
REY Germain

Main Referenced Co-authors
SIEBENTRITT, Susanne  (17)
REDINGER, Alex  (8)
WEISS, Thomas  (8)
SENDLER, Jan  (5)
HALA, Matej  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
chalcogenides (1); Copper zinc tin selenide (1); Kesterite (1); kesterites (1); near infrared transparency (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Laboratory for Photovoltaics (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Physics (18)

Publications (total 18)

The most downloaded
HALA, M., Fujii, S., REDINGER, A., Inoue, Y., REY, G., THEVENIN, M., DEPREDURAND, V., WEISS, T., BERTRAM, T., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2015). Highly conductive ZnO films with high near infrared transparency. Progress in Photovoltaics. doi:10.1002/pip.2601

The most cited

318 citations (OpenAlex)

Bourdais S., Choné C., Delatouche B., Jacob A., Larramona G., Moisan C., Dennler G., Lafond A., Donatini F., REY, G., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2016). Is the Cu/Zn disorder the main culprit for the voltage deficit in kesterite solar cells? Advanced Energy Materials, 6 - 15002276. doi:10.1002/AENM.201502276

REY, G., Paduthol, A., Sun, K., Nagle, T., Poplavskyy, D., SERRANO ESCALANTE, V., MELCHIORRE, M., SIEBENTRITT, S., Abbott, M., & Trupke, T. (2020). Photoluminescence-Based Method for Imaging Buffer Layer Thickness in CIGS Solar Cells. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2019.2950630
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COLOMBARA, D., WERNER, F., Schwarz, T., Cañero Infante, I., Fleming, Y., Valle, N., SPINDLER, C., Vacchieri, E., REY, G., Guennou, M., Bouttemy, M., Garzón Manjón, A., PERAL ALONSO, I., MELCHIORRE, M., El Adib, B., Gault, B., Raabe, D., DALE, P., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2018). Sodium enhances indium-gallium interdiffusion in copper indium gallium diselenide photovoltaic absorbers. Nature Communications. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-03115-0
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REY, G., SPINDLER, C., RACHAD, W., SIEBENTRITT, S., BABBE, F., Nuys, M., Carius, R., Li, S., & Platzer-Björkman, C. (2018). Absorption Coefficient of a Semiconductor Thin Film from Photoluminescence. Physical Review Applied, 9, 064008. doi:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.9.064008
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Demircioglu, O., Salas, J. F. L., REY, G., Weiss, T., Mousel, M., REDINGER, A., Susanne, S., Parisi, J., & Guetay, L. (2017). Optical properties of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films and identification of secondary phases by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Optics Express, 25 (5), 5327-5340. doi:10.1364/OE.25.005327
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REY, G., Larramona, G., Bourdais, S., Choné, C., Delatouche, B., Jacob, A., Dennler, G., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2017). On the origin of band-tails in kesterite. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2017.11.005
Peer reviewed

HALA, M., Kato, H., Algasinger, M., Inoue, Y., REY, G., WERNER, F., Schubbert, C., Dalibor, T., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2017). Improved environmental stability of highly conductive nominally undoped ZnO layers suitable for n-type windows in thin film solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 161, 232-239. doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2016.11.015
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REY, G., BABBE, F., WEISS, T., ELANZEERY, H., MELCHIORRE, M., Valle, N., Brahime, E. A., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (14 November 2016). Post-deposition treatment of Cu2ZnSnSe4 with alkalis. Thin Solid Films, 633, 162-165. doi:10.1016/j.tsf.2016.11.021
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WEISS, T., REDINGER, A., REY, G., Schwarz, T., Spies, M., Cojocura-Mir edin, O., Choi, P. P., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (July 2016). Impact of annealing on electrical properties of Cu2ZnSnSe4 absorber layers. Journal of Applied Physics, 120, 045703. doi:10.1063/1.4959611
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HALA, M., Inoue, Y., Kato, I., REY, G., WERNER, F., Schubbert, C., Dalibor, T., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2016). Environmental stability of highly conductive nominally undoped ZnO layers. IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. Conference Record, 978-1-5090-2724. doi:10.1109/PVSC.2016.7749860
Peer reviewed

Bourdais S., Choné C., Delatouche B., Jacob A., Larramona G., Moisan C., Dennler G., Lafond A., Donatini F., REY, G., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2016). Is the Cu/Zn disorder the main culprit for the voltage deficit in kesterite solar cells? Advanced Energy Materials, 6 - 15002276. doi:10.1002/AENM.201502276
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REY, G., WEISS, T., SENDLER, J., FINGER, A., SPINDLER, C., WERNER, F., MELCHIORRE, M., HALA, M., Guennou, M., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2016). Ordering kesterite improves solar cells:A low temperature post-deposition annealing study. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 151, 131-138. doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2016.02.014
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SIEBENTRITT, S., REY, G., FINGER, A., REGESCH, D., SENDLER, J., WEISS, T., & BERTRAM, T. (2015). What is the band gap of kesterite? Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. doi:10.1016/j.solmat.2015.10.017
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HALA, M., Fujii, S., REDINGER, A., Inoue, Y., REY, G., THEVENIN, M., DEPREDURAND, V., WEISS, T., BERTRAM, T., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2015). Highly conductive ZnO films with high near infrared transparency. Progress in Photovoltaics. doi:10.1002/pip.2601
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Krämmer, C., Huber, C., REDINGER, A., Sperber, D., REY, G., SIEBENTRITT, S., Kalt, H., & Hetteric, M. (2015). Diffuse Electroreflectance of thin-film solar cells: Suppression of interference-related lineshape distortions. Applied Physics Letters, 107, 222104. doi:10.1063/1.4936649
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REDINGER, A., SENDLER, J., Djemour, R., Weiss, T. P., REY, G., DALE, P., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2015). Different Bandgaps in Cu2ZnSnSe4: A High Temperature Coevaporation Study. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 5 (2), 641-648. doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2014.2377561
Peer reviewed

Demircio glu, O., MOUSEL, M., REDINGER, A., REY, G., WEISS, T., SIEBENTRITT, S., Riedel, I., & Gütay, L. (2015). Detection of a MoSe2 secondary phase layer in CZTSe by spectroscopic ellipsometry. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 118, 185302-1. doi:10.1063/1.4935258
Peer reviewed

REY, G., REDINGER, A., SENDLER, J., WEISS, T., THEVENIN, M., Guennou, M., El Adib, B., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (September 2014). The band gap of Cu2ZnSnSe4: Effect of order-disorder. Applied Physics Letters, 105, 112106 1-4. doi:10.1063/1.4740276
Peer reviewed

REDINGER, A., SENDLER, J., DJEMOUR, R., WEISS, T., REY, G., DALE, P., & SIEBENTRITT, S. (2014). Different Bandgaps in Cu2ZnSnSe4 : a high temperature coevaporation study. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2014.2377561
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