Jütte, B. J., & COLE, M. (2016). Länderbericht Luxembourg. In M. COLE & S. Ory (Eds.), Fotografien in der Großregion/Photographie dans la Grande Région (pp. 193-212). Saarbrücken, Germany: Saarbrücker Verlag Für Rechtswissenschaften. |
Jütte, B. J. (2016). European Copyright Management in Need of Reconstruction - The Ancien (Copyright) Regime Meets the Digital Market [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. https://orbilu.uni.lu/handle/10993/24788 |
Jütte, B. J. (2016). The Beginning of a (Happy?) Relationship: Copyright and Freedom of Expression in Europe. European Intellectual Property Review, 38 (1), 11-22. Peer reviewed |
Jütte, B. J. (04 November 2015). The EU Copyright „Reform” Ignores the User [Paper presentation]. Copycamp 2015, Warsaw, Poland. |
Jütte, B. J. (2015). European Judiciaries for Intellectual Property - Is Copyright next? Revista Română de Drept European. Peer reviewed |
Jütte, B. J. (2015). Coexisting digital exploitation for creative content and the private use exception. International Journal of Law and Information Technology. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Jütte, B. J. (17 September 2014). The beginning of a (happy?) relationship - Copyright and Freedom of Expression in Europe [Paper presentation]. S©IP-Law 2014, International Scholars Conference on Intellectual Property, Vienna, Austria. |
Jütte, B. J. (28 March 2014). The EU’s trouble with mashups: From disabling to enabling a digital art form [Paper presentation]. Creativity, Circulation and Copyright: Sonic and Visual Media in the Digital Age, Cambridge, United Kingdom. |
Jütte, B. J. (2014). The EU’s Trouble with Mashups From Disabling to Enabling a Digital Art Form. Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law, 5 (3), 173-193. Peer reviewed |
Jütte, B. J. (2014). Technische Schutzmaßnahmen an der Schnittstelle der Interessen von Rechteinhabern und Nutzerinteressen. In J. Taeger (Ed.), Big Data & Co - Neue Herausforderungen für das Informationsrecht Tagungsband Herbstakademie 2014 (pp. 237-253). Oldenburg, Germany: OlWIR. Peer reviewed |