Article (Scientific journals)
Joint Precoding and On-Board Beamforming for Multiple gateway Multibeam Satellite Systems
In pressIn IEEE Journal on Selected topic in Communication


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Keywords :
Multibeam satellite systems; Multipe gateway systems; On-board beamforming
Abstract :
[en] This paper aims to design joint precoding and onboard beamforming of a multiple gateway multibeam satellite system, either in a hybrid space-ground mode, or in a totally on-board one. In such an architecture, with employing high throughput full frequency reuse pattern over both user and feeder links, each gateway serves a cluster of adjacent beams such that the adjacent clusters are served through a set of gateways that are located at different geographical areas. However, such a system brings in two challenges to overcome. First, the interference in both user and feeder links is the bottleneck of the whole system and applying interference mitigation techniques becomes necessary. Second, as the data demand increases, the ground and space segments should employ extensive bandwidth resources in the feeder link accordingly. This entails embedding an extra number of gateways aiming to support a fair balance between the increasing demand and the corresponding required feeder link resources. To solve these problems, this study investigates the impact of employing a joint multiple gateway architecture and on-board beamforming scheme. It is shown that by properly designing the on-board beamforming scheme, the number of gateways can be kept affordable even if the data demand increases. Moreover, Zero Forcing (ZF) precoding techniques are considered to cope with the interference in both user and feeder links which embed in the following premises: (i) each gateway constructs a part of block ZF precoding matrix, (ii) the satellite and gateways perform the precoding scheme, and (iii) a joint design of ZF precoding and on-board beamforming at the payload of the satellite so that no signal processing scheme is conceived at the gateways. The provided simulation results depict the performance gain obtained by our proposed schemes.
Research center :
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) > SIGCOM
Disciplines :
Aerospace & aeronautics engineering
Author, co-author :
JOROUGHI, Vahid ;  University of Luxembourg > Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SNT)
External co-authors :
Language :
Title :
Joint Precoding and On-Board Beamforming for Multiple gateway Multibeam Satellite Systems
Publication date :
In press
Journal title :
IEEE Journal on Selected topic in Communication
Focus Area :
Security, Reliability and Trust
Name of the research project :
Available on ORBilu :
since 15 September 2017


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