

Main Referenced Co-authors
NEFRAMI, Eleftheria  (4)
Manzini, Pietro (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Institutional Balance (3); AFSJ (2); Autonomy (2); Blasphemy (2); CFSP (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
European & international law (30)

Publications (total 30)

The most downloaded
GATTI, M. (2017). Paga (solo) chi inquina? L’attribuzione della responsabilità ambientale nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia. In M. A. Lupoi (Ed.), Emergenze ambientali e tutela giuridica (pp. 151-165). Bologna, Unknown/unspecified: Maggioli.

The most cited

27 citations (Scopus®)

GATTI, M., & Manzini, P. (2012). External Representation of the European Union in the Conclusion of International Agreements. Common Market Law Review.

NEFRAMI, E., & GATTI, M. (2020). Externalisation de la politique migratoire et identité de l'Union européenne. In M. Benlolo, L'Union européenne et les migrations (pp. 245-269).
Peer reviewed

NEFRAMI, E., & GATTI, M. (2019). Autonomy and EU Competences in the Context of Free Trade and Investment Agreements. In I. Bosse Platiere & C. Rapoport, Negotiation and Conclusion of the New Generation of Free Trade Agreements (Edward Elgar, pp. 58-84).
Peer reviewed

NEFRAMI, E., & GATTI, M. (Eds.). (2018). Constitutional Issues of EU External Relations Law. Baden Baden, Germany: Nomos.

GATTI, M. (2018). La réponse au défi migratoire : «Europe souveraine» ou «souverainisme de repli» ? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

GATTI, M. (2018). Conflict of Legal Bases and the Internal-External Security Nexus: AFSJ versus CFSP. In E. NEFRAMI & M. GATTI (Eds.), Constitutional Issues of EU External Relations Law (pp. 89-110). Nomos.

NEFRAMI, E., & GATTI, M. (2018). Introduction. In E. NEFRAMI & M. GATTI (Eds.), Constitutional Issues of EU External Relations Law (pp. 11-26). Nomos.

GATTI, M. (2018). Accès aux documents établis par le service juridique de la Commission à l’égard des déclarations UE-Turquie sur la migration. Revue des Affaires Européennes, 29 (1), 129-137.
Peer reviewed

GATTI, M. (2018). Juridiction de la Cour de justice sur les renvois préjudiciels en matière de Politique étrangère et de sécurité commune : à propos de l'arrêt Rosneft de la CJUE. Annuaire Français de Droit International, 64.

GATTI, M. (2018). Too Much Unity in the European Union’s External Migration Policy? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

GATTI, M. (June 2017). Art. 50 TEU: A Well-Designed Secession Clause. European Papers, 2 (1), 159-181. doi:10.15166/2499-8249/149
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GATTI, M. (2017). La politica commerciale dopo il Parere 2/15: verso accordi “EU-only” senza ISDS/ICS? SIDIBlog.
Peer reviewed

GATTI, M. (2017). Paga (solo) chi inquina? L’attribuzione della responsabilità ambientale nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia. In M. A. Lupoi (Ed.), Emergenze ambientali e tutela giuridica (pp. 151-165). Bologna, Unknown/unspecified: Maggioli.
Peer reviewed

GATTI, M. (2017). L’obbligo di proteggere le persone dalle calamità nell’Unione europea. In A. Spagnolo & S. Saluzzo (Eds.), La responsabilità degli Stati e delle organizzazioni internazionali: nuove fattispecie, problemi di attribuzione e di accertamento (pp. 127-142). Ledizioni.
Peer reviewed

GATTI, M. (2017). Provisional Application of EU Trade and Investment Agreements: A Pragmatic Solution to Mixity Issues. In Fach Gómez (Ed.), La política de la Unión Europea en materia de derecho de las inversiones internacionales (pp. 69-84). Bosch.
Peer reviewed

GATTI, M. (2017). Régime d’aides d’État et exonération fiscale d’une école religieuse CJUE, gde ch., 27 juin 2017, Congregación de Escuelas Pías Provincia Betania / Ayuntamiento de Getafe, aff. C-74/16, EU:C:2017:496. Revue des Affaires Européennes, 535-542.
Peer reviewed

GATTI, M. (2016). The Log in Your Eye: Is Europe's External Promotion of Religious Freedom Consistent With its Internal Practice? European Law Journal. doi:10.1111/eulj.12162
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GATTI, M. (2016). Disaster Management in EU Law: Solidarity among Individuals and among States. In M. Hesselman, A. Hallo de Wolf, ... B. Toebes (Eds.), Socio-Economic Human Rights in Essential Public Services Provision. Routledge.
Peer reviewed

GATTI, M. (2016). Normative or Hypocritical? Contradictions Between the EU’s External Promotion of Human Rights and Member States’ Policies. In B. Lundt & S. Wulk (Eds.), Global Perspectives on Europe: Critical spotlights from five continents. LIT-Verlag.
Peer reviewed

GATTI, M. (2016). La blasfemia nel diritto europeo: ‘un reperto storico’. In A. Melloni, F. Cadeddu, ... F. Meloni (Eds.), Blasfemia, diritto e libertà (pp. 185-204). Il Mulino.
Peer reviewed

GATTI, M. (2016). European External Action Service - Promoting Coherence through Autonomy and Coordination. Brill. doi:10.1163/9789004323612_002

GATTI, M. (2016). The EU-Turkey Statement: A Treaty That Violates Democracy. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

GATTI, M. (2015). Blasphemy in European Law. In M. Diez Bosch & J. Torrents (Eds.), On Blasphemy (pp. 49-64). Blanquerna.

GATTI, M. (2015). Libertà di espressione e sentimento religioso - Laicità e simboli religiosi. In P. Manzini & A. Lollini (Eds.), Diritti fondamentali in Europa: un casebook. Il Mulino.
Peer reviewed

GATTI, M. (2015). IDRL in Italy: A Study on Strengthening Legal Preparedness for International Disaster Response. (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Cross Societies).

GATTI, M. (2014). Diplomats at the Bar: The European External Action Service before EU Courts. European Law Review.
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GATTI, M. (2014). Coherence vs. Conferred Powers? The Case of the European External Action Service. In L. S. Rossi & F. Casolari (Eds.), The EU After Lisbon: Amending or Coping with the Existing Treaties? (pp. 241-265). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04591-7_10
Peer reviewed

GATTI, M. (2014). La tutela dei diritti umani tra azione esterna dell’Unione europea e politiche interne degli Stati membri: medici, curate vos ipsos. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

GATTI, M. (2013). The Role of the European External Action Service in the External Dimension of the Area of Freedom Security and Justice. In L. S. Rossi & C. Flaesch-Mougin (Eds.), La dimension extérieure de l'Espace de liberté, sécurité et de justice (pp. 171-193). Bruylant.
Peer reviewed

GATTI, M. (2013). Autonomy of Religious Organizations in the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Union Law. In G. di Federico & L. S. Rossi (Eds.), Fundamental Rights in Europe and China Between Identities and Universalism (pp. 132-153). Editoriale Scientifica.

GATTI, M., & Manzini, P. (2012). External Representation of the European Union in the Conclusion of International Agreements. Common Market Law Review.
Peer reviewed

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