
SILGA Janine

Main Referenced Co-authors
Anibaldi, Johnny (1)
Casiello, Giorgia (1)
CHAOUCHE, Fatima  (1)
GERKRATH, Jörg  (1)
Lambert, Hélène (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
asylum seekers (1); best interests of the child (1); directive 2003/86/EC (1); Directive 2013/33/EU (1); family reunification (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
European & international law (25)
Public law (6)
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others (4)
Social law (1)

Publications (total 36)

The most downloaded
SILGA, J. (2018). Portability of Student Benefits in the European Union - The Luxembourg System. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

The most cited

2 citations (WOS)

SILGA, J. (2015). Assessing the Consistency of European Union Development Cooperation with Readmission in the EU-Philippines Agreement Case – A balancing Exercise. European Law Review, 40 (3).

SILGA, J. (2020). The Ambiguity of the Migration and Development Nexus Policy Discourse: Perpetuating the Colonial Legacy? UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs.
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SILGA, J. (2020). The Migration-Development Nexus in the European Union Policy Framework – A Legal Perspective. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

SILGA, J. (January 2020). Conditionality in the European Union External Migration Policy – A Critical Appraisal [Paper presentation]. 2020 Global Scholars Academy, Geneva, Switzerland.

SILGA, J. (2020). Migration, Asylum and EU Discrimination Law. In C. O’Cinneide, J. Ringelheim, ... I. Solanke, Edward Elgar Research Handbook on European Anti-Discrimination Law. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar.
Peer reviewed

SILGA, J. (08 March 2019). The ambiguity of the European Union Policy Discourse on the ‘Migration and Development Nexus’: Perpetuating the colonial legacy? [Paper presentation]. Critical Perspectives on Race and Human Rights: Transnational Re-Imaginings, Los Angeles, United States.

SILGA, J. (2019). Luxembourg Financial Aid for Higher Studies and Children of Frontier Workers: Evolution and Challenges in Light of the Case-Law of the Court of Justice. European Public Law, 25 (1), 13-24.
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CHAOUCHE, F., GERKRATH, J., SILGA, J., SINNIG, J., & WARIN, C. (Eds.). (2019). Droit luxembourgeois et européen de l'Asile. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Pasicrisie Luxembourg.

SILGA, J., & Anibaldi, J. (2019). La détermination de l'âge des jeunes demandeurs de protection internationale. In F. Chaouche, J. GERKRATH, J. SILGA, J. SINNIG, ... C. Warin (Eds.), Droit d'Asile au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg - Guide pratique. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Pasicrisie.

SILGA, J. (2019). Les conditions d'accueil des demandeurs de protection internationale. In F. Chaouche, J. GERKRATH, J. SILGA, J. SINNIG, ... C. Warin (Eds.), Droit d'Asile au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg - Guide pratique. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Pasicrisie.

SILGA, J. (04 September 2018). The Fragmentation of Migrant Workers’ Status and Regularisation: A Legal “Taboo”? [Paper presentation]. Boundary Crossing: An international interdisciplinary conference on immigration and social justice, Winchester, United Kingdom.

SILGA, J. (2018). Portability of Student Benefits in the European Union - The Luxembourg System. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

SILGA, J. (2018). Le droit au regroupement familial des réfugiés mineurs non accompagnés devenus majeurs: l’affaire A et S, entre progrès incontestable et portée relative. European Papers. doi:10.15166/2499-8249/231
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SILGA, J. (13 July 2018). Financial Instruments in the European Union External Migration Policy: Moving Towards a Generalised ‘Migratory Conditionality’? [Paper presentation]. Human Rights, Migration and Global Governance (Academic Council of the United Nations System- ACUNS), Rome, Italy.

SILGA, J. (25 May 2018). The Variable Access to Reception Conditions for Asylum Seekers in the EU: Protecting Fundamental Rights or Preventing Long-Term Integration? [Paper presentation]. Three years after the European Agenda for Migration: The protection of migrants and applicants for international protection in the context of the development of “common” immigration and asylum policies, Salerno, Italy.

SILGA, J. (2018). The Fragmentation of Reception Conditions for Asylum Seekers in the European Union: Protecting Fundamental Rights or Preventing Long-Term Integration? Freedom, Security and Justice: European Legal Studies, (3), 87-115.
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SILGA, J. (14 September 2017). Access to Housing under the Common European Asylum System – Right or Instrument for Deterring Asylum-Seekers? [Paper presentation]. 11th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Barcelona, Spain.

SILGA, J. (06 July 2017). Emerging Similarities in the Recent Cases of the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights on the Right to Family Reunification: Convergence or Coincidence? [Paper presentation]. ICON.S Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark.

SILGA, J. (22 June 2017). “Inflexible Insecurity”: On the Legal Marginalization of Migrant Workers in the EU Labor Market [Paper presentation]. Neuchatel Graduate Conference of Migration and Mobility Studies, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

SILGA, J. (29 May 2017). The Reception Conditions of Asylum Seekers in the European Union: Human Rights or Migration Policy Instruments? – The example of Housing [Paper presentation]. Nordic Asylum Law Seminar 2017, Reykjavik, Iceland.

SILGA, J. (2017). La Protection de la Victime Contre la Haine Raciale: Le Point de Vue de la Victime. In H. Bentouhami & M. Möschel, Critical Race Theory : une introduction aux grands textes fondateurs. Dalloz.
Peer reviewed

SILGA, J. (03 September 2016). The Socio-Economic Integration of Asylum-Seekers: 'Refugee Crisis' or 'Reception Crisis'? - Towards a Long-Term Asylum Policy? [Paper presentation]. 2016 AHRI Conference: "50 Years of the Two UN Human Rights Covenants: Legacies and Prospects", Utrecht, Netherlands.

SILGA, J. (09 June 2016). The Socio-Economic Integration of Asylum-Seekers: 'Refugee Crisis' or 'Reception Crisis'? - Towards a Long-Term Asylum Policy? [Paper presentation]. The 2nd Annual Postgraduate Conference on Migration, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

SILGA, J. (30 June 2015). Migrant Workers and Illegality - A European Perspective [Paper presentation]. LEGAL_frame_WORK - Employment and Legality in an Inclusive Society, Venice, Italy.

SILGA, J. (2015). Assessing the Consistency of European Union Development Cooperation with Readmission in the EU-Philippines Agreement Case – A balancing Exercise. European Law Review, 40 (3).
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SILGA, J. (2015). L'intégration des migrations au développement. In G. S. Goodwin-Gill & P. Weckel, Protection des migrants et des réfugiés au XXIe siècle - Aspects de droit international, Migration and Refugee Protection in the 21st Century - International Legal Aspects (pp. 195-217). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Peer reviewed

SILGA, J. (2015). Restiamo Umani - Le Vie dell'Accoglienza.

SILGA, J., & Casiello, G. (2015). L'immigrazione nel cinema. Prospettiva Soggettiva e Storica [Paper presentation]. European Researchers' Night, Venice, Italy.

SILGA, J., & Tardis, M. (2013). Know-Reset (Building Knowledge for a Concerted and Sustainable Approach to Refugee Resettlement in the European Union and its Member States) - Country Profile:France. European University Institute: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.

SILGA, J. (2013). Know-Reset (Building Knowledge for a Concerted and Sustainable Approach to Refugee Resettlement in the European Union and its Member States) - Country Profile: Luxembourg. European University Institute: Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.

SILGA, J. (2013). The Legal Dimension of the Migration-Development Nexus in the European Union Policy Framework [Doctoral thesis, European University Institute]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

SILGA, J. (2012). Shifting perspective on the migration and development nexus in the context of the European Union : From the migration management approach to the development paradigm of mobility? In K. Podstawa & L. Puccio, Framework for Economic Development in EU External Relations (pp. 115-144). European University Institute: EUI Working Papers.
Peer reviewed

SILGA, J., Taillard Yevènes, C., & Nozarian, N. (2011). Report on the reception and assistance for aliens residing illegally in France and for aliens who have residence rights but no entitlements to benefits and facilities. Dutch Government's Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (ACVZ). (Advisory Report 34/2012).

SILGA, J. (2011). Fundamental Rights Agency Annual Report (2011): European Law in the field of asylum, immigration and integration. Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA).

SILGA, J., & Lambert, H. (2010). Transnational Refugee Law in the French Courts: Deliberate or Compelled Change in Judicial Attitudes? In G. S. Goodwin-Gill & H. Lambert, The Limits of Transnational Law: Refugee Law, Policy Harmonization and Judicial Dialogue in the European Union (pp. 35-56). Cambridge University Press.
Peer reviewed

SILGA, J. (2010). The Migration-Development Nexus in EU Policy : From Rhetoric to Action? EUI Review.

SILGA, J. (2007). L'accès au regroupement familial pour les ressortissants de pays tiers à l'Union européenne.

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