
CARUSO Geoffrey

University of Luxembourg > Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (FHSE) > Department of Geography and Spatial Planning (DGEO) > Geography and Spatial Planning

Main Referenced Co-authors
HELFER, Malte  (88)
PAULY, Michel  (88)
Thomas, Isabelle (24)
Peeters, Dominique (21)
Frankhauser, Pierre (18)
Main Referenced Keywords
Großregion (83); Greater Region (81); SaarLorLux (76); Grande Région (41); Luxembourg (9);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) > Doctoral Training Unit (DTU) (1)
Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Human geography & demography (187)
Special economic topics (health, labor, transportation...) (27)
History (25)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (18)
Earth sciences & physical geography (18)

Publications (total 238)

The most downloaded
CARUSO, G. (2001). Periurbanisation, the situation in Europe: a bibliographical note and survey of studies in the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and the Nordic Countries.

The most cited

188 citations (OpenAlex)

Médard de Chardon, C., CARUSO, G., & Thomas, I. (2017). Bicycle sharing system ‘success’ determinants. Transportation Research. Part A, Policy and Practice, 100, 202-214. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2017.04.020

Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing

SIKK, K., & CARUSO, G. (April 2024). Framing settlement systems as spatial adaptive systems. Ecological Modelling, 490, 110652. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2024.110652
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Leclercq, N., Marshall, L., CARUSO, G., SCHIEL, K., Weekers, T., Carvalheiro, L. G., Dathe, H. H., Kuhlmann, M., Michez, D., Potts, S. G., Rasmont, P., Roberts, S. P. M., Smagghe, G., Vandamme, P., & Vereecken, N. J. (July 2023). European bee diversity: Taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns. Journal of Biogeography, 50 (7), 1244 - 1256. doi:10.1111/jbi.14614
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MENNICKEN, E., Lemoy, R., & CARUSO, G. (2023). Road network distances and detours in Europe: Radial profiles and city size effects. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 239980832311688. doi:10.1177/23998083231168870
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Montero, G., CARUSO, G., Hilal, M., & Thomas, I. (2023). A partition-free spatial clustering that preserves topology: application to built-up density. Journal of Geographical Systems, 25 (1), 5 - 35. doi:10.1007/s10109-022-00396-4
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SCHINDLER, M., Le Texier, M., & CARUSO, G. (April 2022). How far do people travel to use urban green space? A comparison of three European cities. Applied Geography, 141, 102673. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2022.102673
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SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (April 2022). Urban Interventions to Reduce Pollution Exposure and Improve Spatial Equity. Geographical Analysis, 54 (2), 309 - 332. doi:10.1111/gean.12288
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SIKK, K., CARUSO, G., Rosentau, A., & Kriiska, A. (February 2022). Comparing contemporaneous hunter-gatherer and early agrarian settlement systems with spatial point process models: Case study of the Estonian Stone Age. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 41, 103330. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103330
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SPRUMONT, F., Scheffer, A., CARUSO, G., Cornelis, E., & VITI, F. (2022). Quantifying the Relation between Activity Pattern Complexity and Car Use Using a Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model. Sustainability, 14 (19). doi:10.3390/su141912101
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LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (2021). Radial analysis and scaling of urban land use. Scientific Reports, (22044). doi:10.1038/s41598-021-01477-y
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SIKK, K., & CARUSO, G. (2020). A Spatially explicit ABM of Central Place Foraging Theory and its explanatory power for hunter-gatherers settlement patterns formation processes. Adaptive Behavior. doi:10.1177/1059712320922915
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Delloye, J., LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (2019). Alonso and the Scaling of Urban Profiles. Geographical Analysis. doi:10.1111/gean.12191
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Perchoux, C., Brondeel, R., Wasfi, R., Klein, O., CARUSO, G., Vallée, J., Klein, S., Thierry, B., Dijst, M., Chaix, B., Kestens, Y., & Gerber, P. (2019). Walking, trip purpose, and exposure to multiple environments: A case study of older adults in Luxembourg. Journal of Transport and Health, 13, 170-184. doi:10.1016/j.jth.2019.04.002
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Cuignet, T., Perchoux, C., CARUSO, G., Klein, O., Klein, S., Chaix, B., Kestens, Y., & Gerber, P. (2019). Mobility among older adults: Deconstructing the effects of motility and movement on wellbeing. Urban Studies. doi:10.1177/0042098019852033
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LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (2018). Evidence for the homothetic scaling of urban forms. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. doi:10.1177/2399808318810532
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LE TEXIER, M., SCHIEL, K., & CARUSO, G. (17 October 2018). The provision of urban green space and its accessibility: Spatial data effects in Brussels. PLoS ONE, 13 (10), 0204684. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0204684
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Schindler, M., Le Texier, M., & CARUSO, G. (2018). Spatial sorting, attitudes and the use of green space in Brussels. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 31, 169-184. doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2018.02.009
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SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (2018). Emerging urban form – Emerging pollution: Modelling endogenous health and environmental effects of traffic on residential choice. Environment and Planning B. doi:10.1177/2399808318783206
Peer reviewed

Gerber, P., CARUSO, G., Cornélis, E., & MEDARD DE CHARDON, C. (2018). A multi-scale fine-grained LUTI model to simulate land-use scenarios in Luxembourg. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 11 (1), 255–272. doi:10.5198/jtlu.2018.1210
Peer reviewed

PIGERON-PIROTH, I., Le Texier, M., Belkacem, R., & CARUSO, G. (2018). Déterminants individuels et territoriaux des navettes internes ou transfrontalières des actifs résidant en France. Espace, Populations, Sociétés, 2017 (3), 1-30. doi:10.4000/eps.7239
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Thomas, I., Jones, J., CARUSO, G., & Gerber, P. (2018). City delineation in European applications of LUTI models: review and tests. Transport Reviews, 38 (1), 6-32. doi:10.1080/01441647.2017.1295112
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CARUSO, G., Hilal, M., & Thomas, I. (July 2017). Measuring urban forms from inter-building distances: Combining MST graphs with a Local Index of Spatial Association. Landscape and Urban Planning, 163, 80-89. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.03.003
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SCHINDLER, M., CARUSO, G., & PICARD, P. M. (2017). Equilibrium and first-best city with endogenous exposure to local air pollution from traffic. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 62, 12-23. doi:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2016.10.006
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Médard de Chardon, C., CARUSO, G., & Thomas, I. (2017). Bicycle sharing system ‘success’ determinants. Transportation Research. Part A, Policy and Practice, 100, 202-214. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2017.04.020
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LE TEXIER, M., & CARUSO, G. (January 2017). Assessing geographical effects in spatial diffusion processes: The case of euro coins. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 61, 81-93. doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2016.08.003
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MEDARD DE CHARDON, C., CARUSO, G., & Thomas, I. (July 2016). Bike-share rebalancing strategies, patterns, and purpose. Journal of Transport Geography, 55, 22-39. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2016.07.003
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SCHIEL, K., Baume, O., CARUSO, G., & Leopold, U. (29 February 2016). GIS-based modelling of shallow geothermal energy potential for CO2 emission mitigation in urban areas. Renewable Energy, 86, 1023-1036. doi:10.1016/J.RENENE.2015.09.017
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GLAESENER, M.-L., & CARUSO, G. (November 2015). Neighborhood green and services diversity effects on land prices: evidence from a multilevel hedonic analysis in Luxembourg. Landscape and Urban Planning, 143, 100-111. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.06.008
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CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., Frankhauser, P., & Vuidel, G. (November 2015). Greener and larger neighbourhoods make cities more sustainable! A 2D urban economics perspective. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 54, 82-94. doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2015.06.002
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MEDARD DE CHARDON, C., & CARUSO, G. (August 2015). Estimating bike-share trips using station level data. Transportation Research. Part B, Methodological, 78, 260–279. doi:10.1016/j.trb.2015.05.003
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Peeters, D., CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Thomas, I., Frankhauser, P., & Vuidel, G. (June 2015). Emergence of leapfrogging from residential choice with endogenous green space: analytical results. Journal of Regional Science, 55 (3), 491-512. doi:10.1111/jors.12158
Peer reviewed

CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., Frankhauser, P., & Vuidel, G. (2015). Housing land transaction data and structural econometric estimation of preference parameters for urban economic simulation models. Data in Brief, 5, 447-452. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2015.09.047
Peer reviewed

CARUSO, G., Gerber, P., HESSE, M., & VITI, F. (2015). Editorial: Challenges, specificities and commonalities of transport research and policy within the BENELUX countries–the case of Luxembourg. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 15 (4), 501-505. doi:10.18757/ejtir.2015.15.4.3094
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Quinn, B., SCHIEL, K., & CARUSO, G. (2014). Mapping uncertainty from multi-criteria analysis of land development suitability, the case of Howth, Dublin. Journal of Maps. doi:10.1080/17445647.2014.978907
Peer reviewed

SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (May 2014). Urban compactness and the trade-off between air pollution emission and exposure: Lessons from a spatially explicit theoretical model. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 45, 13-23. doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2014.01.004
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CARUSO, G., Vuidel, G., Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., & Thomas, I. (2011). Morphological similarities between DBM and a microeconomic model of sprawl. Journal of Geographical Systems, 13 (1), 31-48. doi:10.1007/s10109-010-0131-7
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CARUSO, G., Peeters, D., Cavailhès, J., & Rounsevell, M. (2009). Space – time patterns of urban sprawl, a 1D cellular automata and microeconomic approach. Environment and Planning B, 36, 968-988. doi:10.1068/b34009
Peer reviewed

CARUSO, G., Peeters, D., Cavailhès, J., & Rounsevell, M. (2007). Spatial configurations in a periurban city: a cellular automata-based microeconomic model. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 37 (5), 542-567. doi:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2007.01.005
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CARUSO, G., Rounsevell, M., & Cojocaru, G. (2005). Exploring a spatio-dynamic neighbourhood-based model of residential behaviour in the Brussels periurban area. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 19 (2), 103-123. doi:10.1080/13658810410001713371
Peer reviewed

Scientific presentations in universities or research centers

WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (14 January 2020). Scaling of urban heat island & NO2 with urban population: A meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. DGEO Research Seminar, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

PIGERON-PIROTH, I., HEINZ, A., & CARUSO, G. (19 June 2017). Localisation résidentielle de la population étrangère selon la nationalité et la structure urbaine au Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Séminaire économique du STATEC, Luxembourg-Ville, Luxembourg.

SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (February 2015). Endogenous traffic-induced air pollution and equilibrium city structure [Paper presentation]. INRA CESAER monthly seminar, Dijon, France.

Kalogirou, S., & CARUSO, G. (08 September 2014). Spatial Analysis of internal migration in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. British Societies for Population Studies 2014 Conference.

CARUSO, G., & SCHINDLER, M. (2013). Effects of residential preferences and structures on population exposure to air pollution [Paper presentation]. Workshop 'Villes et environnement' Journée thématique du CESAER.

GLAESENER, M.-L., & CARUSO, G. (September 2011). Spatial quantile regression analysis of residential land prices in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. 17th European Colloquium on Quantitative and Theoretical Geography, Athens, Greece.

CARUSO, G. (2010). Data mining in geographical contexts and texts [Paper presentation]. Artificial Intelligence Lecture Series, Luxembourg.

CARUSO, G. (2009). Geographical Modelling with Cellular-Automata [Paper presentation]. Research Seminar. Barcelona Polytechnic Institute.

CARUSO, G. (2008). Etalement urbain : approches par simulation dynamique des choix résidentiels et l’analyse des formes [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du CEPS-INSTEAD / GEODE, Differdange, Luxembourg.

Scientific congresses, symposiums and conferences

Published communications

PIGERON-PIROTH, I., CARUSO, G., & Le Texier, M. (2019). Unravelling the border-facade of France : a multi-level modelling of cross-border commuting. In G. CARUSO, P. Gerber, C. JONES, O. Klein, ... C. Perchoux, 21st European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG), Book of Abstracts, Mondorf-las-Bains, 5-9 septembre 2019.
Peer reviewed

SPRUMONT, F.* , VITI, F.* , CARUSO, G.* , & König, A. (December 2014). Workplace Relocation and Mobility Changes in a Transnational Metropolitan Area: The Case of the University of Luxembourg. Transportation Research Procedia, 4, 286–299. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2014.11.022
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Gerber, P., CARUSO, G., Cornélis, E., Enaux, C., & Khadraoui, D. (2013). Interactions between residential and daily mobility: Luxembourg case study in the MOEBIUS project (extended abstract). In M. HESSE, G. CARUSO, P. Gerber, ... F. VITI (Eds.), Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2013 (pp. 397-399). Zelzate, Unknown/unspecified: University Press.
Peer reviewed

SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (2013). On the impacts of transport policies and urban form on traffic-induced air pollution (extended abstract). In M. HESSE, G. CARUSO, P. Gerber, ... F. VITI (Eds.), Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2013 (pp. 74-75). Zelzate, Unknown/unspecified: University Press.
Peer reviewed

CARUSO, G., & MEDARD DE CHARDON, C. (2012). An iterative economic residential choice ABM of urban growth in Luxembourg (extended abstract). In Pinto N (Ed.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Cellular Automata Models of Urban and Spatial Systems.
Peer reviewed

SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (2012). Effects of periurban structure on air pollution: coupling CA models to understand the link between urban structure and air pollution. In D. J. Pinto N (Ed.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Cellular Automata Models of Urban and Spatial Systems (pp. 281-292).
Peer reviewed

CARUSO, G., & Hilal, M. (2008). Calibration of households preference for open-spaces from an urban cellular automata model: method and application to Dijon. In J.-C. Foltête (Ed.), Actes des Huitièmes Rencontres de Théo Quant (pp. 1-15). University of Besançon.
Peer reviewed

CARUSO, G. (2003). Un modèle cellulaire et dynamique de dispersion et ségrégation spatiale périurbaine. In XXXIX ème Colloque de l’Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française.
Peer reviewed

Oral communications or posters

CARUSO, G., PIGERON-PIROTH, I., & TSIOPA, A. (September 2024). How local geography and destinations influence individual effects in the decision to commute across the border. Ruptures and discontinuities along the entire border facade of France [Paper presentation]. Disruptive Borderlands, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
Peer reviewed

WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (06 July 2022). Centrality and city size effects on NO2 ground and tropospheric concentrations within European cities [Paper presentation]. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society 2022, Brussels, Belgium.

WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (05 November 2021). Centrality and city size effects on NO2 ground and tropospheric concentrations within European cities [Paper presentation]. The 2021 European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Manchester, United Kingdom.

WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (29 June 2021). Scaling of urban heat island and NO2 with urban population: A meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. EUGEO 2021, Prague, Czechia.

WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (10 June 2021). Scaling of urban heat island and nitrogen dioxide with urban population: a meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. Spatial Data Science 2020, Lausanne, Switzerland.

WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (28 May 2021). Scaling of urban heat island & NO2 with urban population: a meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. 2021 RSAI World Congress​.

CARUSO, G. (25 November 2020). Radial Urban Forms: Lessons from Land Profile Scaling Analyses & Spatial-Explicit Models [Paper presentation]. New-Zealand Geographic Society Conference 2020, Wellington, New Zealand.

WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (16 September 2020). Scaling of urban heat island & NO2 with urban population: a meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. 10th International Environmental Modelling and Software Society Conference 2020.

WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (05 December 2019). Scaling of urban heat island & NO2 with urban population: a meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. International Land Use Symposium 2019, Paris, France.

SIKK, K., & CARUSO, G. (09 September 2019). Central place foraging and hunter-gatherer settlement patterns: how resource depletion influences population concentration [Paper presentation]. 21st European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg.

BOURA, M. D. F., & CARUSO, G. (09 September 2019). Landscape typology of urban forest ecosystem services across European urban areas [Paper presentation]. 49th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ), Munster, Germany.

WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (08 September 2019). The potential scaling of urban heat island and nitrogen dioxide with urban population: a systematic review [Paper presentation]. 21st European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg.

BOURA, M. D. F., & CARUSO, G. (06 September 2019). How does the relative spatial pattern of green within cities impact carbon uptake? A European scale analysis [Paper presentation]. 21st European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg.

BOURA, M. D. F., & CARUSO, G. (28 June 2019). Landscape typology of urban forest ecosystem services across European urban areas [Paper presentation]. 6th International World Urbanisms Seminar, Leuven, Belgium.

CARUSO, G. (27 September 2018). Radial urban forms in Europe [Paper presentation]. Conference on Complex Systems (CCS2018) UrbanSys, Thessaloniki, Greece.

SIKK, K., CARUSO, G., & Kriiska, A. (September 2018). Conceptual framework of assessing the influence of cultural complexity to settlement pattern formation [Paper presentation]. Conference on Complex Systems 2018, CCS2018, Thessaloniki, Greece.

BOURA, M. D. F., & CARUSO, G. (04 July 2018). How does the relative spatial pattern of green within cities impact carbon uptake? A European scale analysis [Paper presentation]. 55ème Colloque de l’Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF), Caen, France.

SIKK, K., & CARUSO, G. (22 March 2018). Transferring knowledge from locational predictive models into spatial Agent Based Models: generilizing human perception of environment [Paper presentation]. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference (CAA 2018), Tübingen, Germany.

SIKK, K., CARUSO, G., & Kriiska, A. (2018). Agent-based modeling as an interdisciplinary bridge in spatial humanities. Designing the modeling framework for simulation of Mesolithic settlement patterns [Paper presentation]. The Twelfth International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS 12), Penang, Malaysia.

SIKK, K., Kriiska, A., Nordqvist, K., Rostedt, T., & CARUSO, G. (2018). Quantifying the shoreline connection of the Stone Age settlements in Southern Karelia (Finland) [Paper presentation]. 24TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF ARCHAEOLOGISTS, Barcelona, Spain.

Delloye, J., LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (November 2017). Homothetic Scaling of Urban Land Use and Population Density Gradients in Monocentric Models [Paper presentation]. Conference of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC), Vancouver, Canada.

CARUSO, G., & LEMOY, R. (November 2017). The homothetic scaling of urban land and density profiles: evidence from Europe [Paper presentation]. Conference of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC), Vancouver, Canada.

Delloye, J., LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (September 2017). Homothetic Scaling of Urban Land Use and Population Density Gradients in Monocentric Models [Paper presentation]. European Colloquium of Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG), York, United Kingdom.

LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (September 2017). Evidence for the homothetic scaling of urban forms [Paper presentation]. European Colloquium of Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG), York, United Kingdom.

SCHINDLER, M., LE TEXIER, M., & CARUSO, G. (08 April 2017). Locational and socio-economic sorting in the use of green space: Evidence from Brussels [Paper presentation]. American Association of Geographers' Annual Meeting (AAG) 2017, Boston, United States - Massachusetts.

LE TEXIER, M., & CARUSO, G. (08 April 2017). Framing and reviewing a green mismatch hypothesis [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, United States.

SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (22 September 2016). An agent-based model to simulate the feedback effect between traffic-induced air pollution and urban structure [Paper presentation]. CAMUSS 2016, Quebec City, Canada.

SPRUMONT, F., CARUSO, G., VITI, F., & Cornelis, E. (19 September 2016). Considering activity pattern to achieve a more sustainable commuting behavior [Paper presentation]. 5th hEART Symposium, Delft, Netherlands.

LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (August 2016). Land use and density in the European city: monocentric analysis and scaling [Paper presentation]. ERSA 2016 conference.

LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (July 2016). Land use and density in the European city: monocentric analysis and scaling [Paper presentation]. StatPhys 2016, Lyon, France.

LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (May 2016). Land use and density in the European city: monocentric analysis and scaling [Paper presentation]. CORE@50 conference, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

CARUSO, G., Frankhauser, P., Vuidel, G., Thomas, I., & Peeters, D. (November 2015). Monocentric urban simulation models: getting closer to fractal properties and landscape representation [Paper presentation]. 62nd North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Portland (Oregon), United States.

Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., CARUSO, G., & Thomas, I. (September 2015). Dielectric breakdown and urban growth: Morphological similarities or conceptual links? [Paper presentation]. 19th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Bari, Italy.

GLAESENER, M.-L., Licheron, J., & CARUSO, G. (September 2015). Surrounding density and green space. What effects of proximity on land prices? [Paper presentation]. 19th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography.

CARUSO, G. (September 2015). A perspective on urban economics and geographical agent-based models. (Keynote Speech) [Paper presentation]. 19th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Bari, Italy.

CARUSO, G., Jones, J., Thomas, I., & Gerber, P. (08 July 2015). Land Use and Transport Interaction Models - Where is the limit? [Paper presentation]. 52ème Colloque de l'Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF), Montpellier, France.

Thomas, I., CARUSO, G., Gerber, P., & Jones, J. (July 2015). On the delineation of cities in applied LUTI models in Europe: bibliography and simulations [Paper presentation]. NECTAR (Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research) 2015 Conference, Ann Arbor, United States.

GLAESENER, M.-L., & CARUSO, G. (28 August 2014). Spatial patterns of land-use and neighbourhood diversity: a multilevel analysis of residential land prices in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. The 54th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, St. Petersburg, Russia.

SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (August 2014). Spatial implications of endogenous pollution externalities in a residential location model [Paper presentation]. 54th ERSA Congress 2014, St Petersburg, Russia.

CARUSO, G., Cavailhes, J., Peeters, D., Frankhauser, P., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2014). How green neighbourhoods make cities more compact? A 2D microeconomic perspective [Paper presentation]. Journées de Micro-économie appliquée, Clermont-Ferrand, France.

CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2013). Emergence of scattered and leapfrog urban development from analytical results to complex simulation outputs with realistic calibration [Paper presentation]. 17th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography.

CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2013). Emergence of scattered and leapfrog urban development from analytical results to complex simulation outputs with realistic calibration [Paper presentation]. 53rd European Regional Science Association Congress, Palermo, Sicily, Italy.

SCHIEL, K., SCHINDLER, M., Jaeger, S., & CARUSO, G. (2013). On MAUP, neighbourhood definitions and the measure of urban sprawl [Paper presentation]. 17th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Dourdan, Paris, France.

CARUSO, G., & Gerber, P. (2012). From land use scenarios to sustainable mobility: Luxembourg case study in the MOEBIUS Project [Paper presentation]. S4 international workshop MODUS-ENVISA: Managing Complexity in Land Use and Environmental Impacts Modelling, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

MEDARD DE CHARDON, C., & CARUSO, G. (2011). A micro-economic based residential choice simulation model for Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. 16th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Athens, Greece.

Frankhauser, P., CARUSO, G., Peeters, D., Cavailhès, J., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2011). How neighbourhood interactions influence urban sprawl [Paper presentation]. 16th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Athens, Greece.

Madeira, N., & CARUSO, G. (2011). Mapping textual data by keyword co-occurrence to determine subject-matter domains in geographical statistics [Paper presentation]. 16th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography.

KOLNBERGER, T., & CARUSO, G. (2011). Spatial Analysis of Inner City Retail Sector in Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Evidence of Path-Dependence? [Paper presentation]. ECQTS-2011, Athens - 17th European Colloquium on Quantitative and Theoretical Geography, Athens, Greece.

Frankhauser, P., CARUSO, G., Peeters, D., Cavailhès, J., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2009). The emergence of leapfrogging in an urban growth model combining an economic approach and cellular automata [Paper presentation]. International Conference : Emergence in Geographical Space: Concepts, Methods and Models, Paris, France.

Peeters, D., CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2009). Transition phases and leapfrogging in urban sprawl patterns: a simulation and analytical approach with SGHOST [Paper presentation]. 15th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Maynooth, Ireland.

LE TEXIER, M., Ben Rebah, M., & CARUSO, G. (2009). Exploring EU Territorial Cohesion with Self-Organising Maps (SOM) [Paper presentation]. 15th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Maynooth, Ireland.

Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2008). Surprising similarities between DBM models and an economic geography model of city growth [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference of the European Regional Science Association. Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2008). S-GHOST city: Self-Generating Housing, Open Space and Transportation in the city [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers.

CARUSO, G. (2008). Monitoring territorial dynamics, a view from ESPON Database 2013 [Paper presentation]. ESPON workshop Monitoring Territorial Dynamics, Esch-Sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

CARUSO, G. (2008). ESPON Database 2013: objectives and structures [Paper presentation]. ESPON internal seminar.


As editor or director

CARUSO, G., Gerber, P., JONES, C., klein, O., & Perchoux, C. (Eds.). (2019). 21st European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography: Book of abstracts. LISER.

HESSE, M., CARUSO, G., Gerber, P., & VITI, F. (Eds.). (2013). Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2013. Zelzate, Unknown/unspecified: University Press.

Book chapters and contributions to collective works

CARUSO, G., Kilgarriff, P., Delloye, J., & Lemoy, R. (2025). The scaling of urban land and density profiles: empirics and theory. In L. S. D'Acci, Urban Scaling: Allometry in Urban Studies and Spatial Science (1st). Routledge.
Editorial reviewed

CARUSO, G., Pumain, D., & Thomas, I. (2022). No “Prêt à Porter” but a Multi-scalar Perspective of “Smart Cities”. In Knowledge Management for Regional Policymaking. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-15648-9_7
Editorial reviewed

Kilgarriff, P., Lemoy, R., & CARUSO, G. (2021). Gibrat’s law and the change in artificial land use within and between European cities. In Handbook on Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics: A Rebirth of Theory?Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Editorial reviewed

LE TEXIER, M., & CARUSO, G. (2018). Aggregate and disaggregate dynamic spatial interaction approaches to modelling coins diffusion. In J.-C. Thill (Ed.), Spatial Analysis and Location Modeling in Urban and Regional Systems (pp. 193-222). Berlin, Unknown/unspecified: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-37896-6_9
Peer reviewed

Provitolo, D., Frankhauser, P., Morer, M., Enaux, C., Ansel, D., Agbossou, I., Peeters, D., & CARUSO, G. (2016). Collective and Cooperative Behaviour Models. In P. Frankhauser & D. Ansel (Eds.), Deciding Where to Live (pp. 151--192). Wiesbaden, Unknown/unspecified: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-15542-1_7
Peer reviewed

Provitolo, D., Frankhauser, P., Morer, M., Enaux, C., Ansel, D., Agbossou, I., Peeters, D., & CARUSO, G. (2012). Modèles de comportements collectifs et coopératifs. In F. P. E. A. Dominique (Ed.), La Décision d'Habiter Ici ou Ailleurs (pp. 175-227). Economica.
Peer reviewed

CARUSO, G., & Cavailhès, J. (2011). Formes paysagères dans les modèles théoriques d’économie et de géographie urbaine. In W. Oueslati (Ed.), Analyses Economiques du Paysage (pp. 63-85). Versailles, France: Editions QUAE.
Peer reviewed

CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2011). S-GHOST: Un modèle d'auto-organisation de l'étalement urbain et du réseau de transport. In J.-P. Antoni (Ed.), Modéliser la ville: formes urbaines et politiques de transport (pp. 365-391). Paris, France: Economica.
Peer reviewed

Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., CARUSO, G., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2009). Morphological similarities between DBM and an economic geography model of city growth. In J. Zhou (Ed.), Complex Sciences (pp. 417-428). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02466-5_40
Peer reviewed

CARUSO, G. (2005). Un modèle cellulaire et dynamique de dispersion et ségrégation spatiale périurbaine. In M.-A. Buisson & D. Mignot (Eds.), Concentration économique et ségréegation spatiale (pp. 67-85). Bruxelles, Unknown/unspecified: De Boeck Universités.
Peer reviewed

CARUSO, G. (2002). La diversité des formes de la périurbanisation en Europe. In P. Perrier-Cornet (Ed.), Repenser les campagnes (pp. 67-100). Paris, France: Editions de l'Aube-Datar.

Cartographic materials

SCHIEL, K., CARUSO, G., & Vereecken, N. (2017). Bee Species Richness in Europe. Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg Department of Geography and Spatial Planning.

Theses and dissertations

Doctoral thesis

CARUSO, G. (2014). Geographical Determinants of Residential Land Values in Luxembourg [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg.

Expert reports

Madeira, N., & CARUSO, G. (2011). A two-step approach to structure the ESPON 2013 DB by themes and sub-themes. (1.2). ESPON.

Madeira, N., & CARUSO, G. (2011). Towards an ESPON thesaurus? Some preliminary considerations for the thematic structuring of the ESPON database. (1.4). ESPON.

Madeira, N., & CARUSO, G. (2011). Coding scheme to label indicators: Guiding principles to TPGs involved in ongoing and future ESPON projects. (1.3). ESPON.

Madeira, N., & CARUSO, G. (2010). Text mining methods and visualization tools as means to support the thematic structuring of the ESPON 2013 DB. EPSON.

Madeira, N., & CARUSO, G. (2010). Thematic structuring and variables labelling within the ESPON 2013 DB: An empirical method. ESPON.

CARUSO, G. (2001). Periurbanisation, the situation in Europe: a bibliographical note and survey of studies in the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and the Nordic Countries.

Other publications and communications

Computer developments

MEDARD DE CHARDON, C., & CARUSO, G. (2012). Friendly Batch Routing (FBR).

SCHIEL, K., Baume, O., CARUSO, G., & Leopold, U. (n.d.). R code developed for the calculation of Shallow Geothermal Potential Energy per parcel.

Speeches and writings for a general audience

Conferences given outside the academic context

CARUSO, G. (2019). Urban densities and patterns: stylized facts and generic abstract tools [Paper presentation]. Perspective-Lab, Brussels, Belgium.

CARUSO, G. (2017). Des espaces verts pour une ville durable: quelle demande? Les cas de Bruxelles et Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Colloque Grenn Space in Urban Areas, Belval, Luxembourg.

CARUSO, G. (2016). Formes Urbaines et Aménités Vertes [Paper presentation]. Colloque "Bien vivre et travailler - Comment développer la ville de demain?", Belval, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

CARUSO, G. (2015). La ville est insensible aux formes idéales [Paper presentation]. Les mardis tabous du Territoire, Namur, Belgium.

CARUSO, G. (2013). Morphogenèse et maîtrise de l'étalement urbain: des noyaux d'habitat pour accompagner le choix résidentiel? [Paper presentation]. Les Mardis du Territoire, Namur, Belgium.

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