

Main Referenced Co-authors
Main Referenced Keywords
Alexandros Svolos (1); Aristovoulos Manessis (1); Greek constitutional thought (1); Martin Loughlin (1); Michael A. Wilkinson (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Public law (3)
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 4)

The most downloaded
VAGDOUTIS, N. (2023). Remarks on Johan van der Walt’s Concept of Liberal Democratic Law. With Kelsen, Beyond Kelsen and the Unexplored Issue of Independent Technocratic Institutions. Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy, (1), 120-133. doi:10.5553/NJLP/221307132023052001009

VAGDOUTIS, N. (2023). Remarks on Johan van der Walt’s Concept of Liberal Democratic Law. With Kelsen, Beyond Kelsen and the Unexplored Issue of Independent Technocratic Institutions. Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy, (1), 120-133. doi:10.5553/NJLP/221307132023052001009
Peer reviewed

VAGDOUTIS, N. (2023). The Material Constitution in Greek Constitutional Thought. In M. Goldoni & M. Wilkinson, The Cambridge Handbook on the Material Constitution (pp. 124-135). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781009023764.010
Peer reviewed

VAGDOUTIS, N. (2022). Πλουραλισμός και δημοκρατία στο έργο των Σβώλου και Μάνεση. In G. Sotirelis & A. Kessopoulos (Eds.), Από τον Αλέξανδρο Σβώλο στον Αριστόβουλο Μάνεση. Η κοινή θεωρητική θεμελίωση του ελληνικού δημοκρατικού συνταγματισμού (pp. 95-120). Athens, Greece: Eurasia Publications.

VAGDOUTIS, N. (2021). Questioning the foundations of public law, edited by Michael A. Wilkinson and Michael W. Dowdle, Oxford and Portland, Hart Publishing, 2018. Jurisprudence, 12 (1), 100-108. doi:10.1080/20403313.2020.1839210

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