TORCHYAN, K., & SACHAU, J. (2019). Increasing DG Integration Level by Network Configuration Subset Analysis. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies, SEST 2019. IEEE. doi:10.1109/SEST.2019.8848994 Peer reviewed |
NESHVAD, S., MARGOSSIAN, H., & SACHAU, J. (2016). Topology and Parameter Estimation in Power Systems through Inverter Based Broadband Stimulations. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution. doi:10.1049/iet-gtd.2015.1163 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
NORTA, D. P. B., Winkler, C., Allelein, H.-J., & SACHAU, J. (11 August 2015). 11,8-100% Rural Renewable Energy and Power Supply and its Influence on the Luxembourgish Power System. Energy Procedia, 73, 163-172. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.666 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
NORTA, D. P. B., Ramanathan, S., SACHAU, J., & Allelein, H.-J. (2015). Hydrokinetic Micro-Power Generation in Small Rivers - a New Approach. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. doi:10.24084/repqj13.267 Peer reviewed |
MARGOSSIAN, H., Deconinck, G., & SACHAU, J. (09 April 2015). Distribution Network Protection Considering Grid Code Requirements for Distributed Generation. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 9 (12), 1377 - 1381. doi:10.1049/iet-gtd.2014.0987 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
NORTA, D. P. B., Ramanathan, S., SACHAU, J., & Allelein, H.-J. (25 March 2015). Hydrokinetic Micro-Power Generation in Small Rivers - a New Approach [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality, La Coruna, Spain. |
TEWARI, U., NESHVAD, S., & SACHAU, J. (2015). Verification and Implementation of Pseudo-Random-Binary-Sequences for Online Determination of Grid Impedance Spectrum. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. doi:10.24084/repqj13.420 Peer reviewed |
NORTA, D. P. B., Winkler, C., SACHAU, J., & Allelein, H.-J. (10 March 2015). 11,8-100% Rural Renewable Energy and Power Supply and its Influence on the Luxembourgish Power System [Poster presentation]. International Renewable Energy Storage Conference, IRES 2015, Düsseldorf, Germany. |
NESHVAD, S., CHATZINOTAS, S., & SACHAU, J. (2015). Wideband Identification of Power Network Parameters Using Pseudo-Random Binary Sequences on Power Inverters. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. doi:10.1109/TSG.2015.2397552 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
NORTA, D. P. B., Lanser, C., SACHAU, J., & Allelein, H.-J. (2015). Using Polyurethane to Reduce the Production Cost of Hydrokinetic Turbine Foils. In Proceedings International Conference on Hydropower for Sustainable Development (pp. 135-145). Roorkee, India: IIT Roorkee, AHEC. Peer reviewed |
TEWARI, U., SACHAU, J., NORTA, D. P. B., Kolmsee, K. R., & Weckel, M. (08 September 2014). Analysis of local grid stability by Hydrokinetic Turbines around a Hydropower Plant in India [Poster presentation]. International School on Energy Systems - ISES 2014, Seeon-Seebruck, Germany. |
NORTA, D. P. B., SACHAU, J., & Allelein, H.-J. (08 September 2014). Integration of Distributed Renewable Generators in the Luxembourgish Power System [Poster presentation]. International School on Energy Systems - ISES 2014, Seeon-Seebruck, Germany. |
MARGOSSIAN, H., Deconinck, G., & SACHAU, J. (24 June 2014). Short Circuit Calculation in Networks with a High Share of Inverter Based Distributed Generation [Paper presentation]. IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, Galway, Ireland. doi:10.1109/PEDG.2014.6878629 |
NORTA, D. P. B., SACHAU, J., & Hans-Josef, A. (22 May 2014). Horizontally Oscillating Hydrofoil-River-Turbine with Variable Immersion Depth [Paper presentation]. Hidroenergia 2014, Istanbul, Turkey. |
NESHVAD, S., CHATZINOTAS, S., & SACHAU, J. (2014). Distribution Grid Monitoring through Pilot Injection and Successive Interference Cancellation. Proceedings of IAEE Conference. |
NESHVAD, S., CHATZINOTAS, S., & SACHAU, J. (2014). Online Determination of Grid Impedance Spectrum through Pseudo-Random Excitation of a Pulse Width Modulator. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal. doi:10.24084/repqj12.323 |
JOSTOCK, M., SACHAU, J., & Tuttas, C. (December 2013). LTI Modell arbiträrer wechselrichtergeführter Inselnetze. Automatisierungstechnik, 61 (12), 818-830. doi:10.1515/auto.2013.1032 Peer reviewed |
NORTA, D. P. B., SACHAU, J., & Allelein, H.-J. (18 November 2013). Hydrokinetic and Solar Energy Contribution to a Reliable Energy Supply [Poster presentation]. IRES 2013 8th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany. |
JOSTOCK, M., SACHAU, J., HADJI-MINAGLOU, J.-R., & Tuttas, C. (08 October 2013). Structured Analysis of Arbitrary Island Grids [Paper presentation]. 4th European Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), Copenhagen, Denmark. doi:10.1109/ISGTEurope.2013.6695301 |
NORTA, D. P. B., SACHAU, J., & Allelein, H.-J. (07 October 2013). Modular Hydrokinetic Micro Generation [Poster presentation]. HYDRO 2013 International Conference and Exhibition, Innsbruck, Austria. |
MARGOSSIAN, H., CAPITANESCU, F., & SACHAU, J. (2013). Feeder Protection Challenges with High Penetration of Inverter Based Distributed Generation. Proceedings of the EUROCON 2013 conference. doi:10.1109/EUROCON.2013.6625157 Peer reviewed |
BILIBIN, I., CAPITANESCU, F., & SACHAU, J. (2013). Overloads Management in Active Radial Distribution Systems: an Optimization Approach Including Network Switching. In 2013 IEEE PES PowerTech. doi:10.1109/PTC.2013.6652327 Peer reviewed |
MARGOSSIAN, H., CAPITANESCU, F., & SACHAU, J. (2013). Distributed Generator Status Estimation for Adaptive Feeder Protection in Active Distribution Grids. Proceedings of the CIRED2013 conference. doi:10.1049/cp.2013.0874 Peer reviewed |
CAPITANESCU, F., BILIBIN, I., & SACHAU, J. (2013). Towards optimal post-fault self-healing in future smart distribution grids. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, 1-6. doi:10.24084/repqj11.362 Peer reviewed |
JOSTOCK, M., & SACHAU, J. (2012). Frequency Coupling in Inverter Grids Modeling the Mutual Interference of Voltage Source Inverters in Island Grids. Abstract book of 5th International Conference on Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources, 192-193. Peer reviewed |
JOSTOCK, M., & SACHAU, J. (2012). Compound Model of Inverter Driven Grids Stability Analysis of Island Power Grids Containing Only Voltage Source Inverters. Abstract book of 5th International Conference on Integration of Renewable and Distributed Energy Resources, 194-195. Peer reviewed |
JOSTOCK, M., & SACHAU, J. (2011). NetPower DemoLab A Test Bed Infrastructure for Security and Reliability Investigations of SCADA Systems. Abstract paper of 2011 Grande Region Security and Reliability Day, 1-2. Peer reviewed |