

Main Referenced Co-authors
KIES, Raphaël  (3)
LEFORT, Elisabeth  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
justification (7); Rawls (7); deliberation (5); constitutionalism (4); deliberative democracy (4);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Philosophy & ethics (20)
Political science, public administration & international relations (3)

Publications (total 23)

The most downloaded
BURKS, D. (2017). Usage public normalisé ou anormal: Kant et les Lumières face à Jeffrey Stout. In M. Ruffing, S. Grapotte, ... M. Lequan (Eds.), Kant: L’année 1784: Droit et philosophie de l’histoire (pp. 423-432). Paris, France: Vrin.

BURKS, D., & KIES, R. (26 February 2021). Deliberative constitution-making in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. ConstDelib Country Report Workshop.

BURKS, D. (07 January 2021). The real problem with Rawlsian reasonableness [Paper presentation]. 2021 APA Eastern Division Meeting.

BURKS, D. (2021). Le concept de concept dans la philosophie de Deleuze : Polymorphisme(s) et pluralisme(s). Paris, France: L'Harmattan.

BURKS, D., & KIES, R. (22 October 2020). Deliberative constitution-making in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. ConstDelib General Meeting.

BURKS, D. (09 September 2020). Deliberative constitutionalism, popular sovereignty and alternative forms of government [Paper presentation]. 2020 MANCEPT Workshops.

BURKS, D. (26 August 2020). Deliberative constitutionalism, popular sovereignty and alternative forms of government [Paper presentation]. ECPR 2020 General Conference.

BURKS, D. (25 August 2020). Epistemic feasibility and interdependence in normative theorizing [Paper presentation]. ECPR 2020 General Conference.

BURKS, D. (2020). Navigating the narrow circle: Rawls and Stout on justification, discourse and institutions [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

BURKS, D. (17 September 2019). The real problem with Rawlsian reasonableness [Paper presentation]. XVII Pavia Graduate Conference in Political Philosophy, Pavia, Italy.

BURKS, D. (05 September 2019). The view from anywhere: A better orientation towards public justification? [Paper presentation]. 2019 ECPR General Conference, Wroclaw, Poland.

BURKS, D. (26 June 2019). The real problem with Rawisian reasonableness [Paper presentation]. 2019 Association for Social and Political Philosophy Conference, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom.

BURKS, D. (21 May 2019). The interplay of deliberative legitimacy, constituent power and constitutional form [Paper presentation]. ConstDelib “Deliberative democracy and political parties” Workshop, Bologna, Italy.

BURKS, D. (16 February 2019). The real problem with Rawlsian reasonableness [Paper presentation]. Warwick Graduate Conference in Political and Legal Theory, Warwick, United Kingdom.

BURKS, D. (31 January 2019). Can Rawlsians be constitutional deliberative democrats? [Paper presentation]. Democracy in Crisis Conference, Athens, Greece.

BURKS, D., & KIES, R. (2019). A gradualist path toward sortition. In J. Gastil & E. O. Wright (Eds.), Legislature by Lot: Transformative Designs for Deliberative Governance (pp. 259-277). London, United Kingdom: Verso.

BURKS, D. (2019). Rigor or rhetoric: Public philosopher and public in dialogue. Perspectives: International Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy, 9 (1), 1-10.
Peer reviewed

BURKS, D. (11 September 2018). Identity and Rawlsian points of view [Paper presentation]. Political Identity on the Threshold, Lisbon, Portugal.

BURKS, D. (05 May 2018). Philosophical dialogue with the public: Two challenges and two replies [Paper presentation]. Dublin Graduate Philosophy Conference 2018, Dublin, Ireland.

BURKS, D. (2018). Are we post-justification? Stout's case for self-knowledge, political justification and public philosophy. Ethics, Politics and Society, 1, 175-202.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

BURKS, D. (2017). Usage public normalisé ou anormal: Kant et les Lumières face à Jeffrey Stout. In M. Ruffing, S. Grapotte, ... M. Lequan (Eds.), Kant: L’année 1784: Droit et philosophie de l’histoire (pp. 423-432). Paris, France: Vrin.

BURKS, D. (October 2017). Stout’s unconstrained discourse: Does reason-giving apply across the board? [Paper presentation]. Association for Political Theory Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, United States.

BURKS, D. (June 2017). Does self-knowledge advance political justification? The case of public philosophy and Stout’s “unconstrained discourse” [Paper presentation]. VIII Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy, Braga, Portugal.

BURKS, D. (2017). Une impossibilité en or: la lecture émersonienne de Kant (LEFORT, E., Trans.). In D. BURKS, S. Grapotte (Ed.), M. Lequan (Ed.), ... L. SOSOE (Ed.), Kant et les penseurs de langue anglaise (pp. 115-132). Paris, France: Vrin.

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