concern. Throughout the survey, peers were found to influence physical activity behaviour but not dietary intake. Conclusions: The fact that youth consistently failed to meet established nutrition and physical activity recommendations highlights the importance of promoting physical activity and healthy eating to children younger than 9 years of age. The finding that peers significantly influence physical activity behaviour over time should be considered when designing new physical activity interventions aimed at young people.
Disciplines :
Animal psychology, ethology & psychobiology
Treatment & clinical psychology
Theoretical & cognitive psychology
Neurosciences & behavior
Identifiers :
Author, co-author :
Coppinger, Tara;  Roehampton University, UK
Jeanes, Yvonne;  Roehampton University, UK
Dabinett, Jacqueline;  Roehampton University, UK
Vögele, Claus  ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Integrative Research Unit: Social and Individual Development (INSIDE)
Reeves, Sue;  Roehampton University, UK
Language :
Title :
Physical activity and dietary intake of children aged 9-11 years and the influence of peers on these behaviours: a one-year follow-up.
Publication date :
Journal title :
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Publisher :
Nature Publishing Group, London, United Kingdom
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
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since 07 July 2013


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