Bachelor/master dissertation (Dissertations and theses)
TESMA : Requirements, Design and Implementation of a Teaching Specification, Management and Assessment tool
JAHIC, Benjamin


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Keywords :
Domain-specific language; teaching; education
Abstract :
[en] The definition and organisation of programs related to their courses of educational institutions is a very complex and exhaustive task. There is a demand for such a solution by the educational institutions, as they need a detailed program descriptions for students and instructors. This task gets even more complicated if these programs and courses needs to be certified according to some international learning standards. At the moment, the availability of such methods or tools is very limited, except for some ad-hoc guidelines, which are use by some few universities, e.g. the Cornell University. Most of the institutions (e.g. University of Luxembourg) allows the professor to us their own methods for specifying their courses. Hence, most of the institutions are sharing similar problems, but using their own defined methods (e.g. naming conventions for its programs). At an university, professors are working in various domains and using therefore their own methods for specifying their courses, which results often in an incomplete program and course description. Methods such as SWEBOK (Software Engineering Body of Knowledge) and CS2103 (Computer Science Curricula 2013) which are program certifications according to an international learning standard are almost not known and used. Thus, programs and courses from different institution cannot be compared, since there is no common structure and process for specifying them. In this master thesis, we present TESMA (Tool for Educational Specification Management and Assessment of teaching programs), a tool based on a domain-specific language, which is dedicated to the teaching domain, for specifying, managing, and assessing programs. The Messir (Scientific Approach to Requirements Engineering) development method has been used for defining the concept and the requirements of the tool. Our research concentrates on the domain-specific language (DSL) in order to define requirements and improving the quality of the DSL’s. We focus on the development of an intuitive and maintainable domain-specific language, usable by people coming from different domains, e.g. software engineers, natural sciences, social sciences, linguistic, and so on. This thesis describes the requirements, the concepts, the realisation, and implementation of the tool, which are based on a domainspecific language of high quality for specifying programs. The quality of our DSL is assessed by a complete used cases related to the University of Luxembourg.
Disciplines :
Computer science
Author, co-author :
JAHIC, Benjamin ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) > Department of Computer Science (DCS)
Language :
Title :
TESMA : Requirements, Design and Implementation of a Teaching Specification, Management and Assessment tool
Defense date :
01 September 2016
Number of pages :
Institution :
Unilu - University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Degree :
Master in Information and Computer Sciences
Available on ORBilu :
since 21 February 2017


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