

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance (FDEF) > Department of Economics and Management (DEM)

Main Referenced Co-authors
Moriconi, Simone (7)
ZANAJ, Skerdilajda  (7)
Tampieri, Alessandro (6)
Toulemonde, Eric (6)
Zenou, Yves (6)
Main Referenced Keywords
segregation (6); Monopolistic competition (5); Social interactions (5); labor market (4); social interaction (4);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
DEM (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Economic systems & public economics (41)
International economics (34)
Special economic topics (health, labor, transportation...) (27)
Microeconomics (22)
Social economics (7)

Publications (total 137)

The most downloaded
PICARD, P. M., & Bréchet, T. (2012). Airport noise pollution : how to regulate efficiently by confronting victims and polluters? In Développement durable et économie environnementale régionale. Belgium: Saint Louis, Bruxelles et IWEPS.

The most cited

116 citations (OpenAlex)

Behrens, K., & PICARD, P. M. (2011). Transportation, freight rates, and economic geography. Journal of International Economics, 85 (2), 280-291. doi:10.1016/j.jinteco.2011.06.003

MONASTYRENKO, E., & PICARD, P. M. (2023). Welfare implications of trade sanctions against Russia. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PODANEVA, A., & PICARD, P. M. (2023). Facility Management Services in UK Hospitals: in-house or outsourcing. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M. (December 2023). Customary land conversion in African cities [Paper presentation]. Research seminar.

MONASTYRENKO, E., & PICARD, P. M. (2023). Quantifying a vertical differentiation trade model. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., Tampieri, A., & Wan, X. (2023). Deregulation and Efficiency in Slot-Constrained Airports. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Kim, J. S., Patacchini, E., PICARD, P. M., & ZENOU, Y. (November 2023). Spatial interactions. Quantitative Economics, 14 (4), 1295-1335. doi:10.3982/qe1720
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Kichko* , & PICARD, P. M.*. (2023). Market size, income heterogeneity, and trade. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

PICARD, P. M. (October 2023). Zoom Citty [Paper presentation]. European Urban Economic Association, Milan, Italy.

Kyriakopoulou, E., & PICARD, P. M. (01 October 2023). The Zoom city: working from home, urban productivity and land use. Journal of Economic Geography, 23 (6), 1397-1437. doi:10.1093/jeg/lbad025
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PICARD, P. M. (2023). Customary Land Conversion in African Cities. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Kichko, S., & PICARD, P. M. (01 July 2023). On the effects of income heterogeneity in monopolistically competitive markets. Journal of International Economics, 143, 103759. doi:10.1016/j.jinteco.2023.103759
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PICARD, P. M., & Kichko, S. (2023). On the effects of income heterogeneity in monopolistically competitive markets. Journal of International Economics.
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PICARD, P. M. (06 April 2023). Customary land conversion in African cities [Paper presentation]. Research seminar.

PICARD, P. M. (01 March 2023). Welfare assessment of European green urban areas [Paper presentation]. University of Birmingham (UoB) – Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam Big Data and Economics Research Network (BVRN) 2nd Workshop on Urban and Environmental Challenges.

Efthymia, K., & PICARD, P. M. (2022). The Zoom City: Working From Home, Urban Productivity and Land Use. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M. (November 2022). Zoom Citty [Paper presentation]. Urban Economic Association.

PICARD, P. M. (October 2022). Zoom City [Paper presentation]. Research seminar.

PICARD, P. M. (September 2022). Zoom City [Paper presentation]. SUL Workshop "How will remote work affect our cities and the environment?".

PICARD, P. M. (June 2022). The Zoom City: Working From Home and Urban Land Structure” [Paper presentation]. International Transportation Economics Association ITEA.

PICARD, P. M. (April 2022). The Zoom City: Working From Home and Urban Land Structure” [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Market Studies and Spatial Economics, Bruxelles, Belgium.

PICARD, P. M. (2022). Income Inequality, Productivity, and International Trade. Economic Theory. doi:10.1007/s00199-022-01456-y
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Tulkens Henry, PICARD, P. M., Borissov K., Eyckmans J., Lambrecht St., Tsachev T., & Veliov V. (2022). A tribute to Thierry Bréchet, an economist of the environment and of the public interest. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Burzynski, Machado, J., AALTO, A., BEINE, M., Haas, T., KEMP, F., MAGNI, S., Mombaerts, L., PICARD, P. M., PROVERBIO, D., SKUPIN, A., & DOCQUIER, F. (December 2021). COVID-19 Crisis Management in Luxembourg: Insights from an Epidemionomic Approach. Economics and Human Biology, 43, 101051. doi:10.1016/j.ehb.2021.101051
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PICARD, P. M., & Kyirakopoulou, E. (November 2021). The Zoom City: Working From Home and Urban Land Structure [Paper presentation]. Working from Home conference, Part of the After the Pandemic conference series, Canada.

PICARD, P. M., & Tampieri, A. (October 2021). Quality and Trade with Many Countries and Industries [Paper presentation]. ASSET conference.

PICARD, P. M., & Kichko, S. (August 2021). On the effects of income heterogeneity in monopolistically competitive markets” [Paper presentation]. European Economic Association.

PICARD, P. M., & TRAN, T. T. H. (2021). Geographical Stratification of Green Urban Areas. Journal of Economic Geography. doi:10.1093/jeg/lbab004
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PICARD, P. M., & TRAN, T. T. H. (March 2021). Small urban green areas. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 106. doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2021.102418
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PICARD, P. M., Augeraud-Veron, E., & Maruhenda, F. (2021). Local Social Interaction and Urban Equilibria. Mathematical Social Sciences, 112, 72-83. doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2021.03.006
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PICARD, P. M., & Kyriakopoulou, E. (2021). On the Design of Sustainable Cities: Local Traffic Pollution and Urban Structure. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 107. doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2021.102443
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PICARD, P. M., & Kichko, S. (2021). Effect of conformism on firm selection, product quality and home bias. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 185, 402-18. doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2021.02.017
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PICARD, P. M., & Tampieri, A. (2020). Vertical differentiation and trade among symmetric countries. Econometric Theory.
Peer reviewed

Mossay, P., & PICARD, P. M. (2020). The Contribution of New Economic Geography. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Peer reviewed

PICARD, P. M., & Selod, H. (2020). Customary Land Conversion and the Formation of the African City. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & TRAN, T. T. H. (2020). Geographical Stratification of Green Urban Areas. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & Tran, H. (2020). A Welfare Evaluation of Green Urban Areas. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M. (2020). Urban Structures with Forward and Backward Linkages. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 59 (3), 480-507.
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PICARD, P. M. (2020). Currency areas and voluntary transfers. Journal of International Economics, 127 (C). doi:10.1016/j.jinteco.2020.103390
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PICARD, P. M., Augeraud-Veron, E., & Maruhenda, F. (2019). Local Social Interaction and Urban Equilibria. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

ZANAJ, S., PICARD, P. M., & Moriconi, S. (15 August 2019). Commodity taxation and regulatory competition. International Tax and Public Finance, 26 (4). doi:10.1007/s10797-018-9521-4
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PICARD, P. M., & Tampieri, A. (2019). Trade and Vertical Differentiation. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & TRAN, T. T. H. (2019). Green Urban Areas. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & mossay, P. (2019). Spatial segregation and urban structure. Journal of Regional Science, 59 (3), 480-507. doi:10.1111/jors.12442
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PICARD, P. M., wan, X., & Tampieri, A. (2019). Airport capacity and inefficiency in slot allocation. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 62, 330-357. doi:10.1016/j.ijindorg.2017.10.003
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PICARD, P. M., & Rusli, R. (20 April 2018). State‐owned firms and private debt. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 20 (5), 672-702. doi:10.1111/jpet.12297
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PICARD, P. M., & Kichko, S. (2018). Heterogeneity in Conformism, Firm Selection, and Home Bias. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., Hsu, W.-T., & Lin, L. (2018). Income Inequality, Productivity, and International Trade. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & zenou, Y. (2018). Urban spatial structure, employment and social ties. Journal of Urban Economics, 104 (C), 77-93. doi:10.1016/j.jue.2018.01.004
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PICARD, P. M., & hamano, M. (August 2017). Extensive and intensive margins and exchange rate regimes. Canadian Journal of Economics, 50 (3), 804-837. doi:10.1111/caje.12279
Peer reviewed

SCHINDLER, M., CARUSO, G., & PICARD, P. M. (2017). Equilibrium and first-best city with endogenous exposure to local air pollution from traffic. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 62, 12-23. doi:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2016.10.006
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PICARD, P. M., Mossay, P., & Tabuchi, T. (2017). Urban Structures with Forward and Backward Linkages. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., Jun Sung, K., Patacchini, E., & Zenou, Y. (2017). Urban Interactions. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

SCHINDLER, M., CARUSO, G., & PICARD, P. M. (2016). Equilibrium and first-best city with endogenous exposure to local air pollution from traffic. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., Brèchet, T., & Ménière, Y. (2016). The Clean Development Mechanism in a world carbon market. Canadian Journal of Economics, 49 (4), 1569-1598. doi:10.1111/caje.12244
Peer reviewed

PICARD, P. M., & Tampieri, A. (2016). Income Effects and Vertical Differentiation in International Trade. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., TAMPIERI, A., & Wan, X. (2015). Airport Congestion and Inefficiency in Slot Allocation. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Patacchini, E., PICARD, P. M., & Zenou, Y. (2015). How location affects friendship interactions. VoxEU.

MARGHERITA, A., & PICARD, P. M. (2015). Jean Tirole: de la microéconomie à l'économie comportementale. D'Lëtzebuerger Land.

Patacchini, E., PICARD, P. M., & Zenou, Y. (2015). Urban social structure, social capital and spatial proximity. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & Worrall, T. (2015). Currency Areas and Voluntary Transfers. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Bréchet, T., Ménière, Y., & PICARD, P. M. (2015). The Clean Development Mechanism in a Globalized Carbon Market. Canadian Journal of Economics. doi:10.1111/caje.12244
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Brueckner, J. K., Lee, D. N., PICARD, P. M., & Singer, E. (2015). Product Unbundling in the Travel Industry: The Economics of Airline Bag Fees. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 24 (3), 457-484. doi:10.1111/jems.12106
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PICARD, P. M., & Worrall, T. (2015). Is a Policy of Free Movemet of Workers Sustainable? Scandinavian Journal of Economics. doi:10.1111/SJOE.12163
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PICARD, P. M. (2015). Trade, economic geography and the choice of product quality. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 54, 18-27. doi:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2015.06.002
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PICARD, P. M. (November 2014). Urban Spatial Structure, Employment and Social Ties [Paper presentation]. 61st North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Washington, United States.

Brueckner, J. K., & PICARD, P. M. (2014). Where and When to Invest in Infrastructure. Regional Science and Urban Economics. doi:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2015.05.003
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PICARD, P. M., & Zenou, Y. (October 2014). Urban Spatial Structure, Employment and Social Ties [Paper presentation]. University of Geneva.

PICARD, P. M., & Zenou, Y. (October 2014). Urban Spatial Structure, Employment [Paper presentation]. University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & Zenou, Y. (2014). Urban Spatial Structure, Employment and Social Ties. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & Worrall, T. (2014). Is a Policy of Free Movement of Workers Sustainable? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M. (February 2014). Sustainable Migration Policies [Paper presentation]. Seminar, Antwerp, Belgium.

Behrens, K., Peralta, S., & PICARD, P. M. (2014). Transfer pricing rules, OECD guidelines, and market distortions. Journal of Public Economic Theory. doi:10.1111/jpet.12075
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Okubo, T., PICARD, P. M., & Thisse, J.-F. (2014). On the impact of competition on trade and firm location. Journal of Regional Science. doi:10.1111/jors.12139
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Moriconi, S., PICARD, P. M., & ZANAJ, S. (January 2014). Commodity taxation and regulatory competition [Paper presentation]. Singapour Management University.

PICARD, P. M. (January 2014). Commodity taxation and regulatory competition [Paper presentation]. School of Economics - Seminar Series, Singapore.

PICARD, P. M. (November 2013). Commodity taxation and regulatory competition [Paper presentation]. University of Strasbourg.

PICARD, P. M. (November 2013). Commodity taxation and regulatory competition [Paper presentation]. University of California Irvine, Economic Department.

PICARD, P. M. (October 2013). Sustainable Migration Policies [Paper presentation]. University of Lille 1, France.

PICARD, P. M. (October 2013). Trade, economic geography and the choice of product quality [Paper presentation]. University of Bologna.

Brueckner, J. K., Lee, D. N., PICARD, P. M., & Singer, E. (2013). Product Unbundling in the Travel Industry: The Economics of Airline Bag Fees. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, B. (2013). Patent office governance and patent examination quality. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & Van Pottelsberghe, B. (August 2013). Patent Office Governance and Patent System Quality. Journal of Public Economics, 104, 14-25. doi:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2013.04.009
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PICARD, P. M., Moriconi, S., & ZANAJ, S. (July 2013). Commodity taxation and regulatory competition [Paper presentation]. PET annual conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

PICARD, P. M. (July 2013). Social interactions, social capital and urban structure [Paper presentation]. PET Conference of the Association for Public Economic Theory, Lisbon, Portugal.

PICARD, P. M. (June 2013). Trade, economic geography and the choice of product quality” [Paper presentation]. Second international conference “Industrial organization and spatial economics”.

Brueckner, J., & PICARD, P. M. (May 2013). Airline Alliances, Carve-Outs and Collusion. Review of Network Economics, 12 (2), 211. doi:10.1515/rne-2012-0001
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PICARD, P. M., Moriconi, S., & ZANAJ, S. (March 2013). Commodity taxation and regulatory competition [Paper presentation]. Public policies and spatial economics, Lyon, France.

PICARD, P. M., Moriconi, S., & ZANAJ, S. (28 February 2013). Commodity taxation and regulatory competition [Paper presentation]. FUSL lunch seminar, Brussels, Belgium.

PICARD, P. M., Moriconi, S., & ZANAJ, S. (14 February 2013). Commodity taxation and regulatory competition [Paper presentation]. Research Seminar, Sassari, Italy.

PICARD, P. M. (February 2013). State owned firms: private debt, cost revelation and welfare [Paper presentation]. ECORE seminar, Center for Economic Studies, KUL.

PICARD, P. M., & Hamano, M. (2013). Extensive and intensive margins and the choice of exchange rate regimes. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & Mossay, P. (2013). Spatial Segregation and Urban Structure. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & Tabuchi, T. (2013). On microfoundations of the city. Journal of Economic Theory, 148 (6), 2561-2582. doi:10.1016/j.jet.2013.07.023
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PICARD, P. M. (January 2013). Sustainable Migration Policies [Paper presentation]. Université Paris Cergy-Pontoise, Economic Department, Paris, France.

PICARD, P. M. (2013). Social interactions, social capital and urban structure [Paper presentation]. North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Atlanta, United States.

PICARD, P. M. (2013). Spatial segregation and urban structure [Paper presentation]. Rieti Tokyo Workshop, Tokyo, Japan.

AURIOL, E., & PICARD, P. M. (2013). A Theory of BOT concession contracts. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 89, 187-209. doi:10.1016/j.jebo.2011.10.003
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Bréchet, T., & PICARD, P. M. (March 2012). The economics of airport noise: how to manage markets for noise licenses. Transportation Research. Part D, Transport and Environment, 17 (2), 169-178. doi:10.1016/j.trd.2011.09.004
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PICARD, P. M., & Bréchet, T. (2012). Airport noise pollution : how to regulate efficiently by confronting victims and polluters? In Développement durable et économie environnementale régionale. Belgium: Saint Louis, Bruxelles et IWEPS.
Peer reviewed

PICARD, P. M. (2012). Trade, Economic Geography and the Choice of Product Quality. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Moriconi, S., PICARD, P. M., & ZANAJ, S. (2012). Commodity taxation and regulatory competition. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Bréchet, T., Ménière, Y., & PICARD, P. M. (2012). The Clean Development Mechanism in a Global Carbon Market. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & RUSLI, R. (2012). State Owned Firms: Private Debt, Cost Revelation and Welfare. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & Okubo, T. (2012). Firms' locations under demand heterogeneity. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42 (6), 961-974. doi:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2012.05.001
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PICARD, P. M., & PIERETTI, P. (August 2011). Bank secrecy, illicit money and offshore financial centers. Journal of Public Economics, 95 (7-8), 942-955. doi:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2011.01.004
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Okubo, T., PICARD, P. M., & Thisse, J.-F. (2011). No trade, one-way or two-way trade? ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Mossay, P., & PICARD, P. M. (2011). On Spatial Equilibria in a Social Interaction Model. Journal of Economic Theory, 146 (6), 2455-2477. doi:10.1016/j.jet.2011.06.009
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Behrens, K., & PICARD, P. M. (2011). Transportation, freight rates, and economic geography. Journal of International Economics, 85 (2), 280-291. doi:10.1016/j.jinteco.2011.06.003
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PICARD, P. M., & Wildasin, D. (2011). Labor Market Pooling, Outsourcing and Labor Contracts. Journal of Urban Economics, 70 (1), 47-60. doi:10.1016/j.jue.2011.01.002
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PICARD, P. M., & Worrall, T. (2011). Sustainable Migration Policies. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & Van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie, B. (2011). Patent Office Governance and Patent System Quality. Journal of Public Economics, 11-06. doi:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2013.04.009
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PICARD, P. M. (2011). Regional and Spatial Economics. Manchester School, 79 (5), 933-937. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9957.2011.02269.x
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PICARD, P. M., & Zeng, D. Z. (December 2010). A Harmonization Of First And Second Natures. Journal of Regional Science, 50 (5), 973-994. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9787.2010.00672.x
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Bréchet, T., & PICARD, P. M. (November 2010). The Price Of Silence: Markets For Noise Licenses And Airports. International Economic Review, 51 (4), 1097-1125. doi:10.1111/j.1468-2354.2010.00612.x
Peer reviewed

Okubo, T., PICARD, P. M., & Thisse, J.-F. (November 2010). The spatial selection of heterogeneous firms. Journal of International Economics, 82 (2), 230-237. doi:10.1016/j.jinteco.2010.07.003
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PICARD, P. M., & Tabuchi, T. (March 2010). Self-organized Agglomerations and Transport Costs. Economic Theory, 42, 565-589. doi:10.1007/s00199-008-0410-4
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Okubo, T., PICARD, P. M., & Thisse, J.-F. (2010). On zero and asymmetric trade flows. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & Tabuchi, T. (2010). City with forward and backward linkages. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & Toulemonde, E. (November 2009). On monopolistic competition and optimal product diversity: workers' rents also matter. Canadian Journal of Economics, 42 (4), 1347-1360. doi:10.1111/j.1540-5982.2009.01553.x
Peer reviewed

PICARD, P. M., & Worrall, T. (2009). Currency Unions and International Assistance. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

AURIOL, E., & PICARD, P. M. (2009). Government Outsourcing: Public Contracting with Private Monopoly. Economic Journal, 119, 1463-1493. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0297.2009.02291.x
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AURIOL, E., & PICARD, P. M. (2008). Infrastructure and Public Utilities Privatization in Developing Countries and the Government's Budget Constraint. World Bank Economic Review, 2, 1-24.
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Behrens, K., & PICARD, P. M. (2007). Welfare, home market effects, and horizontal foreign direct investment. Canadian Journal of Economics, 36 (3), 523-545. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2007.00445.x
Peer reviewed

Belleflamme, P., & PICARD, P. M. (2007). Piracy and Competition. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 16 (2), 351-383. doi:10.1111/j.1530-9134.2007.00142.x
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Toulemonde, E., & PICARD, P. M. (2006). Unions and Firms Agglomeration. European Economic Review, 50 (3), 669-694. doi:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2004.10.009
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Behrens, K., & PICARD, P. M. (2005). Tax competition, location and horizontal foreign direct investment. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Gorg, H., PICARD, P. M., & Strobl, E. A. (2005). Contracting out and labor demand elasticities. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Zeng, D.-Z., & PICARD, P. M. (2005). Agricultural Sector and Industrial Agglomeration. Journal of Development Economics, 77 (1), 75-106. doi:10.1016/j.jdeveco.2004.03.002
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PICARD, P. M., & Thisse, J. F. (2004). Economic Geography and the Distribution of Profits. Journal of Urban Economics, 56 (1), 144-167. doi:10.1016/j.jue.2004.04.002
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Toulemonde, E., & PICARD, P. M. (2004). Endogenous Qualifications and Firms' Agglomeration. Journal of Urban Economics, 55 (3), 458-477. doi:10.1016/S0094-1190(03)00075-5
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Belleflamme, P., & PICARD, P. M. (2004). Competition over piratable goods. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

PICARD, P. M., & Toulemonde, E. (2003). Regional Asymmetries: Economies of Agglomeration Versus Unionized Labor Markets. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 33 (2), 223-49. doi:10.1016/S0166-0462(02)00029-7
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PICARD, P. M., & Toulemonde, E. (2002). Taxation and Labor Markets. Journal of Economics, 78 (1), 29-56. doi:10.1007/s00712-001-0537-2
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PICARD, P. M., & Toulemonde, E. (September 2001). On the Equivalence of Taxes Paid by Employers and Employees. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 48 (4), 461-70. doi:10.1111/1467-9485.00209
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PICARD, P. M. (March 2001). Job additionality and deadweight spending in perfectly competitive industries. Journal of Public Economics, 79 (3), 521-541. doi:10.1016/S0047-2727(00)00072-4
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PICARD, P. M. (2001). Optimal Employment Subsidies to Heterogeneous Workers: Unemployment-Trap, Job-Additionality and Tax Rates. Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, 62, 97-127.
Peer reviewed

PICARD, P. M. (2001). Optimal Employment Subsidies and Market Structures in Industries with Unemployment. Oxford Economic Papers, 53 (2), 352-372. doi:10.1093/oep/53.2.352
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