

University of Luxembourg > CRC > Office of the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs (Office of the Vice Rector for Academic A)

Main Referenced Co-authors
Mazzucato, Valentina (13)
Neubourg, Chris De (8)
Richardson, Dominic (7)
Elezaj, Erëblina (6)
Ramful, Nesha (6)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Sociology & social sciences (27)
Social work & social policy (19)
Human geography & demography (5)
Education & instruction (4)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (4)

Publications (total 61)

The most downloaded
Caarls, K., CEBOTARI, V., Karamperidou, D., Alban Conto, M. C., Zapata, J., & Zhou, R. Y. (2021). Lifting Barriers to Education During and After COVID-19: Improving education outcomes for migrant and refugee children in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The most cited

127 citations (OpenAlex)

Mazzucato, V., CEBOTARI, V., Veale, A., White, A., Grassi, M., & Vivet, J. (2015). International Parental Migration and the Psychological Well-being of Children in Ghana, Nigeria, and Angola. Social Science and Medicine, 132 (May), 215–224. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.10.058

Dito, B. B., & CEBOTARI, V. (2023). Gender norm attitudes among Nigerian and Angolan migrants in the Netherlands. In E. Shizha & E. Makwarimba, Immigrant Lives. Intersectionality, Transnationality, and Global Perspectives (pp. 421-434). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780197687307.003.0024
Peer reviewed

Desmée, L., & CEBOTARI, V. (2023). School integration of immigrant children in Belgium. Children and Society. doi:10.1111/chso.12764
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Dietrich, S., Meysonnat, A., Rosales, F., CEBOTARI, V., & Gassmann, F. (01 September 2022). Economic development, weather shocks and child marriage in South Asia: A machine learning approach. PLoS ONE, 17 (9), 0271373. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0271373
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Raturi, R., & CEBOTARI, V. (2022). The impact of parental migration on psychological well-being of children in Ghana. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2022.2076070
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Richardson, D., Vrolijk, M., Cunsolo, S., & CEBOTARI, V. (2021). What Makes Me? Core Capacities for Living and Learning.

Linzarini, A., CEBOTARI, V., Richardson, D., Vrolijk, M., & Cunsolo, S. (2021). How enriching sensory awareness develops and affects well-being throughout childhood. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Vrolijk, M., CEBOTARI, V., Richardson, D., & Cunsolo, S. (2021). How inquiring develops and affects well-being throughout childhood. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Cunsolo, S., CEBOTARI, V., Richardson, D., & Vrolijk, M. (2021). How relaxing develops and affects well-being throughout childhood. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Raturi, R., & CEBOTARI, V. (2021). Parental migration and psychological well-being of children. Longitudinal evidence from Ghana. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. doi:10.31235/

Huitrón García, P. M., CEBOTARI, V., & Rodríguez Rosario, D. G. (2021). El Estado de Bienestar de la 4T y La Tercera Vía. Social Protection: Series of the Orange School of Business and Technology.

Dietrich, S., Meysonnat, A., Rosales, F., CEBOTARI, V., & Gassmann, F. (2021). Economic development, weather shocks and child marriage in South Asia: A machine learning approach. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

de Neubourg, C., CEBOTARI, V., & Karpati, J. (2021). Systematic approaches to social protection. In E. Schüring & M. Loewe (Eds.), Handbook of Social Protection Systems (pp. 189-209). Cheltenham, Unknown/unspecified: Edward Elgar. doi:10.4337/9781839109119
Peer reviewed

Caarls, K., CEBOTARI, V., Karamperidou, D., Alban Conto, M. C., Zapata, J., & Zhou, R. Y. (2021). Lifting Barriers to Education During and After COVID-19: Improving education outcomes for migrant and refugee children in Latin America and the Caribbean.

CEBOTARI, V., & Dito, B. (01 February 2021). Internal and international parental migration and the living conditions of children in Ghana. Children and Youth Services Review, 121 (February), 105821. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105821
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Karpati, J., Elezaj, E., CEBOTARI, V., & de Neubourg, C. (2021). Primary and secondary impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on children in Ghana.

Fagbeja, T., & CEBOTARI, V. (2021). A Robustness Check to Multiple Overlapping Deprivation Analysis (MODA) Methodology: The Case of Nigeria. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Chávez, C., CEBOTARI, V., José Benítez, M., Richardson, D., Chii, F. H., & Zapata, J. (2021). School-Related Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: Building an Evidence Base for Stronger Schools. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.32822.73289

Richardson, D., Carraro, A., CEBOTARI, V., Gromada, A., & Rees, G. (2020). Supporting Families and Children Beyond COVID-19: Social protection in high-income countries.

CEBOTARI, V. (2020). Migration, remittances, and child education in Ghana. Evidence from a longitudinal study. In M. Konte & M. Linguère Mously (Eds.), Migration, Remittances, and Sustainable Development in Africa (1st, pp. 18). London, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780429288814-8
Peer reviewed

Karpati, J., Elezaj, E., Safojan, R., CEBOTARI, V., & de Neubourg, C. (2020). Primary and Secondary Impacts of COVID-19 on Children and Women in Ghana.

Carraro, A., & CEBOTARI, V. (2020). How will COVID-19 disrupt child well-being in Southern and Eastern Europe and Central Asia? UNICEF BLOG.

Richardson, D., CEBOTARI, V., Carraro, A., & Damoah, K. A. (2020). Supporting Families and Children Beyond COVID-19: Social protection in Southern and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Manuamorn, O. P., Biesbroek, R., & CEBOTARI, V. (2020). What makes internationally-financed climate change adaptation projects focus on local communities? A configurational analysis of 30 Adaptation Fund projects. Global Environmental Change, 61 (March), 102035. doi:10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2020.102035
Peer reviewed

Elezaj, E., CEBOTARI, V., Ramful, N., & Neubourg, C. D. (2020). Changing Trends in Gender Equality in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Unicef.

CEBOTARI, V., Ramful, N., Elezaj, E., & Neubourg, C. D. (2020). Women’s Empowerment and Child Wellbeing in Ethiopia.

Elezaj, E., Ramful, N., CEBOTARI, V., & Neubourg, C. D. (2019). Gender Equality, Women’s Empowerment and Child Wellbeing in Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: UNICEF.

Dietrich, S., Meysonnat, A., CEBOTARI, V., Reinold, J., Gassmann, F., Roosen, I., & Foster-McGregor, N. (2018). Key drivers of the changing prevalence of child marriage in three countries in South Asia. New York, Unknown/unspecified: Unicef Rosa/Unfpa Apro.

CEBOTARI, V., Mazzucato, V., & Appiah, E. (2018). A longitudinal analysis of well-being of Ghanaian children in transnational families. Child Development, 89 (5), 1168-1785. doi:10.1111/cdev.12879
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CEBOTARI, V., Siegel, M., & Mazzucato, V. (2018). Migration and Child Health in Moldova and Georgia. Comparative Migration Studies, 6 (3). doi:10.1186/s40878-017-0068-9
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CEBOTARI, V. (2018). Transnational migration, gender and educational development of children in Tajikistan. Global Networks, 18 (4), 564-588. doi:10.1111/glob.12193
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Neubourg, C. D., Boon, L., CEBOTARI, V., Dangeot, A., Elezaj, E., Isaurralde, M., Karpati, J., Ramful, N., & Safojan, R. (2018). Multidimensional child poverty analyses and child-sensitive social protection. Policy in Focus, 15 (3), 13-16.
Peer reviewed

Neubourg, C. D., CEBOTARI, V., Ramful, N., & Boon, L. (2018). Child Poverty in Lesotho: Understanding the Extent of Multitple Overlapping Deprivation. Maseru, Unknown/unspecified: Unicef.

Neubourg, C. D., CEBOTARI, V., Ramful, N., & Boon, L. (2018). Multidimensional child poverty in the Kingdom of Eswatini. Mbabane, Eswatini: Unicef.

Wu, Q., & CEBOTARI, V. (2018). Experiences of migration, parent–child interaction, and the life satisfaction of children in Ghana and China. Population Space and Place, 24 (7), 2160. doi:10.1002/psp.2160
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CEBOTARI, V., Mazzucato, V., & Siegel, M. (2017). Gendered perceptions of migration among Ghanaian children in transnational care. Child Indicators Research, 10 (4), 971–993. doi:10.1007/s12187-016-9407-x
Peer reviewed

CEBOTARI, V., Mazzucato, V., & Siegel, M. (2017). Child development and migrant transnationalism: the health of children who stay behind in Ghana and Nigeria. Journal of Development Studies, 53 (3), 444–459. doi:10.1080/00220388.2016.1187723
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CEBOTARI, V., & Dito, B. (2017). Parental migration, gender and the living conditions of children in Ghana. In Parental migration, gender and the living conditions of children in Ghana.
Peer reviewed

Mazzucato, V., & CEBOTARI, V. (2017). Psychological well-being of Ghanaian children in transnational families. Population Space and Place, 23 (3), 2004. doi:10.1002/psp.2004
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Gassmann, F., CEBOTARI, V., Vanore, M., & Röth, H. (2016). Assessment and recommendations to improve the resilience of the social protection system for a timely and flexible response to the needs of all vulnerable children and families facing shocks, disasters, and crises in Moldova. Chisinau, Moldova, Unknown/unspecified: Unicef.

Timus, N., CEBOTARI, V., & Hosein, A. (2016). Innovating Teaching and Learning of European Studies: Mapping Existing Provisions and Pathways. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 12 (2), 653-668.
Peer reviewed

CEBOTARI, V. (2016). Civic, ethnic, hybrid and atomised identities in Central and Eastern Europe. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 23 (6), 648-666. doi:10.1080/1070289X.2015.1059338
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CEBOTARI, V., Siegel, M., & Mazzucato, V. (2016). Migration and the education of children who stay behind in Moldova and Georgia. International Journal of Educational Development, 51 (November), 96–107. doi:10.1016/j.ijedudev.2016.09.002
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CEBOTARI, V., & Mazzucato, V. (2016). Educational performance of children of migrant parents in Ghana, Nigeria and Angola. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42 (5), 834–856. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2015.1125777
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Mazzucato, V., CEBOTARI, V., Veale, A., White, A., Grassi, M., & Vivet, J. (2015). International Parental Migration and the Psychological Well-being of Children in Ghana, Nigeria, and Angola. Social Science and Medicine, 132 (May), 215–224. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.10.058
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CEBOTARI, V., & Vink, M. P. (2015). Replication Data for: A configurational analysis of ethnic protest in Europe. Harvard Dataverse. doi:10.1177/0020715213508567

Neubourg, C. D., Karpati, J., & CEBOTARI, V. (2015). Deprivation and poverty among children in Tajikistan: A multiple overlapping deprivation analysis. UNICEF Tajikistan.

CEBOTARI, V. (2015). The Determinants of National Pride of Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities in Europe. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 21 (3), 269-288. doi:10.1080/13537113.2015.1063911
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CEBOTARI, V., SOLOGON, D., & Neubourg, C. D. (2014). Multiple child deprivation in Romania. In 25 Years since the Romanian Revolution (25 jaar Roemeense revolutie) (pp. 227-243). Leuven, Belgium: Acco.
Peer reviewed

CEBOTARI, V., & Vink, M. P. (2013). A configurational analysis of ethnic protest in Europe. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 54 (4), 298-324. doi:10.1177/0020715213508567
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Mazzucato, V., & CEBOTARI, V. (2013). Codebook: Transnational Child Raising Arrangements between Africa and Europe (TCRAf-Eu).

Mazzucato, V., & CEBOTARI, V. (2013). Transnational Child-Rearing Arrangements: Emotional Wellbeing Outcomes for Children in Ghana, Nigeria and Angola. In Migration: New Developments (NORFACE Research Programme on Migration). NORFACE.
Peer reviewed

Mazzucato, V., & CEBOTARI, V. (2012). Transnational Child-Raising Arrangements between Africa and Europe. In Transnational Child-Raising Arrangements between Africa and Europe (pp. 11–13). London, United Kingdom: Norface Research Programme on Migration.
Peer reviewed

CEBOTARI, V., & Mazzucato, V. (2012). Life-chance outcomes of children and parents in different Transnational Child Raising Arrangements (TCRAs).

Mazzucato, V., & CEBOTARI, V. (2012). Emotional Outcomes of Children in Different Transnational Chiled Raising Arrangements.

CEBOTARI, V. (2011). Measuring Identity Feelings among Central and East European Ethnic Minority Groups. In Measuring Identity Feelings among Central and East European Ethnic Minority Groups (pp. 33). EU.
Peer reviewed

CEBOTARI, V., Pichler, F., Chvorostov, A., & Waechter, N. (2011). ENRI-East: Values and Identity Survey (VIS). doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.18639.48809

CEBOTARI, V. (2011). Confronting Religion with National Pride Values: Comparative Evidences from Eastern and Western Europe. In Spaces and Borders. Current Research on Religion in Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 169 - 190). De Gruyter.
Peer reviewed

CEBOTARI, V. (2010). Protesting Ethnic Minorities in Europe: A Fuzzy-Set Analysis. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

CEBOTARI, V. (2010). Conflicting Demands in Ethnically Diverse Societies: Ethnopolitical Contention and Identity Values in Europe [Doctoral thesis, Maastricht University]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

CEBOTARI, V. (2010). The Conflicting Path of Ethnic Diversity: Protesting Minorities in Europe. European Yearbook of Minority Issues, 7 (1), 181-207. doi:10.1163/22116117-90001633
Peer reviewed

CEBOTARI, V. (2009). National Pride among Ethnic Minority and Majority Groups in Europe. A Comparative Evidence from the European Values Survey [Paper presentation]. ESPANET Conference, Luxembourg.

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