
DUMONT Patrick

Main Referenced Co-authors
KIES, Raphaël  (32)
POIRIER, Philippe  (19)
Bäck, Hanna (5)
De Winter, Lieven (5)
SPREITZER, Astrid  (5)
Main Referenced Keywords
Luxembourg (23); Political data yearbook (8); electoral studies (4); élections (4); e-democracy (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Chaire de recherche en études parlementaires (4)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Political science, public administration & international relations (59)
Sociology & social sciences (2)

Publications (total 60)

The most downloaded
DUMONT, P., KIES, R., FEHLEN, F., & POIRIER, P. (2006). Les élections législatives et européennes de 2004 au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.

The most cited

235 citations (Scopus®)

Bäck, H., Debus, M., & DUMONT, P. (2011). Who gets what in coalition governments? Predictors of portfolio allocation in parliamentary democracies. European Journal of Political Research, 50 (4), 441-478. doi:10.1111/j.1475-6765.2010.01980.x

DUMONT, P., & KIES, R. (2022). Party Politics in Luxembourg: Stable, Consensual and Pragmatic. In F. C. Bertoa & P. DUMONT, Party Politics in European Microstates (pp. 121-145). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315206776-8
Editorial reviewed

DUMONT, P., KIES, R., & SCHMIT, D. (2019). Luxembourg: The permanent downfall of Luxembourg’s dominant party? In L. De Sio, M. N. Frankin, ... L. Russo, The European Parliament Elections of 2019 (pp. 193-198). Roma, Italy: Luiss University Press.

KIES, R., SCHMIT, D., & DUMONT, P. (2019). Luxembourg. European Journal of Political Research.
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DUMONT, P., & KIES, R. (2018). Luxembourg. European Journal of Political Research, 57, 188-194.
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DUMONT, P., & KIES, R. (2017). Luxembourg. European Journal of Political Research, 56, 185-191.
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POIRIER, P., DUMONT, P., KIES, R., CARPENTIER TANGUY, X., & SPREITZER, A. (2015). Les élections législatives de 2013 et européennes de 2014 au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Centre des technologies de l'information de l'Etat.

Beyers, J., Vollaard, H., & DUMONT, P. (2015). Introduction: European Integration and Consensus Politics. In H. Vollaard, J. Beyers, ... P. DUMONT (Eds.), European Integration and Consensus Politics in the Low Countries. Routledge.

Dowding, K., & DUMONT, P. (2015). Introduction Agency rent, adverse selection and moral hazard. In K. Dowding & P. DUMONT (Eds.), The Selection of Ministers around the World. Routledge.

Vollaard, H., Beyers, J., & DUMONT, P. (Eds.). (2015). European Integration and Consensus Politics in the Low Countries. Routledge.

DUMONT, P., & KIES, R. (2015). Les SAV « orientés candidats » : État des lieux et potentiels pour la recherche. Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, 22 (2).
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DUMONT, P., KIES, R., & POIRIER, P. (2015). European elections in Luxembourg. In D. M. Viola (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of European Elections. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.

DUMONT, P., & KIES, R. (2015). Avant-Propos: Les systèmes d'aide au vote: défis et potentialités. Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, 23 (2), 159-174.
Peer reviewed

DUMONT, P., & KIES, R. (2015). Luxembourg. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook, 54, 199-206.
Peer reviewed

VOLLAARD, H., BEYERS, J., & DUMONT, P. (Eds.). (2015). The Impact of European Integration on Consensus Politics in the Low Countries. London, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge.

Dowding, K., & DUMONT, P. (Eds.). (2015). The Selection of Ministers around the World. Routledge.

DUMONT, P., TIMMERMANS, A., & MOURY, C. (2015). Coping with Domestic and European Complexity: How Consensus Politics is Maintained in the Low Countries' Governments. In H. Vollaard, J. Beyers, ... P. DUMONT (Eds.), The Impact of European Integration on Consensus Politics in the Low Countries (pp. 24-47). London, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge.

De Winter, L., Ackaert, J., Meulewaeter, C., & DUMONT, P. (2015). La participation électorale réelle et potentielle. In P. Baudewyns (Ed.), Être électeur en Wallonie: Le comportement électoral des Wallons lors des élections législatives de 2007 et de 2010. Louvain-la-Neuve, Unknown/unspecified: Presses universitaires de Louvain.

DUMONT, P., & KIES, R. (2015). Les Systèmes d’Aide au Vote: défis et potentialités. Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée, 22 (2).
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DUMONT, P., KIES, R., & POIRIER, P. (2015). Luxembourg. In D. Viola (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of European Elections. London, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315715315

POIRIER, P. (Ed.), DUMONT, P. (Other coll.), Kies, R. (Other coll.), PEGAN, A. (Other coll.), & SPREITZER, A. (Other coll.). (2014). Les pouvoirs d'un parlement. L'exemple de la Chambre des Députés du Luxembourg. Luxembourg, Belgium: Larcier.

DUMONT, P., KIES, R., & Fivaz, J. (2014). Being a VAA candidate: Why do candidates use voting advice applications and what can we learn from it. In Matching voters to parties: Voting Advice Applications in a comparative perspective (pp. 145-159). London, Unknown/unspecified: ECPR press.

DUMONT, P., & KIES, R. (2014). Lussemburgo: Il primo voto solo europeo. In L. De Sio, V. Emanuele, ... N. Maggini (Eds.), Le Elezioni Europee 2014 (pp. 245-249). Dossier CISE n. 6.

DUMONT, P., & KIES, R. (2014). Luxembourg: The first European Parliament–only vote. In The European Parliament Elections of 2014. Rome, Unknown/unspecified: Dossier CISE n. 6.

Beyers, J., Vollaard, H., & DUMONT, P. (2014). European integration and consensus politics in the Low Countries Observations on an under-researched relationship. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

DUMONT, P., JARIR, B., & SPREITZER, A. (2014). Parlement et institutions co-législatives. In P. POIRIER (Ed.), Les Pouvoirs d’un Parlement : La Chambre des Députés du Luxembourg. Bruxelles, Unknown/unspecified: Larcier.

DUMONT, P., & VERZICHELLI, L. (2014). Selection and De-selection of Ministers in European Politics. In J. Magone (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of European Politics. London, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge.

DE WINTER, L., & DUMONT, P. (2014). Regeringsvorming in België. In C. Devos (Ed.), Een politieke geschiedenis van morgen. Borgehoff & Lamberigts.

BEYERS, J., VOLLAARD, H., & DUMONT, P. (2014). European Integration and Consensus Politics in the Low Countries. Observations on an Under-Researched Relationship. EUI Working Paper SPS.
Peer reviewed

DUMONT, P., & KIES, R. (2014). Luxembourg. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook, 211-221.
Peer reviewed

DUMONT, P., KIES, R., & POIRIER, P. (01 November 2013). Luxembourg. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook, 52 (1), 152-157. doi:10.1111/2047-8852.12021
Peer reviewed

DUMONT, P., KIES, R., & POIRIER, P. (2013). Luxembourg’s Socialist Worker Party: the challenge of rejuvenation of a docile coalition partner. In F. Escalona, M. Vieria, ... J.-M. de Waele (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Social Democracy in the European Union (ean-Michel de Waele, Fabien Escalona and Mathieu Vieira, pp. 244-268). London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Peer reviewed

DUMONT, P., & KIES, R. (2013). Usage and impact of the first VAA in Luxembourg. International Journal of Electronic Governance, 5 (3-4), 388-410.
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DUMONT, P., KIES, R., & POIRIER, P. (2013). Luxembourg. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook.

DUMONT, P., & KIES, R. (2013). Political History of Luxembourg. In Europa World Year Book (pp. 4-8). Routledge.

DUMONT, P., KIES, R., & POIRIER, P. (2013). Luxembourg. In J. M. De Waele, F. Escalone, ... M. Viera (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Social Democracy in the European Union (pp. 145-159). New York, Unknown/unspecified: Palgrave.

Ackaert, J., De Winter, L., DUMONT, P., & Hennau, S. (2013). Met man en macht. Over mensen, macht en beleid bij lokale coalitievorming. In K. Deschouwer, T. Verthé, ... B. Rihoux (Eds.), Op zoek naar de kiezers. Lokale partijafdelingen en de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen van oktober 2012 (pp. 147-164). Brussel, Unknown/unspecified: ASP.

DUMONT, P., & KIES, R. (2013). Luxembourg. In Western Europe 2014, 16th Edition. London, Unknown/unspecified: Routledge.

DUMONT, P., KIES, R., & POIRIER, P. (2012). Luxembourg. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook.

DUMONT, P., & SPREITZER, A. (2012). The Europeanization of domestic legislation in Luxembourg. In S. Brouard, O. Costa, ... T. König (Eds.), The Europeanization of Domestic legislatures: The empirical implications of the Delors’ Myth in nine countries (pp. 131-150). New York, Unknown/unspecified: Springer.

Fischer, J., Dowding, K., & DUMONT, P. (2012). The duration and durability of cabinet ministers. International Political Science Review, 33 (5), 505-519. doi:10.1177/0192512112462971
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DUMONT, P., KIES, R., & POIRIER, P. (2011). Luxembourg. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook.

Andeweg, R., De Winter, L., & DUMONT, P. (Eds.). (2011). Puzzles of Coalition Formation. Coalition Theory and Deviant Cases. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203007815

Bäck, H., Debus, M., & DUMONT, P. (2011). Who gets what in coalition governments? Predictors of portfolio allocation in parliamentary democracies. European Journal of Political Research, 50 (4), 441-478. doi:10.1111/j.1475-6765.2010.01980.x
Peer reviewed

DUMONT, P., KIES, R., SPREITZER, A., Bozinis, & POIRIER, P. (2010). Analyse des élections au Luxembourg de Juin 2009. Luxembourg, Unknown/unspecified: Service Central Imprimerie de l’Etat.

DUMONT, P., KIES, R., & POIRIER, P. (2010). Luxembourg. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook.

DUMONT, P., KIES, R., & POIRIER, P. (2009). Luxembourg: The challenge of inclusive democracy in a 'local state'. In J. Loughlin, F. Hendriks, ... A. Lidström (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Local and Regional Democracy in Europe (pp. 123-145). Oxford University Press.

Dowding, K., & DUMONT, P. (Eds.). (2009). The Selection of Ministers in Europe. Hiring and Firing. Routledge.

Bäck, H., DUMONT, P., Meier, H. E., Persson, T., & Vernby, K. (2009). Does European Integration Lead to a 'Presidentialization' of Executive Politics? Ministerial Selection in Swedish Postwar Cabinets. European Union Politics, 10 (2), 226-252. doi:10.1177/1465116509103369
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DUMONT, P., KIES, R., & POIRIER, P. (2009). Luxembourg. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook.

DUMONT, P., FEHLEN, F., & POIRIER, P. (2009). Le paysage politique. In Der Luxemburg Atlas / Atlas du Luxembourg (pp. 188-189). Köln, Unknown/unspecified: Emons.

DUMONT, P., KIES, R., & POIRIER, P. (2008). Luxembourg. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook, 1060-1070.

Bäck, H., & DUMONT, P. (2008). Making the first move. A two-stage analysis of the role of formateurs in parliamentary government formation. Public Choice, 135 (3-4), 353-373. doi:10.1007/s11127-007-9267-5
Peer reviewed

Bäck, H., & DUMONT, P. (2007). Combining large-n and small-n strategies: The way forward in coalition research. West European Politics, 30 (3), 467-501. doi:10.1080/01402380701276295
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DUMONT, P., KIES, R., FEHLEN, F., & POIRIER, P. (2007). Le référendum du 10 juillet 2005 sur le Traité établissant une Constitution pour l’Europe. Service Central Imprimerie de l’Etat.

De Winter, L., Swyngedouw, M., & DUMONT, P. (2006). Party system(s) and electoral behaviour in Belgium: From stability to balkanisation. West European Politics, 29 (5), 933-956. doi:10.1080/01402380600968836
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De Winter, L., & DUMONT, P. (2006). Do Belgian parties undermine the democratic chain of delegation? West European Politics, 29 (5), 957-976. doi:10.1080/01402380600968844
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Walgrave, S., Varone, F., & DUMONT, P. (2006). Policy with or without parties? A comparative analysis of policy priorities and policy change in Belgium, 1991 to 2000. JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY, 13 (7), 1021-1038. doi:10.1080/13501760600924035
Peer reviewed

DUMONT, P., KIES, R., FEHLEN, F., & POIRIER, P. (2006). Les élections législatives et européennes de 2004 au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.

DUMONT, P., FEHLEN, F., & POIRIER, P. (2006). Parteiensystem, politische Parteien und Wahlen. In W. Lorig (Ed.), Das politische System Luxemburgs (pp. 155-189). Wiesbaden, Germany: VS Verlag.
Peer reviewed

DUMONT, P., & Bäck, H. (2006). Why so few, and why so late? Green parties and the question of governmental participation. European Journal of Political Research, 45, 35-S67. doi:10.1111/j.1475-6765.2006.00649.x
Peer reviewed

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