
DEPREZ Christian

Main Referenced Co-authors
PRÜM, André  (2)
Bourin, catherine (1)
CORBISIER, Isabelle  (1)
ERGEC, Rusen  (1)
HASLEHNER, Werner  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
academic training (2); formation académique (2); formation professionnelle (2); Legal education (2); Responsabilité de l'Etat (2);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Social law (4)
Economic & commercial law (3)
Civil law (2)
Tax law (2)
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 13)

The most downloaded
DEPREZ, C., & HIEZ, D. (2010). Luxembourg contribution: Legal Education and Judicial Training in Europe - Menu for Justice Project Report.

HASLEHNER, W., & DEPREZ, C. (2019). Case Law Highlights - March-August 2019. Revue de Droit Fiscal.
Peer reviewed

CORBISIER, I., & DEPREZ, C. (2017). Notion de "groupe de sociétés" en droit luxembourgeois.

DEPREZ, C. (2017). Rapport sur la responsabilité de l'Etat en droit luxembourgeois. Paris, France: Non encore publié.

DEPREZ, C. (2016). Working time an flexibility in Luxembourg. IUSLabor, 2/2015 (2), 44-53.
Peer reviewed

DEPREZ, C. (2015). Health and safety in the workplace. IUSLabor, 2/2015, 29-36.
Peer reviewed

DEPREZ, C. (2014). Fixed-term employment contracts in Luxembourg. IUSLabor, 1/2014, 38-44.
Peer reviewed

DEPREZ, C. (2014). Länderbericht Luxemburg. In O. Dörr, Staatshaftung in Europa: Nationales und Unionsrecht. (Staatshaftung in Europa.) (pp. 413-428). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.

DEPREZ, C. (2013). Study on the impact of Directive 2007/64/EC on payment services in the internal market and on the application of regulation (EC) NO 924/2009 on cross-border payments in the community - Survey for Legal expert Luxembourg.

PRÜM, A., Bourin, C., Spielmann, D., & DEPREZ, C. (2013). Bibliographie juridique luxembourgeoise (1997-2013). Larcier.

PRÜM, A., Hoscheit, T., & DEPREZ, C. (2013). La formation du juriste au Luxembourg. In Les professions juridiques (Tome LXI, pp. 517-539). Paris, France: LGDJ/Bruylant.
Peer reviewed

DEPREZ, C., & HIEZ, D. (2010). Luxembourg contribution: Legal Education and Judicial Training in Europe - Menu for Justice Project Report.

ERGEC, R., & DEPREZ, C. (2010). la prévention de l'arriéré en matière administrative - Rapport général. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Imprimerie centrale.

POILLOT, E., & DEPREZ, C. (2010). Study on interest rate restrictions in the EU, Final Report for the EU Commission DG Internal Market and Services. Brussels, Belgium: DG Internal Market and Services.

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