
HEIMBACH Henriette

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Social Sciences (DSOC) > Political Science

Main Referenced Co-authors
Wernert, Yann (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Interparliamentary Cooperation (4); France (3); European Union (2); Franco-German relations (2); Germany (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Political science, public administration & international relations (2)

Publications (total 5)

HEIMBACH, H. (2023). Henriette Heimbach. Podcast "Figures franco-allemandes". Germany: Franco-German Youth Committee.

HEIMBACH, H. (2023). Se Scholz e Macron sono in contrasto la mediazione passa ai Parlamenti. L'Espresso.

HEIMBACH, H. (2023). Die Deutsch-Französische Parlamentarische Versammlung:ein Schlüsselakteur für die Annäherung der politischen Positionen zwischen Frankreich und Deutschland. In Frankreich Jahrbuch 2022. Politik der Zeitenwende? Europa im Umbruch (pp. 151-163). Baden-Baden, Germany: Nomos.
Editorial reviewed

HEIMBACH, H. (2023). L‘Assemblée parlementaire franco-allemande : Un nouvel acteur parlementaire sur la scène franco-allemande. Allemagne d'Aujourd'hui: Revue Française d'Information sur les Deux l'Allemagnes, 244, 14-23.
Editorial reviewed

HEIMBACH, H., & Wernert, Y. (2021). The two-step Council presidency. France‘s Presidency of the Council of the European Union during the election period. Berlin, Germany: Jacques Delors Centre, Hertie School.

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