

Main Referenced Co-authors
Anderson, Michael (2)
Eden, Paul (2)
Roe, Thomas (2)
Andenas, Mads (1)
Contartese, Cristina (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Economic sanctions (4); Human rights (4); International law (3); dispute settlement (2); Public international law (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
European & international law (53)
Public law (6)
Civil law (1)
Economic & commercial law (1)

Publications (total 61)

The most downloaded
PICHOU, M., & HAPPOLD, M. (Eds.). (2016). Protection of Persons Fleeing Armed Conflict and Other Situations of Violence Assessing Claims for International Protection under Article 1A (2) of the 1951 Convention and Article 15 of the EU Qualification Directive. Brussels, Belgium: Larcier.

The most cited

118 citations (Scopus®)

HAPPOLD, M. (2003). Security Council Resolution 1373 and the Constitution of the United Nations. Leiden Journal of International Law, 16, 593-610. doi:10.1017/S0922156503001304

HAPPOLD, M., & OWISO, O. (2024). Inter-State Dispute Settlement and Africa’s Supranational Courts. In G. Joanna & S. Wittich (Eds.), Research Handbook on International Procedural Law. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M., & MENETREY, S. (November 2022). L’investissement et l’arbitrage au sens du Traité sur la Charte de l’énergie vu par la Cour de justice : la dimension stratégique de l’arrêt Komstroy à l’aune de l’Avis 1/20. Revue trimestrielle de droit européen, 2022 (4), 693-704.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2022). Le statut de Jerusalem au regard du droit international public: Jerusalem et la Terre Sainte depuis la fin de l'Empire Ottoman. In W. Lindsay Simpson (Ed.), Laudate Jerusalem: la présence chrétienne en Terre sainte (pp. 53-55). Sion, Switzerland: Paroles et Silence.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M., & Davenport, S. (2022). Sanctions in the Spotlight. New Law Journal, (7975), 18-19.

HAPPOLD, M. (21 October 2021). EU Law and the ECT as Distinct and Separate Legal Regimes: A Case Comment on Eskosol v Italy, Decision on Request for Immediate Termination and Jurisdictional Objection Based on the Inapplicability of the ECT to Intra-EU Disputes, 7 May 2019. ICSID Review, 36 (2), 278-285.
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HAPPOLD, M. (2021). Judicial Education and Judicial Independence: Paper given at the 2021 Commonwealth Law Conference. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HAPPOLD, M. (2021). The Cab Rank Rule: English Barristers in Foreign Courts. New Law Journal, 19-20.

HAPPOLD, M. (2020). International Arbitration and National Criminal Proceedings: Presentation Given to the Luxembourg Arbitration Association, 30 June 2020. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

HAPPOLD, M., & De Boeck, M. (2020). The European Union and the Energy Charter Treaty: What Next After Achmea? In M. Andenas & L. Pantaleo (Eds.), EU External Action in International Economic Law: Recent Trends and Developments (pp. 251-280). T.M.C Asser Press.
Peer reviewed

Andenas, M., Pantaleo, L., HAPPOLD, M., & Contartese, C. (Eds.). (2020). EU External Action in International Economic Law: Recent Trends and Developments. T.M.C Asser Press.

HAPPOLD, M. (10 March 2020). Investor–State Dispute Settlement using the ECOWAS Court of Justice: An Analysis and Some Proposals. ICSID Review, 34 (2), 496–518. doi:10.1093/icsidreview/siz02
Peer reviewed

Fahner, J., & HAPPOLD, M. (18 June 2019). The Human Rights Defence in International Investment Arbitration: Exploring the Limtis of Systemic Integration. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 68 (3), 741-759. doi:10.1017/S0020589319000241
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HAPPOLD, M. (2019). Immunity from Execution of Military and Cultural Property. In T. Ruys & N. Angelet (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Immunities and International Law (pp. 307-326). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108283632.016
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M., & RADOVIĆ, R. (2018). The ECOWAS Court of Justice as an Investment Tribunal. Journal of World Investment and Trade, 19 (1), 95-117. doi:10.1163/22119000-12340078
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2017). Who Benefits from Human Rights Treaties? In I. RIASSETTO, L. HEUSCHLING, ... G. RAVARANI, Liber Amicorum Rusen Ergeç (pp. 143-154). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Pasicrisie Luxembourgeoise.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2016). Economic Sanctions and International Law: An Introduction. In P. Eden & M. HAPPOLD (Ed.), Economic Sanctions and International Law (pp. 1-12). Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M., & Eden, P. (Eds.). (2016). Economic Sanctions and International Law. Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing.

HAPPOLD, M. (2016). Targeted Sanctions and Human Rights. In P. Eden & M. HAPPOLD (Ed.), Economic Sanctions and International Law (pp. 87-111). Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing.

PICHOU, M., & HAPPOLD, M. (Eds.). (2016). Protection of Persons Fleeing Armed Conflict and Other Situations of Violence Assessing Claims for International Protection under Article 1A (2) of the 1951 Convention and Article 15 of the EU Qualification Directive. Brussels, Belgium: Larcier.

ERGEC, R., & HAPPOLD, M. (Other coll.). (2014). Protection européenne et internationale des droits de l'homme. (3 ème). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.

HAPPOLD, M. (2014). The Protection of Children Against Recruitment and Participation in Hostilities. Proceedings of the 14th Bruges Colloquium: Vulnerabilities in Armed Conflicts.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2014). Obligations of States Contributing to UN Peacekeeping Missions under Common Article 1 of the Geneva Conventions. In H. Krieger (Ed.), Enforcing International. Humanitarian Law in Contemporary African Conflicts. Cambridge, Unknown/unspecified: Cambridge University Press.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2013). International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law. In C. Henderson & N. White (Eds.), Research Handbook on International Conflict and Security Law (pp. 444-66). Cheltenham, Unknown/unspecified: Edward Elgar. doi:10.4337/9781849808576.00018
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (Ed.). (2012). International Law in a Multipolar World (Routledge Research in International Law): London, 2012. London, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge.

HAPPOLD, M., & Roe, T. (2012). The Energy Charter Treaty. In E. de Brabandere & T. Gazzini (Eds.), International Investment Law: The Sources of Rights and Obligations (pp. 69-97). Leiden, Unknown/unspecified: Martinus Nijhof. doi:10.1163/9789004214538
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2012). International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law. Research Handbook on International Conflict and Security Law.

HAPPOLD, M. (2012). The “Injured State” in Case of Breach of a Non-Proliferation Treaty and the Legal Consequences of Such a Breach. In D. Joyner & M. Roscini (Eds.), Non-Proliferation Law as a Special Regime (pp. 175-95). Cambridge, Unknown/unspecified: Cambridge University Press.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M., & Roe, T. (2011). Settlement of Investment Disputes under the Energy Charter Treaty. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

HAPPOLD, M. (2011). Children Participating in Armed Conflict and International Criminal Law. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 5, 82 - 100.
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HAPPOLD, M. (2011). Children Participating in Armed Conflict and International Criminal Law. Human Rights and International Legal Discourse, 5, 82-100.
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HAPPOLD, M. (2011). Reviewing the Security Council: The Role of Other International Organisations. University of Luxembourg Law Working Paper No. 2011-04.

HAPPOLD, M. (2010). Protecting Children in Armed Conflict: Harnessing the Security Council’s “Soft Power”. Israel Law Review, 43, 360-80. doi:10.1017/S0021223700000807
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2010). Child Prisoners in War. In S. Scheipers (Ed.), Prisoners in War (pp. 237-250). Oxford University Press.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M., & Eden, P. (2009). Symposium: The Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, (14), 441-447. doi:10.1093/jcsl/krq003
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HAPPOLD, M. (2009). Introduction: Symposium on the Relationship between International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 14, 441-7.
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HAPPOLD, M. (2009). Child Recruitment as a Crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court’, in Memory of Igor Blischenko, Brill: Leiden, 2009, at pp. 581-609. In J. Doria, H.-P. Gasser, ... M. C. Bassiouni (Eds.), The Legal Regime of the International Criminal Court: Essays in Memory of Igor Blischenko (pp. 581-609). Leiden, Unknown/unspecified: Brill.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2009). Commentaries on Baba Masao, Buck, Feuerstein, Gozawa, Heyer (Essen Lynching), Jepsen, Killinger (Dulag Luft), Nadler, Sandrock (Almelo) and Tesch (Zyklon B) cases. In A. Cassese (Ed.), Oxford Companion to International Criminal Justice. Oxford, Unknown/unspecified: Oxford University Press.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2009). Child Recruitment as a Crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. In G. H.-P. Doria, José (Ed.), The Legal Regime of the International Criminal Court: Essays in Honour of Professor Igor Blishchenko (pp. 579-607). Leiden, Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2008). Child Prisoners in War. SSRN.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2007). Hamdan v Rumsfeld and the Law of War. Human Rights Law Review, 7, 418-31. doi:10.1093/hrlr/ngm010
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2007). Case Comment: Prosecutor v Lubanga. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 56, 713-24.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2007). The International Criminal Court and the Lord’s Resistance Army. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 8, 159-84.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2006). The Age of Criminal Responsibility in International Criminal Law Vesselin (eds), International Criminal Accountability and Children’s Rights, T.M.C. Asser Press: The Hague, 2006, at pp. 69-84. In K. Arts & V. Popovski (Eds.), International Criminal Accountability and Children’s Rights (pp. 69-84). The Hague, Unknown/unspecified: T.M.C. Asser Press.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2006). Darfur, the Security Council and the International Criminal Court. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 55, 226-36. doi:10.1093/iclq/lei074
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2006). The Age of Criminal Responsibility in International Criminal Law. International Criminal Accountability and the Rights of Children. doi:10.1007/978-90-6704-425-7_5

HAPPOLD, M. (2006). II. Darfur, the Security Council, and the International Criminal Court. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 55 (1), 226-236. doi:10.1093/iclq/lei074
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HAPPOLD, M. (2005). Child Soldiers in International Law. Manchester, Unknown/unspecified: Manchester university press.

HAPPOLD, M. (2005). Dams and International Law. In L. B. de Chazournes & S. M. A. Salman (Eds.), Les ressources en eau et le droit international/Water Resources and International Law (pp. 577-604). Leiden/Boston, Unknown/unspecified: Martinus Nijhof.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2005). International Humanitarian Law, War Criminality and Child Recruitment. Leiden Journal of International Law, 18, 283-97.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2004). The Detention of Al-Qaeda Suspects at Guantanamo Bay: United Kingdom Perspectives. Human Rights Law Review, 4, 57-76.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M., & Anderson, M. (Eds.). (2003). Constitutional Human Rights in the Commonwealth. London, Unknown/unspecified: British Institute of International and Comparative Law.

HAPPOLD, M., & Anderson, M. (2003). Constitutional Human Rights and the Commonwealth: An Overview. In M. Anderson & M. HAPPOLD (Eds.), Constitutional Human Rights in the Commonwealth. London, Unknown/unspecified: British Institute of International and Comparative Law.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2003). Freedom of Religion: Recent Developments in the Commonwealth. In M. Anderson & M. HAPPOLD (Eds.), Constitutional Human Rights in the Commonwealth (pp. 127-42). London, Unknown/unspecified: British Institute of International and Comparative Law.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2003). Security Council Resolution 1373 and the Constitution of the United Nations. Leiden Journal of International Law, 16, 593-610. doi:10.1017/S0922156503001304
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2003). Banković v Belgium and the Territorial Scope of the European Convention on Human Rights. Human Rights Law Review, 3, 77-90.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2002). Excluding Children from Refugee Status: Child Soldiers and Article 1F of the Refugee Convention’. American University International Law Review, 17, 1131-76.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2001). The Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 4, 389-405. doi:10.1017/S138913590000091X
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2000). Fourteen against One: EU Member States’ Response to Freedom Party Participation in the Austrian Government. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 49, 953-63. doi:10.1017/S0020589300064770
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2000). Child Soldiers in International Law: The Legal Regulation of Children’s Participation in Hostilities. Netherlands International Law Review, 48, 27-52. doi:10.1017/S0165070X00000747
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2000). The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict. Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, 3, 226-44.
Peer reviewed

HAPPOLD, M. (2000). Independence: In or Out of Europe? An Independent Scotland and the European Union. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 49, 15-34. doi:10.1017/S0020589300063946
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