

Main Referenced Co-authors
Fritz, Vera (1)
SCUTO, Denis  (1)
Scuto, Denis (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
abortion (2); purge (2); Abtreibung (1); administration (1); Alfred Oppenheimer (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Contemporary History of Luxembourg (LHI) (5)
Main Referenced Disciplines
History (8)

Publications (total 8)

The most downloaded
WINGERTER, E. (2021). Law, Order and Postwar Purge in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (1944 - 1955): Transitional Justice and Redistribution through the example of Justice, Gendarmerie and Police [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Fritz, V., SCUTO, D., & WINGERTER, E. (Eds.). (2022). Histoire de la Justice au Luxembourg (1795 à nos jours). Institutions - Organisation - Acteurs. De Gruyter.

WINGERTER, E. (2021). Law, Order and Postwar Purge in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (1944 - 1955): Transitional Justice and Redistribution through the example of Justice, Gendarmerie and Police [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

WINGERTER, E. (08 September 2021). National Justice vs. Occupiers’ Justice? A conflict of competence in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg during World War I [Paper presentation]. Local Administration during the First and Second World Wars, Prague, Czechia.

WINGERTER, E. (2021). Die "mentions honorifiques" - Kann man Patriotismus bewerten? Tageblatt.

WINGERTER, E., & Scuto, D. (26 September 2019). The Alfred Oppenheimer Testimony and Luxemburg's Master Narrative [Paper presentation]. Making Justice Visible: The Mediatization of the World War II War Crimes Trials, Vilnius, Lithuania.

WINGERTER, E. (2016). „Grow into a happy future“ The development of abortion law in the German Democratic Republic and its ideological and practical implications (1945 - 1972) [Bachelor/master dissertation, NYU - New York University]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

WINGERTER, E. (21 March 2015). Abortion in the Third Reich: Ideology and the Penal System Concerning Women in the Penal Institution in Saarbrücken, Germany [Paper presentation]. 8th Annual Brian Bertoti Innovative Perspectives in History Graduate Conference, Blacksburg, VA, United States.

WINGERTER, E. (2014). Abtreibung im Dritten Reich. Ideologie im Frauenstrafvollzug am Beispiel der Strafanstalt Saarbrücken [Bachelor/master dissertation, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

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