

Main Referenced Co-authors
NIENABER, Birte  (4)
PETRY, Ralph  (3)
SOMMARRIBAS, Adolfo  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
migration (4); third-country national (2); applicants for international protection (1); asile (1); asylum (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
University of Luxembourg, Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Political science, public administration & international relations (3)
European & international law (1)

Publications (total 4)

The most downloaded
Osburg, M., Petry, R., & Nienaber, B. (Ed.). (2021). Integration of migrant women in Luxembourg: policies and measures. Luxembourg: EMN Luxembourg.

Sommarribas, A., Osburg, M., & Nienaber, B. (2022). Etude sur les sanctions applicables aux demandeurs de protection internationale qui commettent des manquements graves au règlement des structures d’hébergement de l’Office national de l’accueil ou présentent un comportement sérieusement violent. Esch/Belval, Luxembourg: EMN Luxembourg.

Osburg, M., Petry, R., & Nienaber, B. (Ed.). (2021). Integration of migrant women in Luxembourg: policies and measures. Luxembourg: EMN Luxembourg.

Petry, R., Osburg, M., & Nienaber, B. (Ed.). (2021). Détection des vulnérabilités dans la procédure de protection internationale. EMN Luxembourg National Inform.

Petry, R., Osburg, M., & Nienaber, B. (Ed.). (2021). Detection of vulnerabilities in the international protection procedure. EMN Luxembourg National Inform.

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