

Main Referenced Co-authors
Barais, Olivier (5)
Bourcier, Johann (5)
FOUQUET, François  (5)
Benelallam, Amine (3)
HARTMANN, Thomas  (3)
Main Referenced Keywords
model-driven engineering (3); action modelling (1); Adaptive systems (1); Analytics (1); Big Data (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) > Security Design and Validation Research Group (SerVal) (1)
SnT (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Computer science (7)

Publications (total 7)

The most downloaded
MOULINE, L. (2019). TOWARDS A MODELLING FRAMEWORK WITH TEMPORAL AND UNCERTAIN DATA FOR ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

The most cited

9 citations (Scopus®)

MOULINE, L., Benelallam, A., FOUQUET, F., Bourcier, J., & Barais, O. (2018). A Temporal Model for Interactive Diagnosis of Adaptive Systems. In L. MOULINE, A. Benelallam, F. Fouquet, J. Bourcier, ... O. Barais, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC). doi:10.1109/ICAC.2018.00029

MOULINE, L., CORDY, M., & LE TRAON, Y. (2020). Load approximation for uncertain topologies in the low-voltage grid. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SMART GRID COMMUNICATIONS, 11-13 November 2020 (pp. 1-6). doi:10.1109/SmartGridComm47815.2020.9302940
Peer reviewed

MOULINE, L. (2019). TOWARDS A MODELLING FRAMEWORK WITH TEMPORAL AND UNCERTAIN DATA FOR ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

MOULINE, L., Benelallam, A., FOUQUET, F., Bourcier, J., & Barais, O. (2018). A Temporal Model for Interactive Diagnosis of Adaptive Systems. In L. MOULINE, A. Benelallam, F. Fouquet, J. Bourcier, ... O. Barais, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC). doi:10.1109/ICAC.2018.00029
Peer reviewed

MOULINE, L., Benelallam, A., HARTMANN, T., FOUQUET, F., Bourcier, J., Morin, B., & Barais, O. (2018). Enabling Temporal-Aware Contexts for Adaptative Distributed Systems. SAC 2018: SAC 2018: Symposium on Applied Computing , April 9--13, 2018, Pau, France. doi:10.1145/3167132.3167286
Peer reviewed

Benelallam, A., HARTMANN, T., MOULINE, L., FOUQUET, F., Bourcier, J., Barais, O., & LE TRAON, Y. (2017). Raising Time Awareness in Model-Driven Engineering. In 2017 ACM/IEEE 20th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (pp. 181-188). Springer. doi:10.1109/MODELS.2017.11
Peer reviewed

MOULINE, L., HARTMANN, T., FOUQUET, F., LE TRAON, Y., Bourcier, J., & Barais, O. (2017). Weaving Rules into Models@run.time for Embedded Smart Systems. In L. MOULINE, T. HARTMANN, F. FOUQUET, Y. LE TRAON, J. Bourcier, ... O. Barais, Programming '17 Companion to the first International Conference on the Art, Science and Engineering of Programming. Brussels, Belgium: ACM. doi:10.1145/3079368.3079394
Peer reviewed

Tricoire, M., Barais, O., Leduc, M., Bourcier, J., FOUQUET, F., NAIN, G., MOULINE, L., Sunyé, G., & Morin, B. (2016). KevoreeJS: Enabling dynamic software reconfigurations in the Browser. In WICSA/CompArch 2016 Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

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