

Main Referenced Co-authors
IRMEN, Andreas  (6)
Main Referenced Keywords
Aggregate Factor Income Distribution (2); Capital Accumulation (2); Endogenous Technological Change (2); Capital- and Labor- Augmenting Technical Change (1); Endogenous Technical Change (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Macroeconomics & monetary economics (4)
General economics & history of economic thought (3)

Publications (total 7)

The most downloaded
IRMEN, A., & TABAKOVIC, A. (2020). Endogenous Factor Income Distribution: Piketty meets Romer. Economic Inquiry, 58, 1342-1361. doi:10.1111/ecin.12850

The most cited

3 citations (WOS)

IRMEN, A., & TABAKOVIC, A. (2020). Endogenous Factor Income Distribution: Piketty meets Romer. Economic Inquiry, 58, 1342-1361. doi:10.1111/ecin.12850

IRMEN, A., & TABAKOVIC, A. (2020). Endogenous Factor Income Distribution: Piketty meets Romer. Economic Inquiry, 58, 1342-1361. doi:10.1111/ecin.12850
Peer reviewed

IRMEN, A., & TABAKOVIC, A. (2016). Endogenous Factor Income Distribution - When Piketty meets Romer - [Paper presentation]. 31st Annual Meeting of the European Economic Association, Geneva.

IRMEN, A., & TABAKOVIC, A. (2016). Endogenous Factor Income Distribution - When Piketty meets Romer - [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the German Economic Association, Augsburg.

IRMEN, A., & TABAKOVIC, A. (2016). Endogenous Factor Income Distribution - When Piketty meets Romer - [Paper presentation]. Research Seminar in Economics, University of Mainz.

IRMEN, A., & TABAKOVIC, A. (2016). Endogenous Factor Income Distribution - When Piketty meets Romer -. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

TABAKOVIC, A. (2015). Essays on Dynamic Economic Analysis [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

IRMEN, A., & TABAKOVIC, A. (2015). Endogenous Capital- and Labor-Augmenting Technical Change in the Neoclassical Growth Model. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

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