

Main Referenced Co-authors
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European & international law (33)

Publications (total 33)

The most downloaded
ZACCARONI, G. (2019). Egenberger, or the place of non discrimination on the ground of religion in the EU constitutional legal order. Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale.

The most cited

4 citations (Scopus®)

ZACCARONI, G. (2017). Differentiating equality? The different advancement in the protected grounds in the case law of the Court of Justice. In L. S. Rossi & F. Casolari (Eds.), The principle of equality under EU law. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.

ZACCARONI, G. (2019). Egenberger, or the place of non discrimination on the ground of religion in the EU constitutional legal order. Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale.
Peer reviewed

ZACCARONI, G. (23 November 2018). Equality as a fundamental element of the EU and of the national constitutional legal orders: the case of religious discrimination [Paper presentation]. International Conference "Unity and Fragmentation within and beyond the State", Rome, Italy.

ZACCARONI, G. (2018). Procedural rights within the European Economic Constitution: which remedies for the rights and interests of those affected by the legal measures enacted to counter the economic crisis? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

ZACCARONI, G. (2018). The re-constitutionalisation of the EMU after the economic crisis. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

ZACCARONI, G. (2018). EU’s Schrodinger’s cat: is there a democracy divide within the Economic and Monetary Union? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

ZACCARONI, G. (2018). Is the horizontal application of general principles ultra vires? Dialogue and conflict between supreme European courts in Dansk Industri. Federalismi.
Peer reviewed

ZACCARONI, G. (2018). The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, National Constitutional Courts and the EU Constitutional Identity. Italian Journal of Public Law, 10 (2).
Peer reviewed

ZACCARONI, G. (2018). Book review of "The Pluralist Character of the European Economic Constitution", by Clemens Kaupa (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2017). Common Market Law Review.
Peer reviewed

ZACCARONI, G. (January 2017). La struttura del giudizio sulla discriminazione davanti alla Corte Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo. Studi sull’integrazione europea, 1.
Peer reviewed

ZACCARONI, G. (2017). Non discrimination on the ground of religion: the influence that the ECourtHR case law can have into defining the exception in art. 4.2 of directive 2000/78/EC. In M. Balboni (Ed.), The principle of non discrimination under the European Convention of Human Rights. Naples, Italy: Editoriale scientifica.
Peer reviewed

ZACCARONI, G. (2017). The Pragmatism of the Court of Justice on the Detention of IrregularMigrants: Comment on Affum. European Papers.
Peer reviewed

ZACCARONI, G. (2017). L’identità costituzionale degli Stati membri ancora una volta davanti alla Corte di giustizia: intorno a vonWolffersdorff. Forum di Quaderni Costituzionali.

ZACCARONI, G. (2017). Differentiating equality? The different advancement in the protected grounds in the case law of the Court of Justice. In L. S. Rossi & F. Casolari (Eds.), The principle of equality under EU law. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Peer reviewed

ZACCARONI, G. (2017). Un’altra crepa nella diga del dialogo? La Corte Suprema Danese rifiuta di dare applicazione ad un rinvio pregiudiziale della Corte di Giustizia. Quaderni Costituzionali.

ZACCARONI, G. (2017). Chronique de l’Activité du Parlement Européenne - Droits Fondamentaux. Annuaire de Droit Européen.

ZACCARONI, G. (2016). More on the horizontal direct effect of the principle of nondiscrimination on the ground of age: Dansk Industries (DI).

ZACCARONI, G. (18 June 2016). How long will European borders last? Global, supranational and national problems in the management of migrations [Paper presentation]. IIIrd Annual Conference.

ZACCARONI, G. (2016). Looking for the Babel-fish? Language discrimination and EU law.

ZACCARONI, G. (2015). Il principio di non discriminazione e l'identità costituzionale dell'Unione Europea - Le principe de non discrimination et l'identité constitutionelle de l'Union Européenne [Doctoral thesis, University of Bologna (en cotutelle with the University of Strasbourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

ZACCARONI, G. (18 May 2015). Differentiating Equality? The different advancements in the protected grounds in the case law of the Court of Justice [Paper presentation]. International Conference: "The principle of equality under EU law".

ZACCARONI, G. (2015). Le tensioni fra armonizzazione legislativa e sovranità nazionale nella relazione fra l'Unione Europea e gli Stati Membri. In A. Di Stefano (Ed.), A Lackland law? Territory, effectiveness and jurisdiction in European and international law. Turin, Italy: Giappichelli.
Peer reviewed

ZACCARONI, G. (10 October 2014). Il principio di non discriminazione e l'identità costituzionale dell'Unione Europea [Paper presentation]. X Meeting of Young Scholars in European and International Law, San Ginesio, Italy.

ZACCARONI, G. (06 September 2014). The principle of non discrimination and the EU constitutional identity [Paper presentation]. Annual Workshop of final year Ph.D. candidates, Brussels, Belgium.

ZACCARONI, G. (29 June 2014). The European Union, referenda and international agreements: from the constitutional Treaty to Switzerland [Paper presentation]. Inaugural Conference, Fiesole, Italy.

ZACCARONI, G. (2014). Parità di trattamento: commento all'articolo 53 della legge 243 del 2012. In L. S. Rossi & L. Costato (Eds.), Commentario alla legge 243 del 2012. Naples, Italy: Editoriale scientifica.

ZACCARONI, G. (2014). Why always me? (Says the European Union). Il referendum svizzero sull'immigrazione, le relazioni con l'UE e le ricadute sull'economia. Quaderni della Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale, I, 324.

ZACCARONI, G. (09 May 2013). How the principle of non discrimination fostered the dissemination of new rights: the impact of judicial activism and political negligence on European integration in the case law of th European Courts [Paper presentation]. EUSA Bi-annual Conference, Boston, United States.

ZACCARONI, G. (09 April 2013). The principle of non discrimination and the European constitutional identity [Paper presentation]. Summer School of the LISBOAN network, Maastricht, Netherlands.

ZACCARONI, G. (24 January 2013). How harmonization reshaped the boundaries of national sovereignty in the relationship among the European Union and the Member States [Paper presentation]. Meeting of the young scholars in International and European Law, Catania, Italy.

ZACCARONI, G. (2013). The consequences of the accession of the EU to the ECHR on the jurisdictional architecture of Europe. Law of Ukraine, 3, 279-291.

ZACCARONI, G. (2013). Citizenship, third country nationals and european integration: a broken dream? In L. S. Rossi & G. Di Federico (Eds.), Fundamental Rights in Europe and China, between identities and universalism. Naples, Italy: Editoriale scientifica.

ZACCARONI, G. (29 May 2012). Citizenship, third country nationals and European integration: a broken dream? [Paper presentation]. China-EU School of Law International Conference, Bologna, Italy.

ZACCARONI, G. (20 April 2012). The consequences of the accession of the EU to the ECHR on the jurisdictional architecture of Europe [Paper presentation]. International Graduate Legal Research Conference, London, United Kingdom.

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