SIKK, K., & CARUSO, G. (April 2024). Framing settlement systems as spatial adaptive systems. Ecological Modelling, 490, 110652. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2024.110652 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Leclercq, N., Marshall, L., CARUSO, G., SCHIEL, K., Weekers, T., Carvalheiro, L. G., Dathe, H. H., Kuhlmann, M., Michez, D., Potts, S. G., Rasmont, P., Roberts, S. P. M., Smagghe, G., Vandamme, P., & Vereecken, N. J. (July 2023). European bee diversity: Taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns. Journal of Biogeography, 50 (7), 1244 - 1256. doi:10.1111/jbi.14614 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MENNICKEN, E., Lemoy, R., & CARUSO, G. (2023). Road network distances and detours in Europe: Radial profiles and city size effects. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 239980832311688. doi:10.1177/23998083231168870 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Montero, G., CARUSO, G., Hilal, M., & Thomas, I. (2023). A partition-free spatial clustering that preserves topology: application to built-up density. Journal of Geographical Systems, 25 (1), 5 - 35. doi:10.1007/s10109-022-00396-4 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SCHINDLER, M., Le Texier, M., & CARUSO, G. (April 2022). How far do people travel to use urban green space? A comparison of three European cities. Applied Geography, 141, 102673. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2022.102673 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (April 2022). Urban Interventions to Reduce Pollution Exposure and Improve Spatial Equity. Geographical Analysis, 54 (2), 309 - 332. doi:10.1111/gean.12288 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SIKK, K., CARUSO, G., Rosentau, A., & Kriiska, A. (February 2022). Comparing contemporaneous hunter-gatherer and early agrarian settlement systems with spatial point process models: Case study of the Estonian Stone Age. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 41, 103330. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.103330 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SPRUMONT, F., Scheffer, A., CARUSO, G., Cornelis, E., & VITI, F. (2022). Quantifying the Relation between Activity Pattern Complexity and Car Use Using a Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model. Sustainability, 14 (19). doi:10.3390/su141912101 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (2021). Radial analysis and scaling of urban land use. Scientific Reports, (22044). doi:10.1038/s41598-021-01477-y Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SIKK, K., & CARUSO, G. (2020). A Spatially explicit ABM of Central Place Foraging Theory and its explanatory power for hunter-gatherers settlement patterns formation processes. Adaptive Behavior. doi:10.1177/1059712320922915 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Delloye, J., LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (2019). Alonso and the Scaling of Urban Profiles. Geographical Analysis. doi:10.1111/gean.12191 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Perchoux, C., Brondeel, R., Wasfi, R., Klein, O., CARUSO, G., Vallée, J., Klein, S., Thierry, B., Dijst, M., Chaix, B., Kestens, Y., & Gerber, P. (2019). Walking, trip purpose, and exposure to multiple environments: A case study of older adults in Luxembourg. Journal of Transport and Health, 13, 170-184. doi:10.1016/j.jth.2019.04.002 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Cuignet, T., Perchoux, C., CARUSO, G., Klein, O., Klein, S., Chaix, B., Kestens, Y., & Gerber, P. (2019). Mobility among older adults: Deconstructing the effects of motility and movement on wellbeing. Urban Studies. doi:10.1177/0042098019852033 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (2018). Evidence for the homothetic scaling of urban forms. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science. doi:10.1177/2399808318810532 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
LE TEXIER, M., SCHIEL, K., & CARUSO, G. (17 October 2018). The provision of urban green space and its accessibility: Spatial data effects in Brussels. PLoS ONE, 13 (10), 0204684. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0204684 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Schindler, M., Le Texier, M., & CARUSO, G. (2018). Spatial sorting, attitudes and the use of green space in Brussels. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 31, 169-184. doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2018.02.009 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (2018). Emerging urban form – Emerging pollution: Modelling endogenous health and environmental effects of traffic on residential choice. Environment and Planning B. doi:10.1177/2399808318783206 Peer reviewed |
Gerber, P., CARUSO, G., Cornélis, E., & MEDARD DE CHARDON, C. (2018). A multi-scale fine-grained LUTI model to simulate land-use scenarios in Luxembourg. Journal of Transport and Land Use, 11 (1), 255–272. doi:10.5198/jtlu.2018.1210 Peer reviewed |
PIGERON-PIROTH, I., Le Texier, M., Belkacem, R., & CARUSO, G. (2018). Déterminants individuels et territoriaux des navettes internes ou transfrontalières des actifs résidant en France. Espace, Populations, Sociétés, 2017 (3), 1-30. doi:10.4000/eps.7239 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Thomas, I., Jones, J., CARUSO, G., & Gerber, P. (2018). City delineation in European applications of LUTI models: review and tests. Transport Reviews, 38 (1), 6-32. doi:10.1080/01441647.2017.1295112 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
CARUSO, G., Hilal, M., & Thomas, I. (July 2017). Measuring urban forms from inter-building distances: Combining MST graphs with a Local Index of Spatial Association. Landscape and Urban Planning, 163, 80-89. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.03.003 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SCHINDLER, M., CARUSO, G., & PICARD, P. M. (2017). Equilibrium and first-best city with endogenous exposure to local air pollution from traffic. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 62, 12-23. doi:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2016.10.006 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Médard de Chardon, C., CARUSO, G., & Thomas, I. (2017). Bicycle sharing system ‘success’ determinants. Transportation Research. Part A, Policy and Practice, 100, 202-214. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2017.04.020 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
LE TEXIER, M., & CARUSO, G. (January 2017). Assessing geographical effects in spatial diffusion processes: The case of euro coins. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 61, 81-93. doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2016.08.003 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MEDARD DE CHARDON, C., CARUSO, G., & Thomas, I. (July 2016). Bike-share rebalancing strategies, patterns, and purpose. Journal of Transport Geography, 55, 22-39. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2016.07.003 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
SCHIEL, K., Baume, O., CARUSO, G., & Leopold, U. (29 February 2016). GIS-based modelling of shallow geothermal energy potential for CO2 emission mitigation in urban areas. Renewable Energy, 86, 1023-1036. doi:10.1016/J.RENENE.2015.09.017 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
GLAESENER, M.-L., & CARUSO, G. (November 2015). Neighborhood green and services diversity effects on land prices: evidence from a multilevel hedonic analysis in Luxembourg. Landscape and Urban Planning, 143, 100-111. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.06.008 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., Frankhauser, P., & Vuidel, G. (November 2015). Greener and larger neighbourhoods make cities more sustainable! A 2D urban economics perspective. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 54, 82-94. doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2015.06.002 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
MEDARD DE CHARDON, C., & CARUSO, G. (August 2015). Estimating bike-share trips using station level data. Transportation Research. Part B, Methodological, 78, 260–279. doi:10.1016/j.trb.2015.05.003 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Peeters, D., CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Thomas, I., Frankhauser, P., & Vuidel, G. (June 2015). Emergence of leapfrogging from residential choice with endogenous green space: analytical results. Journal of Regional Science, 55 (3), 491-512. doi:10.1111/jors.12158 Peer reviewed |
CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., Frankhauser, P., & Vuidel, G. (2015). Housing land transaction data and structural econometric estimation of preference parameters for urban economic simulation models. Data in Brief, 5, 447-452. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2015.09.047 Peer reviewed |
CARUSO, G., Gerber, P., HESSE, M., & VITI, F. (2015). Editorial: Challenges, specificities and commonalities of transport research and policy within the BENELUX countries–the case of Luxembourg. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, 15 (4), 501-505. doi:10.18757/ejtir.2015.15.4.3094 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Quinn, B., SCHIEL, K., & CARUSO, G. (2014). Mapping uncertainty from multi-criteria analysis of land development suitability, the case of Howth, Dublin. Journal of Maps. doi:10.1080/17445647.2014.978907 Peer reviewed |
SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (May 2014). Urban compactness and the trade-off between air pollution emission and exposure: Lessons from a spatially explicit theoretical model. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 45, 13-23. doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2014.01.004 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
CARUSO, G., Vuidel, G., Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., & Thomas, I. (2011). Morphological similarities between DBM and a microeconomic model of sprawl. Journal of Geographical Systems, 13 (1), 31-48. doi:10.1007/s10109-010-0131-7 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
CARUSO, G., Peeters, D., Cavailhès, J., & Rounsevell, M. (2009). Space – time patterns of urban sprawl, a 1D cellular automata and microeconomic approach. Environment and Planning B, 36, 968-988. doi:10.1068/b34009 Peer reviewed |
CARUSO, G., Peeters, D., Cavailhès, J., & Rounsevell, M. (2007). Spatial configurations in a periurban city: a cellular automata-based microeconomic model. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 37 (5), 542-567. doi:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2007.01.005 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
CARUSO, G., Rounsevell, M., & Cojocaru, G. (2005). Exploring a spatio-dynamic neighbourhood-based model of residential behaviour in the Brussels periurban area. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 19 (2), 103-123. doi:10.1080/13658810410001713371 Peer reviewed |
WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (14 January 2020). Scaling of urban heat island & NO2 with urban population: A meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. DGEO Research Seminar, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. |
PIGERON-PIROTH, I., HEINZ, A., & CARUSO, G. (19 June 2017). Localisation résidentielle de la population étrangère selon la nationalité et la structure urbaine au Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Séminaire économique du STATEC, Luxembourg-Ville, Luxembourg. |
SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (February 2015). Endogenous traffic-induced air pollution and equilibrium city structure [Paper presentation]. INRA CESAER monthly seminar, Dijon, France. |
Kalogirou, S., & CARUSO, G. (08 September 2014). Spatial Analysis of internal migration in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. British Societies for Population Studies 2014 Conference. |
CARUSO, G., & SCHINDLER, M. (2013). Effects of residential preferences and structures on population exposure to air pollution [Paper presentation]. Workshop 'Villes et environnement' Journée thématique du CESAER. |
GLAESENER, M.-L., & CARUSO, G. (September 2011). Spatial quantile regression analysis of residential land prices in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. 17th European Colloquium on Quantitative and Theoretical Geography, Athens, Greece. |
CARUSO, G. (2010). Data mining in geographical contexts and texts [Paper presentation]. Artificial Intelligence Lecture Series, Luxembourg. |
CARUSO, G. (2009). Geographical Modelling with Cellular-Automata [Paper presentation]. Research Seminar. Barcelona Polytechnic Institute. |
CARUSO, G. (2008). Etalement urbain : approches par simulation dynamique des choix résidentiels et l’analyse des formes [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du CEPS-INSTEAD / GEODE, Differdange, Luxembourg. |
PIGERON-PIROTH, I., CARUSO, G., & Le Texier, M. (2019). Unravelling the border-facade of France : a multi-level modelling of cross-border commuting. In G. CARUSO, P. Gerber, C. JONES, O. Klein, ... C. Perchoux, 21st European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG), Book of Abstracts, Mondorf-las-Bains, 5-9 septembre 2019. Peer reviewed |
SPRUMONT, F.* , VITI, F.* , CARUSO, G.* , & König, A. (December 2014). Workplace Relocation and Mobility Changes in a Transnational Metropolitan Area: The Case of the University of Luxembourg. Transportation Research Procedia, 4, 286–299. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2014.11.022 Peer reviewed * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Gerber, P., CARUSO, G., Cornélis, E., Enaux, C., & Khadraoui, D. (2013). Interactions between residential and daily mobility: Luxembourg case study in the MOEBIUS project (extended abstract). In M. HESSE, G. CARUSO, P. Gerber, ... F. VITI (Eds.), Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2013 (pp. 397-399). Zelzate, Unknown/unspecified: University Press. Peer reviewed |
SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (2013). On the impacts of transport policies and urban form on traffic-induced air pollution (extended abstract). In M. HESSE, G. CARUSO, P. Gerber, ... F. VITI (Eds.), Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2013 (pp. 74-75). Zelzate, Unknown/unspecified: University Press. Peer reviewed |
CARUSO, G., & MEDARD DE CHARDON, C. (2012). An iterative economic residential choice ABM of urban growth in Luxembourg (extended abstract). In Pinto N (Ed.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Cellular Automata Models of Urban and Spatial Systems. Peer reviewed |
SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (2012). Effects of periurban structure on air pollution: coupling CA models to understand the link between urban structure and air pollution. In D. J. Pinto N (Ed.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Cellular Automata Models of Urban and Spatial Systems (pp. 281-292). Peer reviewed |
CARUSO, G., & Hilal, M. (2008). Calibration of households preference for open-spaces from an urban cellular automata model: method and application to Dijon. In J.-C. Foltête (Ed.), Actes des Huitièmes Rencontres de Théo Quant (pp. 1-15). University of Besançon. Peer reviewed |
CARUSO, G. (2003). Un modèle cellulaire et dynamique de dispersion et ségrégation spatiale périurbaine. In XXXIX ème Colloque de l’Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française. Peer reviewed |
CARUSO, G., PIGERON-PIROTH, I., & TSIOPA, A. (September 2024). How local geography and destinations influence individual effects in the decision to commute across the border. Ruptures and discontinuities along the entire border facade of France [Paper presentation]. Disruptive Borderlands, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. Peer reviewed |
WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (06 July 2022). Centrality and city size effects on NO2 ground and tropospheric concentrations within European cities [Paper presentation]. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society 2022, Brussels, Belgium. |
WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (05 November 2021). Centrality and city size effects on NO2 ground and tropospheric concentrations within European cities [Paper presentation]. The 2021 European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Manchester, United Kingdom. |
WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (29 June 2021). Scaling of urban heat island and NO2 with urban population: A meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. EUGEO 2021, Prague, Czechia. |
WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (10 June 2021). Scaling of urban heat island and nitrogen dioxide with urban population: a meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. Spatial Data Science 2020, Lausanne, Switzerland. |
WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (28 May 2021). Scaling of urban heat island & NO2 with urban population: a meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. 2021 RSAI World Congress. |
CARUSO, G. (25 November 2020). Radial Urban Forms: Lessons from Land Profile Scaling Analyses & Spatial-Explicit Models [Paper presentation]. New-Zealand Geographic Society Conference 2020, Wellington, New Zealand. |
WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (16 September 2020). Scaling of urban heat island & NO2 with urban population: a meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. 10th International Environmental Modelling and Software Society Conference 2020. |
WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (05 December 2019). Scaling of urban heat island & NO2 with urban population: a meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. International Land Use Symposium 2019, Paris, France. |
SIKK, K., & CARUSO, G. (09 September 2019). Central place foraging and hunter-gatherer settlement patterns: how resource depletion influences population concentration [Paper presentation]. 21st European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg. |
BOURA, M. D. F., & CARUSO, G. (09 September 2019). Landscape typology of urban forest ecosystem services across European urban areas [Paper presentation]. 49th Annual Meeting of Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ), Munster, Germany. |
WEI, Y., CARUSO, G., & Lemoy, R. (08 September 2019). The potential scaling of urban heat island and nitrogen dioxide with urban population: a systematic review [Paper presentation]. 21st European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg. |
BOURA, M. D. F., & CARUSO, G. (06 September 2019). How does the relative spatial pattern of green within cities impact carbon uptake? A European scale analysis [Paper presentation]. 21st European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg. |
BOURA, M. D. F., & CARUSO, G. (28 June 2019). Landscape typology of urban forest ecosystem services across European urban areas [Paper presentation]. 6th International World Urbanisms Seminar, Leuven, Belgium. |
CARUSO, G. (27 September 2018). Radial urban forms in Europe [Paper presentation]. Conference on Complex Systems (CCS2018) UrbanSys, Thessaloniki, Greece. |
SIKK, K., CARUSO, G., & Kriiska, A. (September 2018). Conceptual framework of assessing the influence of cultural complexity to settlement pattern formation [Paper presentation]. Conference on Complex Systems 2018, CCS2018, Thessaloniki, Greece. |
BOURA, M. D. F., & CARUSO, G. (04 July 2018). How does the relative spatial pattern of green within cities impact carbon uptake? A European scale analysis [Paper presentation]. 55ème Colloque de l’Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF), Caen, France. |
SIKK, K., & CARUSO, G. (22 March 2018). Transferring knowledge from locational predictive models into spatial Agent Based Models: generilizing human perception of environment [Paper presentation]. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference (CAA 2018), Tübingen, Germany. |
SIKK, K., CARUSO, G., & Kriiska, A. (2018). Agent-based modeling as an interdisciplinary bridge in spatial humanities. Designing the modeling framework for simulation of Mesolithic settlement patterns [Paper presentation]. The Twelfth International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS 12), Penang, Malaysia. |
SIKK, K., Kriiska, A., Nordqvist, K., Rostedt, T., & CARUSO, G. (2018). Quantifying the shoreline connection of the Stone Age settlements in Southern Karelia (Finland) [Paper presentation]. 24TH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF ARCHAEOLOGISTS, Barcelona, Spain. |
Delloye, J., LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (November 2017). Homothetic Scaling of Urban Land Use and Population Density Gradients in Monocentric Models [Paper presentation]. Conference of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC), Vancouver, Canada. |
CARUSO, G., & LEMOY, R. (November 2017). The homothetic scaling of urban land and density profiles: evidence from Europe [Paper presentation]. Conference of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC), Vancouver, Canada. |
Delloye, J., LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (September 2017). Homothetic Scaling of Urban Land Use and Population Density Gradients in Monocentric Models [Paper presentation]. European Colloquium of Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG), York, United Kingdom. |
LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (September 2017). Evidence for the homothetic scaling of urban forms [Paper presentation]. European Colloquium of Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG), York, United Kingdom. |
SCHINDLER, M., LE TEXIER, M., & CARUSO, G. (08 April 2017). Locational and socio-economic sorting in the use of green space: Evidence from Brussels [Paper presentation]. American Association of Geographers' Annual Meeting (AAG) 2017, Boston, United States - Massachusetts. |
LE TEXIER, M., & CARUSO, G. (08 April 2017). Framing and reviewing a green mismatch hypothesis [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Boston, United States. |
SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (22 September 2016). An agent-based model to simulate the feedback effect between traffic-induced air pollution and urban structure [Paper presentation]. CAMUSS 2016, Quebec City, Canada. |
SPRUMONT, F., CARUSO, G., VITI, F., & Cornelis, E. (19 September 2016). Considering activity pattern to achieve a more sustainable commuting behavior [Paper presentation]. 5th hEART Symposium, Delft, Netherlands. |
LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (August 2016). Land use and density in the European city: monocentric analysis and scaling [Paper presentation]. ERSA 2016 conference. |
LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (July 2016). Land use and density in the European city: monocentric analysis and scaling [Paper presentation]. StatPhys 2016, Lyon, France. |
LEMOY, R., & CARUSO, G. (May 2016). Land use and density in the European city: monocentric analysis and scaling [Paper presentation]. CORE@50 conference, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
CARUSO, G., Frankhauser, P., Vuidel, G., Thomas, I., & Peeters, D. (November 2015). Monocentric urban simulation models: getting closer to fractal properties and landscape representation [Paper presentation]. 62nd North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Portland (Oregon), United States. |
Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., CARUSO, G., & Thomas, I. (September 2015). Dielectric breakdown and urban growth: Morphological similarities or conceptual links? [Paper presentation]. 19th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Bari, Italy. |
GLAESENER, M.-L., Licheron, J., & CARUSO, G. (September 2015). Surrounding density and green space. What effects of proximity on land prices? [Paper presentation]. 19th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography. |
CARUSO, G. (September 2015). A perspective on urban economics and geographical agent-based models. (Keynote Speech) [Paper presentation]. 19th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Bari, Italy. |
CARUSO, G., Jones, J., Thomas, I., & Gerber, P. (08 July 2015). Land Use and Transport Interaction Models - Where is the limit? [Paper presentation]. 52ème Colloque de l'Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF), Montpellier, France. |
Thomas, I., CARUSO, G., Gerber, P., & Jones, J. (July 2015). On the delineation of cities in applied LUTI models in Europe: bibliography and simulations [Paper presentation]. NECTAR (Network on European Communications and Transport Activities Research) 2015 Conference, Ann Arbor, United States. |
GLAESENER, M.-L., & CARUSO, G. (28 August 2014). Spatial patterns of land-use and neighbourhood diversity: a multilevel analysis of residential land prices in Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. The 54th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, St. Petersburg, Russia. |
SCHINDLER, M., & CARUSO, G. (August 2014). Spatial implications of endogenous pollution externalities in a residential location model [Paper presentation]. 54th ERSA Congress 2014, St Petersburg, Russia. |
CARUSO, G., Cavailhes, J., Peeters, D., Frankhauser, P., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2014). How green neighbourhoods make cities more compact? A 2D microeconomic perspective [Paper presentation]. Journées de Micro-économie appliquée, Clermont-Ferrand, France. |
CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2013). Emergence of scattered and leapfrog urban development from analytical results to complex simulation outputs with realistic calibration [Paper presentation]. 17th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography. |
CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2013). Emergence of scattered and leapfrog urban development from analytical results to complex simulation outputs with realistic calibration [Paper presentation]. 53rd European Regional Science Association Congress, Palermo, Sicily, Italy. |
SCHIEL, K., SCHINDLER, M., Jaeger, S., & CARUSO, G. (2013). On MAUP, neighbourhood definitions and the measure of urban sprawl [Paper presentation]. 17th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Dourdan, Paris, France. |
CARUSO, G., & Gerber, P. (2012). From land use scenarios to sustainable mobility: Luxembourg case study in the MOEBIUS Project [Paper presentation]. S4 international workshop MODUS-ENVISA: Managing Complexity in Land Use and Environmental Impacts Modelling, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
MEDARD DE CHARDON, C., & CARUSO, G. (2011). A micro-economic based residential choice simulation model for Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. 16th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Athens, Greece. |
Frankhauser, P., CARUSO, G., Peeters, D., Cavailhès, J., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2011). How neighbourhood interactions influence urban sprawl [Paper presentation]. 16th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Athens, Greece. |
Madeira, N., & CARUSO, G. (2011). Mapping textual data by keyword co-occurrence to determine subject-matter domains in geographical statistics [Paper presentation]. 16th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography. |
KOLNBERGER, T., & CARUSO, G. (2011). Spatial Analysis of Inner City Retail Sector in Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Evidence of Path-Dependence? [Paper presentation]. ECQTS-2011, Athens - 17th European Colloquium on Quantitative and Theoretical Geography, Athens, Greece. |
Frankhauser, P., CARUSO, G., Peeters, D., Cavailhès, J., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2009). The emergence of leapfrogging in an urban growth model combining an economic approach and cellular automata [Paper presentation]. International Conference : Emergence in Geographical Space: Concepts, Methods and Models, Paris, France. |
Peeters, D., CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2009). Transition phases and leapfrogging in urban sprawl patterns: a simulation and analytical approach with SGHOST [Paper presentation]. 15th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Maynooth, Ireland. |
LE TEXIER, M., Ben Rebah, M., & CARUSO, G. (2009). Exploring EU Territorial Cohesion with Self-Organising Maps (SOM) [Paper presentation]. 15th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Maynooth, Ireland. |
Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2008). Surprising similarities between DBM models and an economic geography model of city growth [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference of the European Regional Science Association. Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom. |
CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2008). S-GHOST city: Self-Generating Housing, Open Space and Transportation in the city [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers. |
CARUSO, G. (2008). Monitoring territorial dynamics, a view from ESPON Database 2013 [Paper presentation]. ESPON workshop Monitoring Territorial Dynamics, Esch-Sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. |
CARUSO, G. (2008). ESPON Database 2013: objectives and structures [Paper presentation]. ESPON internal seminar. |
CARUSO, G., Gerber, P., JONES, C., klein, O., & Perchoux, C. (Eds.). (2019). 21st European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography: Book of abstracts. LISER. |
HESSE, M., CARUSO, G., Gerber, P., & VITI, F. (Eds.). (2013). Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2013. Zelzate, Unknown/unspecified: University Press. |
CARUSO, G., Kilgarriff, P., Delloye, J., & Lemoy, R. (2025). The scaling of urban land and density profiles: empirics and theory. In L. S. D'Acci, Urban Scaling: Allometry in Urban Studies and Spatial Science (1st). Routledge. Editorial reviewed |
CARUSO, G., Pumain, D., & Thomas, I. (2022). No “Prêt à Porter” but a Multi-scalar Perspective of “Smart Cities”. In Knowledge Management for Regional Policymaking. Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-15648-9_7 Editorial reviewed |
Kilgarriff, P., Lemoy, R., & CARUSO, G. (2021). Gibrat’s law and the change in artificial land use within and between European cities. In Handbook on Entropy, Complexity and Spatial Dynamics: A Rebirth of Theory?Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Editorial reviewed |
LE TEXIER, M., & CARUSO, G. (2018). Aggregate and disaggregate dynamic spatial interaction approaches to modelling coins diffusion. In J.-C. Thill (Ed.), Spatial Analysis and Location Modeling in Urban and Regional Systems (pp. 193-222). Berlin, Unknown/unspecified: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-37896-6_9 Peer reviewed |
Provitolo, D., Frankhauser, P., Morer, M., Enaux, C., Ansel, D., Agbossou, I., Peeters, D., & CARUSO, G. (2016). Collective and Cooperative Behaviour Models. In P. Frankhauser & D. Ansel (Eds.), Deciding Where to Live (pp. 151--192). Wiesbaden, Unknown/unspecified: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-15542-1_7 Peer reviewed |
Provitolo, D., Frankhauser, P., Morer, M., Enaux, C., Ansel, D., Agbossou, I., Peeters, D., & CARUSO, G. (2012). Modèles de comportements collectifs et coopératifs. In F. P. E. A. Dominique (Ed.), La Décision d'Habiter Ici ou Ailleurs (pp. 175-227). Economica. Peer reviewed |
CARUSO, G., & Cavailhès, J. (2011). Formes paysagères dans les modèles théoriques d’économie et de géographie urbaine. In W. Oueslati (Ed.), Analyses Economiques du Paysage (pp. 63-85). Versailles, France: Editions QUAE. Peer reviewed |
CARUSO, G., Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2011). S-GHOST: Un modèle d'auto-organisation de l'étalement urbain et du réseau de transport. In J.-P. Antoni (Ed.), Modéliser la ville: formes urbaines et politiques de transport (pp. 365-391). Paris, France: Economica. Peer reviewed |
Cavailhès, J., Frankhauser, P., CARUSO, G., Peeters, D., Thomas, I., & Vuidel, G. (2009). Morphological similarities between DBM and an economic geography model of city growth. In J. Zhou (Ed.), Complex Sciences (pp. 417-428). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02466-5_40 Peer reviewed |
CARUSO, G. (2005). Un modèle cellulaire et dynamique de dispersion et ségrégation spatiale périurbaine. In M.-A. Buisson & D. Mignot (Eds.), Concentration économique et ségréegation spatiale (pp. 67-85). Bruxelles, Unknown/unspecified: De Boeck Universités. Peer reviewed |
CARUSO, G. (2002). La diversité des formes de la périurbanisation en Europe. In P. Perrier-Cornet (Ed.), Repenser les campagnes (pp. 67-100). Paris, France: Editions de l'Aube-Datar. |
SCHIEL, K., CARUSO, G., & Vereecken, N. (2017). Bee Species Richness in Europe. Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg Department of Geography and Spatial Planning. |
CARUSO, G. (2014). Geographical Determinants of Residential Land Values in Luxembourg [Doctoral thesis, Unilu - University of Luxembourg]. ORBilu-University of Luxembourg. |
Madeira, N., & CARUSO, G. (2011). A two-step approach to structure the ESPON 2013 DB by themes and sub-themes. (1.2). ESPON. |
Madeira, N., & CARUSO, G. (2011). Towards an ESPON thesaurus? Some preliminary considerations for the thematic structuring of the ESPON database. (1.4). ESPON. |
Madeira, N., & CARUSO, G. (2011). Coding scheme to label indicators: Guiding principles to TPGs involved in ongoing and future ESPON projects. (1.3). ESPON. |
Madeira, N., & CARUSO, G. (2010). Text mining methods and visualization tools as means to support the thematic structuring of the ESPON 2013 DB. EPSON. |
Madeira, N., & CARUSO, G. (2010). Thematic structuring and variables labelling within the ESPON 2013 DB: An empirical method. ESPON. |
CARUSO, G. (2001). Periurbanisation, the situation in Europe: a bibliographical note and survey of studies in the Netherlands, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Italy and the Nordic Countries. |
MEDARD DE CHARDON, C., & CARUSO, G. (2012). Friendly Batch Routing (FBR). |
SCHIEL, K., Baume, O., CARUSO, G., & Leopold, U. (n.d.). R code developed for the calculation of Shallow Geothermal Potential Energy per parcel. |
CARUSO, G. (2019). Urban densities and patterns: stylized facts and generic abstract tools [Paper presentation]. Perspective-Lab, Brussels, Belgium. |
CARUSO, G. (2017). Des espaces verts pour une ville durable: quelle demande? Les cas de Bruxelles et Luxembourg [Paper presentation]. Colloque Grenn Space in Urban Areas, Belval, Luxembourg. |
CARUSO, G. (2016). Formes Urbaines et Aménités Vertes [Paper presentation]. Colloque "Bien vivre et travailler - Comment développer la ville de demain?", Belval, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. |
CARUSO, G. (2015). La ville est insensible aux formes idéales [Paper presentation]. Les mardis tabous du Territoire, Namur, Belgium. |
CARUSO, G. (2013). Morphogenèse et maîtrise de l'étalement urbain: des noyaux d'habitat pour accompagner le choix résidentiel? [Paper presentation]. Les Mardis du Territoire, Namur, Belgium. |