WOLFF, C., ZHANG, L., Holzmeister, F., & STEFANOVA, D. (June 2024). Non-Standard Errors. Journal of Finance, 79 (3), 2339-2390. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
WOLFF, C. (19 April 2023). Non-Standard Errors [Paper presentation]. Chulalongkorn Business School Seminar, Bangkok, Thailand. |
WOLFF, C. (February 2023). Which Factors Play a Role in CoCo Issuance? Evidence from European Banks [Paper presentation]. Sustainable Finance and Green Fintech Conference, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. |
WOLFF, C. (January 2023). Non-Standard errors [Paper presentation]. Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. |
WOLFF, C. (2023). What can inform us about the arrival of daily extreme stock market events? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/54335. |
WOLFF, C. (2023). Member, Managing Board, European Banking Center Network. |
WOLFF, C. (2023). Guest Editor, Journal of Risk and Financial Management. |
WOLFF, C. (2023). Dividend Policy Decisions and Ownership Concentration: Evidence from Thai Public Companies. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 26 (1). doi:10.1142/S0219091523500066 Peer reviewed |
ZHANG, L., & WOLFF, C. (2022). Is Bitcoin a better safe-haven asset for individual investors than Gold? – Evidence from sanctioned Russia. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/53023. |
WOLFF, C. (2022). Which Factors Play a Role in Coco Issuance? Evidence from European Banks. Journal of Derivatives, (Fall). Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
WOLFF, C. (06 July 2022). Which Factors Play a Role in Coco Issuance? Evidence from European Banks [Paper presentation]. EBES Conference 2022, Istanbul, Turkey. |
WOLFF, C. (24 June 2022). Non-Standard Errors [Paper presentation]. Research Seminar, Faculty of Economics Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia, on-line, Jakarta, Indonesia. |
WOLFF, C. (20 June 2022). Which Factors Play a Role in Coco Issuance? Evidence from European Banks [Paper presentation]. Global Finance Conference 2022, Braga, Portugal. |
WOLFF, C. (2022). Which Factors Play a Role in Coco Issuance? Evidence from European Banks. |
WOLFF, C. (2022). Member, Managing Board, European Banking Center Network. |
WOLFF, C. (2022). Guest Editor, Journal of Risk and Financial Management. |
WOLFF, C. (2022). Best Paper Award. |
WOLFF, C. (2022). Best Paper Award: Runner-up for the Bates-White Prize for the Best Paper at the 2022 Annual Meeting. |
WOLFF, C. (2022). Executing trades in style: Retail investors vs. institutions. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics, 29 (2), 344-362. doi:10.1080/16081625.2020.1754256 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
WOLFF, C., & ZHANG, L. (2021). Finance Crowd Analysis Project (FINCAP). https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/48110 |
WOLFF, C. (2021). Which Factors Play a Role in Coco Issuance? Evidence from European Banks. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/46006. |
WOLFF, C. (2021). Guest Editor, Journal of Risk and Financial Management. Switzerland: MDPI AG. |
WOLFF, C. (2021). Associate Editor, Journal of Risk and Financial Management. |
WOLFF, C. (2021). Associate Editor, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal. |
WOLFF, C. (2021). Member, Managing Board, European Banking Center Network. |
WOLFF, C. (January 2021). Spillovers to small business credit risk. Small Business Economics, 57, 323–352. doi:10.1007/s11187-019-00308-9 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
WOLFF, C. (February 2020). Local Organiser, European Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee Meeting [Paper presentation]. Meeting, European Shadow Financial Regulatory Committee, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
WOLFF, C. (2020). Associate Editor, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. |
WOLFF, C. (2020). Associate Editor, Pacific Basin Finance Journal. |
WOLFF, C. (2020). Member, Management Board, European Banking Center Network. |
WOLFF, C. (2020). Associate Editor, Journal of Risk and Financial Management. MDPI. |
WOLFF, C. (June 2019). Are Capital Requirements on Small Business Loans Flawed? Journal of Empirical Finance, 52, 255-274. doi:10.1016/j.jempfin.2019.05.001 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Lin, Y., LEHNERT, T., & WOLFF, C. (May 2019). Skewness Risk Premium: Theory and Empirical Evidence. International Review of Financial Analysis, 63, 174-185. doi:10.1016/j.irfa.2019.04.002 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
WOLFF, C. (April 2019). Research visit, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand [Paper presentation]. Research visit. |
WOLFF, C. (March 2019). Organiser, European Banking Center (EBC) Network Conference [Paper presentation]. European Banking Center (EBC) Network Conference on "Banking, Financial Regulation, and Financial Stability". |
WOLFF, C. (2019). Skewness Risk Premium: Theory and Empirical Evidence. International Review of Financial Analysis. doi:10.1016/j.irfa.2019.04.002 Peer reviewed |
WOLFF, C. (2019). Associate Editor, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. |
WOLFF, C. (2019). Associate Editor, Pacific Basin Finance Journal. |
WOLFF, C. (2019). Spillovers to small business credit risk. London, United Kingdom: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/39287 |
WOLFF, C. (2019). Associate Editor, Banks and Bank Systems. Sumy, Ukraine: Business Perspectives. |
WOLFF, C., ABED MASROR KHAH, S., & Vermaelen, T. (2019). The Determinants of CoCo Bond Prices. Journal of Derivatives. doi:10.3905/jod.2019.26.3.035 Peer reviewed |
WOLFF, C. (2019). Are retail investors noise traders? VoxEU. |
WOLFF, C., & Ekkayokkaya, M. (2018). Executing Trades in Style: Retail Investors vs. Institutions. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/37023. |
WOLFF, C. (2018). Associate editor, Pacific Basin Finance Journal. |
WOLFF, C. (2018). Associate Editor, Bank and Bank Systems. |
WOLFF, C., Bams, D., & Magdalena, P. (2018). Are Capital Requirements on Small Business Loans Flawed? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/37024. |
WOLFF, C. (2018). Associate Editor, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. |
WOLFF, C., & Ekkayokkaya, M. (09 November 2017). Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: Evidence from the Indochina region. Finance Research Letters, 23, 253-256. doi:10.1016/j.frl.2017.06.009 Peer reviewed |
WOLFF, C., & Ekkayokkaya, M. (2017). Who Trade at Better Prices? (1). ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/31495. |
WOLFF, C. (2017). Cross-border mergers and acquisitions: Evidence from Indochina. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/31488. |
WOLFF, C. (2017). Best Paper Award. |
WOLFF, C. (18 April 2017). Credit Risk Characteristics of Small Business Loan Portfolios [Paper presentation]. 2nd Islamic Finance , Banking & Ethics Global Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. |
WOLFF, C. (25 January 2017). Credit Risk Characterististics of US Small Business Loan Portfolios [Paper presentation]. Research Seminar, Bangkok, Thailand. |
WOLFF, C. (2017). Associate Editor, Pacific Basin Finance Journal. |
WOLFF, C. (2017). Associate Editor, Banks and Bank Systems. |
WOLFF, C. (2017). Associate Editor, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. |
WOLFF, C. (27 June 2016). Credit Risk Charactereristics of US Small Business Loan Portfolios [Paper presentation]. Asian Finance Association Annual Conference, Bangkok, Thailand. |
WOLFF, C. (2016). Winner, Best AFFI 2016 Paper in banking and insurance. |
WOLFF, C., & PISA, M. (2016). Finanzierungskonditionen für KMU verschlechtern sich. Börsen-Zeitung. |
WOLFF, C., & PISA, M. (2016). Best Paper Prize, International Symposium on Business and Management, April 6-8, 2016. |
WOLFF, C., & PISA, M. (2016). Credit risk characteristics of US small business portfolios [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Business and Management. |
WOLFF, C. (2016). Associate Editor, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. |
WOLFF, C. (2016). Editor, Journal of Empirical Finance. |
WOLFF, C. (2016). Editor, Journal of Empirical Finance. |
WOLFF, C., & PISA, M. (2016). Ripples of risk. VoxEU. |
WOLFF, C. (2015). Co-Organiser, Journal of Empirical Finance, European Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference. |
WOLFF, C. (Other coll.). (2015). Co-Organiser, Luxembourg Asset Management Summit. |
BEKKOUR, L., JIN, X., LEHNERT, T., RASMOUKI, F., & WOLFF, C. (2015). Euro at Risk: The Impact of Member Countries' Credit Risk on the Stability of the Common Currency. Journal of Empirical Finance, 33, 67-83. doi:10.1016/j.jempfin.2015.06.004 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
GREIFF, S., STADLER, M., SONNLEITNER, P., WOLFF, C., & MARTIN, R. (2015). Sometimes less is more. Comparing the validity of complex problem solving measures. Intelligence, 50, 100-113. doi:10.1016/j.intell.2015.02.007 Peer reviewed |
WOLFF, C. (2015). Editor, Journal of Empirical Finance. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. |
WOLFF, C. (2015). Euro at Risk: The Impact of Member Countries' Credit Risk on the Stability of the Common Currency [Paper presentation]. IJAS Conference, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. |
WOLFF, C. (2015). Euro at Risk: The Impact of Member Countries' Credit Risk on the Stability of the Common Currency [Paper presentation]. ISBM Conference, Malaysia. |
WOLFF, C. (2015). Euro at Risk: The Impact of Member Countries' Credit Risk on the Stability of the Common Currency [Paper presentation]. GMAC Conference. |
WOLFF, C. (2015). Associate Editor, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money. |
WOLFF, C. (2015). Best Paper Prize, Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES). |
WOLFF, C. (2015). Modeling Credit Risk in a US Small Business Portfolio [Paper presentation]. APCBSS Conference. |
WOLFF, C. (2015). Luxembourg's global financial and incorporation center [Paper presentation]. UN Green Climate Fund, Songdo, South Korea. |
WOLFF, C. (2015). Credit risk characteristics of US small business portfolios [Paper presentation]. Financial Managment Association (FMA) conference, Tokyo, Japan. |
WOLFF, C. (2015). Credit risk characteristics of US small business portfolios [Paper presentation]. Financial Management Association (FMA) meeting. |
WOLFF, C. (2015). The global crisis beyond banks’ balance sheets. VoxEU. |
WOLFF, C. (2015). Basel regulation: friend or foe of small business lending. VoxEU. |
WOLFF, C. (2015). Credit risk characteristics of US small business portfolios. (CEPR Working Paper 10889). ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/23057. |
WOLFF, C. (2015). The determinants of CoCo bond prices. (CEPR Working Paper 10996). ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/23059. |
WOLFF, C. (2015). Does the CAMEL bank rating system follow a pro-cyclical pattern? (CEPR Working Paper 10965). ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/23058. |
RASMOUKI, F., BEKKOUR, L., LEHNERT, T., JIN, X., & WOLFF, C. (June 2014). Euro_At_Risk [Paper presentation]. International Risk Management Conference. |
WOLFF, C., VERMAELEN, T., & Pennacchi, G. (2014). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. doi:10.1017/S0022109014000398 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
WOLFF, C., LEHNERT, T., & LIN, Y. (2014). Skewness Risk Premium: Theory and Empirical Evidence. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/18515. |
WOLFF, C., & Papanikolaou, N. (2014). The Role of Off-Balance Sheet Leverage in the Late 2000s Crisis. Journal of Financial Stability. doi:10.1016/j.jfs.2013.12.003 Peer reviewed |
WOLFF, C., & Papanikolaou. (2014). Financial stability, bank risk, and regulation in the light of crisis. Journal of Financial Stability. doi:10.1016/j.jfs.2014.08.008 Peer reviewed |
Bams, D., PISA, M., & WOLFF, C. (2014). Ripple Effects from Industry Defaults. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/18897. |
WOLFF, C. (2014). The role of on- and off-balance-sheet leverage of banks in the late 2000s crisis [Paper presentation]. Financial Management Association (FMA) conference. |
WOLFF, C. (2014). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. EBES Conference. |
WOLFF, C. (2014). The role of on- and off-balance-sheet leverage of banks in the late 2000s crisis [Paper presentation]. International Atlantic Economic Society conference. |
WOLFF, C. (Other coll.). (2014). Best Paper Prize, Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES). |
WOLFF, C. (2014). Associate Editor, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money. |
WOLFF, C. (Other coll.). (2014). Editor, Journal of Empirical Finance. |
WOLFF, C. (2014). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. Indonesian Financial Management Association (IFMA). |
WOLFF, C. (2014). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. International Atlantic Economic Society. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). International Financial Management Association Best Paper Prize. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India Best Paper Prize. |
WOLFF, C., Müller, J., KRETZSCHMAR, A., & GREIFF, S. (April 2013). Beyond Reasoning? Searching for the Construct of Complex Problem Solving [Paper presentation]. 5th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Szeged, Hungary. |
KRETZSCHMAR, A., Müller, J., WOLFF, C., & GREIFF, S. (April 2013). Complex Problem Solving within the Lifelong Learning Project [Paper presentation]. 5th Szeged Workshop on Educational Evaluation, Szeged, Hungary. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. CREDIT Conference, Venice, Italy. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. Corporate Finance Conference, Indian School of Business. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. Australasian Finance and Banking Conference. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. Financial Management Association, Shanghai, China. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. Financial Management Association, Luxembourg. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. RMI Risk Management Conference, Singapore. |
LEHNERT, T., WOLFF, C., & Lin, Y. (2013). Skewness Risk Premium: Theory and Empirical Evidence. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/14681. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Associate Editor, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money. |
WOLFF, C. (Other coll.). (2013). Editor, Journal of Empirical Finance. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Euro at Risk: The Impact of Member Countries' Credit Risk on the Stability of the Common Currency [Paper presentation]. Financial Management Association (FMA) meeting. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Ripple Effects from Industry Defaults [Paper presentation]. Risk Management Conference. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. Journal of Banking and Finance conference. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Leverage and risk in U.S. commercial banking in the light of the current financial crisis [Paper presentation]. Australian Finance and Banking Conference. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Leverage and risk in U.S. commercial banking in the light of the current financial crisis [Paper presentation]. Financial Management Association (FMA) conference. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Leverage and risk in U.S. commercial banking in the light of the current financial crisis [Paper presentation]. CREDIT conference. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. The Econometric Society meeting. |
WOLFF, C. (2013). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. IFMA. |
WOLFF, C., Stefan, T. M. S., & Roald, J. V. B. (2013). Are capital controls in the foreign exchange ? Journal of International Money and Finance, 35, 36–53. doi:10.1016/j.jimonfin.2013.01.005 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BEKKOUR, L., JIN, X., LEHNERT, T., RASMOUKI, F., & WOLFF, C. (2012). Euro at Risk: The Impact of Member Countries Credit Risk on the Stability of the Common Currency. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/5803. |
PISA, M., WOLFF, C., & Bams, D. (2012). Modeling default correlation in a US retail loan portfolio. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/9527. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Financial Management Association , Contingent Capital The Case of COERCS [Paper presentation]. Istanbul. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Ein Weltklasse-Professor an der UniLu - R. Mehra, Luxemburger Wort. Luxemburger Wort. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Contingent Capital The Case of COERCS [Paper presentation]. Hong Kong Economic Association Biannual Conference, Hong Kong SAR China. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Contingent Capital The Case of COERCS [Paper presentation]. European Financial Management Association, Barcelona, Spain. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Contingent Capital The Case of COERCS [Paper presentation]. European Finance Association, Copenhagen, Denmark. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Contingent Capital The Case of COERCS [Paper presentation]. GEBF Conference, Hong Kong SAR China. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Modeling Credit Risk in a US Small Business Portfolio [Paper presentation]. Risk Managment Conference. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. European Financial Management Association conference. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Leverage and risk in U.S. commercial banking in the light of the current financial crisis [Paper presentation]. Hong Kong Economic Association annual meeting, Hong Kong SAR China. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. European Finance Association meeting. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Leverage and risk in U.S. commercial banking in the light of the current financial crisis [Paper presentation]. Financial Management Association (FMA) conference. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Editor, Journal of Empirical Finance [Paper presentation]. Special issue introduction. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Contingent Capital The Case of COERCS [Paper presentation]. CAFS Symposium. |
WOLFF, C. (Other coll.). (2012). Associate Editor, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Editor, Journal of Empirical Finance. |
WOLFF, C. (Other coll.). (2012). GARP Risk Management Research Award. |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Contingent Capital: The Case of COERCs [Paper presentation]. American Finance Association meeting, San Diego, United States. |
WOLFF, C., Jongen, R., Verschoor, W., & Zwinkels, R. (2012). Explaining dispersion in foreign exchange expectations:A heterogeneous agent approach. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 1, 719-735. doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2012.01.005 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
WOLFF, C. (2012). Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. |
WOLFF, C., Jongen, R., & Verschoor, W. (2011). Time-Variation in Term Premia: International Survey-Based Evidence. Journal of International Money and Finance. doi:10.1016/j.jimonfin.2011.02.002 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
PAPANIKOLAOU, N., & WOLFF, C. (2010). Leverage and Risk in US Commercial Banking in the Light of the Current Financial Crisis. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/8765. |
WOLFF, C. (2010). Leverage and risk in U.S. commercial banking in the light of the current financial crisis [Paper presentation]. Risk Management Conference. |
WOLFF, C., VERMAELEN, T., & Pennacchi, G. (2010). Contingent Capital: The Case for COERCs. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/9641. |
LEHNERT, T., WOLFF, C., & Versluis, C. (2009). A Cumulative Prospect Theory Approach to Option Pricing. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/9645. |
WOLFF, C., Bams, D., & LEHNERT, T. (2009). Loss Functions in Option Valuation: A Framework for Model Selection. Management Science, 55 (5), 853-862. doi:10.1287/mnsc.1080.0976 Peer reviewed |
WOLFF, C., Jongen, R., & F.C. Verschoor, W. (2009). Time-Variation in Term Permia: International Survey-Based Evidence. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/9607. |
WOLFF, C., Jongen, R., Willem F.C., V., & C.J.Zwinkels, R. (2009). Dispersion of Beliefs in the Foreign Exchange Market. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/9606. |
WOLFF, C., & VERMAELEN, T. (2009). Beating the Market with Buybacks. Kolb Series in Finance. |
WOLFF, C., Straetmans, S. T. M., & Versteeg, R. J. (2008). Are Capital Controls in the Foreign Exchange Market Effective? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/9695. |
LEHNERT, T., WOLFF, C., & Bams, D. (2008). Loss Functions in Option Valuation: A Framework for Selection. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/9694. |
WOLFF, C., Jongen, R., & Verschoor, W. (2008). Foreign Exchange Rate Expectations: Survey and Synthesis. Journal of Economic Surveys, 22, 140-165. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6419.2007.00523.x Peer reviewed |
WOLFF, C., Jongen, R., & Verschoor, W. (2008). Extreme U.S. Stock Market Fluctuations in the Wake of 9/11. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 23, 17-42. doi:10.1002/jae.973 Peer reviewed |