SOUANI, B., KHANFIR, A., BARTEL, A., ALLIX, K., & LE TRAON, Y. (2022). Android Malware Detection Using BERT. In Z. Jianying, Applied Cryptography and Network Security Workshops (pp. 575–591). Berlin, Germany: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-16815-4_31 Peer reviewed |
SAMHI, J., & BARTEL, A. (2021). On The (In)Effectiveness of Static Logic Bomb Detector for Android Apps. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. doi:10.1109/TDSC.2021.3108057 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SAMHI, J., BARTEL, A., BISSYANDE, T. F. D. A., & KLEIN, J. (2021). RAICC: Revealing Atypical Inter-Component Communication in Android Apps. In 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). doi:10.1109/ICSE43902.2021.00126 Peer reviewed |
Bonnaventure, W., KHANFIR, A., BARTEL, A., PAPADAKIS, M., & LE TRAON, Y. (2021). CONFUZZION: A Java Virtual Machine Fuzzer for Type Confusion Vulnerabilities. In IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS), 2021. Peer reviewed |
SAMHI, J., & BARTEL, A. (September 2020). Désamorcer des bombes logiques. Multi-System & Internet Security Cookbook, 111. |
SAYAR, I., & BARTEL, A. (July 2020). De l'utilisation d'une bibliothèque à l'exécution d'un code arbitraire. Multi-System & Internet Security Cookbook, 110. |
BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (2019). Désérialisation Java : Une brève introduction au ROP de haut niveau. Multi-System & Internet Security Cookbook, 101. |
Gorski III, S. A., Andow, B., Nadkarni, A., Manandhar, S., Enck, W., Bodden, E., & BARTEL, A. (2019). ACMiner: Extraction and Analysis of Authorization Checks inAndroid’s Middleware. doi:10.1145/3292006.3300023 Peer reviewed |
BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (2019). MUSTI: Dynamic Prevention of Invalid Object Initialization Attacks. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. doi:10.1109/TIFS.2019.2894356 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (2018). MUSTI: Dynamic Prevention of Invalid Object Initialization Attacks. (TR-SNT-2018-3). Université du Luxembourg. |
BARTEL, A., & Doe, J. (2018). Twenty years of Escaping the Java Sandbox. Phrack. |
BARTEL, A. (2018). Exploitation du CVE-2015-4843. Multi-System & Internet Security Cookbook, 95. |
BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (2018). Fini le Bac à Sable. Avec le CVE-2017-3272, devenez un grand! Multi-System & Internet Security Cookbook, 97. |
BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (2018). Désérialisation Java : Une brève introduction. Multi-System & Internet Security Cookbook, 100. |
LI, L., BISSYANDE, T. F. D. A., BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (May 2017). The Multi-Generation Repackaging Hypothesis [Poster presentation]. The 39th International Conference on Software Engineering. |
BARTEL, A. (2017). Architecture 64 bits / aslr: quelles conséquences pour les exploits 32 bits? Étude de cas avec Java et le CVE-2010-0842. Multi-System & Internet Security Cookbook, 89. |
LI, L., BISSYANDE, T. F. D. A., PAPADAKIS, M., Rasthofer, S., BARTEL, A., Octeau, D., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (2017). Static Analysis of Android Apps: A Systematic Literature Review. Information and Software Technology. doi:10.1016/j.infsof.2017.04.001 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
LI, L., BISSYANDE, T. F. D. A., PAPADAKIS, M., Rasthofer, S., BARTEL, A., Octeau, D., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (2016). Static Analysis of Android Apps: A Systematic Literature Review. SnT. |
LI, L., LI, D., BARTEL, A., BISSYANDE, T. F. D. A., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (2016). Towards a Generic Framework for Automating Extensive Analysis of Android Applications. In The 31st ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2016). Peer reviewed |
Octeau, D., Jha, S., Dering, M., McDaniel, P., BARTEL, A., LI, L., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (2016). Combining Static Analysis with Probabilistic Models to Enable Market-Scale Android Inter-component Analysis. In The 43rd Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2016). Peer reviewed |
LI, L., ALLIX, K., LI, D., BARTEL, A., BISSYANDE, T. F. D. A., & KLEIN, J. (2015). Potential Component Leaks in Android Apps: An Investigation into a new Feature Set for Malware Detection. In The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS 2015). doi:10.1109/QRS.2015.36 Peer reviewed |
LI, L., ALLIX, K., LI, D., BARTEL, A., BISSYANDE, T. F. D. A., & KLEIN, J. (2015). A Study of Potential Component Leaks in Android Apps. SnT Centre - University of Luxembourg. |
LI, L., BARTEL, A., BISSYANDE, T. F. D. A., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (2015). ApkCombiner: Combining Multiple Android Apps to Support Inter-App Analysis. In International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (SEC 2015). Peer reviewed |
LI, L., BARTEL, A., BISSYANDE, T. F. D. A., KLEIN, J., LE TRAON, Y., Arzt, S., Rasthofer, S., Bodden, E., Octeau, D., & McDaniel, P. (2015). IccTA: Detecting Inter-Component Privacy Leaks in Android Apps. In 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2015). Peer reviewed |
BARTEL, A. (2014). Security Analysis of Permission-Based Systems using Static Analysis: An Application to the Android Stack [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
LI, L., BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (2014). Automatically Exploiting Potential Component Leaks in Android Applications. In The 13th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-14), IEEE, Sept. 2014, Beijing, China. Peer reviewed |
LI, L., BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (2014). Automatically Exploiting Potential Component Leaks in Android Applications. (TR-SnT-2014-13). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: SnT. |
BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., Monperrus, M., & LE TRAON, Y. (June 2014). Static Analysis for Extracting Permission Checks of a Large Scale Framework: The Challenges And Solutions for Analyzing Android. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 40 (6), 617-632. doi:10.1109/TSE.2014.2322867 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
LI, L., BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., LE TRAON, Y., Arzt, S., Rasthofer, S., Bodden, E., Octeau, D., & McDaniel, P. (2014). I know what leaked in your pocket: uncovering privacy leaks on Android Apps with Static Taint Analysis. (TR-SNT-2014-9, Technical Report). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: SnT Centre - University of Luxembourg. |
LI, L., BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (12 March 2014). Using A Path Matching Algorithm to Detect Inter-Component Leaks in Android Apps [Paper presentation]. Grande Region Security and Reliability Day 2014. |
LI, L., BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (26 February 2014). Detecting privacy leaks in Android Apps [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems - Doctoral Symposium. |
Fritz, C., Arzt, S., Rasthofer, S., Bodden, E., BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., LE TRAON, Y., Octeau, D., & McDaniel, P. (2013). Highly precise taint analysis for Android applications. |
Octeau, D., McDaniel, P., Jha, S., BARTEL, A., Bodden, E., KLEIN, J., & LE TRAON, Y. (2013). Effective Inter-Component Communication Mapping in Android with Epicc: An Essential Step Towards Holistic Security Analysis. In Effective Inter-Component Communication Mapping in Android with Epicc: An Essential Step Towards Holistic Security Analysis. Peer reviewed |
BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., Monperrus, M., ALLIX, K., & LE TRAON, Y. (2012). In-Vivo Bytecode Instrumentation for Improving Privacy on Android Smartphones in Uncertain Environments. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., Monperrus, M., ALLIX, K., & LE TRAON, Y. (2012). Improving Privacy on Android Smartphones Through In-Vivo Bytecode Instrumentation. Luxembourg, Unknown/unspecified: |
BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., Monperrus, M., & LE TRAON, Y. (2012). Dexpler: Converting Android Dalvik Bytecode to Jimple for Static Analysis with Soot. In ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Java Program Analysis (SOAP 2012) (pp. 1-12). doi:10.1145/2259051.2259056 Peer reviewed |
BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., Monperrus, M., & LE TRAON, Y. (2012). Automatically Securing Permission-Based Software by Reducing the Attack Surface: An Application to Android. In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (pp. 1-4). doi:10.1145/2351676.2351722 Peer reviewed |
BARTEL, A., KLEIN, J., Monperrus, M., & LE TRAON, Y. (2011). Automatically Securing Permission-Based Software by Reducing the Attack Surface: An Application to Android. In Automatically Securing Permission-Based Software by Reducing the Attack Surface: An Application to Android (Tech Report) (pp. 1-11). Tech Report. |
BARTEL, A., Baudry, B., Munoz, F., KLEIN, J., MOUELHI, T., & LE TRAON, Y. (2011). Model Driven Mutation Applied to Adaptative Systems Testing. 2011 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops. doi:10.1109/ICSTW.2011.24 Peer reviewed |