

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance > Department of Economics and Management

Main Referenced Co-authors
BOURGAIN, Arnaud  (31)
ZOU, Benteng  (20)
ZANAJ, Skerdilajda  (11)
Schuller, Guy (6)
HAN, Yutao  (5)
Main Referenced Keywords
Competitiveness (10); Luxembourg Economy (7); Migration (3); Banking competition (2); Brain drain (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
International economics (25)
Economic systems & public economics (12)
Special economic topics (health, labor, transportation...) (12)
Finance (3)
Quantitative methods in economics & management (3)

Publications (total 57)

The most downloaded
BOURGAIN, A., PIERETTI, P., & ZANAJ, S. (September 2012). Financial openness, disclosure and bank risk-taking in MENA countries. Emerging Markets Review, 13 (3), 283-300. doi:10.1016/j.ememar.2012.01.002

The most cited

69 citations (Scopus®)

BOURGAIN, A., PIERETTI, P., & ZANAJ, S. (September 2012). Financial openness, disclosure and bank risk-taking in MENA countries. Emerging Markets Review, 13 (3), 283-300. doi:10.1016/j.ememar.2012.01.002

PAULUS, N., PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (December 2021). Is a dynamic approach to tax games relevant? Annals of Economics and Statistics, 144, 113-138. doi:10.15609/ANNAECONSTAT2009.144.0113
Peer reviewed

PIERETTI, P., & Pulina, G. (2020). Does eliminating international profit shifting increase tax revenue in high-tax countries? Economic Modelling, 93, 717-727. doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2020.01.020
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Paulus, N., PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (2019). Is a dynamic approach of tax games relevant ? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Han, Y., PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (2018). Does tax competition increase disparity among jurisdictions? Review of International Economics. doi:10.1111/roie.12301
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Paulus, N., PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (2018). Tax Competition – An intertemporal perspective. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Peer reviewed

Marchiori, L., PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (2017). Immigration, occupational choice and public employment. Annals of Economics and Statistics.
Peer reviewed

ZANAJ, S., PIERETTI, P., & pulina, G. (2016). Tax havens compliance with international standards: a temporal perspective. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Han, Y., PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (2015). Does tax competition increase disparity among jurisdictions? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PIERETTI, P., & PULINA, G. (July 2014). Tax havens under pressure: How do they react? [Paper presentation]. PET 14, Seattle, United States - Washington.

Han, Y., PIERETTI, P., ZANAJ, S., & ZOU, B. (2014). Asymmetric Competition among Nation States: A Differential Game Approach. Journal of Public Economics. doi:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2014.07.008
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HAN, Y., PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (2014). Does size asymmetry exacerbate the inefficiency of tax competition? Economics Letters, 122. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2013.10.026
Peer reviewed

Marchiori, L., PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (2014). Immigration, occupational choice and public employment. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

ZANAJ, S., PIERETTI, P., & Thisse, J. (2014). Offshore financial centres and bank secrecy. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

BOURGAIN, A., PIERETTI, P., & ZANAJ, S. (2013). From tax evasion to tax planning [Paper presentation]. Canadian Economics Association Conference, Montreal, Canada.

Thisse, J., PIERETTI, P., & ZANAJ, S. (2013). Offshore financial centers: Tax havens or safe havens. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HAN, Y., PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (2013). On the desirability of tax coordination when countries compete in taxes and infrastructures. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HAN, Y., PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (2013). The Dynamics of Firms Location: A Revisit of Home Attachment under Tax Competition. Economics Letters, 121. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2013.10.007
Peer reviewed

HAN, Y., PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (2013). The Dynamics of the Location of Firms– A Revisit of Home-Attachment under Tax Competition. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

BOURGAIN, A., PIERETTI, P., & ZANAJ, S. (2013). From tax evasion to tax planning. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

BOURGAIN, A., PIERETTI, P., & ZANAJ, S. (September 2012). Financial openness, disclosure and bank risk-taking in MENA countries. Emerging Markets Review, 13 (3), 283-300. doi:10.1016/j.ememar.2012.01.002
Peer reviewed

PIERETTI, P., ZANAJ, S., & ZOU, B. (2012). On the long run economic performance of small economies. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HAN, Y., PIERETTI, P., ZANAJ, S., & ZOU, B. (2012). Asymmetric Competition among Nation States: A Differential Game Approach. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & PIERETTI, P. (August 2011). Bank secrecy, illicit money and offshore financial centers. Journal of Public Economics, 95 (7-8), 942-955. doi:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2011.01.004
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PIERETTI, P., & ZANAJ, S. (2011). On tax competition, public goods provision and jurisdictions' size. Journal of International Economics, 84 (1), 124-130. doi:10.1016/j.jinteco.2011.01.005
Peer reviewed

BOURGAIN, A., & PIERETTI, P. (2010). La place financière de Luxembourg face à la crise économique et financière. OECD.

BOURGAIN, A., PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (2010). The Migration of Medical Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa and Substitution Policy. Revue Economique, 61 (6), 1011-1022. doi:10.3917/reco.616.1011
Peer reviewed

BOURGAIN, A., PIERETTI, P., & ZANAJ, S. (2010). Intégration financière, attractivité et prise de risque dans les banques de pays émergents. Mondes en Développement, 149, 69-76. doi:10.3917/med.149.69
Peer reviewed

PIERETTI, P., Marchiori, L., & ZOU, B. (2010). Migration and human capital in an endogenous fertility model. Annals of Economics and Statistics, 97/98, 185-205.
Peer reviewed

BOURGAIN, A., PIERETTI, P., & Hoj, J. (2009). Can the financial sector continue to be the main growth engine? OECD Economics Department Working Papers.
Peer reviewed

PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (2009). Brain Drain and Factor Complementarity. Economic Modelling, 26 (2), 285-548. doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2008.08.002
Peer reviewed

BOURGAIN, A., Catin, M., & PIERETTI, P. (2009). Mesures des externalités technologiques et pécuniaires dans un cluster financier. Région et Développement, 30, 159-175.
Peer reviewed

Marchiori, L., PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (2008). Brain Drain, Remittances, and Fertility. Economie Internationale.
Peer reviewed

BOURGAIN, A., & PIERETTI, P. (December 2007). Measuring Technological Spillovers in a Financial Center by using Feder Model. Economics Bulletin, 18 (8), 1-19.
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PIERETTI, P., BOURGAIN, A., & COURTIN, P. (2007). Place financière au Luxembourg: Analyse des sources de ses avantages compétitifs et de sa dynamique. Bruxelles, Belgium: Editions De Boeck & Larcier.

PIERETTI, P., & ZOU, B. (2007). An Extended Solow Growth Model with Emigration: Transitional Dynamics and Skills Complementarity. Economics Bulletin, 6 (35), 1-11.
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BOURGAIN, A., & PIERETTI, P. (2007). Discipliner les centres financiers offshore : Incitation par la pression internationale. Région et Développement, 26.
Peer reviewed

BOURGAIN, A., & PIERETTI, P. (12 June 2006). Measuring Agglomeration Forces in a Financial Center. Economics Bulletin, 18 (3), 1-9.
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BOURGAIN, A., Catin, M., & PIERETTI, P. (2006). Pôle financier et croissance régionale, les effets externes des activités bancaires sur l'économie luxembourgeoise. In C. Gallouj, F. Leloup, B. Mérenne-Schoumaker, ... L. Moyart (Eds.), Services aux entreprises et développement régional. Bruxelles, Belgium: De Boeck.
Peer reviewed

BOURGAIN, A., Bley, L., PIERETTI, P., & Shuller, G. (2005). Compétitivité de l’économie luxembourgeoise 2004. (98). Statec.

BOURGAIN, A., & PIERETTI, P. (2005). Déterminants de la localisation des investissements directs étrangers: le cas des petites économies intégrées. (98). Luxembourg: Statec.

BOURGAIN, A., Bley, L., PIERETTI, P., & Schuller, G. (2005). Compétitivité de l'économie luxembourgeoise. (98). Luxembourg: Statec.

BOURGAIN, A., Cardi, O., PIERETTI, P., & Schuller, G. (2004). Compétitivité de l’économie luxembourgeoise 2003. (96). Luxembourg: Statec.

BOURGAIN, A., PIERETTI, P., & Cardi, O. (2004). Déterminants des coûts et compétitivité-prix dans une petite économie ouverte. (96). Luxembourg: Statec.

BOURGAIN, A., & PIERETTI, P. (June 2003). Competitiveness and Employment in a Small Open Economy. Journal of Economic Integration, 18 (2), 391-405.
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BOURGAIN, A., Cardi, O., PIERETTI, P., & Schuller, G. (2003). Compétitivité de l’économie luxembourgeoise 2002. (95). Luxembourg: Statec.

BOURGAIN, A., & PIERETTI, P. (2003). Immigration et croissance des revenus de l'économie d'accueil: Une analyse adaptée à un petit espace. (95). Luxembourg: Statec.

BOURGAIN, A., & PIERETTI, P. (2003). Technological Spillovers of Financial Centers on a Regional Economy: A Macroeconomic Approach Applied to Luxembourg. In A. Thierstein & E. Schamp (Eds.), Innovation, Finance and Space (pp. 19-27). Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Goethe Universität.
Peer reviewed

BOURGAIN, A., & PIERETTI, P. (2002). Finance et dynamique de croissance: Quelques considérations théoriques et une application empirique au Luxembourg. (93). Luxembourg: Statec.

BOURGAIN, A., PIERETTI, P., & Schuller, G. (2002). Compétitivité de l’économie luxembourgeoise 2001. (93). Luxembourg: Statec.

BOURGAIN, A., & PIERETTI, P. (2001). Effets de complémentarité externes et incidence sur la productivité : le cas de l'industrie manufacturière luxembourgeoise. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

BOURGAIN, A., Cardi, O., & PIERETTI, P. (2001). Performances à l’exportation et productivité globale des facteurs : Le cas des branches marchandes luxembourgeoises. (93). Luxembourg: Statec.

BOURGAIN, A., PIERETTI, P., & Schuller, G. (2001). Compétitivité de l’économie luxembourgeoise 2000. (92). Luxembourg: Statec.

BOURGAIN, A., PIERETTI, P., & Rouabah, A. (2001). Impact de l’attrait des places bancaires sur les taux d’intérêt créditeurs : Un modèle de formation des taux créditeurs estimé sur données en panel de banques européennes. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

BOURGAIN, A., Guarda, P., & PIERETTI, P. (2000). Diversification de la structure de production : Analyse en panel des branches industrielles luxembourgeoises. Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, (167), 275-298.
Peer reviewed

BOURGAIN, A., PIERETTI, P., & Schuller, G. (2000). Compétitivité de l’économie luxembourgeoise 1999. Luxembourg: Statec.

BOURGAIN, A., & PIERETTI, P. (1999). Analyse de l’évolution de la productivité totale des facteurs dans l’industrie luxembourgeoise. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

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