
JÜTTE Bernd Justin

Main Referenced Co-authors
COLE, Mark D.  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Copyright (9); Limitations & Exceptions (4); Freedom of Expression (2); Mashups (2); Collective Management (1);
Main Referenced Disciplines
European & international law (10)
Civil law (4)
Economic & commercial law (1)

Publications (total 10)

The most downloaded
Jütte, B. J., & COLE, M. (2016). Länderbericht Luxembourg. In M. COLE & S. Ory (Eds.), Fotografien in der Großregion/Photographie dans la Grande Région (pp. 193-212). Saarbrücken, Germany: Saarbrücker Verlag Für Rechtswissenschaften.

Jütte, B. J., & COLE, M. (2016). Länderbericht Luxembourg. In M. COLE & S. Ory (Eds.), Fotografien in der Großregion/Photographie dans la Grande Région (pp. 193-212). Saarbrücken, Germany: Saarbrücker Verlag Für Rechtswissenschaften.

Jütte, B. J. (2016). European Copyright Management in Need of Reconstruction - The Ancien (Copyright) Regime Meets the Digital Market [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Jütte, B. J. (2016). The Beginning of a (Happy?) Relationship: Copyright and Freedom of Expression in Europe. European Intellectual Property Review, 38 (1), 11-22.
Peer reviewed

Jütte, B. J. (04 November 2015). The EU Copyright „Reform” Ignores the User [Paper presentation]. Copycamp 2015, Warsaw, Poland.

Jütte, B. J. (2015). European Judiciaries for Intellectual Property - Is Copyright next? Revista Română de Drept European.
Peer reviewed

Jütte, B. J. (2015). Coexisting digital exploitation for creative content and the private use exception. International Journal of Law and Information Technology.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Jütte, B. J. (17 September 2014). The beginning of a (happy?) relationship - Copyright and Freedom of Expression in Europe [Paper presentation]. S©IP-Law 2014, International Scholars Conference on Intellectual Property, Vienna, Austria.

Jütte, B. J. (28 March 2014). The EU’s trouble with mashups: From disabling to enabling a digital art form [Paper presentation]. Creativity, Circulation and Copyright: Sonic and Visual Media in the Digital Age, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Jütte, B. J. (2014). The EU’s Trouble with Mashups From Disabling to Enabling a Digital Art Form. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law, 5 (3), 173-193.
Peer reviewed

Jütte, B. J. (2014). Technische Schutzmaßnahmen an der Schnittstelle der Interessen von Rechteinhabern und Nutzerinteressen. In J. Taeger (Ed.), Big Data & Co - Neue Herausforderungen für das Informationsrecht Tagungsband Herbstakademie 2014 (pp. 237-253). Oldenburg, Germany: OlWIR.
Peer reviewed

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