MUÑOZ, S. (03 July 2024). Fighting on the Environmental Rights Front: the Eternal Return of Radicality? [Paper presentation]. 30th International Conference of Europeanists, “Radical Europe: Violence, Emancipation and Reaction”, Lyon, France. |
MUÑOZ, S. (19 June 2024). A Complex Balancing Act: Enforcing Social Rights in Post-Crisis Europe [Paper presentation]. 12th Biennial Conference of the SGEU, Lisbon, Portugal. |
MUÑOZ, S. (28 June 2023). Bringing the EU into Compliance with the Aarhus Convention [Paper presentation]. Twenty-Ninth International Conference of Europeanists on “Europe’s Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias”, Reykjavik, Iceland. |
MUÑOZ, S. (30 June 2022). Multilevel Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in the European Union: A Systemic Imbalance? [Paper presentation]. Twenty-Eighth International Conference of Europeanists, “The Environment of Democracy”, Lisboa, Portugal. |
MUÑOZ, S. (22 June 2021). Challenging the Status Quo: Citizens’ Access to Justice to Protect a Healthy Environment in Europe [Paper presentation]. Europe’s Past, Present, and Future: Utopias and Dystopias, 27th International Conference of Europeanists. |
MUÑOZ, S. (11 September 2020). Governing Health in the European Semester: Towards the Economy of Wellbeing? [Paper presentation]. UACES 2020 Virtual Conference. |
MUÑOZ, S. (2019). Enforcing the European Pillar of Social Rights: Finding the Right Mix and Balance. United Kingdom: UACES Research Network on Effective Enforcement of EU Law and Policy. |
MUÑOZ, S. (03 September 2019). Living up to High Expectations? Effective Enforcement of the European Pillar of Social Rights [Paper presentation]. UACES 49th Annual Conference in Contemporary European Studies, Lisbon, Portugal. |
MUÑOZ, S. (06 June 2019). A Socially Balanced European Economic Governance? [Paper presentation]. International Workshop Jean Monnet Chair Theories and History of European Economic Governance. Quo Vadis Europa?, Economic Governance and Social Policies. A European Perspective, Rome, Italy. |
MUÑOZ, S. (2019). Striking a balance between competitiveness and social fairness: what can we expect from the European Pillar of Social Rights? In P. Chiocchetti & F. Allemand (Eds.), Competitiveness and Solidarity in the European Union: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 264-288). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge. Peer reviewed |
MUÑOZ, S. (2019). Mainstreaming the Social Dimension into EU Economic Governance: Expectations, Achievements and Future Prospects. In F. Masini (Ed.), Economic Governance and Social Policies. A European Perspective (pp. 65-80). Ventotene, Italy: Altiero Spinelli Institute for Federalist Studies. |
MUÑOZ, S. (2019). ¿Hacia una Verdadera Acción Popular para la Protección del Medioambiente? Una Reflexión a la Luz de la Jurisprudencia Española y Europea. In F. J. Murillo & M. Mesa (Eds.), Actas del I Congreso Internacional Derechos Humanos, Democracia, Cultura de Paz y No Violencia (pp. 181). Madrid, Spain: DEMOSPAZ. Peer reviewed |
MUÑOZ, S. (2017). Interview de Jim Cloos (directeur général adjoint de la politique générale et institutionnelle au secrétariat général du Conseil de l'Union européenne). doi:10.25517/RESuME-7gYh7KW-2018 |
MUÑOZ, S. (12 July 2017). Towards More Sustainable European (Economic) Integration: The Role of Social Rights [Paper presentation]. 24th International Conference of Europeanists: Sustainability and Transformation, Glasgow, United Kingdom. |
MUÑOZ, S. (03 July 2017). Seeking Convergence: Sustainable Socio-Economic Rights in Post-Crisis Europe [Paper presentation]. Jean Monnet Module Closing Academic Conference: The sustainability of socio-economic rights in times of crisis, Larnaca, Cyprus. |
MUÑOZ, S. (04 May 2017). The European Pillar of Social Rights: Building a Deeper, Fairer Union? [Paper presentation]. European Union Studies Association (EUSA) Fifteenth Biennial Conference, Uncertain Destinations: The European Union at 60, Miami, United States. |
MUÑOZ, S. (28 April 2017). Exploring EU diplomacy through oral sources [Paper presentation]. 14th Biennial International Conference of Editors of Diplomatic Documents, London, United Kingdom. |
MUÑOZ, S. (29 March 2017). Balancing competitiveness and social fairness [Paper presentation]. International Seminar: La compétitivité européenne: regards croisés, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. |
MUÑOZ, S., & Rassafi-Guibal, H. (2017). Interview de Pascal Lamy (président éméritus de l'Institut Jacques Delors, ancien commissaire européen au commerce, ancien directeur général de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce). doi:10.25517/RESuME-Zopy2fx-2017 |
MUÑOZ, S. (16 January 2017). Narrating the European Council: an innovative digital publication [Paper presentation]. SUMMIT Conference: The European Council. Spreading knowledge and fostering research on a key institution, Berlin, Germany. |
MUÑOZ, S. (16 December 2016). De la crise de solidarité au socle européen des droits sociaux: vers une Union économique, monétaire et sociale? [Paper presentation]. Journée d'études «L'Europe en mutation. Populations, intégration économique, société et gouvernance», Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
MUÑOZ, S. (06 December 2016). Sustainable Economic and Monetary Union: the role of social rights [Paper presentation]. Euroland: Finance Economics Sustainability Rights. What Prospects, Rome, Italy. |
MUÑOZ, S. (09 July 2016). Building a new model of oral sources on European integration [Paper presentation]. Conference ‘Beyond Text in the Digital Age? Oral History, Images and the Written Word’, London, United Kingdom. |
MUÑOZ, S. (2016). Social rights and the new EU economic governance: seeking convergence. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
MUÑOZ, S. (11 March 2016). Putting the UK’s referendum in context: lessons from the past to shape the future? [Paper presentation]. The Future of a United Kingdom in the European Union, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
MUÑOZ, S. (2016). Retour aux fondamentaux: les droits sociaux au socle de la nouvelle gouvernance économique européenne. In Liber Amicorum Blanche Sousi. L'Union bancaire, financière et monétaire (pp. 113-120). Paris, France: RB Edition. Peer reviewed |