MOSNA, A. (2020). ART LAUNDERING: PROTECTING CULTURAL HERITAGE THROUGH CRIMINAL LAW [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
MOSNA, A. (September 2019). Europäische Ermittlungsanordnung und Europäische Staatsanwaltschaft. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft, 131 (3), 808-847. Peer reviewed |
MOSNA, A. (July 2018). Right to appeal under international criminal law: the intrinsic limitations in the ICC System. Revista Fórum de Ciências Criminais, 5 (9), 139–158. |
ALLEGREZZA, S., & MOSNA, A. (2018). Cross-Border Criminal Evidence and the Future European Public Prosecutor. One Step Back on Mutual Recognition? In L. Bachmaier Winter, The European Public Prosecutor's Office The Challenges Ahead (pp. 141-164). Germany: Springer. Peer reviewed |
ALLEGREZZA, S., & MOSNA, A. (2018). Admissibilidad de la prueba transnacional en los procedimientos de la fiscalia europea. In L. Bachmaier Winter, La Fiscalia Europea (pp. 173-193). Madrid, Spain: Marcial Pons. Peer reviewed |
MOSNA, A. (2018). Judicial Review for the Protection of Defence Rights in International Criminal Justice: The ICC as a Case Study. In S. ALLEGREZZA & V. COVOLO (Eds.), Effective Defence Rights in Criminal Proceedings: A European and Comparative Study on Judicial Remedies (pp. 161-181). Padova, Italy: Wolters Kluwer Italia, CEDAM. |
ALLEGREZZA, S., & MOSNA, A. (2018). Admisibilidad de la prueba transnacional en los procedimientos de la fiscalia europea. In L. Bachmaier Winter, La Fiscalia Europea (Marcial Pons, pp. 173-194). Madrid, Spain: Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales. Peer reviewed |
ALLEGREZZA, S., & MOSNA, A. (2017). Commento all'art. 48 - I diritti della difesa. In R. Mastroianni, O. Pollicino, S. ALLEGREZZA, F. Pappalardo, ... O. Razzolini (Eds.), Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione europea (pp. 946-971). Milano, Italy: Giuffrè. Peer reviewed |
MOSNA, A. (2017). Some thoughts on the nature and limits of the right to appeal in front of the ICC. Kritische Vierteljahresschrift für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft, 100 (3), 265–289. |
ALLEGREZZA, S., MOSNA, A., & Nicolicchia, F. (2016). L'acquisizione della prova all'estero e i profili transnazionali. In G. Canzio, L. D. Cerqua, ... L. Lupária (Eds.), Diritto penale delle società (2nd ed, pp. 157-195). Milano, Italy: Cedam. |
MOSNA, A. (2014). Configurabilità del legittimo impedimento nel caso di recente parto del difensore. Cassazione Penale, (4), 1375-1390. Peer reviewed |