ZACCARONI, G. (2019). Egenberger, or the place of non discrimination on the ground of religion in the EU constitutional legal order. Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale. Peer reviewed |
ZACCARONI, G. (23 November 2018). Equality as a fundamental element of the EU and of the national constitutional legal orders: the case of religious discrimination [Paper presentation]. International Conference "Unity and Fragmentation within and beyond the State", Rome, Italy. |
ZACCARONI, G. (2018). Procedural rights within the European Economic Constitution: which remedies for the rights and interests of those affected by the legal measures enacted to counter the economic crisis? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
ZACCARONI, G. (2018). The re-constitutionalisation of the EMU after the economic crisis. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
ZACCARONI, G. (2018). EU’s Schrodinger’s cat: is there a democracy divide within the Economic and Monetary Union? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
ZACCARONI, G. (2018). Is the horizontal application of general principles ultra vires? Dialogue and conflict between supreme European courts in Dansk Industri. Federalismi. Peer reviewed |
ZACCARONI, G. (2018). The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, National Constitutional Courts and the EU Constitutional Identity. Italian Journal of Public Law, 10 (2). Peer reviewed |
ZACCARONI, G. (2018). Book review of "The Pluralist Character of the European Economic Constitution", by Clemens Kaupa (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2017). Common Market Law Review. Peer reviewed |
ZACCARONI, G. (January 2017). La struttura del giudizio sulla discriminazione davanti alla Corte Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo. Studi sull’integrazione europea, 1. Peer reviewed |
ZACCARONI, G. (2017). Non discrimination on the ground of religion: the influence that the ECourtHR case law can have into defining the exception in art. 4.2 of directive 2000/78/EC. In M. Balboni (Ed.), The principle of non discrimination under the European Convention of Human Rights. Naples, Italy: Editoriale scientifica. Peer reviewed |
ZACCARONI, G. (2017). The Pragmatism of the Court of Justice on the Detention of IrregularMigrants: Comment on Affum. European Papers. Peer reviewed |
ZACCARONI, G. (2017). L’identità costituzionale degli Stati membri ancora una volta davanti alla Corte di giustizia: intorno a vonWolffersdorff. Forum di Quaderni Costituzionali. |
ZACCARONI, G. (2017). Differentiating equality? The different advancement in the protected grounds in the case law of the Court of Justice. In L. S. Rossi & F. Casolari (Eds.), The principle of equality under EU law. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. Peer reviewed |
ZACCARONI, G. (2017). Un’altra crepa nella diga del dialogo? La Corte Suprema Danese rifiuta di dare applicazione ad un rinvio pregiudiziale della Corte di Giustizia. Quaderni Costituzionali. |
ZACCARONI, G. (2017). Chronique de l’Activité du Parlement Européenne - Droits Fondamentaux. Annuaire de Droit Européen. |
ZACCARONI, G. (2016). More on the horizontal direct effect of the principle of nondiscrimination on the ground of age: Dansk Industries (DI). |
ZACCARONI, G. (18 June 2016). How long will European borders last? Global, supranational and national problems in the management of migrations [Paper presentation]. IIIrd Annual Conference. |
ZACCARONI, G. (2016). Looking for the Babel-fish? Language discrimination and EU law. |
ZACCARONI, G. (2015). Il principio di non discriminazione e l'identità costituzionale dell'Unione Europea - Le principe de non discrimination et l'identité constitutionelle de l'Union Européenne [Doctoral thesis, University of Bologna (en cotutelle with the University of Strasbourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
ZACCARONI, G. (18 May 2015). Differentiating Equality? The different advancements in the protected grounds in the case law of the Court of Justice [Paper presentation]. International Conference: "The principle of equality under EU law". |
ZACCARONI, G. (2015). Le tensioni fra armonizzazione legislativa e sovranità nazionale nella relazione fra l'Unione Europea e gli Stati Membri. In A. Di Stefano (Ed.), A Lackland law? Territory, effectiveness and jurisdiction in European and international law. Turin, Italy: Giappichelli. Peer reviewed |
ZACCARONI, G. (10 October 2014). Il principio di non discriminazione e l'identità costituzionale dell'Unione Europea [Paper presentation]. X Meeting of Young Scholars in European and International Law, San Ginesio, Italy. |
ZACCARONI, G. (06 September 2014). The principle of non discrimination and the EU constitutional identity [Paper presentation]. Annual Workshop of final year Ph.D. candidates, Brussels, Belgium. |
ZACCARONI, G. (29 June 2014). The European Union, referenda and international agreements: from the constitutional Treaty to Switzerland [Paper presentation]. Inaugural Conference, Fiesole, Italy. |
ZACCARONI, G. (2014). Parità di trattamento: commento all'articolo 53 della legge 243 del 2012. In L. S. Rossi & L. Costato (Eds.), Commentario alla legge 243 del 2012. Naples, Italy: Editoriale scientifica. |
ZACCARONI, G. (2014). Why always me? (Says the European Union). Il referendum svizzero sull'immigrazione, le relazioni con l'UE e le ricadute sull'economia. Quaderni della Società Italiana di Diritto Internazionale, I, 324. |
ZACCARONI, G. (09 May 2013). How the principle of non discrimination fostered the dissemination of new rights: the impact of judicial activism and political negligence on European integration in the case law of th European Courts [Paper presentation]. EUSA Bi-annual Conference, Boston, United States. |
ZACCARONI, G. (09 April 2013). The principle of non discrimination and the European constitutional identity [Paper presentation]. Summer School of the LISBOAN network, Maastricht, Netherlands. |
ZACCARONI, G. (24 January 2013). How harmonization reshaped the boundaries of national sovereignty in the relationship among the European Union and the Member States [Paper presentation]. Meeting of the young scholars in International and European Law, Catania, Italy. |
ZACCARONI, G. (2013). The consequences of the accession of the EU to the ECHR on the jurisdictional architecture of Europe. Law of Ukraine, 3, 279-291. |
ZACCARONI, G. (2013). Citizenship, third country nationals and european integration: a broken dream? In L. S. Rossi & G. Di Federico (Eds.), Fundamental Rights in Europe and China, between identities and universalism. Naples, Italy: Editoriale scientifica. |
ZACCARONI, G. (29 May 2012). Citizenship, third country nationals and European integration: a broken dream? [Paper presentation]. China-EU School of Law International Conference, Bologna, Italy. |
ZACCARONI, G. (20 April 2012). The consequences of the accession of the EU to the ECHR on the jurisdictional architecture of Europe [Paper presentation]. International Graduate Legal Research Conference, London, United Kingdom. |