

Main Referenced Co-authors
Chang, Michele (1)
SACHER, Martin  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
ageing (2); active ageing (1); EU social policy (1); European (1); European Semester (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Political science, public administration & international relations (5)
Social work & social policy (1)
Sociology & social sciences (1)

Publications (total 7)

The most downloaded
TKALEC, I. (2017). The Interplay between Active Ageing and Silver Economy – a QCA Analysis. Cahiers RESUME. doi:10.25517/RESuME-7a5wfzd-2018

The most cited

4 citations (Scopus®)

Chang, M., SACHER, M., & TKALEC, I. (2019). Introduction - Recent Changes in EU Economic Governance: Methodological and Institutional Dynamics. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 15 (2), 134-142. doi:10.30950/jcer.v15i2.1079

TKALEC, I. (2021). External drivers of internal outcomes: the effect of the European Semester on adeqaute pensions in the euro area [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Chang, M., SACHER, M., & TKALEC, I. (2019). Introduction - Recent Changes in EU Economic Governance: Methodological and Institutional Dynamics. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 15 (2), 134-142. doi:10.30950/jcer.v15i2.1079

TKALEC, I. (2018). Beware: Nobody Wants to Be Lonely. European Policy Network.

TKALEC, I. (2017). Pan-European pension schemes – a way to close the pension gap. European Policy Network.

TKALEC, I. (02 October 2017). Prikaz knjige - Dermot Hodson: Governing the Euro Area in Good Times and Bad. Mali Levijatan, 4, 135-138.
Peer reviewed

TKALEC, I. (2017). European Unemployment Insurance – a good initiative missing proper foundation. European Policy Network.

TKALEC, I. (2017). The Interplay between Active Ageing and Silver Economy – a QCA Analysis. Cahiers RESUME. doi:10.25517/RESuME-7a5wfzd-2018
Peer reviewed

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