

Main Referenced Co-authors
LIGETI, Katalin  (3)
MARLETTA, Angelo  (1)
Mattei, Alberto (1)
Spiezia, Filippo (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
co-operation in criminal matters (1); crimes against the fi nancial interests of the EU (1); Cybercrime (1); Data protection (1); European Criminal Law (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Criminal law & procedure (26)
European & international law (3)
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 28)

The most downloaded
SIMONATO, M. (2016). Extended Confiscation of Criminal Assets: Limits and Pitfalls of Minimum Harmonisation in the EU. European Law Review.

The most cited

14 citations (Scopus®)

SIMONATO, M. (2015). Directive 2014/42/EU and Non-Conviction Based Confiscation: A Step Forward on Asset Recovery? New Journal of European Criminal Law, 6 (2), 213-228. doi:10.1177/203228441500600205

LIGETI, K., & SIMONATO, M. (2017). Chasing criminal money in the EU: New tools and practices? Hart Publishing.

MARLETTA, A., & SIMONATO, M. (2016). Le sfide della cooperazione internazionale nell'era digitale. Cassazione Penale, 1235-1239.
Peer reviewed

SIMONATO, M. (2016). Extended Confiscation of Criminal Assets: Limits and Pitfalls of Minimum Harmonisation in the EU. European Law Review.

SIMONATO, M. (16 November 2015). Victims and multiple competent jurisdictions: How to consider their interests in the forum choice? [Paper presentation]. Victims in Europe: needs, rights, perspectives.

SIMONATO, M. (16 September 2015). National approaches to asset recovery: different procedures and labels, similar content? [Paper presentation]. Research seminar “Quasi-criminal enforcement mechanisms in Europe: Disentangling historical origins and concepts”, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

SIMONATO, M. (01 September 2015). What role for (alleged) victims in the forum choice? [Paper presentation]. 3rd Working Group Meeting of the project: Prevention and Settlement of Conflicts of Exercise of Jurisdiction in Criminal Law, Vienna, Austria.

SIMONATO, M. (24 June 2015). Freezing and confiscation of proceeds of crime: making use of the new EU Directive [Paper presentation]. ERA Summer School on European Criminal Justice.

SIMONATO, M. (15 June 2015). Setting the scene: EU action on asset recovery [Paper presentation]. International conference "Chasing criminal money in the EU: new tools and practices?", Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

SIMONATO, M. (March 2015). Asset recovery in the EU [Paper presentation]. Invited lecture - Master course on financial and economic crime.

SIMONATO, M. (2015). Directive 2014/42/EU and Non-Conviction Based Confiscation: A Step Forward on Asset Recovery? New Journal of European Criminal Law, 6 (2), 213-228. doi:10.1177/203228441500600205
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

SIMONATO, M. (2015). A fragmented approach on asset recovery and financial investigations: a threat to effective international judicial cooperation? [Paper presentation]. International Conference on “European criminal procedure law in service of protection of EU financial interests: state of play and challenges”, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

SIMONATO, M. (2015). Procedural safeguards in cross-border investigations of the EPPO [Paper presentation]. International Conference on “EPPO and OLAF investigations: the judicial review and procedural guarantees", Rome, Italy.

SIMONATO, M. (2014). Mutual trust and transnational ne bis in idem: a further step made by the CJEU (C-398/12, M., 5 June 2014). ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

SIMONATO, M. (November 2014). Concurring jurisdiction, ne bis in idem and transfer of criminal proceedings [Paper presentation]. International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters in Practice, Slovakia.

SIMONATO, M. (August 2014). The recovery of criminal assets - a complex legal issue challenging the European Union [Paper presentation]. Regulating Mismanagement in the Corporate Field. The Role of Criminal Law and the Financial Crisis (IVth AIDP Symposium for Young Penalists), Sao Paulo, Brazil.

SIMONATO, M. (April 2014). Minors as victims of cross-border human trafficking in Europe [Paper presentation]. Juvenile criminal justice and Human Rights: International and Transnational Perspectives (Sixth Conference on the Future of Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems), Chapel Hill, United States.

SIMONATO, M. (March 2014). Concurring jurisdiction, ne bis in idem and transfer of criminal proceedings [Paper presentation]. International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters in Practice.

SIMONATO, M. (2014). Defence Rights and the Use of Information Technology in Criminal Procedure. Revue internationale de droit pénal, 85 (1-2), 261-310. doi:10.3917/ridp.851.0261

LIGETI, K., & SIMONATO, M. (2014). Multidisciplinary investigations into offences against the financial interests of the EU: a quest for an integrated enforcement concept. In F. Galli & A. Weyembergh (Eds.), Do labels still matter? Blurring boundaries between administrative and criminal law. The influence of the EU (pp. 81-94). Bruxelles, Belgium: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles.

SIMONATO, M. (2014). Deposizione della vittima e giustizia penale. Una lettura del sistema italiano alla luce del quadro europeo. Padova, Italy: Wolters Kluwer/CEDAM.

LIGETI, K., & SIMONATO, M. (2013). The European Public Prosecutor's Office: Toward a Truly European Prosecution Service? New Journal of European Criminal Law, 4 (1-2), 7.

SIMONATO, M. (2012). La protezione della vittima dal procedimento penale: il sistema italiano nello spazio europeo [Doctoral thesis, University of Genoa]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

SIMONATO, M. (2011). Il differimento del colloquio tra indagato in vinculis e difensore, tra orientamenti consolidati e interpretazione convenzionalmente orientata. Giurisprudenza di merito, (4), 1078.

SIMONATO, M. (2011). The Spontaneous Exchange of Information between European Judicial Authorities from the Italian Perspective. New Journal of European Criminal Law, 2 (2), 220. doi:10.1177/203228441100200208

SIMONATO, M., & Spiezia, F. (2011). La prima direttiva UE di diritto penale sulla tratta di esseri umani. Cassazione penale, (9), 3197.

SIMONATO, M. (2010). Violazione del diritto di ottenere copia delle registrazioni di comunicazioni intercettate, utilizzate ai fini dell'adozione di un provvedimento cautelare: quali conseguenze? Giurisprudenza di merito, (6), 1645.

SIMONATO, M., & Mattei, A. (2010). Primi approdi della Cassazione italiana al Bill of Social Right made in Europe: uno sguardo all'europeizzazione dei diritti tra Lussemburgo e Strasburgo, passando per Lisbona. - Osservatorio sul rispetto dei diritti fondamentali in Europa, (20), 1-10.

SIMONATO, M. (2009). Brevi note in tema di "contestazioni a catena" relative a reati permanenti. Giurisprudenza di merito, (3), 746.

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