

Main Referenced Co-authors
Main Referenced Keywords
New Math (2); New Math reform (2); history of math education (1); ideology (1); international institutions (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Education & instruction (7)
Sociology & social sciences (2)
History (1)

Publications (total 10)

The most downloaded
NADIMI AMIRI, S. (2017). When An Educational Ideology Travels: The Experience Of The New Math Reform In Luxembourg. In Mathematics Education and Life at Times of Crisis (pp. 728-737). Volos, Greece: MES9.

NADIMI AMIRI, S. (2017). Historicizing the journey of the New Math reform from the United States to Luxembourg in the 1960s and 1970s [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

NADIMI AMIRI, S. (August 2017). The role of international organisations in the New Math reform process [Paper presentation]. ECER 2017: Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and the role of educational research, Copenhagen, Denmark.

NADIMI AMIRI, S. (2017). When An Educational Ideology Travels: The Experience Of The New Math Reform In Luxembourg. In Mathematics Education and Life at Times of Crisis (pp. 728-737). Volos, Greece: MES9.
Peer reviewed

NADIMI AMIRI, S. (03 September 2016). The reasoning behind the New Math: from the US to Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Theory and Data in the History of Education Doctoral Colloquium, San Francisco, Palo Alto, United States.

NADIMI AMIRI, S. (20 August 2016). A historical study of applying a new perspective on mathematical concepts for improving education of “mentally handicapped” children [Paper presentation]. ISCHE 38, Chicago, United States.

NADIMI AMIRI, S. (28 September 2015). International influences on national demarche in school modernisation: The case of the New Math reform in Luxembourg in 1960s [Paper presentation]. Theory and Data in the History of Education. A cross-cultural and cross-generational exchange, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

NADIMI AMIRI, S. (08 September 2015). National Adaptation of New Math as a Cold War ‘Globally’-disseminated Idea in Luxembourg: Confrontation of National Values and International Urges [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Educational Research. Theme: Education and Transition - Contributions from Educational Research, Budapest, Hungary.

NADIMI AMIRI, S. (26 June 2015). Cultural conditions in the adaptation of a global ideology: New Maths reform in Luxembourg in the 1960’s and 1970’s [Paper presentation]. International Standing Conference for the History of Education - ISCHE 37 Culture And Education, Istanbul, Turkey.

NADIMI AMIRI, S. (11 December 2014). The ideological background of mathematics education in Luxembourg before starting the New Maths reform [Paper presentation]. Symposium in university of Aalborg.

NADIMI AMIRI, S. (29 August 2014). Travelling ideologies and national adaptations: The implementation of New Maths in Luxembourg's Primary Schools in the 1960s-1970s [Paper presentation]. THEORY AND DATA IN THE HISTORY OF EDUCATION: A cross-cultural and cross-generational exchange, Wisconsin - Madison, United States.

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