Batyra, A., de la Croix, D., Pierrard, O., & SNEESSENS, H. (In press). Structural changes in the labor market and the rise of early retirement in France and Germany. German Economic Review. doi:10.1111/geer.12150 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
BOURGAIN, A., SNEESSENS, H., Shadman, F., & Mehta, K. (2017). Analyse de l’impact des interactions sectorielles sur l’évolution des salaires [Paper presentation]. Séminaire économique, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Marchiori, L., Pierrard, O., & SNEESSENS, H. (2017). The EU-US Unemployment Puzzle Revisited: Institutions, Demography, and Capital Flows. Journal of Demographic Economics. doi:10.1017/dem.2017.13 Peer reviewed |
SNEESSENS, H. (2017). L’intermédiation financière dans les modèles macroéconomiques. Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique. doi:10.3917/rpve.561.0117 Peer reviewed |
BOURGAIN, A., SNEESSENS, H., Shadman, F., & Mehta, K. (2017). Analyse de l’impact des interactions sectorielles sur l’évolution des salaires. Comparaison de quatre pays. |
SNEESSENS, H. (2017). Malinvaud on Macroeconomic Policy. Annals of Economics and Statistics, 125-126. Peer reviewed |
SNEESSENS, H. (2016). Growth and Welfare: Shifts in Labour Market Policies. In P. Iglesias-Rodriguez, A. Triandafyllidou, ... R. Gropas (Eds.), After the Financial Crisis. Shifting Legal, Economic and Political Paradigms. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. Peer reviewed |
SNEESSENS, H. (29 January 2016). Financial Frictions in Macroeconomics. A Survey [Paper presentation]. Macroeconomics in Perspective Workshop, Lille, France. |
SNEESSENS, H. (2015). Prendre la compétitivité au sérieux ? [Paper presentation]. Prendre la compétitivité au sérieux ?, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
SNEESSENS, H. (2015). BCE: La décision va dans le bon sens – mais elle vient avec du retard. Tageblatt. |
SNEESSENS, H. (2014). L’adhésion de la Lituanie à l’euro. Le Quotidien. |
SNEESSENS, H. (2014). La menace de la déflation. Le Quotidien. |
BOURGAIN, A., & SNEESSENS, H. (2014). Pas automatiquement une perte de compétitivité. Paperjam. |
BOURGAIN, A., SNEESSENS, H., Shadman, F., & Mehta, K. (2014). Formation des salaires et indexation automatique - Analyse comparative de quatre pays européens. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Ministry of Economics. |
SNEESSENS, H. (2014). Du baby-boom au baby-bust. D'Lëtzebuerger Land. |
SNEESSENS, H. (21 March 2014). Labour Market Institutions and Economic Performance [Paper presentation]. EUI Conference on “Changing Paradigms After The Global Financial Crisis: Social and Economic Perspectives”, European University Institute, Firenze, Italy. |
Langot, F., L'Horty, Y., & SNEESSENS, H. (2014). Réduction de charges: priorité aux bas salaires. Le Monde. |
SNEESSENS, H. (2013). 100 ans de politique pragmatique. Luxemburger Wort. |
SNEESSENS, H. (May 2013). Regional Unemployment Theory - A Discussion [Paper presentation]. ESL Doctoral Workshop, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
SNEESSENS, H. (March 2013). Output and Welfare Effects of Fiscal Consolidation - A Discussion [Paper presentation]. - Belgian Macroeconomic Workshop, Leuven, Belgium. |
Batyra, A., de la Croix, D., Pierrard, O., & SNEESSENS, H. (2013). Declining bargaining power of workers and the rise of early retirement in Europe. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
de la Croix, D., Pierrard, O., & SNEESSENS, H. (2013). Aging and Pensions in General Equilibrium: Labour Market Imperfections Matter. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37, 104-124. doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2012.06.011 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SNEESSENS, H. (June 2012). Globalisation & the Labour Market: the Winners and the Losers [Paper presentation]. Inequality, Skills and Globalization, Lille, France. |
SNEESSENS, H. (2012). L'index décortiqué. Le Quotidien. |
SNEESSENS, H. (May 2011). Demographics, Capital Flows and European Unemployment [Paper presentation]. Macroeconomic Seminar. |
SNEESSENS, H. (2011). Evaluations des mesures de réduction des coûts salariaux. In V. C. Decoster, André (Ed.), L'impôt et la politique fiscale en Belgique (pp. 173-84). Belgium: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles. |
Batyra, A., & SNEESSENS, H. (July 2010). Selective reductions in labor taxation: Labor market adjustments and macroeconomic performance. Journal of Policy Modeling, 32 (4), 531-543. doi:10.1016/j.jpolmod.2010.05.006 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SNEESSENS, H. (2010). Aging and Pensions in General Equilibrium: Labour Market Imperfections Matter [Paper presentation]. 25th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association. |
SNEESSENS, H. (2010). Aging and Pensions in General Equilibrium: Labour Market Imperfections Matter [Paper presentation]. Meeting of the Society of Economic Dynamics, Montreal, Canada. |
De Graeve, F., Dossche, M., Emiris, M., SNEESSENS, H., & Wouters, R. (2010). Risk premiums and macroeconomic dynamics in a heterogeneous agent model. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 34, 1680-1699. doi:10.1016/j.jedc.2010.06.025 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
De Walque, G., Pierrard, O., SNEESSENS, H., & Wouters, R. (2009). Sequential bargaining in a New Keynesian model with frictional unemployment and staggered wage negotiation. Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 95-96, 221-250. Peer reviewed |
SNEESSENS, H., & Pierrard, O. (2008). Biased Technological Shocks, Relative Wage Rigidities and Low-Skilled Unemployment. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 55 (3), 330-352. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9485.2008.00456.x Peer reviewed |
Moreno-Galbis, E., & SNEESSENS, H. (2007). Low-skilled unemployment, capital-skill complementarity and embodied technical progress. Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 73 (3), 330-352. doi:10.3917/rel.733.0241 Peer reviewed |
Fagnart, J.-F., Pierrard, O., & SNEESSENS, H. (2007). Microeconomic Uncertainty and Macroeconomic Indeterminacy. European Economic Review, 51 (6), 1564-1588. doi:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2006.10.001 Peer reviewed |
Batyra, A., & SNEESSENS, H. (2006). Labour Market Adjustments and Macroeconomic Performance. In M. J. Mitchell, W. (Ed.), Growth and Cohesion in the European Union: the Impact of Economic Policy. Edward Elgar. |
Cockx, B., SNEESSENS, H., & Van der Linden, B. (2005). Evaluations micro et macroéconomiques des allégements de la (para-)fiscalité en Belgique. Academia Press. |
SNEESSENS, H., Ibourk, A., Maillard, B., & Perelman, S. (2004). Aggregate Matching Efficiency : A Stochastic Production Frontier Approach, France 1990-1994. Empirica, 31, 1-25. doi:10.1023/B:EMPI.0000024046.48027.bc Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Joseph, G., Pierrard, O., & SNEESSENS, H. (2004). Job turnover, unemployment and labor market institutions. Labour Economics, 11 (4), 451-468. doi:10.1016/j.labeco.2004.02.004 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SNEESSENS, H., Pierrard, O., & Shadman, F. (2003). Effets des préretraites sur l'emploi. Revue Française d'Economie, 18 (1), 133-155. Peer reviewed |
Entorf, H., & SNEESSENS, H. (2000). Aggregation in Models with Quantity Constraints. The CES Aggregation Function. Empirical Economics, 25 (1), 35-59. doi:10.1007/s001810050003 Peer reviewed |
Drèze, J. H., Durré, A., & SNEESSENS, H. (2000). Investment Stimulation, with Some Reference to Housing. Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 66 (1), 33-53. Peer reviewed |
SNEESSENS, H., & Drèze, J. H. (1997). Unemployment in Belgium: Lessons from a Macroeconomic Model with Quantity Constraints. In H. Van der Wee & J. Blomme (Eds.), The Economic Development of Belgium since 1870. Edward Elgar. |
Fagnart, J. F., Licandro, O., & SNEESSENS, H. (1997). Capacity Utilization and Market Power. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 22, 123-140. doi:10.1016/s0165-1889(97)00050-x Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SNEESSENS, H., & Stefani, M. L. (1996). Internal Finance and Capital Accumulation in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model with Credit Constraints. Louvain Economic Review - Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 62 (2-3), 255-86. Peer reviewed |
Shadman, F., & SNEESSENS, H. (1991). Belgian Unemployment: The Story of a Small Open Economy Caught in a Worldwide Recession. In J. H. Drèze & C. R. Bean (Eds.), Europe's Unemployment Problem. MIT Press. Peer reviewed |
SNEESSENS, H. (1987). Investment and the Inflation-Unemployment Trade-off in a Macroeconomic Rationing Model with Monopolistic Competition. European Economic Review, 31 (3), 781-815. doi:10.1016/0014-2921(87)90095-X Peer reviewed |
SNEESSENS, H. (1981). Theory and Estimation of Macroeconomic Rationing Models. Springer-Verlag. |