Article (Scientific journals)
Exploring the significance of resource-rich views in science education
SIRY, Christina
2011In Cultural Studies of Science Education, 6 (4), p. 1019-1029


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Keywords :
science-related resources; resource-rich views; science education; difference; dialogue
Abstract :
[en] In a recently published article in Cultural Studies of Science Education (Volume 6, Issue 2) titled What does playing cards have to do with science? A resource-rich view of African American young men, Alfred Schademan (2011) examines the resources that African American young men learn through playing a card came called Spades. In his ethnographic study, he takes a resource-rich view of the players, highlights science-related resources demonstrated by the players, and challenges deficit notions of these young men. Three Forum response papers complement Schademan’s research. The first is written by Nancy Ares, the second is coauthored by Allison Gonsalves, Gale Seiler, and Dana Salter, and the third is written by Philemon Chigeza. All three of these response papers elaborate on his points and emphasize issues inherent in working towards resource-rich views in science education. In this paper, I draw on all four papers to explore the possibilities in recognizing, highlighting, and accepting the resources that students bring as being resources for science learning.
Disciplines :
Education & instruction
Author, co-author :
SIRY, Christina ;  University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education (FLSHASE) > Educational Measurement and Applied Cognitive Science (EMACS)
Language :
Title :
Exploring the significance of resource-rich views in science education
Publication date :
03 August 2011
Journal title :
Cultural Studies of Science Education
Publisher :
Springer Science & Business Media B.V.
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
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since 23 January 2014


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